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Russian tourism group threatens Thailand boycott

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Is not funny hope that Russian tourists disappear from Thailand. This kind of posts show clearly the low quality kind of posters, au contraire thinking to be superior of another country people.

I agree; I was the first one in with that comment on how I wasn't normally expecting to read "good news" in the forum, -I would have made the joke with any nationality- but then with all the others saying the same thing I now feel sorry for de-facto having become part of some big hate/angst campaign against Russian visitors.

My only intention was to make that joke before others did, but I now feel I owe Russian forum members an apology. Again I would have made the same joke with just about any other nationality including my own.

I live in Chiang Mai and not many Russians make it up there, but I would applaud it if they did; as I do with the Chinese. (Also because Chaing Mai seems to attract more independent travelers as opposed to tour groups that seem to cater to the lower end of the market; if the same applies to independent Russian travelers then I'd be very happy to see more of them.

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I was laughed at a few years back as I refused to allow the wife and kids to get on a bus destined for Bangkok from CM. The bus (private owned) was a Thai copy of the Volvo, Mercedes,etc. tour fleetswe see every day. But it only had 4 tires on 2 axles, total. I estimate their load was 35 plus passengers. I explained that braking systems must have a certain amount or tire thread on the road surface to be effective at highway speed.

This morning while having my coffee in town I notice 3 buses in caravan with the same rigging. They were decked out in beautiful colors and designs but some one has cut costs by taking another short cut on safety. You look at many of the mini vans (12 passenger) red song taws (12 + passenger) and they are on a chasses that is made for a much lighter load. The brake systems are not adequate for these loads at comfortable speeds much less the speeds many travel at.

There is a buyer beware mindset in this country and it has penetrated a large part of the entire system which is involved in the transport sector.


Is not funny hope that Russian tourists disappear from Thailand. This kind of posts show clearly the low quality kind of posters, au contraire thinking to be superior of another country people.

Exactly. You said it. I'm disgusted by many of the posters and their disdain for others not like them.

There are many Russian families here just wanting a nice vacation in the sun. There are dregs of society from all countries that wash up on Thailand's shores... There are plenty of decent Russians come here and it is a seriously huge tourism market for Thailand.

And by doing this they are not only making a push to keep their own citizens safe, but any safety measures (if taken) would spill over to everybody, Thais and foreign tourists alike.

And I'd like to add: There are lots of ultra hot Russian girls that come here and I've partied with them at discos before. My best friend here, a Thai, is married to a lovely Russian woman.

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Won't make a blind bit of difference whatever the Ruskies do; it'll take at least a couple generations as there are inept perps all around the buses, too. If you want to make a point, start sending them to Burma and Cam, that'll really pee them off (the Thais... and the Russians whistling.gif )!

. . . . . soon to be joined by the Burmese and the Cambodians . . . . . . . . .



It does seem rather hypocritical that its Russian Tourism that's threatening with a boycott due to unsafe roads.

Russia would be in my Top Trumps pack for its unsafe driving conditions...

That said: Anyone or any Nation taking a stance and attempting to 'force' Thailand to care about its issues such as this is a good thing.

quality Russian roads


I wonder why the Americans, British and Europeans have little to say openly.  Or is it all trade and a port of call to them and sod their citizens?

I might imagine that the Europeans and Americans have more business and/or political interests at stake and so perhaps try the "diplomatic" soft approach on these issues. In other words, the benefits of the many (economic value to those western countries) outweighs the troubles of the few (their citizens' tourism to Thailand).


Is not funny hope that Russian tourists disappear from Thailand. This kind of posts show clearly the low quality kind of  posters, au contraire thinking to be superior of another country people.





Exactly. You said it. I'm disgusted by many of the posters and their disdain for others not like them.

There are many Russian families here just wanting a nice vacation in the sun. There are dregs of society from all countries that wash up on Thailand's shores... There are plenty of decent Russians come here and it is a seriously huge tourism market for Thailand.

And by doing this they are not only making a push to keep their own citizens safe, but any safety measures (if taken) would spill over to everybody, Thais and foreign tourists alike. 


And I'd like to add: There are lots of ultra hot Russian girls that come here and I've partied with them at discos before. My best friend here, a Thai, is married to a lovely Russian woman. 

I've seen such hot as fire Russian girls, but they tend to be mammoth in size. After handling petite Thai lovelies all these years, I just can't see myself doing the horizontal dance with a woman decidedly more masculine physique and with better muscle tone that I have.

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Is not funny hope that Russian tourists disappear from Thailand. This kind of posts show clearly the low quality kind of posters, au contraire thinking to be superior of another country people.

Can you rephrase that post? I can't understand what your trying to say.


It would seem likely that Thailand is now one of the most dangerous tourism destinations for Russians.

It is already the most dangerous tourism destination for Britons, Australians and Swedes, as has been documented in numerous articles on this forum.

The RUTI also reportedly demanded the Thai government to solve these issues within the end of November, otherwise it will consider responses necessary to maintain the safety of Russian citizens by canceling all scheduled charter flights from Russia throughout the period of December 2013 - March 2014. If the cancellation indeed came to effect, other countries in the region, such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam would be picked as destinations instead of Thailand, the letter reportedly warned.

