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Price of rubber plantation per rai


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Too many variables. Title, age of trees, access to the land, how desperate the owner is.......

I think the owner sounds pretty depesperate but the wife has the details not me. I think it is academic anyway but really looking for a get out. It is 100 rai and the owner is asking B 6 million. At a push I could come up with half a million but the wife thinks that I have a secret stash of cash some where. I just want to prove this is overpriced, which it sounds like to me. All I know is the trees, at least some, are prducing rubber now.

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Too many variables. Title, age of trees, access to the land, how desperate the owner is.......

I think the owner sounds pretty depesperate but the wife has the details not me. I think it is academic anyway but really looking for a get out. It is 100 rai and the owner is asking B 6 million. At a push I could come up with half a million but the wife thinks that I have a secret stash of cash some where. I just want to prove this is overpriced, which it sounds like to me. All I know is the trees, at least some, are prducing rubber now.

Best you tell the wife you only have the 500,000... if not there will be another 100 rai around the corner.. rolleyes.gif

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Give me the details, I'll take it for 6mil... :)

60k per rai is cheap, unless it is 25km from any road and has no title papers at all..

The average price around us is 200k per rai, that isn't with Chanote. With Chanote it goes for as much as 400k per rai if close to a main road.

We bought 6 rai in January for 6.5mil, not rubber but main road development land. After clearing and levelling it, we have been offered 18mil for it this month.

Land isn't cheap in Surat Kevin, I would investigate it more. But if you haven't got the money then just tell her she can't have it !!

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Give me the details, I'll take it for 6mil... smile.png

60k per rai is cheap, unless it is 25km from any road and has no title papers at all..

The average price around us is 200k per rai, that isn't with Chanote. With Chanote it goes for as much as 400k per rai if close to a main road.

We bought 6 rai in January for 6.5mil, not rubber but main road development land. After clearing and levelling it, we have been offered 18mil for it this month.

Land isn't cheap in Surat Kevin, I would investigate it more. But if you haven't got the money then just tell her she can't have it !!

Ok sounds that she was right that it is a bargain but just don't have the cash. Ironically I do have beach front land in Ranong that is owned through a company with the ex wife that I am trying to sell but the price has never been right. Being beach front it is some what more expensive but nice to see the prices are going up.

Once the land in Ranong is off my hands then I will be free to invest in something else with wife no 2.

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Give me the details, I'll take it for 6mil... smile.png

60k per rai is cheap, unless it is 25km from any road and has no title papers at all..

The average price around us is 200k per rai, that isn't with Chanote. With Chanote it goes for as much as 400k per rai if close to a main road.

We bought 6 rai in January for 6.5mil, not rubber but main road development land. After clearing and levelling it, we have been offered 18mil for it this month.

Land isn't cheap in Surat Kevin, I would investigate it more. But if you haven't got the money then just tell her she can't have it !!

Ok sounds that she was right that it is a bargain but just don't have the cash. Ironically I do have beach front land in Ranong that is owned through a company with the ex wife that I am trying to sell but the price has never been right. Being beach front it is some what more expensive but nice to see the prices are going up.

Once the land in Ranong is off my hands then I will be free to invest in something else with wife no 2.

I'm in La-Un Kevin. and I would not buy land I could not visit conveniently. Too many rip off opportunities. I was more than happy to get shut of some 10 km away

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It Sounds a bargain Kevin1908---& if it pleases the wife, well why not. You can always bridge the amount Paid with your Friendly Money lender--- Khun Wonga I believe he now only charges about 3% (per month that is) if the property is worth his out lay---if not then you may have to step up the interest rate up & lend from Khun Black shirt----but what the heck its is for the wife.

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Give me the details, I'll take it for 6mil... smile.png

60k per rai is cheap, unless it is 25km from any road and has no title papers at all..

The average price around us is 200k per rai, that isn't with Chanote. With Chanote it goes for as much as 400k per rai if close to a main road.

We bought 6 rai in January for 6.5mil, not rubber but main road development land. After clearing and levelling it, we have been offered 18mil for it this month.

Land isn't cheap in Surat Kevin, I would investigate it more. But if you haven't got the money then just tell her she can't have it !!

