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Legal age of consent in Thailand 16 or 18


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Sorry but this website has some strickt rules about certain topics and this topic makes me sick to the stomache......

After reading some posts here.

You are joking? Jeez it is an innocent question. If you don't like younger women go get yourself an old hag at soi 7 in bkk. Maybe you have one already. Ok to each his own. I like my girl who is 30 plus .. Again.
Do you like do dress her up in a schoolgirl uniform at age of 30?

Kudell, you are one sob. Up to you. I'm sure you get your kicks other ways.

a guy calling a woman of age 30 a girl says enough for me ,so youre comments mean nothing to me old man .
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...shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

So basically the law says that it'll cost you ten thousand to have sex with one of their 16 year olds. I'm off to the ATM!

and i hope your home country has laws that can be used against you the minute you step foot there.

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...shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

So basically the law says that it'll cost you ten thousand to have sex with one of their 16 year olds. I'm off to the ATM!

and i hope your home country has laws that can be used against you the minute you step foot there.

Almost impossible if the crime was committed say within two days of the perps crime and he is back in his country by that time. But I agree there should be a limited monitoring of all people in the world.

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Enough, my girlfriend is 30 plus. I can call her girl or lady or women ! Up to me

and her thoughts on this?

55 hey I didn't finish my sentence. Up to me and her. 50/50 with a tie breaker decided by me? Actually I call her honey, mas, cat, girl, women! Etc.

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It seems like a lot of adults sit trying to calculate how young they can go and still be within the law. If you are doing that, you may be a pedo.

That is rather foolish. As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia is a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubuscent children who are usually under 11 years old. 18 year old girls are not children and men who are attracted to them are not perverts.

So having sex with a 12 year old who is no longer "prepubescent" is okay? (so long as the law allows it?).

Your definition says usually 11 years old. Aren't there 9 year olds who are no longer prepubescent? And if the law allows, you think that is OK?

What my point is, if some people are trying to calculate how young they can go (not accusing the OP of this) without the breaking the law, they may be a pedo.

I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence.

Edited by Water Buffalo
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Cultural differences... Obviously, times have changed, and many countries have taken up laws and conditions that were never in place since human kind has existed. What was considered honorable in the past is now abhorrent. Marriages between older men and younger girls are still acceptable in many countries. In the USA, it is possible, with court permission, to marry a girl of 15. In a few other countries, older men are (get this..."paid" doweries) regardless of the girl's age. As money was hard to come by, many families immediately arranged marriages (yes, even lower than 15) as soon as they had the money to pay the dowery to the perspective husband.


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I can only address this as an American national. Every American is subject to US law, worldwide. So, this means if you are caught with a 17 year old, or under, you are subject to U.S. statutory rape law. I hear usually the Thai police will let you off if you are able to come up with 100,000 baht minimum, within 48 hours, if she is 17. But, if 16 or under, you are truly playing with fire. If caught, the Thai police will demand a minimum of 1,000,000 baht, within 48 hours, in cash. And that is if you get one nice enough to let you off. Most will not. I am convinced they are paid a handsome reward by the American authorities to turn you over to them, and I am told EVERY THAI policeman in the country carries the phone number of the American Consulate in their wallet. The US authorities LOVE these crimes. It is their wet dream. The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside.

This is one of the most serious crimes you can commit as an American. If you like girls 16 or under, see a hypnotist, psychotherapist, lawyer, or someone, but do not under any circumstances ever consider having sex with one, if you are an American. If you are unsure, ask for ID, and examine it very, very closely. Any doubts, walk away. Unless you are willing to give up your life as you know it, spend all that time in a federal prison, and once released be on several sex offender lists for the rest of your life, and not be allowed to leave the country for years afterwards, due to your probation. Oh, and did I mention getting barred from re-entering Thailand, ever again? Serious prospects, right? Is it worth it, when the country is chock full of gorgeous women of legal age? That is sure a no brainer for me.

These are all absolute facts, that have been triple verified from multiple sources. As an American you are living under fascist rules. I know, as I am under those same rules. And it only appears to be getting worse with Tiny Blundering Barry, the fascist, who I made the terrible mistake of voting for (only the first time thankfully).

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The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside.

Interesting, but I think not true.

How could they return the American citizen without transporting the 'victim' and witnesses.

Do rules of 'habeas corpus' et al, no longer apply?

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As FiftyTwo stated in post #2, several countries' laws trump Thai laws for its citizens anywhere, wherever the former's laws are more restrictive.

