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President Obama announces health law fix


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Oh chuck and neversure. You doth protesteth too mucheth.

Why do you think Medicare exists in the first place? That's right, because the private insurance market won't touch old codgers like you with a barge pole.

It isn't profitable. It is nice you've been making contributions, but where do you think the government gets money from when you and other old timers start consuming more medical care than they've put in for? That's right, other people's money!!

Not that I have a problem with that, Medicare is the one sliver of enlightenment in this whole mess.

But you guys carping on doing olympic worthy verbal contortions to deny the obvious that you are 'convenient' socialists remind me of those blokes who run around saying 'no, no, I'm not gay! I just like kissing boys from time to time'.

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Oh neversure, I love the 'you don't understand us exotic american's therefore you have no ability to comment'.

I guess you've never heard of thinks like National Insurance Premiums (UK) or the Medicare Levy (Australia) or private health insurance premiums in Australia which cover the co-pays (we call the 'gaps') between the government rebate and what the doctor actually charges.

Oh, you think you are so so special! Same systems to what you've just described, just rebadged a little.

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Still doesn't answer my question. If the private sector is so good at everything, why don't they outsource military operations to the private sector and have those peoples militia do the the work?

Your not aware of companies like

KBR, Halliburton, Blackawater aka: Akademi ?

Otherwise known as shadow armies.




Why does Obama not outsource all of it?

Well he did promise jobs in both presidential campaigns although none expected they would all be

soldiering jobs.

But also all the "No" points in the first link would also apply

Edited by meechai
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Exactly! Older Americans LOVE Medicare, even the tea party types.

Exactly! Older Americans LOVE Medicare, even the tea party types.

Apparently they can't be socialists. Get with the program Jingers.

Americans who receive Medicare paid into it all of their working lives. They paid about 6% or their gross income as a payroll deduction or self employment tax. Now once they turn 65 they get what they paid for, and even then full health coverage under Medicare isn't free. They have to buy something like Medicare Advantage for about $150 pm to convert it to real health insurance, and even then there are deductibles and co-pays. Some pay about $300 per month for what is sometimes called Medigap, which removes the deductibles and co-pays.

I think your understanding of American health care scores below zero.

In countries which have "free" socialist health care, the cost of living is sky high. The import taxes, taxes on gasoline, and everyday living due to taxes is very burdensome and yet they think some mysterious money drops out of the sky and gives them "free" health care.

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, as they say.

The NHS only costs the taxpayers of Britain. Those that have been on benefits all their lives or the foreigners that never paid tax in Britain, yet manage to get operations on the NHS do get "free" health care. One reason why the NHS is broken.

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Americans who receive Medicare paid into it all of their working lives. They paid about 6% or their gross income as a payroll deduction or self employment tax. Now once they turn 65 they get what they paid for, and even then full health coverage under Medicare isn't free. They have to buy something like Medicare Advantage for about $150 pm to convert it to real health insurance, and even then there are deductibles and co-pays. Some pay about $300 per month for what is sometimes called Medigap, which removes the deductibles and co-pays.

I think your understanding of American health care scores below zero.

In countries which have "free" socialist health care, the cost of living is sky high. The import taxes, taxes on gasoline, and everyday living due to taxes is very burdensome and yet they think some mysterious money drops out of the sky and gives them "free" health care.

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, as they say.

So the guy who earned half has much as you did, and paid less into the fund, nevertheless gets the same benfit as you do Medicare wise. The guy who earned double what you did, and paid more into the fund still gets the same as you do. All he had to do was have the right number of years paying into the system.

Your ongoing premiums are the same, regarless of health status, age, or level of pre-existing conditions.

By Geezus, you would have thought it was some socialistic nirvana medical policy were it not a no-go area for the right. In which case, it becomes 'okay' (cause we benefit from it...).

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Mr. Samran:
The answers to some of your questions can be found at this link:
After you have familiarized yourself with that document, I would suggest you then go to the Library of Congress and learn about such laws as...
1. Federal Aid Highways Act of 1956
2. The establishment of the US Postal System in 1775
3. The Department of Transportation
4. The Social Security Act of 1935
5. The Medicare Act of 1965
Let us know when you have completed your homework assignment.thumbsup.gif
PS: Just for the record, I am not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, but I did pay into Social Security for some 50 years of my working life and I am now drawing a pittance of it in return.

Thanks for the post. You've just proved my point. National governments can legislate for anything, and they do it in the national interest.

