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7-year-old deported to Thailand after losing immigration battle in Denmark


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I assume the she called him his stepdad but he was not her legal guardian. Surely if that was the case- different ball game. But lets look at the positive- during her 3 year stay there- no 90 day reporting. If her stepdad's family legally adopt her- she would still be able to stay in the country.

I believe that the child was legally adopted and the Danish family wanted them to stay .. made no difference.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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Most bureaucrats and civil servants are very small minded and know absolutely nothing regarding normal peoples reality of life only what they learn in the little red rule book and are brainwashed into rules that are always right because your superior told you they are right so it must be right, its not only in Denmark UK USA Europe all the same full of civil servants who cant think for themselves if its not in the rule book then ask your superior he knows best.

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I assume the she called him his stepdad but he was not her legal guardian. Surely if that was the case- different ball game. But lets look at the positive- during her 3 year stay there- no 90 day reporting. If her stepdad's family legally adopt her- she would still be able to stay in the country.

I believe that the child was legally adopted and the Danish family wanted them to stay .. made no difference.

Where did you get the info an adoption was made ? One of the inter-country adoption rules states that the child must be able to receive the nationality of the adopting party. They wouldn't have exported a Dane.

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I assume the she called him his stepdad but he was not her legal guardian. Surely if that was the case- different ball game. But lets look at the positive- during her 3 year stay there- no 90 day reporting. If her stepdad's family legally adopt her- she would still be able to stay in the country.

I believe that the child was legally adopted and the Danish family wanted them to stay .. made no difference.


Where did you get the info an adoption was made ? One of the inter-country adoption rules states that the child must be able to receive the nationality of the adopting party. They wouldn't have exported a Dane.

Not sure. I thought I read it last month when it was on the net.. also if the step father was alive the child may have been eligible to receive Danish citizenship.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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Of course they can try to get other visas, but may not fit into any category.

In Thailand I think you would have to be a Martian to not be eligible for a visa. To get a long term visa is not so difficult.

I agree that is not the same as citizenship or legal long term visa's for marriage etc. And Thailand does have a LONG way to go on that front and is draconian in it's outlook.

But your statement that they couldn't stay because of a visa is rubbish.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

Tough to stay in Thailand through the girl's schooling on any visa if he/she couldn't work legally. Easy to stay in Thailand, sure. As long as you're financially free from having to work.

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sorry for that kid but rules are rules , we have the same rules in Thailand when you are foreigners ... even worse , after so many years here working you still need to renew the visa every year ...

That's true....BUT if you were in the same situation as this YOU could STILL stay here in Thailand using the child as your dependent to acquire the visa. You would NOT be deported after various trials to a country that your child may barely know.

Thaicbr You are partially right. You can stay in Thailand BUT and it is the same all over. You have to be able to show that you have the finances to support yourself and your family. The other issue is that IM is not his natural child. That may have made a difference.

Too many countries are going into financial difficulty now. Look at France it just did the same thing to a ROMA girl.

This is the new norm. If you do not have the ability to pay than you cannot stay.

Even NYC is having trouble with Lady Liberty. It is no longer

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless,

Tempest-tossed to me

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

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So if you married a Thai woman and had a child with her and lived in Thailand and then she died, would you be allowed to stay?

Yes, as the father of a Thai child.

However this isn't the case with the subject as she's a step-child sad.png

I have one step daughter and two children with my Thai wife. In Thailand if you marry a Thai woman who already has children, you become the children's father and guardian. If your wife dies you are still considered to be the parent of the child and expected to support them and entitled to stay here on the basis of looking after your Thai step child/children

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“We have to go to Thailand because my father is dead,” Im told TV2 News, adding that she would miss her school and wanted to stay near her grandparents and cousins.

No custody setup for this ?

She's basically a farang in the eyes of her peers.

Poor girl, I wish here the best of luck in getting repatriate to Denmark.

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I have one step daughter and two children with my Thai wife. In Thailand if you marry a Thai woman who already has children, you become the children's father and guardian. If your wife dies you are still considered to be the parent of the child and expected to support them and entitled to stay here on the basis of looking after your Thai step child/children

Never heard of this, I have two stepdaughters. Source ?

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It might be the case that her Thai dad did not sign away legal rights. Her mom would have received temporary residence based on Marriage. With daugter getting a visa based on her status. He die- process not done. There is always two sides. Can't blame the officials. only doing there job. I did not read that her mom was legally married to him either. I am sure there is more to this than what is reported.

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Someone from Denmark know if the story is true and complete?

In some other not Thailand related cases in Europe, things were often different than they were in the newspaper. (for example criminal charges were not mentioned).

If it is like it seems here, than it is a shame!

this is a true story, what makes it more absurd is that the same day two Palestinians who cut a guys ear off and had a track record of extreme violence were not deported, it is causing a storm in Denmark

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So even better for child maybe. Europe going worse and worse. And she avoided possible problems in the future, if she will decide to get thai citizenship.

Why, yes. Grow up and get educated in Beautiful Thailand with a GDP per capita of $5,400 or stay in that dilapidated Euro Trash country where the GDP per capita is $56,500.

Edited by impulse
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So even better for child maybe. Europe going worse and worse. And she avoided possible problems in the future, if she will decide to get thai citizenship.

After the bunch of "muslims & rape"- comments, I thought. we'd hit intellectual rock- bottom!

Boy, was I wrong!

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Sure Thailand would probably boot them out if the shoe was on the other foot but I'd always put Denmark on a higher footing than most developed countries including my own (Australia) when it comes to humanitarian stuff. So I kind of excepted more of them.

