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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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This story is true to Thai people. They want something for nothing and if a Foreigner is involved they want a ton of money.

This is what happened to me.

I was riding my motorcycle in Pattaya, I turned into the small soi that runs beside Foodland just as I passed food land i looked to my right at a house where a women was standing by the gate and another women was in her car. I am assuming the women at the gate was a maid. The maid opened the gate so the women in her car could leave. As it was she tried to pull out as I proceeded to move in front of the home. Now in front of the home two dogs came barreling out of the yard and attacked me. I fell off my motorbike and tore up my pants and my leg. The maid called the dogs back into her gate that surrounded this home. After picking myself up and sorting out my mess. I went over to the gate and told her she had to pay for my slacks and doctor visit. She said she only worked there then called the lady on the phone " the owner of the home" . The owner said, I am sorry your hurt but the dogs aren't mine I just feed them once in a while. That's basically how the conversation ended. I new I couldn't win this one no matter what I did.

Bottom line is, your neighbor is not the friendly person you think she is. They are all corrupt and want something for nothing. Most people don't understand this until they have been in a couple altercations . The policy here is, " and true" first one to the police wins. The police only seem to understand one side of the story and it helps if your girlfriend or wife is pretty.

I have been in several different types of situations because I am very active, more active then most. I am forced to interact with the Thai public and I can tell you first hand to go to the police right away and just say the dog ran out in front of you....don't mention anything about how bad of a soi dog it was. I believe there is a leash law and I believe the village will have a clause " while hardly enforced or enforceable" they may have one...look for it. If she claims it to be her dog, then bring up it's bad habits. Tell her that your glade to know she is the owner because her dog bite you or someone and you want them to pay for the rabbi shots, ask her when she can come to pay the doctor bills and you want 20,000 for your problems.

Could go either way, but she doesn't have a leg to stand, of course that depends on the cop who comes to her rescue and how pretty she is.

Start out by asking her if she has a record of vaccine shots for the dog. Wait and see what her answer is. Then proceed in a fault claim for the person that was bit and the. My guess is that if you have never seen your neighbors sister then it is your neighbor setting you up so stop talking to her as if she is your friend. Other things maybe to ask why her sister doesn't keep the dog at her home and does she have anything to prove it's her dog. Ask for her ID so you can take it to the police department and file a claim against her for the damage the dog has done to your property.

Thai's can be extremely corrupt. They take little responsibility for their actions but want to make sure you pay for anything you do. I know what she would say if it was your dog....." I am sorry" but you would get any retribution.

Sorry I went on but as I said before, I have had to pay out on many occasions, even had my truck held up for four months while the Jomitien police pushed me into taking fault for an accident that I wasn't at fault for. But the other guy was a local businessman and had liability insurance if he took the fault they would not fix his truck yet they would still have to fix mine. If I had been in my right mind I would of said keep the truck until he omits it was his fault. And again I have only mentioned a couple of things....I won't even go into being shaken down by Pattaya immigration when they knew I had a work permit. My guess is, it was most likely my competitor...." Thai"

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Only a sick twisted sob runs over a helpless animal, may the spirit of that dog haunt you for the rest of your days. smile.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sick and twisted......?

I have found that people who put pets over children and people in general have a dependency problem, where their regard and respect of others doesn't exist.. My experience has been people with your belief are the same ones that don't think twice about driving a car into a crowed of people but would come to the aid of a dog no matter who it hurts.

The streets should be clear of any dog that chases children. Children have the right to roam their village without being in fear of the soi dogs whom most of them aren't vaccinated. For me I would be more then happy to drop every stray dog off at your home, but you mostly like have several dogs already in a tight and confined area that bark around the clock with no regard for the smell or the noise for your neighbors..

Dogs are ok when they are under the care of people with morals and the responsibility not to make their pet isn't someone else s problem. Being part of the problem is not the solution but the problem itself, so what he did was not a problem for me no matter weather it bit the girl or not. The fact that it was loose, probably barking all the time,crapping all over the streets and reproducing the same type of mentality as the owners or the people that brought them home and set them free in front of their homes, pushing responsibility on others . Before you jump and criticize someone on how they reacted to a problem someone else created then think of a solution for people that have this identical problem all over Thailand and Egypt>

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Congrats for killing the dog.

Don't give the bitch a satang, if she contacts you again, don't admit nor deny anything, just tell her you didn't know it was her dog and ask her for 2*20.000 for your cats, 100.000 for the grandma and 100.000 for the little girl. That will shut her trap.