No way that sparsley inhabited Montana was going to afford its interstates. Luckly 90% of their money came from elsewhere. I bet the good burghers of Montana are thanking their taxpaying cousings in California, New York and Texas for cross-subsidising them there. Not that people from those states will ever use the interstates in Montana, but cause it was in the national interest to do so, and cause the private sector would never get a toll road off the ground in Bumphuck Idaho, i guess the fererales had to step in. Fancy that?

As for social security, I'm a big fan of privatising it all together, overtime. But that is another story....

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Mr. Samran:
The answers to some of your questions can be found at this link:
After you have familiarized yourself with that document, I would suggest you then go to the Library of Congress and learn about such laws as...
1. Federal Aid Highways Act of 1956
2. The establishment of the US Postal System in 1775
3. The Department of Transportation
4. The Social Security Act of 1935
5. The Medicare Act of 1965
Let us know when you have completed your homework assignment.thumbsup.gif
PS: Just for the record, I am not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, but I did pay into Social Security for some 50 years of my working life and I am now drawing a pittance of it in return.

Thanks for the post. You've just proved my point. National governments can legislate for anything, and they do it in the national interest.

No way that sparsley inhabited Montana was going to afford its interstates. Luckly 90% of their money came from elsewhere. I bet the good burghers of Montana are thanking their taxpaying cousings in California, New York and Texas for cross-subsidising them there. Not that people from those states will ever use the interstates in Montana, but cause it was in the national interest to do so, and cause the private sector would never get a toll road off the ground in Bumphuck Idaho, i guess the fererales had to step in. Fancy that?

As for social security, I'm a big fan of privatising it all together, overtime. But that is another story....

Three counties in the State of Texas privatised social security in 1981/82.

This was starting a stampede so Congress passed a law in 1983 saying entity withdrawals from the system would not be permitted.

Under present legislation, no entity can withdraw and privatise.

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This is my political pipe dream.

Hillary Clinton can now run for president and be very likely elected by playing it SAFE.

My dream is she runs but instead plays it very risky.

As someone to the right of Obama and probably the most qualified candidate to ever run for president in American history, she has SERIOUS cred.

Imagine if she did this:

Announce -- the Obamacare compromise/kludge did NOT work because we tried the REPUBLICAN idea of Mitt Romney and also of course the republicans blatantly SABOTAGED even that watered down plan (which, THEY DID).

Now we need to REALLY fix it.

Elect me (Hillary) and ALSO elect strong majorities in both the house and the senate and I PROMISE a full on nationalized health care system.

Otherwise. don't even bother to elect me as I don't wish to waste my time being president if I can't get anything important passed!

Now THAT is a REAL choice.

I am Hillary Clinton and I endorse this message.

Now what is it you're smoking in that pipe, because I want some. Are you available ... say ... 2015 as my chief strategist? Are you so off-topic it's not funny?

Medicare is a single payer system.

Expand and adjust it to the whole of the population, to include eliminating pre-existing condition, to include the expansion of Medicaid, keeping family on the plan till age 26 etc etc.

Otherwise you're getting ObamaCare, which for me is better than nothing, just not the best and most rational system.

ObamaCare is better that the system we didn't have for one-sixth of our GDP, but not as good as expanding the single payer system of Medicare to include everyone who wants it.

So ObamaCare is what you're getting, like it or not.

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Things seem to go from bad to worse for the POTUS . This is a bombshellohmy.png

this is not the small 2-5% President Obama tried to dismiss in the media just last week -employer based plans represent a much bigger number of people...........facepalm.gif

DOJ: Majority Will Lose Employer-Based Healthcare Once Obamacare’s Employer Mandate Kicks In

“Defendants have estimated that a majority of group health plans will have lost their grandfather status by the end 2013.”


Edited by midas
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Amazing. So glad we were all duped by the lunatic running our country. Gotta love the policy of not firing those messing stuff up and wasting tax payer money, but firing people who speak honestly about program's short comings.


DC insurance commissioner fired a day after criticizing Obamacare steps


Yeah, ya don't dare tell the truth around the Chicago mobsters. Especially if you really know the truth.

now that we've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you are a closet socialist, I'm sure they wouldn't mind the truth from you...

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Amazing. So glad we were all duped by the lunatic running our country. Gotta love the policy of not firing those messing stuff up and wasting tax payer money, but firing people who speak honestly about program's short comings.


DC insurance commissioner fired a day after criticizing Obamacare steps


Yeah, ya don't dare tell the truth around the Chicago mobsters. Especially if you really know the truth.

now that we've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you are a closet socialist, I'm sure they wouldn't mind the truth from you...

"we've" ?

Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

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Amazing. So glad we were all duped by the lunatic running our country. Gotta love the policy of not firing those messing stuff up and wasting tax payer money, but firing people who speak honestly about program's short comings.


DC insurance commissioner fired a day after criticizing Obamacare steps


Yeah, ya don't dare tell the truth around the Chicago mobsters. Especially if you really know the truth.

The elected mayor of Washington DC Vincent Gray fired the insurance commissioner, who is appointed by the mayor subject to city council approval, for taking a position contrary to that of the mayor and his administration and for doing so without any prior consultation with the mayor.

It's an organizational and corporate matter more than anything else.

The City Council, independently elected, said there is no basis to investigate the firing.

It's an open and shut case between the DC mayor and one of his appointees.

Case closed.

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Amazing. So glad we were all duped by the lunatic running our country. Gotta love the policy of not firing those messing stuff up and wasting tax payer money, but firing people who speak honestly about program's short comings.


DC insurance commissioner fired a day after criticizing Obamacare steps


Yeah, ya don't dare tell the truth around the Chicago mobsters. Especially if you really know the truth.

now that we've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you are a closet socialist, I'm sure they wouldn't mind the truth from you...

"we've" ?

Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

samran and I separately and independently in his posts and mine have synergistically proved it.

So I guess one could say 'we' because other posters besides have also accomplished the same thing, again separately and independently, yet concurrently.


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Exactly! Older Americans LOVE Medicare, even the tea party types. 




Exactly! Older Americans LOVE Medicare, even the tea party types. 

Apparently they can't be socialists. Get with the program Jingers.



Americans who receive Medicare paid into it all of their working lives. They paid about 6% or their gross income as a payroll deduction or self employment tax. Now once they turn 65 they get what they paid for, and even then full health coverage under Medicare isn't free. They have to buy something like Medicare Advantage for about $150 pm to convert it to real health insurance, and even then there are deductibles and co-pays. Some pay about $300 per month for what is sometimes called Medigap, which removes the deductibles and co-pays.


I think your understanding of American health care scores below zero.


In countries which have "free" socialist health care, the cost of living is sky high. The import taxes, taxes on gasoline, and everyday living due to taxes is very burdensome and yet they think some mysterious money drops out of the sky and gives them "free" health care.


There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, as they say.

Of course we do. We're all too stupid to realise that our taxes pay for our healthcare. The bit you missed out is 'free AT THE POINT OF DELIVERY'

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Meanwhile life goes on.

Healthcare plan enrollment surges in some states after rocky rollout Healthcare insurance enrollment increases in some states that run their own exchanges, boosting hopes of Obamacare backers.

A number of states that use their own systems, including California, are on track to hit enrollment targets for 2014 because of a sharp increase in November, according to state officials.

Fourteen states and the District of Columbia, covering about one-third of the nation's population, are operating their own Obamacare marketplaces and have their own enrollment websites.

The others, including most states with Republican-led governments, have declined to do so, making their residents dependent on the malfunctioning federal site.


Despite the fiercely active efforts of the Republican Party in Washington and in almost all of the 30 states with Republican Party governors, ObamaCare is progressing almost exclusively on the strength of the websites operated by the 14 actively cooperating states and the District of Columbia.

Once the federal website is up and running we can expect ObamaCare to continue to be explored by citizens and medical insurance plans selected.

And more people are realizing that the policies being cancelled are ones that insurers cynically issued after the passage of the ACA, knowing that they did not comply with the law and almost surely could not be in effect at the new year.

The insurance companies anyway covertly did not point out to Americans that the new post ACA policies they issued would be cancelled at the end of this year. That's a major reason so many people are surprised now. The suggestions in this of sabotage and treachery are pretty strong.

All the same, the reality is that most of the policies in the individual market are very short-term. Most policies being cancelled on January 1 are anyway policies that would have expired in February or March. The people who had them are also the people who have to change junk insurance plans every year, or every other year.

And the obsessive compulsive enemies of broadened and radically improved medical insurance for Americans can spare us the long train of possible horrors, i.e., wild claims such as 100 million will lose their medical insurance. The fact is the sky is not falling.

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It would seem the long train of possible horrors has arrived at the station.