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sorry for that kid but rules are rules , we have the same rules in Thailand when you are foreigners ... even worse , after so many years here working you still need to renew the visa every year ...

That's true....BUT if you were in the same situation as this YOU could STILL stay here in Thailand using the child as your dependent to acquire the visa. You would NOT be deported after various trials to a country that your child may barely know.

I don't tink this is correct. The child is not a Danish citizen, she is a Thai citizen.

So, if a Danish Mother married a Thai man, brought her daughter to Thailand and they all live together, Thai husband (step father) tragically dies,,,, there is no way that the mother and child could stay in Thailand and be supported here, they would be on their way back to Denmark.

The difference here is, in DK criminal elements are being allowed to extent and stay where as we are deporting good and honorable personas.

yes i don't like that the kid is being used to portray the case either.

but i dont like that you can have criminal elements not being deported whilst you have normal people being deported.

somehow the law lacks consensus or equality.. specially since the law has full opportunity to expel those criminal elements where they have to specially apply for visum

whilst this mother is not mentioned in the law and as such don't have a chance to apply specially for a visum.

this is why i went into this case, its not equality of law.

in the strict sense of reverse, yes a danish woman with her danish kid living in thailand would have equally little chance in comparison to gain thai visum.

but.. there is much greater chance to get a visum in thailand in comparison with denmark.

put it all together though.. we are all slaves to the monetary system, private banksters.

and we should all get together to have a statement of rights with in effect local law ruling at all times over central law. that is upholding the rights of the individual first and foremost.

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Nice, how some of you already begin to hi- jack the thread and stir up the usual "this is what they do to good citizens...but the rapists, Muslims or terrorists they let stay..."- idiocy!

But that is actually the case, and that is a major part of the Danish discussion in media and protest.

For example the authorities can revert an expelled Somali pedophile rapist – he did rape a 10 year old, tried to rape another 10 year old, and did rape a young woman in her twenties – and let him stay in Denmark, even badly integrated. But this well integrated Thai family has been expelled, even they never received any support from the authorities and the mum Suthida is doing a Danish education within social welfare, so the little family also in the future can take care of themselves. The Minister of Justice, Morten Boedskov, has even been quoted for in a TV-interview saying that Muslim gang-members with dual nationality do not need to be afraid of being expelled after have committed a crime.

According to Danish media the authorities (Minister of Justice) can find a way to let Im and her mother stay, if they wish.

That’s why many of us Danes feel so ashamed of being Danes right now…! sad.png

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So even better for child maybe. Europe going worse and worse. And she avoided possible problems in the future, if she will decide to get thai citizenship.

The mother is a Thai. So she is already automatically Thai. That's how it goes in Thailand.

I suspect there was no formal adoption and hence no formal tie to the stepfather. Bureaucrats turning paper would see this and put in a rubber stamp. IMHO this is complete BS, at the same time those enjoying a refugee status can commit crimes and still stay in the country, immigrants who suddenly lost their family status are ousted without any consideration. Blind eyed paper pusher S**T.

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A day for Denmark to be ashamed of!!bah.gif

The same country that don't expell Muslim rapists for "humanitarian reasons"

Another sad case, where bureaucrats are playing their stupid game, not caring about the people involved!!

While I fully agree with your first and final sentence (I am completely at a loss to understand why this child and her mother are being deported) I do find your second sentence somewhat out of context.

Second sentence refers to a scandalous case of child rape by a Somali immigrant who was not deported. Reason being the judge considered him to be "well integrated'. Details available in any number of online news sources. Suppose its applicability depends on your definition of context.

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So even better for child maybe. Europe going worse and worse. And she avoided possible problems in the future, if she will decide to get thai citizenship.

Why, yes. Grow up and get educated in Beautiful Thailand with a GDP per capita of $5,400 or stay in that dilapidated Euro Trash country where the GDP per capita is $56,500.


And the fact, that You and thousands of european and american farangs prefer to stay in Thailand - confirms my opinion.

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So even better for child maybe. Europe going worse and worse. And she avoided possible problems in the future, if she will decide to get thai citizenship.

After the bunch of "muslims & rape"- comments, I thought. we'd hit intellectual rock- bottom!

Boy, was I wrong!

Sorry, i haven't read your comment before, boy.

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So even better for child maybe. Europe going worse and worse. And she avoided possible problems in the future, if she will decide to get thai citizenship.

Why, yes. Grow up and get educated in Beautiful Thailand with a GDP per capita of $5,400 or stay in that dilapidated Euro Trash country where the GDP per capita is $56,500.


And the fact, that You and thousands of european and american farangs prefer to stay in Thailand - confirms my opinion.

I'm here for the paycheck. Because working in Thailand is considered a hardship posting, I get paid more than I would back home. About 40% more. Almost balances out...

That 40% differential goes away, watch how fast I can pack.

Edited by impulse
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Feel for the child, but it's fair. Thailand laws are by far worse; If your Thai wife died while you were in Thailand, you would have to sell your house, all your possessions, and get out. And that's provided the wife's family wasn't sneaky, didn't take you in front of the corrupt police and also demand half of everything you had; using the child as a bargaining chip. Lots of those types of stories to go around.

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I find it difficult to believe that the young girl speaks only Danish. Usually, when a child has a parent that speaks another language fluently, they pick up that language in addition to their adopted language. My grand daughter who is only two years old, speaks English and rudimentary Spanish. Perhaps all is not as dreadful as it seems.

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