Ok sounds that she was right that it is a bargain but just don't have the cash. Ironically I do have beach front land in Ranong that is owned through a company with the ex wife that I am trying to sell but the price has never been right. Being beach front it is some what more expensive but nice to see the prices are going up.

Once the land in Ranong is off my hands then I will be free to invest in something else with wife no 2.

Hi, I may be interested in the beach front property in Ranong. I have a good reason to be there. Send details to [email protected],

Thanks, Albert

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Too many variables. Title, age of trees, access to the land, how desperate the owner is.......

I think the owner sounds pretty depesperate but the wife has the details not me. I think it is academic anyway but really looking for a get out. It is 100 rai and the owner is asking B 6 million. At a push I could come up with half a million but the wife thinks that I have a secret stash of cash some where. I just want to prove this is overpriced, which it sounds like to me. All I know is the trees, at least some, are prducing rubber now.

Of course, many variables, but I'd say the average in Surat would be considerably more than 60,000 baht per rai.

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Also depends on how old the trees are.

Is this actually the case with rubber?

I know it certainly is with oil palm, because they're worthless at maturity.

But rubber wood is valuable, and adequately covers replanting and loss of income until the new trees can be tapped?

(Am I talking through my hat here...?)

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Who is going to harvest the rubber, terrrible work hours and poor return

Rubber trees originally came from Brazil, were cultivared by the british and brought to Asia because of the cheap labor

Currenty the return from a old tyre is $1 a new machine has been invented that gives a return of $3 a secondhand tyre

Its still in the development stage, Many billions of used tyres available

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Too many variables. Title, age of trees, access to the land, how desperate the owner is.......

I think the owner sounds pretty depesperate but the wife has the details not me. I think it is academic anyway but really looking for a get out. It is 100 rai and the owner is asking B 6 million. At a push I could come up with half a million but the wife thinks that I have a secret stash of cash some where. I just want to prove this is overpriced, which it sounds like to me. All I know is the trees, at least some, are prducing rubber now.

100 rai for 6 million sounds quite Okay in my opinion, that is 60,000 baht/rai. Not sure about landprices in Surat, but up north they sell plain farmland on low title deeds for 60,000+ a rai, some places way over 100,000, and with rubber trees already in place prices goes up.

If you don't buy it, please leave the details for us other TV-members, many of us may be interested for that price. thumbsup.gif

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Who is going to harvest the rubber, terrrible work hours and poor return

Rubber trees originally came from Brazil, were cultivared by the british and brought to Asia because of the cheap labor

Currenty the return from a old tyre is $1 a new machine has been invented that gives a return of $3 a secondhand tyre

Its still in the development stage, Many billions of used tyres availabel ( Quote] / I really do not understand why some people find it to be "terrible workhours" to work when the sun is not glistering on your back!? It is fresch and calm in the woods at night and I can truly say,that I love that work! Neither is it hard work,but it takes some experience,like most kinds of work... About "poor return",I could give you some info,that probably would surprise you a lot,but I better not... I just say,check around in the "poor areas",where there are a lot of rubbertrees..

Edited by Bosse137
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When my friends and I planned on planting rubber trees the return on RSS 3 was about B 105 per kilo...the 50% return on that (cost of tapping etc.) was reasonable. Now the the price is around B 50 per kilo it's just not worthwhile! Better to keep the money in the bank or buy a house in Oz or NZ and rent it out? Rentals are producing over B 60,000 a month...it's in your name, you've got capital gains and your trips to visit it are tax deductable in your home country!!

I think that you'd have to be a little "dotty" to buy in Thailand...IMMHO! thumbsup.gif

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Give me the details, I'll take it for 6mil... smile.png

60k per rai is cheap, unless it is 25km from any road and has no title papers at all..

The average price around us is 200k per rai, that isn't with Chanote. With Chanote it goes for as much as 400k per rai if close to a main road.

We bought 6 rai in January for 6.5mil, not rubber but main road development land. After clearing and levelling it, we have been offered 18mil for it this month.

Land isn't cheap in Surat Kevin, I would investigate it more. But if you haven't got the money then just tell her she can't have it !!