Is that the" little girl that lives down the lane"------ La La La

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Only a sick twisted sob runs over a helpless animal, may the spirit of that dog haunt you for the rest of your days. smile.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What a load of Cr$@*^ ------------ Just tell her you know nothing about it and tell her {not ask her} to come to the police station with you as you wish to make a claim for false accusation------------- end of story !!! Wish I had the guts on a few occasions to do the same thing----well done

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True, don't even bother a out her and the money she wants you did a good thing. I mean dogs are ok but everytime I have those suicidal, useless, dirty desease transporters in front of my car I feel the urge to press the pedal! The only reason I do not is because no one wants to find this mess on the roads

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Just because you choose to live in Thailand. Don't leave your spine in your home countries. I have found the Thai Police to be friendly, and helpful. No bribes of any kind were ever involved. The Thai Police just did the right thing. For instance about 7 months ago. While I was crossing the street, at a well marked crossing lane, by a Police Box. A young Thai male motorcycle Taxi Driver, was driving so fast, that he touched my leg with his motor-cycle, while braking hard so not to kill me. I am a peaceful person. I'm 58 years old and retired from the criminal justice system in the USA. Because, of my extreme walking, swimming, and appearing like a Muslim. The Thai police have thoroughly vetted me. So many times. That they know who I am. They have come to the hotel, and a few bars. The Bar had reported me as a suspicious person. The Thai Police Lieutenant, or Captain. Came to the Bar, I was at. I heard him say "not terrorist, VIP." Then he walked up the street to the hotel that I was staying at, and told them the same thing there. After the motor cycle taxi driver almost hit me with his Bike. I hit him very hard, but with an open palm strike on the head. He was wearing a motorcycle helmet. Then I verbally cursed him out. I did this in front of the Thai Police. This is not characteristic of my usual behavior. No drinking of alcohol was involved on my part. The Thai Police Officer say it all, and ignored it. I kept walking back to my street. As I past the plain clothed police on my street. I at first thought. I'm probably in trouble. But, no they gave me firm eye contact, smiled and laughed, in a most friendly manner. The next day people on my street told me that. Later the Motorcycle Taxi Driver went back to the Thai police Officer who had witnessed my hitting him once. He told him that he had a big bruise, and wanted compensation. The Thai Police Officer told him that he deserved what I had given him, and that he was driving too fast. He then called the Motor Cycle Taxi Drivers Boss. He told him that he was a dangerous driver, who drove too fast. His Boss terminated his employment. No one actually even approached me to ask for compensation. I think that they found my action measured and not extreme. Street justice. Not extreme ,but restrained.

I expect some of you woulds now say flee, be in fear. Well I am not! I feel very safe on my street, Soi 6 Pattaya. After making this admission. I feel that I must say that I am not Gay. I just don't care if any one else is. I like where I stay, No problems ever!

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I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert. The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.

There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.

Why don't you settle and have done with it.

He's being blackmailed. Right now someone wants 200,000 from me for a watch he said i broke( i was acting in self-defense and the watch story was made up)...He and his GF also were asking for 1,000,000 baht for mental and physical damage...until the police laughed at them. I'm not sure if it's a scam or just 2 spoiled rich kids taking advantage of a situation and me. Good luck to DrRobert.

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The woman has to prove it was her dog, if it was why was it outside all the time, she also has to prove you did it, do the Thai thing deny deny deny, she's just taking the piss. You did the soi a favour and this is what you get, if a Thai had done it nothing would have been said

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which she now claims is hers and she wants 20,000 Baht off me as compensation otherwise she goes to the police!

Great stuff, they never miss a trick do they?

Did the dog have a collar round its neck?

Offer to drive her to the local police station yourself.

Probably no more than a 1,000 baht fine.

The dog didn't have a regular collar just some rope tied around its neck. Plus, the sister of the woman who wants 20k, like I said, is a neighbor of ours and she has never in more than 3 years mentioned even once that her sister owns this dog

That's because she was obviously lying about it.

Edited by Jayroo
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I don't think the OP should have killed the Soi dog in the manner he did - what a terrible thing to do. However, stray dogs in Thailand cause a serious problem like this story shows - Woman killed by 3 dogs

IMO there needs to be some kind of serious Govt backed cull or steralisation program. Having said that, the govt has probably got more important things to think about at the moment.

There should also be some kind of education or information program for Thai people - something similar to 'A dog is for life, not just for Christmas' which was running for a long time in the UK.

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Thai's can be extremely corrupt. They take little responsibility for their actions but want to make sure you pay for anything you do. I know what she would say if it was your dog....." I am sorry" but you would get any retribution.

More like the ARE extremely corrupt and take NO responsibility, worst thing about this country

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about a year ago, i drove over a soi dog right in front of my company's warehouse.

supposedly it "belonged" to the mini mart across the soi, the owner was the one feeding all the soi dogs, there were at least 20 of them. i told my boss and colleagues about it. my boss got the maid to bury the "corpse" deep in the soi and brought me to apologize to the mini-mart owner.

the end.

i guess what the OP is going thru is the fact that he is a farang. and his wife is not doing anything to the fact that her husband is blackmailed.

i hope that the wife isnt from isan. *jk* (been reading too many threads on isan women)

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I've had this in past but it was an accident. tHe law is unclear but basically says its 50/50 and you could ask owner of dog for damages to your vehicle. Its happened to me twice in 30 years. First time like you owner if it was demanded a silly amount. I went to police station and filed a complaint that the dog had damaged my car. Being a forang the police of course were totally on the others side but after sticking to my guns settled for 500 baht sating take it or take it to court. THey accepted but a big fuss was made that the forang had lost. So make a fight of it but not to much and in end let them win a little and so save face.

So my advise is admit it say dog ran in front yapping and damaged your car and you are claiming damage to your car. Probably to late now but you should have gone straight to police making a claim against her. As long as she saves face you will I'm sure be able to settle for 500 baht or say you'll get her a new dog and go get a stray somewhere.

You don't need to fear so much for goodness sake

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