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^ That is because most bikes would embarrass people with expensive imported cars smile.png

Actually, you are not allowed on them because you get in the way and are annoying in your comfort groups.

Yes, if I was sitting in my Porsche, I would be embarrassed to see someone out in the heat in their sweltering full leather body suits trying to look cool drenched in sweat and stink.....and lets not forget the rain.


^ That is because most bikes would embarrass people with expensive imported cars smile.png

Actually, you are not allowed on them because you get in the way and are annoying in your comfort groups.

Yes, if I was sitting in my Porsche, I would be embarrassed to see someone out in the heat in their sweltering full leather body suits trying to look cool drenched in sweat and stink.....and lets not forget the rain.

But that is your thoughts in your Porsche. Some might think you look a <deleted> in a Porsche in LOS. Just saying.......smile.png

You don't look a <deleted> in a Porsche anywhere.

People that would think such would not say no to a Porsche if offered one for free.

The only thing about a Porsche in Thailand is the roads and traffic is not beneficial and that makes it not desirable, not the car itself.

juz sayin

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yes, we all see different things in life for sure.

Some see the walls of his/her condo while they stay here and some go out and try to know the culture!


But why is it a stupid way?

I think your definition of taking your porsche to a girly bar and parking it out front and paying for the girls time to talk to you is the stooopid way, but thats just me.


Said the self-imposed hierarchy minded judge here on TV

I will take that as an achievement and compliment - Do I get an award or prize money ?

Me thinks your "hardley" thinking clearly as with any group it’s not the models or makes of the rides it’s the riders themselves –

Me thinks your "hardley" making any sense or even close to an accurate judgment based entirely upon your own misguided and smallish minded opinionated self-absorbed self –

Me thinks your TV rant is "hardley" worth responding to but now that I am here I can and will be as opinionated as you -

Me thinks its “hardley” relevant that your simple minded enough to group riders together based on the make of the bikes they ride -

Me thinks it’s more than “hardley” relevant that any people on any make of bikes should be judged about their driving habits without grouping them along with people driving cars at outlandish lane positions, speed, thoughtful-less lack of courtesy or otherwise - its people man –

Me thinks your rant is "hardley" worth mentioning here on TV and the moderators should start gleaning TV for spam-ish forum topics –

Me thinks I am not going to read further to find out what your reference to “hardley” actually means bcoz its more nonsense coming from a discombobulated bike rider that clearly has issues with a certain make of bike and has obviously been shunned by “a rider of that make bike" at some time or another -

Me thinks the only reason you would be slamming a specific make of bike such as a “hardley” is bcoz you don’t have one and are jealous of what they represent and what you know you will never be -

Me thinks you “hardley” own what you consider to be a bike of substancial size or quality or you would have made more candid statements about what you consider opposite of “hardley” instead using the word “hardley” repetitiously in your topic.

Me thinks I got “hardley” amused writing this response to your topic.

Said the most annoying post ever on TV

Said the self-imposed hierarchy minded judge here on TV

I will take that as an achievement and compliment - Do I get an award or prize money ?

here let e explain what is happening HD owners dont egnolidge driverswith cheap japanese bikes
My bike wasn't cheap at all. In hp terms, it's one of the top superbikes you can get. As you've obviously never ridden one, it's best not to comment than look like a fool.And I don't need anything explained to me. Especially by someone who writes like a 7-year-old with Down's Syndrome.
stop crying and buy a HD if you miss proper hellos from hairy guys on hogs
It's called 'common decency'.
  • Like 1

Me thinks your "hardley" thinking clearly as with any group it’s not the models or makes of the rides it’s the riders themselves –

Me thinks your "hardley" making any sense or even close to an accurate judgment based entirely upon your own misguided and smallish minded opinionated self-absorbed self –

Me thinks your TV rant is "hardley" worth responding to but now that I am here I can and will be as opinionated as you -

Me thinks its “hardley” relevant that your simple minded enough to group riders together based on the make of the bikes they ride -

Me thinks it’s more than “hardley” relevant that any people on any make of bikes should be judged about their driving habits without grouping them along with people driving cars at outlandish lane positions, speed, thoughtful-less lack of courtesy or otherwise - its people man –

Me thinks your rant is "hardley" worth mentioning here on TV and the moderators should start gleaning TV for spam-ish forum topics –

Me thinks I am not going to read further to find out what your reference to “hardley” actually means bcoz its more nonsense coming from a discombobulated bike rider that clearly has issues with a certain make of bike and has obviously been shunned by “a rider of that make bike" at some time or another -

Me thinks the only reason you would be slamming a specific make of bike such as a “hardley” is bcoz you don’t have one and are jealous of what they represent and what you know you will never be -

Me thinks you “hardley” own what you consider to be a bike of substancial size or quality or you would have made more candid statements about what you consider opposite of “hardley” instead using the word “hardley” repetitiously in your topic.