Got some rubber plantations for sale up north in Chiang Mai if you're interested. All pretty good and fair prices. Consolidating for retirement.

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Too many variables. Title, age of trees, access to the land, how desperate the owner is.......

I think the owner sounds pretty depesperate but the wife has the details not me. I think it is academic anyway but really looking for a get out. It is 100 rai and the owner is asking B 6 million. At a push I could come up with half a million but the wife thinks that I have a secret stash of cash some where. I just want to prove this is overpriced, which it sounds like to me. All I know is the trees, at least some, are prducing rubber now.

1 rai = 70 trees . 1 fully grown rubber tree sold for its timber = 1000-2000 baht .

At the lower price , 1 rai = 70,000 baht worth of rubber wood.

Do the maths. The price is way too low. Better be careful.

6 mil for 100 rai of land with rubber tree with cha note nor sor 3 Kor or nor sor 5 is not quite logical.

There are too many types of land title in thailand.

If the deal is so good, the Thais would have bought it.

The price should be 60 million baht per 100 rai . Average low price in nakorn / Surat for rubber land with chanote nor sor 3 is 50 mil - 70 mil per 100 rai. ( depends on location)

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When my friends and I planned on planting rubber trees the return on RSS 3 was about B 105 per kilo...the 50% return on that (cost of tapping etc.) was reasonable. Now the the price is around B 50 per kilo it's just not worthwhile! Better to keep the money in the bank or buy a house in Oz or NZ and rent it out? Rentals are producing over B 60,000 a month...it's in your name, you've got capital gains and your trips to visit it are tax deductable in your home country!!

I think that you'd have to be a little "dotty" to buy in Thailand...IMMHO! thumbsup.gif

USS 70 Baht, Kee Yang 35 Baht

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I've been reading the pinned topic on rubber farming. I started at the beginning and am only up to page 17. I have seen many of your posts there.

My ex, who is like a sister to me now, has informed me of 30 rai with 7-8 year old trees (never tapped) that is for sale south of Mukdahan, 2.8 k's off of the highway. It is on a paved road that resembles the lunar surface & has electricity. The owner, a school teacher that no longer lives in the area, is asking 5.5 million. I am told it is not negotiable & he has turned down 5 M, but who knows. I've been here long enough to not believe anything I hear, especially from a seller.

Her father is a rubber farmer & says it sounds like a great deal. That being said, he is not burning a path to the sellers door.

I have been making some general calculations based on the figures noted in the thread. Considering there is ~ 2280 trees that will produce 0.7 kg per tree per month for at least the first 2 to 4 years,and considering the current price for cup lump, the ROI is only ~3%. I certainly wouldn't pay that for rental real estate.

Am I missing something here? I strongly believe the global economy will hit depression # 2 or 3, depending how you count the events, within the next 1 to 3 years. Commodities, like rubber, should also tank. Prices are way down & I see no hope of recovery to the high prices of a few years ago, in the next 5 years.

I think it is outrageously high priced. What is your opinion of the price of the land for sale?

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To give a short answer:keep the money in a SAFE place and spare yourself a lot of problems!Many things will go wrong and ultimately,you will lose it all to "someone"! I am not talking out of my hat,I am familiar with all aspects of what you are asking about.

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Thanks Bosse...but I've been here to long for that. I already think it's over priced. Even at 3 million, the ROI of 6.3% doesn't make sense.

Why would ANYBODY consider paying that much for this plot of land considering the poor prospect of future return?

My question is "Am I missing something?"

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Tagaa:As I said,better keep the money safe.Have you missed something? No,I don`t think so.Perhaps worth to mention though,it is not only a question of how the price of rubber goes,it is also a matter of where the price of land goes..In my case,land "we" bought 10-15 years ago is now worth 10-15 times more!That is a lot bigger return than what I could have got on most other investment.AND,also made a good income,partly due to the fact,that we refused to pay people who worked 40-50 % of the profit! They just pop up when the going is good,risk nothing and disapear when the trend goes the other way... Regarding the future,who can tell?? Still,there are other factors,like people and their greed to consider...Never trust anyone anywhere with that sort of money,defenetly not in Thailand! Just my opinion...

Edited by Bosse137
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