Oregon health exchange represents biggest woe
Posted: Nov 18, 2013 2:11 PM
Updated: Nov 20, 2013 12:02 AM
Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - With all the problems facing the rollout of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, nowhere is the situation worse or more surprising than in Oregon, a progressive state that has enthusiastically embraced the federal law but has so far failed to enroll a single person in coverage through the state's insurance exchange.
Despite grand ambitions, an early start, millions of dollars from the federal government and a tech-savvy population, Oregon's online enrollment system still isn't ready more than a month after it was supposed to go live. The state has resorted to hiring or reassigning 400 people to process insurance applications by hand.
...yet some people are actually getting more than they bargained for:
Colo. man signs up for his insurance, his dog gets covered instead
Posted on: 10:07 pm, November 15, 2013, by Kent Erdahl, updated on: 04:18pm, November 19, 2013
The Colorado healthcare exchange has processed applications for thousands of people … and one dog.
Shane Smith, of Fort Collins, says his dog Baxter received a letter informing him that a health insurance account had been opened in his name through Connect for Health Colorado.
“I thought, ‘Wow, this is so awesome,’” Smith said with a laugh. “They have gone out of their way to insure my 14-year-old Yorkie.”
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But never fear, our intrepid Congress people and their staff persons will share the burden with you...particularly if you have the same government benefits and kid glove care being afforded by the providers.


Perks Ease Way in Health Plans for Lawmakers
Published: November 19, 2013
WASHINGTON — Members of Congress like to boast that they will have the same health care enrollment experience as constituents struggling with the balky federal website, because the law they wrote forced lawmakers to get coverage from the new insurance exchanges.
That is true. As long as their constituents have access to “in-person support sessions” like the ones being conducted at the Capitol and congressional office buildings by the local exchange and four major insurers. Or can log on to a special Blue Cross and Blue Shield website for members of Congress and use a special toll-free telephone number — a “dedicated congressional health insurance plan assistance line.”
...but it would seem our Congress persons and their staff won't get hearing aids or podiatrists, but Sandra Fluke should be ecstatic.
Some D.C. Exchange Plans Cover Elective Abortion but Not Hearing Aids
By Betsy Woodruff
November 19, 2013 4:23 PM
Multiple individual plans available on the D.C. health-insurance exchange specifically cover elective abortion but not hearing aids, routine foot-care, and routine eye-care. One such plan, Healthy Blue PPO $1500, has a summary on the D.C. exchange’s website titled “Excluded Services & Other Covered Services.” It says enrollees can receive coverage for abortions performed for non-medical reasons, but not for a number of other services that could seem medically necessary. The plan also excludes coverage for some other procedures, including cosmetic surgery, bariatric surgery, and infertility treatment.
...and all of this is assuming Obamacare.gov ever gets totally finished
Administration Official: Obamacare Payment Systems Still Need to Be Built
By Jim Geraghty
November 19, 2013 1:31 PM
The information-technology systems of Obamacare are still anywhere from 30 to 70 percent unfinished, an administration official testified today.
Admittedly, the answer from Henry Chao, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services deputy chief information officer, in a House hearing today isn’t really clear. At one point he seems to indicate 30 to 40 percent of the information-technology system supporting the Obamacare exchanges is unfinished; at another point it sounds more like he’s saying 60 to 70 percent. But the news is stunning either way: HealthCare.gov was launched with some massive parts unfinished, and they are still unfinished.
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Members of Congress, the House and the Senate, long ago voted themselves - ever so clandestinely - astoundingly generous programs of retirement benefits and medical insurance.

No one has ever picked up on this until recently with the ACA, but only somewhat and in fragments.

Members of Congress get free and complete medical insurance (without copays) to cover everything from a cold to a catastrophic illness, accident, disease.

Members of Congress get multiple millions in retirement benefits that Americans don't know about and that the MSM knows of yet hasn't ever reported on, exposed.

Members of Congress can vote themselves anything they believe they can get away with, so they do exactly that. Constituents would be flabbergasted and outraged to know the benefits Congress have voted for themselves over several decades.

Members of Congress deservedly get a lot of media attention any time they vote themselves a pay rise, but there hasn't been any coverage of their extremely and extraordinarily generous medical coverage and retirement programs.

All Members of Congress are culpable.

But the real hypocrites are the Republican Members of Congress who accept these outrageous perks yet deny medical insurance to the American people as well as food stamps and other assistance to the victims of the Great Recession to help tide middle and working class Americans through the hard times that came on in 2008.

Shame on all of 'em, but on the Republican Party especially.

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It would seem the long train of possible horrors has arrived at the station.


