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any one know where to get some decent weed killer in/around town? Been trying but can only find plant foods and insecticides. I want the stuff you just place on leaves that kills back to the root. Was set to get some from the UK (parents coming) - but they are worried about bringing in poisons (plane tickets say no poisons)


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HomePro sell Glyphosphate 48 @ ~ 575Bt, large bottle/red top, otherwise label is all in Thai. :( Known as 'Round-up', Monsanto's proprietary name, a Google search for Round-up ProMax dilution rate may assist with understanding directions for use.

I'll be looking for a cheaper supply whilst at Kamthieng Market today.


Get mine at the gardening shop just south of the access road to BigC near Promenada

18.76824,99.030826 for google maps.

About half the Home Pro price.


It's a lot cheaper in Thailand than in Oz, that's for sure. A 1 litre bottle will last for ages. You might need some assistance with dilution rates, as it's all in Thai. I certainly made sure the guy selling this gave me dilution rates for grass, shrubs, tree roots.

I got mine at the gardening centre behind TESCO on the Super Highway.


I inherited some ....not left in a will.....but the label washed off.

Its green colour and reminds me of paraquat.

Potent stuff though, a capful to 10litres wipes out everything in 6hrs and does not come back, including grass if you are not careful.

Been looking for it again...gold cap, any ideas

Sent via tin can and string after pigeon shot


I inherited some ....not left in a will.....but the label washed off.

Its green colour and reminds me of paraquat.

Potent stuff though, a capful to 10litres wipes out everything in 6hrs and does not come back, including grass if you are not careful.

Been looking for it again...gold cap, any ideas

Sent via tin can and string after pigeon shot

Probably is paraquat. Our local fertilizer shop sell it. The label has some scary stuff on it.


I inherited some ....not left in a will.....but the label washed off.

Its green colour and reminds me of paraquat.

Potent stuff though, a capful to 10litres wipes out everything in 6hrs and does not come back, including grass if you are not careful.

Been looking for it again...gold cap, any ideas

Sent via tin can and string after pigeon shot

I would get rid of it safely if I were you > "Breathing in Paraquat may cause lung damage and can lead to a disease called Paraquat lung. Paraquat causes damage to the body when it touches the lining of the mouth, stomach, or intestines. You can get sick if Paraquat touches a cut on your skin. Paraquat may also damage the kidneys, liver, and esophagus." .... from MedicinePlus.

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Boiling water does a fair job

So it does ... but difficult to keep it boiling in spray backpack whilst jogging around one's 1000 sq/m property ...rolleyes.gif

Kamthieng garden shop had Glyphosate 48 (aka Round-up) @ a mere 180 Bt ... way cheaper than HomePro.

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Boiling water does a fair job

Boiling Water and steam does work but has it's own disadvantages . Does not appear to have a lot of long term control over weeds and by time you factor in the cost of heating the water or steam it becomes very expensive as opposed to chemical control. i also always wonder what the use of hot water or steam has on the microbes and earthworms in the topsoil as opposed to using glysophate .


I mix the Glyphosphate 48 @ 1:100. I have a 100 liter sprayer and a one gallon bottle will go four times. I also use a non-ionic detergent, which you can buy at the same shop, for a spreader. Sometimes I mix in 2,4,D as well. It will not kill grasses, but will kill most everything else. The reason I mix it in is to nail the "Round-up resistant" weeds.


Appreciate this everyone. I have an invasion of bindi type weeds that are a real pain to get rid of. I didn't know you could get a "round-up" product here in Thailand. Live in Ayutthaya, so will take some of the weeds down to my local garden centre and ask for a weedkiller. Then will spot poison them so as to not kill the other grasses.

Thanks a lot


Appreciate this everyone. I have an invasion of bindi type weeds that are a real pain to get rid of. I didn't know you could get a "round-up" product here in Thailand. Live in Ayutthaya, so will take some of the weeds down to my local garden centre and ask for a weedkiller. Then will spot poison them so as to not kill the other grasses.

Thanks a lot

It is better if you don't use Round up on broadleaf weeds as there are selective herbicides available for the purpose. They have various brand names but most will contain dicamba, mcpa and other combinations. But be careful with them as they are not safe to use without protective gear and can / will contaminate the water table if you are not careful .