That's how you get things done.

BUT, nothings gonna change. Thais lack the will, inclination, ability and cannot even see they need to change before they can progress to 3rd world country status.

They are told from the day that they are hatched that they are the 'master race' so why change a single thing. bah.gifcoffee1.gif


I've said elsewhere - Thailand is now a mainstream holiday destination and needs to realise this and act accordingly. It still treats visitors as if they are the soldiers and backpackers who first came hear in the 60s and 70s.

They need to put in place the appropriate infrastructure to deal with the vast numbers of visitors. This is big money - 7% of the nation's economy.

So much about tourism in Thailand is all face and no substance......The transport system needs overhauling and regulating from a safety aspect and all aspects of customer service need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

As Thailand increasingly gets a reputation as a shoddy or dangerous destination it will suffer in the long run.

Ill-informed ministers keep mumbling on about going up-market - presumably in the hope that this will eradicate a lot of the bad publicity - crime, danger, poor service etc - but what hope can there ever be of that with the industry still virtually unregulated and everyone scrabbling for the bottom dollar?

Most of the primary roads are fairly well maintained (there are exceptions). But the quality of the roads pale in comparison to the abject reckless stupidity of the drivers, and the complete lack of traffic enforcement by the Thai government (road blocks don't stop dangerous driving). They need traffic cops in patrol cars and they need to learn how to stop vehicles for moving violations. Then start citing Thai drivers for: speeding, reckless driving, driving on the wrong side of the street, failure to stop, failure to yield, failure to maintain the driving lane, and other stupid reckless driving that drivers are now allowed to get away with, but would get you a citation in less than about 15 minutes in a Western country.

but would get you a citation in less than about 15 minutes in a Western country.

Yessss and that is one of the good reasons for me to live here biggrin.png Viva la libertadclap2.gif Viva Thailand clap2.gif

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Wish the Brits, Aussies and Merkins will do the same. Pressure, something Thais understand.

I hope so,very soon.

All these penny stock farangs gone.



It does seem rather hypocritical that its Russian Tourism that's threatening with a boycott due to unsafe roads.

Russia would be in my Top Trumps pack for its unsafe driving conditions...

That said: Anyone or any Nation taking a stance and attempting to 'force' Thailand to care about its issues such as this is a good thing.

quality Russian roads

thumbsup.gif Only in Thail Russia tongue.png LOL


Well have to wait and see what the T.A.T response is, they will probably say they are looking into it immediately and make the necessary changes.

But if they do nothing (which we can pretty much guarantee) and the accidents continue (which we can also pretty much guarantee) will the Russian tourism group follow through with it's travel ban or is it just a hollow threat?

Time will tell, but I for one would love any country to do it, maybe the "Ruskies" have the balls to actually do it!!

The RUTI also reportedly demanded the Thai government to solve these issues within the end of November, otherwise it will consider responses necessary to maintain the safety of Russian citizens by canceling all scheduled charter flights from Russia throughout the period of December 2013 - March 2014.

Have they considered how the Thai government gonna solve a serious issue like this within the next 2 weeks.

I guess we may expect a statement from the Thai government soon, similar to the one they made some time ago, that Russian and other tourists have to adjust to Thai road behavior.

Case closed.

Oh, I forgot, they can announce a crack down, we haven't had that in the last 2 days.

So, where is Mr. I-fix-it-in-90-days when they really need him?

Brain Ear infection .


Those Ruskies have a nerve, complaining about the safety on the road here!! But if they decide not to come here to our wonderful land... maybe it is a positive and not a negative. At least we will be able to start reading and understanding the signage again. Have a look at this in Russia.

Very Scary!

Almost all Russians use the video recording devices installed in their vehicles. That is why you got so many videos of the unsafe driving in Russia on youtube. Imagine if it was a custom here: a non-stop horror movie.

One more thing. If you cut in front (like many Thai drivers do) in Russia, you might get seriously beaten or even killed. Ensures safety of the Russian roads.


Russians will boycott Thailand if traffic safety does not improve. It's almost an argument on why speeding, drinking, and texting on your phone should be allowed while driving in Thailand.


Is not funny hope that Russian tourists disappear from Thailand. This kind of posts show clearly the low quality kind of posters, au contraire thinking to be superior of another country people.

Exactly. You said it. I'm disgusted by many of the posters and their disdain for others not like them.

There are many Russian families here just wanting a nice vacation in the sun. There are dregs of society from all countries that wash up on Thailand's shores... There are plenty of decent Russians come here and it is a seriously huge tourism market for Thailand.

And by doing this they are not only making a push to keep their own citizens safe, but any safety measures (if taken) would spill over to everybody, Thais and foreign tourists alike.

And I'd like to add: There are lots of ultra hot Russian girls that come here and I've partied with them at discos before. My best friend here, a Thai, is married to a lovely Russian woman.

You are referring to the girls with the nice hot-pants?