Oregon health exchange represents biggest woe
Posted: Nov 18, 2013 2:11 PM
Updated: Nov 20, 2013 12:02 AM
Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - With all the problems facing the rollout of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, nowhere is the situation worse or more surprising than in Oregon, a progressive state that has enthusiastically embraced the federal law but has so far failed to enroll a single person in coverage through the state's insurance exchange.
Despite grand ambitions, an early start, millions of dollars from the federal government and a tech-savvy population, Oregon's online enrollment system still isn't ready more than a month after it was supposed to go live. The state has resorted to hiring or reassigning 400 people to process insurance applications by hand.
...yet some people are actually getting more than they bargained for:
Colo. man signs up for his insurance, his dog gets covered instead
Posted on: 10:07 pm, November 15, 2013, by Kent Erdahl, updated on: 04:18pm, November 19, 2013
The Colorado healthcare exchange has processed applications for thousands of people … and one dog.
Shane Smith, of Fort Collins, says his dog Baxter received a letter informing him that a health insurance account had been opened in his name through Connect for Health Colorado.
“I thought, ‘Wow, this is so awesome,’” Smith said with a laugh. “They have gone out of their way to insure my 14-year-old Yorkie.”


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Members of Congress, the House and the Senate, long ago voted themselves - ever so clandestinely - astoundingly generous programs of retirement benefits and medical insurance.

No one has ever picked up on this until recently with the ACA, but only somewhat and in fragments.

Members of Congress get free and complete medical insurance (without copays) to cover everything from a cold to a catastrophic illness, accident, disease.

Members of Congress get multiple millions in retirement benefits that Americans don't know about and that the MSM knows of yet hasn't ever reported on, exposed.

Members of Congress can vote themselves anything they believe they can get away with, so they do exactly that. Constituents would be flabbergasted and outraged to know the benefits Congress have voted for themselves over several decades.

Members of Congress deservedly get a lot of media attention any time they vote themselves a pay rise, but there hasn't been any coverage of their extremely and extraordinarily generous medical coverage and retirement programs.

All Members of Congress are culpable.

But the real hypocrites are the Republican Members of Congress who accept these outrageous perks yet deny medical insurance to the American people as well as food stamps and other assistance to the victims of the Great Recession to help tide middle and working class Americans through the hard times that came on in 2008.

Shame on all of 'em, but on the Republican Party especially.

Let me get this straight.

You are claiming the Republicans are bigger hypocrities than the Democratic party hypocrites because the Republicans oppose Obamacare, food stamps, apple pie and everything good? Strange.

However, since this thread is about Obamacare and it's illegal fixes, here is one you might have missed.

The ACA actually says that Congress persons and their staffs MUST use health care plans purchased from the exchanges and no where else. Section 1312(d)(3)(D) is the sleeper.

What this meant was that Congress members and many of their staff members would also lose the federal government assistance in paying for their insurance since they were no longer eligible for government provided insurance and their salary levels would preclude them from qualifying for any Obamacare subsidies.

Enter Obama and the democrats to the rescue.


President Obama on Hill's Obamacare mess: I'm on it
President Barack Obama privately told Democratic senators Wednesday he is now personally involved in resolving a heated dispute over how Obamacare treats Capitol Hill aides and lawmakers, according to senators in the meeting.
The president’s commitment was delivered at the beginning of Obama’s remarks to Senate Democrats during a closed-door session.
At issue is whether Obama’s health care law allows the federal government to continue to pay part of the health insurance premiums for members of Congress and thousands of Hill aides when they are nudged onto health exchanges.
...and the result of Obama's being "on it"?
UPDATE 1-U.S. Congress wins relief on Obamacare health plan subsidies
Wed Aug 7, 2013 6:05pm EDT
* Ruling aimed at avoiding "brain drain" on Capitol Hill
By David Lawder
WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Congress has won some partial relief for lawmakers and their staffs from the "Obamacare" health reforms that it passed and subjected itself to three years ago.
In a ruling issued on Wednesday, U.S. lawmakers and their staffs will continue to receive a federal contribution toward the health insurance that they must purchase through soon-to-open exchanges created by President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.
The decision by the Office of Personnel Management, with Obama's blessing, will prevent the largely unintended loss of healthcare benefits for 535 members of the Senate and House of Representatives and thousands of Capitol Hill staff.
So your comments about Congress voing themselves goodies would only get two pinnochios, since that is largely true. Just not in this case. They will still get their goodies but it takes yet another Presidential regulation to make it happen...not Congressional action.
His claim was he wanted to avoid a "brain drain" on Capitol Hill with all the staffers that mioght leave for other jobs. I presume he never thought that all those brains on Capitol Hill are the people who wrote much of Obamacare to begin with.
Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of Obamacare was actually inserted by Sen Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) in 2009 and remains in the law to this day. It would therefore seem the Democrats have been wailing about a provision that they (and they alone) passed into law, to be signed by a Democratic President.
"Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can." –Mark Twain
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