The other method to get rid of broadleaf weeds is to wet the area with a light water, then spot drop chemical fertiliser on each weed and then let the action of the sun and the fertiliser burn the weed out. Water in the fertiliser after 12 hours or so . You also give the turf a fertilise as well . Cheap and safer than chemical . Use any fertiliser that will burn.

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Glyphosate 48 (aka Round-up) is safe to use around animals/pets. It must be sparayed onto the leaf/leaves in order for it to disseminate to the roots, that is do not cut your weeds as the stem remaining will not transport the Round-up to the roots. The weeds will simply grow again.

My son's place was inundated with catclaw mimosa which was contained in newly bought and delivered land 'fill'. It sprouted at the first rain of last season, and then spread like the proverbial wildfire. I was worried it would move beyond his plot and affect the neighbours. Glyphosate was quickly sprayed onto the leaves and within 6 days were destroyed. We were lucky it did not rain after the initial spary as the rain would have washed it off the leaves. There is an upgraded Glyphosate that will not wash off.


The Glyphosate did not affect what little grass there was, and that's the way it is supposed to be. Now there is grass-like weed/crab grass/whatever which has grown within and spilled out of the yet to be enclosed, previously dirt-only enclosures (6). The fumigation lines were laid all around the inner foundation walls of these six enclosures, and sprayed. Without killing the accumulated choking 'grasses' I doubt the next insecticide(environmentally-friendly so they say) will be effective. I also worry about his pet dogs when conducting further herbicide sprays targeting this grass-like long-stemmed, little leaf weed.

I may well advise just leaving the enclosed grass-like weed because it surely will die once the concrete floor slabs are laid, topped with grate reinforcement, and then smoothed-over with concrete floor. Better for the dogs,not to mention family too.

Just in case:

has anyone any advice on destroying grass-like weed, the kind you see growing wild along roadways; such that son can eventually lay 'yah Malay'( great for shade and light with little cutting needed)?



Appreciate this everyone. I have an invasion of bindi type weeds that are a real pain to get rid of. I didn't know you could get a "round-up" product here in Thailand. Live in Ayutthaya, so will take some of the weeds down to my local garden centre and ask for a weedkiller. Then will spot poison them so as to not kill the other grasses.

Thanks a lot

It is better if you don't use Round up on broadleaf weeds as there are selective herbicides available for the purpose. They have various brand names but most will contain dicamba, mcpa and other combinations. But be careful with them as they are not safe to use without protective gear and can / will contaminate the water table if you are not careful .

The other method to get rid of broadleaf weeds is to wet the area with a light water, then spot drop chemical fertiliser on each weed and then let the action of the sun and the fertiliser burn the weed out. Water in the fertiliser after 12 hours or so . You also give the turf a fertilise as well . Cheap and safer than chemical . Use any fertiliser that will burn.

Thanks for that advice Xen.

  • 5 months later...

Trust me, the easiest and safest way to get rid of broadleaf weeds such as clover and the like is very simple. Just sprinkle a little bit of Sulphate of Ammonia on the effected areas in your lawn. Leave it for about 3 days then water it in.

I have used this technique for near on 40 years. For even better results just spray the weeds with a little water from the hose BEFORE applying the Suplhate of Ammonia. It will help it stick to the leaves.

After applying the Sulphate of Ammonia it is important that you don't water the lawn (or have rain) for a few days so as to give the Suplhate of Ammonia a chance to burn the weeds. It will burn your Mayasia grass or Japanese grass a little (but will not kill it). After 3 days water like crazy and within a week your lawn will be brilliant green minus the weeds.

NPK . . . .Suplhate of Ammonia is basilly pure Nitrogen (N), there is no Potash (P) and no Potassiam (K). So after it is watered in it will act as a fertilizer high in Nitrogen, hence the super lush effect.

I would not recommend it as an everyday fertiliser, you are better off with a more balanced product, although lawns especially do respond well if you chuck in a handful or two of the sulphate of ammonia with you everyday balanced fertiliser for that added lushness.

For periodic use for control of broadleaf, Sulphate of Ammonia is great to have on hand. I paid 450 baht for a giant 50kg bag. Even if you have a small lawn you will work it away.

Another great use for Sulphate of Ammonia is removing grease and oil stains from driveways and the like. Cover the stained are in Sulphate of Ammonia, leave for a few days then hose off, repeat if necessary.


Roundup (Glyphosphate) is non-selective and will certainly kill grass as well as weeds. It has no residual effect as it dissipates within days. I wouldn't worry about rain if it can first dry for a couple of hours. It has then soaked into the leaves and will finish its job on the roots from the inside.

