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What n the hell to do with a can of creamed corn?


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A month ago the good wife that she is brought home a can of creamed corn from Macro.

I'm thinking oh crap what in the hell am I going to do with that?

i think she meant to buy some pork and beans which she does buy at Macro from time to time.

After actually searching the net I really didn't find any thing that took my fancy for a meal that specifically uses a can or two of creamed corn

I remember as a young lad I would eat creamed corn straight out of a can sometimes.

Now I don't think I could do just that.

Some of you must have some interesting ways or special secrets to do to make a good wholesome meal out of 1 can of creamed corn. ]

Any suggestions?

Or should I throw it hard against the back of our house wall and see if it explodes everywhere


Edited by Kirbicus
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The first time I heard of "creamed corn" it was listening to Frank Zappa. The relevant line was "An' spewed upon with cream corn!". At the time I hadn't a clue what creamed corn was (being British), and certainly didn't know that the line referred to a minor sex scandal of the time. Still, it's probably good to know that if you don't like creamed corn to eat there are other exciting things you can do with it.

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Hi attrayant

That sounds pretty nice Getting hungry and mouth watering already biggrin.png

The best chicken for me are those franchise jobs you see off the side of the road a rotisserie with about 5/6 chooks cooking away. The petrol and CO2 fumes from the road give the chicken a real special taste biggrin.png

Yes I did google but nothing really took my fancy.

We do have a bread making machine now collecting dust but even though the wife had a go at sourdough I think corn bread would be difficult.


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I think an entire shipload of Campbell's creamed corn must have hit the shores of Thailand a couple months ago. All the grocery stores have been selling it for a very good price and I've been putting it into just about every main dish lately. Fortunately, we're American and Hubby recently smoked some ham with friends, so we're set with a freezer full of smoked ham and a pantry full of creamed corn!

Let's see. Fry ham and onions, add ham or chicken broth, throw in sliced potatoes, carrots, celery .. whatever fresh veggies look good at the market ... when the veggies are almost done add that can of creamed corn and about 1/2 cup of fresh corn, sliced off the cob. Be sure to have enough broth in the pot to keep the mixture soupy.

You can make different versions of this stew with different combos of veggies and spices/herb. Sometimes I give it an Italian flair and use chicken instead of ham and Italian herb seasonings. Other times, the ham version of the stew is seasoned with cloves, cumin, cinnamon.

Or you can be totally lazy and cook brown rice in a rice cooker and throw some sliced ham or chicken, that can of creamed corn and some frozen or fresh spinach into the rice cooker just before the rice is done. Give the mix a stir, sprinkle some black pepper and you have instant dinner.

Edited by NancyL
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