Example: in the early-to-mid 2000s, U.S. AG Ashcroft established a new policy, warning that any American citizen anywhere, regardless of local laws, would be charged with Pedophilia-related crimes if he or she had sex with someone under the age of 18.

As far as I know, no succeeding AG has ever rescinded the policy, nor has anyone so-charged ever appealed their conviction up to the SCOTUS.

So if a US citizen went to the UK and had consensual sex with a 16 yo, which is legal, they go to jail on return to the US? Has that actually happened?

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Sorry but this website has some strickt rules about certain topics and this topic makes me sick to the stomache......

After reading some posts here.

You are joking? Jeez it is an innocent question. If you don't like younger women go get yourself an old hag at soi 7 in bkk. Maybe you have one already. Ok to each his own. I like my girl who is 30 plus .. Again.
Do you like do dress her up in a schoolgirl uniform at age of 30?

While I don't ask my over 30 yo wife to dress up in a schoolgirl uniform, if she did so, she would certainly look like a schoolgirl.

Thai women often look many years younger than their actual age, especially with a bit of makeup, mainly because they haven't let themselves go and become fat.

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For all purposes the legal age of consent for sex is 18.

The concept of "being minor" applies to the legal capacity to bindingly agree to contracts. The Law specifies that sex is ok from 18.

I don't think Mario or I said anything about sex. Are you saying he is wrong saying, "Don't forget, under Thai law someone is a minor (unless legally married) under the age of 20. There is also a law about keeping a minor from their parents"

I said if I brought her home late from a date.

sorry I misread!

I guess that law is about an obligation to bring within reasonable time the girl to her parents if she or her parents or legal guardians express the wish.

Do you see the potential for abuse there if one is dating a woman of 19 years of age? Mom and pop show up at your hotel with the cops and say, "We didn't say little Lek could stay the weekend with the Farang."

"We didn't say little Lek could stay the weekend with the Farang."

"Do you see the potential for abuse ..."

That train would seem to have left the station before Mom and Pop appeared on the scene, at least in terms of most standards of exploitation, whatever the legal consequences may be. Why not stay in your country and spend the weekend in a hotel with little 19 year old Mary or little 18 year old Betty and save yourself all the travel expense?

There seem to be an amazing (to me anyway) number of people interested in testing the legal limits and at the same time concerned they might be caught out (abused?) by someone else testing the wording of the law.

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The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside.

Interesting, but I think not true. How could they return the American citizen without transporting the 'victim' and witnesses.

Do rules of 'habeas corpus' et al, no longer apply?

You will find that Federal police located in Thailand can take obtain evidence in Thailand for an arrest warrant and extradition, working with RTP, without the need to physically transport victims, witnesses and so on back to USA for trial, same applies for UK & Australian police forces. If needed, testimony at the time of trial can be provided via video link as is common in child sex offences

Edited by simple1
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We're hearing some talk from a few members here, that it's perfectly natural to be sexually attracted to children who have already hit puberty.

Thankfully that doesn't happens to me.

Anyone who feels this way should perhaps seek counseling.

I think, strictly speaking, once someone has gone through puberty, they are no longer considered children.

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We're hearing some talk from a few members here, that it's perfectly natural to be sexually attracted to children who have already hit puberty.

Thankfully that doesn't happens to me.

Anyone who feels this way should perhaps seek counseling.

Wikipedia's introduction in its article about Puberty is perfect for your eduation:

Puberty is the process of physical changes by which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilisation. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads: the ovaries in a girl, the testes in a boy. In response to the signals, the gonads produce hormones that stimulate libido and the growth, function, and transformation of the brain, bones, muscle, blood, skin, hair, breasts, and sexual organs. Physical growth—height and weight—accelerates in the first half of puberty and is completed when the child has developed an adult body. Until the maturation of their reproductive capabilities, the pre-pubertal, physical differences between boys and girls are the genitalia, the penis and the vagina.

On average, girls begin puberty at ages 10–11; boys at ages 11–12.[1][2] Girls usually complete puberty by ages 15–17,[2][3][4] while boys usually complete puberty by ages 16–17.[2][3][5] The major landmark of puberty for females is menarche, the onset of menstruation, which occurs on average between ages 12–13;[6][7][8][9] for males, it is the first ejaculation, which occurs on average at age 13.[10] In the 21st century, the average age at which children, especially girls, reach puberty is lower compared to the 19th century, when it was 15 for girls and 16 for boys.[11] This can be due to any number of factors, including improved nutrition resulting in rapid body growth, increased weight and fat deposition,[12] or exposure to endocrine disruptors such as xenoestrogens, which can at times be due to food consumption or other environmental factors.[13][14] Puberty which starts earlier than usual is known as precocious puberty. Puberty which starts later than usual is known as delayed puberty.