If it is numbered 40 or 48 (means the % of active ingredients) the mix is 3 oz. (US or UK) per US or UK gallon. Naturally I use 4 oz. laugh.png

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Mother told me to just use household bleach - but bit worried about the local wildlife and pet cats in the area (its for an open area next to my house). Think I try the roundup as mentioned. Cheers all :)


Glyphosate 2 - 4%.

Ounces per gallon? Even the UK doesn't do stuff likie that any more. Where do you buy a scale with ounces and and a measure with gallons in Thailand? Difficult enough finding metric measures. Don't forget to buy one when you buy poison...


Glyphosate 2 - 4%.

Ounces per gallon? Even the UK doesn't do stuff likie that any more. Where do you buy a scale with ounces and and a measure with gallons in Thailand? Difficult enough finding metric measures. Don't forget to buy one when you buy poison...

You don't need scales to measure "fluid ounces"


Glyphosate 2 - 4%.

Ounces per gallon? Even the UK doesn't do stuff likie that any more. Where do you buy a scale with ounces and and a measure with gallons in Thailand? Difficult enough finding metric measures. Don't forget to buy one when you buy poison...

My sprayers all have markings on them so I know how much water is in them. I have hand carried pump up sprayers, a backpack sprayer, and a 25 gallon tank with a motor that hooks to a 12 volt battery on the tractor.

All of them are that milky white plastic with measurement markings, and I can see the liquid through the plastic.

Once I get the water in and do the math for how much roundup I need, I use a large kitchen measuring cup which also has lots of markings to tell me how much I have.

I think it's simple.


Glyphosate 2 - 4%.

Ounces per gallon? Even the UK doesn't do stuff likie that any more. Where do you buy a scale with ounces and and a measure with gallons in Thailand? Difficult enough finding metric measures. Don't forget to buy one when you buy poison...

a mixture expressed in percent has nothing to do with ounces or gallons but applies to any measures whether imperial, metric, ancient egyptian or extraterrestrian.

2% = 1 part of weedkiller, 49 parts of water,

4% = 1 part of weedkiller, 24 parts of water.

as simple as that wink.png


If possible don't use dirty water with roundup. Roundup begins to biodegrade as soon as it contacts dirt. This is a reason that some people think that roundup isn't very effective when if fact it's totally effective.


The only thing I will add here, is that Roundup, takes about 10 days + to effectively work and better on perennial weeds ... so do not disturb roots during that period!

If weeds are about to seed the seeds will fly and germinate soon after! Best in my opinion to cut back weeds, if they are just about flowering / seeding stage and let the new growth appear and then spray...

Round up it is not very effective on annual weeds... Paraquat will kill those within a day.... but it is deadly stuff so proper caution should be used! (Banned in most countries)

Better to look in smaller shops for 48 Roundup, usually a lot cheaper than HomePro... (280 baht for one litre the other day on Samui!) wink.png


Ask for Glifosat. If there is only one English word on the label (required by law) it may be something like glycine, or variation of that.

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Where can I buy some selective weedicide such as "Sedgehammer" or similar, to help control the sedge, Mullumbimby couch (Cyperus brevifolus), in my lawn of Japanese grass (Zoysia japonica).



Glyphosate 2 - 4%.

Ounces per gallon? Even the UK doesn't do stuff likie that any more. Where do you buy a scale with ounces and and a measure with gallons in Thailand? Difficult enough finding metric measures. Don't forget to buy one when you buy poison...

a mixture expressed in percent has nothing to do with ounces or gallons but applies to any measures whether imperial, metric, ancient egyptian or extraterrestrian.

2% = 1 part of weedkiller, 49 parts of water,

4% = 1 part of weedkiller, 24 parts of water.

as simple as that wink.png

Is this a joke? No professional will do that, I certainly didn't. 2% = 2 parts of product in 100 parts of water. You will see written on the label: 20cc in 20 litres or whatever.

Scientifically speaking you are correct, but you are talking to guys that can't or won't be measuring out 9.8 litres or 98 before adding.

By the way: put a few litres into the tank before adding any product, otherwise a fair amount may flow undiluted into the spraying tube and be all applied in two seconds of spraying.


Anyone able to post " 48 Round Up " in Thai so I can take it to my non English speaking store

Here you go! It sounds just about the same in Thai... Glyphosate.... they should understand... wink.png


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