Me thinks I got “hardley” amused writing this response to your topic.

That's okay. No one else was amused by your response.

Okay, where to start?

First. I know 'it's the riders themselves'. Any fool would know it was their road etiquette I was complaining about more than the bikes. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking.

Second. It's not being 'opinionated' to complain about boorish riding behavior. Try to keep up. It's not rocket science.

Hardley riders are notorious for their riding habits. See my OP as well as other posts on this thread.

The only shunning Hardley riders have done is not to return waves/nods etc while being passed. I would say all or nearly all sportsbike riders acknowledge other big-bike riders. As I said before, common decency/courtesy.

Thirdly. Yes, you're right! I often wish I was riding a Hardley Hog instead of my 2013 1000cc 182 hp inline-4 superbike. cheesy.gif

Again, you're totally off the mark. Do you ever get bored of being constantly wrong with your assumptions?

As my OP has 20 likes, I must have said something right.

And as you've nothing constructive to add to this thread, please feel free to go and troll elsewhere.

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here let e explain what is happening HD owners dont egnolidge driverswith cheap japanese bikes

My bike wasn't cheap at all. In hp terms, it's one of the top superbikes you can get. As you've obviously never ridden one, it's best not to comment than look like a fool.And I don't need anything explained to me. Especially by someone who writes like a 7-year-old with Down's Syndrome.

stop crying and buy a HD if you miss proper hellos from hairy guys on hogs

It's called 'common decency'.

How the OP can be so disrespectful with his his comments on Downs Syndrome and then expect 'common decency' from fellow bikers in the same post is beyond me .

I for one will now when out cruising on my Hog be going out of my way to avoid nodding recognition to any on a penis extension Suzuki R1000 in case I inadvertently acknowledge the OP while out on the road.

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Put your Tampon back in and I'd advise to post your thoughts on other posters genitalia a little less in the future. Y'know, sounds kinda creepy!

You still haven't managed to work out the TV quote function I see. As the OP states 'What is it with Hardley riders?'

And I'll leave you with a little piece of riding advice.


Pretty please!

Pretty please with sugar on top!

Stay in the goddamn slow lane!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



2:24. now THATS a good way to deal with slow harley riders in the fast lane. This is exactly the kind of behaviour the OP complaines about.

harley riders watch AND LEARN you have no right to be in the fast lane on your slow POS.

The sports bike rider comes across as a d1ckhead. You don't endanger other road users no matter who they are.

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The bikes made their way through Bang Saray the other day. Same slower than molasses Hoggin up the entire road. They even had police & rescue trucks Looked like when they ran the Gypsy jokers out of Oregon & the Hells Angels in California. Escorts to get the bikes out of town.

They really are that slow. I never lost to any Harley on Beat the heat Wendsday night drags in Sonoma . Even my Honda 750 superfour blew the doors off the Harleys in the 1/4 mile. It got to the point of being really boring. They are wide out as I shift into 3rd gear LOL!

The V-rods are for what Harley hopes to enter the realm of (more toward superbikes) as the ancient crowd is approaching permanent retirement. But like usual Harley is always way late to the party

What do you ride now, Beardog? What part of Th are you livin in? I.m in Chiang Mai and always looking for someone to sightsee with.

Mine is not a HD, but it is a cruiser.


I ride a Harley here in Los Angeles, but will probably switch to a Jap bike in LOS. HD is just too expensive over there. I will stick with the cruisers though. The sport bikes (crotch rockets) just aren't my cup of tea.

Good luck finding a cruiser here that's not overpriced/used with license and green book. As far as new ones go, the big 3 don't offer cruisers anymore.


andbuying a HD is not cheap with 130% import tax, that is why those hoggers are pissed extra, paying so much extra doe, they are ready to destroy some stuff

I was going to post something at the 100th post, and this turned out to fit right in with my thoughts. Cruisers and crotch rockets have one thing in common; one has to get the bike that fits their body. You wouldn't go in and buy an expensive suit off the rack without tailoring, then wear it, without bad mouthing the suit and sales outlet later. Same with big bikes. A 240lb man on a Sportster will not like his bike in time.