Notable among the morphologic changes in size, shape, composition, and functioning of the pubertal body, is the development of secondary sex characteristics, the "filling in" of the child's body; from girl to woman, from boy to man. Derived from the Latin puberatum (age of maturity), the word puberty describes the physical changes to sexual maturation, not the psychosocial and cultural maturation denoted by the term "adolescent development" in Western culture, wherein adolescence is the period of mental transition from childhood to adulthood, which overlaps much of the body's period of puberty.[15]

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"We didn't say little Lek could stay the weekend with the Farang."

"Do you see the potential for abuse ..."

That train would seem to have left the station before Mom and Pop appeared on the scene, at least in terms of most standards of exploitation, whatever the legal consequences may be. Why not stay in your country and spend the weekend in a hotel with little 19 year old Mary or little 18 year old Betty and save yourself all the travel expense?

There seem to be an amazing (to me anyway) number of people interested in testing the legal limits and at the same time concerned they might be caught out (abused?) by someone else testing the wording of the law.

I was thinking of it from the point of view of the father and not a date. Could be a nice source of income for us retired guys. I think it is against the law to have a woman under 20 out without parental consent. Not talking sex here. I am not thinking about a prostitute that is covered under another law.

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We're hearing some talk from a few members here, that it's perfectly natural to be sexually attracted to children who have already hit puberty.

Thankfully that doesn't happens to me.

Anyone who feels this way should perhaps seek counseling.

I think, strictly speaking, once someone has gone through puberty, they are no longer considered children.

So, the 10 year-old who gave birth in Nakhon Phanom is considered an adult? (evidently by the father of her baby, but by how many TV members, except the ones we know about)

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For all purposes the legal age of consent for sex is 18.

The concept of "being minor" applies to the legal capacity to bindingly agree to contracts. The Law specifies that sex is ok from 18.

I don't think Mario or I said anything about sex. Are you saying he is wrong saying, "Don't forget, under Thai law someone is a minor (unless legally married) under the age of 20. There is also a law about keeping a minor from their parents"

I said if I brought her home late from a date.

sorry I misread!

I guess that law is about an obligation to bring within reasonable time the girl to her parents if she or her parents or legal guardians express the wish.

Do you see the potential for abuse there if one is dating a woman of 19 years of age? Mom and pop show up at your hotel with the cops and say, "We didn't say little Lek could stay the weekend with the Farang."

"We didn't say little Lek could stay the weekend with the Farang."

"Do you see the potential for abuse ..."

That train would seem to have left the station before Mom and Pop appeared on the scene, at least in terms of most standards of exploitation, whatever the legal consequences may be. Why not stay in your country and spend the weekend in a hotel with little 19 year old Mary or little 18 year old Betty and save yourself all the travel expense?

There seem to be an amazing (to me anyway) number of people interested in testing the legal limits and at the same time concerned they might be caught out (abused?) by someone else testing the wording of the law.

Sick f..ks is the right word for said people ,Thailand does attract this kind of people.

You quoted a bunch of posts that were not talking about sex. Did you realize that?

I wrote, "I don't think Mario or I said anything about sex. Are you saying he is wrong saying, "Don't forget, under Thai law someone is a minor (unless legally married) under the age of 20. There is also a law about keeping a minor from their parents""

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We're hearing some talk from a few members here, that it's perfectly natural to be sexually attracted to children who have already hit puberty.

Thankfully that doesn't happens to me.

Anyone who feels this way should perhaps seek counseling.

You've obviously never been to Saudi then. Quite accepted for a 70 year old man to marry a teenager under 18.

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While I agree that 99.99% of the forum should not be needing to be worried about the 16-18 age group, I do disagree about all this "child" crap.

While certainly the majority of 16-18 girls are kids, typically any of those girls willing to go with an older guy know exactly what it's about. If you listen to some of their conversations or pay attention to the fashion choices of this subset, you will notice a stark difference.

Further more, I have been in clubs plenty of times only to find out some of the girls there are underage. Plenty of them drinking, and dancing like their 20-25yr old counterparts when in reality they are 14-18.

So calling them a child just because their age is too black and white, the reality is much more gray. And if you are closer to you young 20's be mindful of these fake ID's as I doubt your excuse will hold up in court...

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