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I think you're missing that you're not in their IN group. Russian warmth amongst themselves, probably mostly behind closed doors, is as world famous as their vodka.

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I think you're missing that you're not in their IN group. Russian warmth amongst themselves, probably mostly behind closed doors, is as world famous as their vodka.

which applies to most ppl. Afterall why would anyone be warm to a stranger?

Does the OP care if he's warm to say asians/chinese? No of course not. He doesn't care about them at all. Yet he's somehow feeling sore and offended cos i suppose russians look like westerners but ignored him or something.


I think you're missing that you're not in their IN group. Russian warmth amongst themselves, probably mostly behind closed doors, is as world famous as their vodka.

which applies to most ppl. Afterall why would anyone be warm to a stranger?


Yes, but certainly nationalities/ethnicities have a cultural tendency to be more DEMONSTRATIVE of their affections in these situations than others ...

But yes of course there are LEVELS. The public face vs. the private sphere being the most clear.

If people are saying there is a tendency in Russian culture to show a frosty public face with non-Russian strangers, that would be hard to refute.

I realize some people think it's "racist" to even discuss possible cultural differences between different nationalities and ethnic groups but back in the real world these things are real. Like the general stereotype that Americans are superficially open and friendly ... it's obviously true, although of course it doesn't apply to all.


I have met them many times in the Thai hotels/resorts. They walk next to eachother and will never give way for anybody else. They take all the beachbeds at 6 am and start drinking there right after breakfast, yelling, rude behaviour, being very wild and drunk at 1pm before they go take a nap. At the breakfast buffet a fat russian bloke grabbed the whole pile of plates while my arm allready was reached out to take a plate. He waited for his group of friends who came a few minutes later and gave them all a plate. They piled them plates up, ate only half of it and went for a new pile. Leftovers disappeared in their bags for lunch.

They barely speak english, don't care at all for other tourists, are agressive and only drink/eat all day.

I know there are other nationality's which also can be rude but the russians are the worst for me.

Just my own experience and opinion. From now on i only want to go in a hotel where there are no russians

I second that vote. Worst on the planet, by a longshot. Even the Chinese make an effort to be somewhat pleasant. Not even a consideration for the average Russkie.

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