There are 3 kinds of bikers, generally speaking, the majority riding small motorbikes around town, the crotch rocket set that likes high speed and open roads, not a lot of fun in Thai city traffic, and the cruiser crowd that can handle city traffic, if not doing the stupid stunts of crawling around stopped cars at traffic lights, rather, having the patience to wait like a car for the green lights. Cruisers tend to be more comfortable for a lot of us old guys, on trips, true travelling slower, but we see the scenery. This group I fall into.

OneVoice, who posted his thoughts earlier, is a crotch rocket pilot, and my riding buddy. He likes to race up ahead, pull over and wait for me, like Im going to get lost without him? More than once, on the side of a road, here or there, he has mentioned, ''Hey I didn't know that was here!'' My response always is, ''If you kept it under 120kph, you.d see this stuff in plain sight''. Half the fun of our rides together is the ribbing we give one another.

About Harley, no, I don't have one, I have always thought Harley Davidson is wearing blinders to a golden opportunity in this country. Honda and Yamaha discontinued their cruisers in Thailand, as possibly Kawasaki did. If Harley would open a plant here, and offer bikes with engines in the 250-400cc range, I believe they would dominate the market until Honda and Yamaha woke back up.

-thanks for reading

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dam_n, i thought chinese bikes generated a lot of hate but that is nothing compared to what a harley does to people

Hence the envy reference previously.

I.ve got one of those Chinese cruisers, bought it new, paid cash (78,000B), eat your hearts out Harley owners.

The only problems I.ve had with it is under educated mechanic at the dealership that would mess something up while doing warranty maintenance, forcing me to go back and have him do it right. Other than that, its been trouble free, allowing me to spend my discretionary funds on customizing it with saddlebags, shoulder high ''ape hangers'' and minor odds and ends, eat your hearts out Harley owners.

Coming up on 4000 kilometers and running just fine. I can live with the top speed of 60mph/98kph. It.s comfortable to ride, a whole lot quieter than H.D., eat your hearts out Harley owners.

I figure if she dies at age 5, I got my money's worth out her, eat your hearts out Harley owners.

Added thrill I got a week ago; BIB were set up on a corner checking bikes. While sitting at the red light, I could see they were eyeing me. Light turned green, I proceeded thru intersection, they waved me over. Here comes the fun, a BIB strolls over, sees the brand on the tank, realizing my ''chopper'' aint no Harley, and gives the most disappointed facial expression ever. Asked for license, gave it to him. He sees the insurance sticker, then asks for copy of green book. I failed that one. It was at home. He said that is a 400b fine, and asked if I had it. I opened my wallet, showed him no money in it. Very disappointed look on his face. He asked how much I had. Pulled 120b out of my pocket, he took it, and said ''GO''.

The moral of the story;if you ride Harley, you must be rich, you can pay. Ride a Chinese cruiser, get discount......eat your hearts out Harley owners.


My Chum has two Harleys in LOS, both works of art. thumbsup.gif

is there official service in bkk, pattaya or CM for harleys? or you need to go to local hanymen who do now know shit about HD?

There are 2 in C.M. I.ve been in both of them.


Did ur mom or wife ride off on a HD when you were young and leave you.

dam_n, i thought chinese bikes generated a lot of hate but that is nothing compared to what a harley does to people

Hence the envy reference previously.

I.ve got one of those Chinese cruisers, bought it new, paid cash (78,000B), eat your hearts out Harley owners.
The only problems I.ve had with it is under educated mechanic at the dealership that would mess something up while doing warranty maintenance, forcing me to go back and have him do it right. Other than that, its been trouble free, allowing me to spend my discretionary funds on customizing it with saddlebags, shoulder high ''ape hangers'' and minor odds and ends, eat your hearts out Harley owners.
Coming up on 4000 kilometers and running just fine. I can live with the top speed of 60mph/98kph. It.s comfortable to ride, a whole lot quieter than H.D., eat your hearts out Harley owners.
I figure if she dies at age 5, I got my money's worth out her, eat your hearts out Harley owners.
Added thrill I got a week ago; BIB were set up on a corner checking bikes. While sitting at the red light, I could see they were eyeing me. Light turned green, I proceeded thru intersection, they waved me over. Here comes the fun, a BIB strolls over, sees the brand on the tank, realizing my ''chopper'' aint no Harley, and gives the most disappointed facial expression ever. Asked for license, gave it to him. He sees the insurance sticker, then asks for copy of green book. I failed that one. It was at home. He said that is a 400b fine, and asked if I had it. I opened my wallet, showed him no money in it. Very disappointed look on his face. He asked how much I had. Pulled 120b out of my pocket, he took it, and said ''GO''.
The moral of the story;if you ride Harley, you must be rich, you can pay. Ride a Chinese cruiser, get discount......eat your hearts out Harley owners.
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Did ur mom or wife ride off on a HD when you were young and leave you.

dam_n, i thought chinese bikes generated a lot of hate but that is nothing compared to what a harley does to people

Hence the envy reference previously.

