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got 'nutted' last night


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yeah, well, I was pretty drunk and I was also alone which is not a good idea if getting drunk - but some guy took offence to one of my cheeky remarks which I cant even remember - so he decided to head butt me! Lucky I did not bite my own tongue off, but I did chip a tooth which is not notiable.

Is it even worth going to the police about this? I hit the floor straight after the incident - the bar owner knows the guy who did it, said it was his friend but I am thinking just forget about it - I am a lover not a fighter.

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Well, what did you say?

Either way....doesn't excuse violence. Still, how will you deal with it the next time you see him? How would it be to see him around town during a court case? What would the costs of such a legal action be? All these are things to keep in mind.

I generally think that these things should be handled by the legal system, but some guys would just go wallop him. Hard to say until you can answer some of the questions above for yourself.

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If the bar owner knows him, go back to the bar and wait for him, when he arrives, buy him a drink !

Him putting you down may have saved you from someone else that wouldnt have stopped at just that !

If you become obnoxious or troublesome when drunk ...DONT DRINK ! (at least not alone)

You spoil it for yourself, whoever is with you and whoever has to clean up the mess !

Edited by CharlieH
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One persons cheeky remark can be an insult. Maybe you were being obnoxious to the point where you would not shut up so the guy decided to shut you up?

Go to the cops? You cannot really remember what you said or did. What are you going to tell the police? Others will remember you as being drunk. The police will then groan loudly at another drunken foreigner getting into trouble and do nothing.

Learn your lesson and realise what you think is cheeky, humour may be an insult to someone else.

As said in other posts never get drunk here alone.

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If he got close enough to headbutt you, he was close enough to seriously hurt you - by your own admission, you were drunk enough that it would seem he could have done whatever he wanted. We all know this could have ended up in the hospital - or worse - you should chalk it up to experience and learn from it.

I'm not condoning violence, but I'm not prepared to condone drunken stupidity either : most of us have been hammered at some point or another, but I make a point of sticking with people I know. Ask yourself how this might have gone if you had pissed a Thai off - I suspect that this guy did you a favor, chipped tooth and all.

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Thailand the Hub of headbutters.

Just count yourself lucky that your mouth and beer breath did not get you in more bother

Inserting the word "Hub" into every post is neither original nor funny.

The Thai guvment thinks it is...therefore we are obliged to have a chuckle.

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