Russian Tourism Group Threatens Thailand Boycott

You don't normally open up Thaivisa.com expecting to find good news, but, my goodness.. Jackpot this morning! rolleyes.gif

Indeed, good news in that it will force the authorities to take positive action to protect and preserve a major source of revenue for the Kingdom...tourists!

The TAT, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, The Royal Thai Police and local governments should be working in unison to curb scams, improve vehicle safety catering to visitors and educate merchants in tourist venues on the importance and requirements related to those areas.

It seems that greed and shortsightedness will be the downfall of tourism here unless the Thai Government and merchants realize these facts:

A. Never kill, damage or otherwise jeopardize the health of the tourist.

B. Making money dishonestly in the short term will most certainly spell failure in the long term.

C. Sun, beaches and the exotic is never a fair trade over the safety of the visiting public.

D. Ignore the important safety issues and the tourists will go somewheres else.

E. Concrete, visible and sustained improvements in safety must be made and those entrusted with or those breaking the law will be held accountable.

F. Whitewash always washes away in the rain. Tourists are not stupid and the truth will travel at the speed of the Internet connection.

Let is hope those in authority act before the axe falls on the neck of complacency.

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Who am i going to drink with at the tourist places my wife drags me to? Everyone visiting us has to see all the spots. My Russian cronies are a pleasure to drink with and watch the families all having fun.


I've said elsewhere - Thailand is now a mainstream holiday destination and needs to realise this and act accordingly. It still treats visitors as if they are the soldiers and backpackers who first came hear in the 60s and 70s.

They need to put in place the appropriate infrastructure to deal with the vast numbers of visitors. This is big money - 7% of the nation's economy.

So much about tourism in Thailand is all face and no substance......The transport system needs overhauling and regulating from a safety aspect and all aspects of customer service need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

As Thailand increasingly gets a reputation as a shoddy or dangerous destination it will suffer in the long run.

Ill-informed ministers keep mumbling on about going up-market - presumably in the hope that this will eradicate a lot of the bad publicity - crime, danger, poor service etc - but what hope can there ever be of that with the industry still virtually unregulated and everyone scrabbling for the bottom dollar?

Most of the primary roads are fairly well maintained (there are exceptions). But the quality of the roads pale in comparison to the abject reckless stupidity of the drivers, and the complete lack of traffic enforcement by the Thai government (road blocks don't stop dangerous driving). They need traffic cops in patrol cars and they need to learn how to stop vehicles for moving violations. Then start citing Thai drivers for: speeding, reckless driving, driving on the wrong side of the street, failure to stop, failure to yield, failure to maintain the driving lane, and other stupid reckless driving that drivers are now allowed to get away with, but would get you a citation in less than about 15 minutes in a Western country.

but would get you a citation in less than about 15 minutes in a Western country.

Yessss and that is one of the good reasons for me to live here biggrin.png Viva la libertadclap2.gif Viva Thailand clap2.gif

Yes, it is nice to have the freedom and liberty to die or be maimed on the public roadways. Freedom and liberty is tempered and well served by adherence to the basic laws of public safety IMO.

Live Long and Prosper my Friend.


Is not funny hope that Russian tourists disappear from Thailand. This kind of posts show clearly the low quality kind of posters, au contraire thinking to be superior of another country people.

Can you rephrase that post? I can't understand what your trying to say.

Clear enough for me when I removed my glasses for shortsightedness.


This is the kind of positive action that more countries should be willing to take to protect their people. The threat of a HUGE percentage of their tourist market being warned off by their country's government.

I have lived here for 6 years and this stuff is every day. You work your life around it and eventually find yourself well away from it in a lovely piece of normal Thailand. You work your transportation options around it as best you can, etc. The problem is that the average tourist is being led and everybody is looking for a margin so you end up with 30 people being driven on a bus by somebody's "cousin" who turns out to be a dim-witted drug abusing f-tard with zero common-sense....but he was cheap!

Until TAT understands its true raison d'etre these problems will continue and Thailand will see the revenue streams from tourism continuing their steady marginalisation. This year alone we have had incidents with tourists including:

Train crashes

Bus crashes

Plane crashes

Political unrest including roads seized next to THE biggest tourist ghetto

Drugged tourists

Robbed tourists

Murdered tourists

Scammed tourists

Oil slicks


and so many more that I can't be bothered to research right now that have all made news outside of the Kingdom.

It is not a pretty picture and people ARE wising up. Time will come when Thailand will start asking the question "where did the money go?". By then this will be too late. The normal people of Thailand should be aware of how important tourism is to this country not just for the obvious "heads in beds" equation but also people experiencing the country and deciding this is the life of them, moving their money and starting new businesses. Visitors to the kingdom are NOT 1 dimensional.

Add HIV to the list of serious dangers here . . .


I'm struggling to find it at the moment, but I do remember a British Medical Association paper stating that around a quarter of all new HIV infections in British born males were caught in Thailand. That represents a serious public health risk.


It is my own personal desire to see the situation deteriorate and all the Chinese and Russians foxtrot oscar to somewhere else. If that makes me bad, then I am bad. I dont like sharing Phukets beauty resources and roads with these folk.

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