I.ve got one of those Chinese cruisers, bought it new, paid cash (78,000B), eat your hearts out Harley owners.

The only problems I.ve had with it is under educated mechanic at the dealership that would mess something up while doing warranty maintenance, forcing me to go back and have him do it right. Other than that, its been trouble free, allowing me to spend my discretionary funds on customizing it with saddlebags, shoulder high ''ape hangers'' and minor odds and ends, eat your hearts out Harley owners.

Coming up on 4000 kilometers and running just fine. I can live with the top speed of 60mph/98kph. It.s comfortable to ride, a whole lot quieter than H.D., eat your hearts out Harley owners.

I figure if she dies at age 5, I got my money's worth out her, eat your hearts out Harley owners.

Added thrill I got a week ago; BIB were set up on a corner checking bikes. While sitting at the red light, I could see they were eyeing me. Light turned green, I proceeded thru intersection, they waved me over. Here comes the fun, a BIB strolls over, sees the brand on the tank, realizing my ''chopper'' aint no Harley, and gives the most disappointed facial expression ever. Asked for license, gave it to him. He sees the insurance sticker, then asks for copy of green book. I failed that one. It was at home. He said that is a 400b fine, and asked if I had it. I opened my wallet, showed him no money in it. Very disappointed look on his face. He asked how much I had. Pulled 120b out of my pocket, he took it, and said ''GO''.

The moral of the story;if you ride Harley, you must be rich, you can pay. Ride a Chinese cruiser, get discount......eat your hearts out Harley owners.

If she did, no doubt she returned 2 minutes later disappointed.


it's good to see the truth finally getting revealed.

I had a fatboy back in 2000,

and couldn't believe I fell for the hype.

What a hug waste of 25k.

Took me months to find a sucker...

yes like me, that would buy it off of me.

Biggest mistake of my life or at least the most expensive mistake to date.

Never again will I own a HD.

Fun fact:

I used to drive local big truck (semi 18 wheeler) in Wisconsin. I would pick up and drop off various freight. A big contract we had was with Iris in Pleasant Prairie wisconsin. They received many goods for HD (based in milwaukee). Various motor parts ranging from carbs, tanks, you name it. Everything was from China. Everything!~ That's why the bikes turned to crap. Nothing about a HD was American at all . Except that it was put together in their factory in Milwaukee. I found out later that the honda factories were using US built or some japanese built products to manufacture their bikes. Hondas were more American Made than Harley's.

The American Dream. The American Greed.


Some of this is pretty funny stuff and some like the card playing kid show that they are just keyboard warriors. I ride a Harley 2012 Fatboy custom. When I ride I ride to have a good time never block the road and to be honest do a fair clip more than most I see. Though like everyone I get passed like the next guy. Some of the people here like to throw little jabs and things well I would gladly meet anyone for a beer to discuss Harleys Vs Any other type of bike. So yea PM me if you really feel there can be a good discussion about it. I am finished work and will be back in BKK on the 30th. I even know a good bar on soi 22 where the drinks are very cheap. If your going to whine and gripe and be a keyboard Rambo then enjoy your click I suppose,

PS - I am easy to spot I am the big bearded fellow in my Avi on the flat black Fatboy.

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Strangely enough, there're a couple of Hardley models I quite like the look of. Can't remember which ones but they were on show at the Pattaya bike week a few years back.

Now while I may make fun of their dress sense and choice of bikes, the many Hardley riders I've met over the years are actually very nice guys, it's hogging the road while riding slowly that really gets me


Featography wrote "About Harley, no, I don't have one, I have always thought Harley Davidson is wearing blinders to a golden opportunity in this country. Honda and Yamaha discontinued their cruisers in Thailand, as possibly Kawasaki did. If Harley would open a plant here, and offer bikes with engines in the 250-400cc range, I believe they would dominate the market until Honda and Yamaha woke back up." Now that's an interesting thought, a Harley with a 250cc or even 400cc engine would it actually move? such is the inefficiency of HD engines, 6-8 bhp on a half tonne bike..

My guess is that chicks would love it, lots of vibration and no forward movement and with very few spin dryers in Thailand, you are right, HD would clean up. Not sure if the Japs are into that particular market.wai2.gif

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