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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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You have a wife. She is Thai. She understands how things work in Thailand. Ask her what you should do then do as she says.

This is going to be much better dealt with if you take a back seat in proceedings and let the locals sort it out. Definitely don't admit to anything!

First you need to establish weather or not this lady has any proof that you were responsible. Did she or anyone actually see the incident or is she just assuming you did it based on the history you've told us. Can you send out your wife to talk with neighbors and find out what the score is. Thais love a good gossip and I'm sure this is all round the soi by now. If she says her friend/ sister saw it this is who your wife must talk to.

If you can convince her it wasn't you then that would surely be the best outcome.

If she is just trying her luck then you don't have to worry. Laugh it off.

If she saw you or knows someone who did and can prove it then it's a different story. I'd send the wife in to arrange settlement, it will be the cleanest way going forward. If it was a smelly soi type dog 20,000 is a joke btw, surely that is a price based on you being a farang, 5,000 would be a good price to pay to put all this cleanly behind you.

Of course you could just deny anything and get away with it but this lady may have really loved that horrible mutt and could now have you and her family in her sights, this is a situation you need to avoid.

I've heard of sinsod's of less than 20k upcountry. Thats for a young lady, not a soi dog.

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OP, you should be given a medal for 1) getting rid of one of those disgusting animals, or 2) coming up with one of the best troll posts on TV to get by the mods in quite a while.

Either way, a hearty Well Done!

He was bagged at post #41 as a troll, but the mods have let it run on. Yep, well done to the OP, an excellent troll post. post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

Maybe the next one can be ... I killed a bridge and now the occupants are blackmailing me?

Do you think it will run?

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Your personal guilt feelings are punishment enough. The next consideration is....WHAT WOULD A THAI HAVE DONE ?

Answer: same as you did but without regret and with absolutely no compunction about lying through the teeth denying any involvement in the incident

Behave like The Mafia....not the wishy-washy Thai version, the real Mafia, as in Cosanostra. They killed and still kill but absolve themselves of their sin by attending Sunday Mass and making a confession.

Even if you're not RC, why not try your luck anyway and spill the beans to The man in Black !

Your wife might be placated if you tell her you honestly believe the dog was possessed by an evil spirit trying to create problems at your home and in the neighbourhood. God knows there's enough of them about.

20,000 baht...this woman knows what a soft touch you are and reckons you're a farang and therefore fair game to exploit. Offer her 100 baht to go away while simultaneously coughing your lungs up all over the baht.

One last thing, remember, innocent until proven guilty, so wash the car down if necessary : )

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All of these replies are foolish. Whether the value of the dog is 20 Baht or a million Baht, if you have proper insurance you are insured for damages you cause with your car. Do what you would do if you damaged someone's Mercedes. Call the insurance and let them sort it out. The insurance investigator will probably suss the woman out in minutes.

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Obviosly the dog did not die without a yelp.......

I would say it was an accident that the mutt was aggressive and running around wildly.....offer to take her to the police station and explain how she allowed this aggressive animal to run wild attacking children, adults, and killing domestic pets....offer to pay the fine involved - if any for the "accident" - face saved for you and your wife - "owner" has an out....and the circus is over.

In the USA people are jailed for owning dogs that are knowingly aggressive and allow them to be "loose".....

Be sure to make it plain how badly you feel about the accident - but it was entirely possible that you might have been the next attack by THIS LADY'S dog......point all the collective fingers at her.....

It's not like the dog was poisoned - it ran in front of the car - I've had turkeys do this in the US protecting territory.....

Bring the little girl (or record her story on your phone) that you saved to the Police station with you......along with the "owner".....make it clear to the "owner" she could be fined and held responsible for the terror, trauma, and damage this animal has caused......put a value on your safety and the safety of your family (surrounding families) + the losses ($$$$) for your dear departed pets......

If she wants a value on the animal - give her a negative one.....

Things might change in the neighborhood.......zero to hero.......

Edited by pgrahmm
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Admit to nothing, deny everything, act confused and instead of being on the defensive, try doing what an experienced person guilty of having a dangrous dog at large would say and then do to disuade you from going after her for the damage that might have been caused to your car from the thing trying to bite it.

Same as you, I might feel guilty if I did the same thing that's been hard to resist on many occasions. Up until about the point that some low life tried to take advantage ot a situation that you may or may not have been able to avoid.

If you're anything like many, the punishment you give to yourself is enough retribution and you don't need to be rewarding anyone for the anguish who participated in harboring a dangerous nuisance.

Just think if it was a pit bull in some places and acted like that. Even if you did admit it you can probably recant and blame it on the anguish and guilt that it might have been avoided. That,s the story and stick to it

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Up until about the point that some low life tried to take advantage ot a situation that you may or may not have been able to avoid.

The OP has admitted to murdering the dog. Dress it up how you please, but a dog is dead and a family mourning.

There could be a young child crying tonight missing her pet Fido but you want to cover up the murder of a defenceless dog.

Sleep well.

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C'mon.....you are in Thailand and you killed the dog. Besides the bad luck that will fall upon you that my missus says Thais believe you have to settle. That is what the police will do with you most likely. Offer her 1K baht and if she does not take that, offer to get her another dog, if she does not accept that tell her to call the police. They will probably do that anyway. If the dog was such a menace then you should be able to get people to back you but if your story is BS then maybe you will have more problems.

Chok dee!

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What the OP should have done is first send his wife to make inquiries with the neighbors and try to discover who owns the dog. Then they should have approached the owner, explained the problem and try to come to some resolution in order to solve the problem.

But instead he acted irrationally and took matters into his own hands without putting any thought into this whatsoever.

And now he has created a situation where he is in conflict with a neighbor, that I doubt will ever be resolved.

My advice is; admit to running over the dog but say the dog was aggressive, tried to jump up on the car and he ran down the dog by accident. Then tell the woman that if he wishes to inform the police, that`s up to her.

Good luck to all who sail in her.

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Dogs are generally a problem in Thailand... Owners do not keep them in their yard and tens of dogs are usually on the road and literally in the road all the time, especially on the smaller roads and sois..

I am a keen cyclist and frequently go for rides on secondary roads connected by sois and among the rice paddies in Pathum Thani...I have to be very careful not to collide with a soi dog that is stretched out in the road or crossing it, apparently oblivious from oncoming traffic and cyclists... After motorcycles I find dogs in Thailand one of the biggest threats to riding safely and it causes a lot of stress on some of my rides... Like so many other questions I have about Thai behavior, I always ask why keep a dog if it is not only a nuisance factor but also compromises road safety?

In the absence of a logical explanation and, taking the behavior of motorcyclists into consideration, I came to the conclusion that road safety does not rank high on the list of Thai people...What a pity....

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I believe that sleeping dogs should be left to sleep under the bridge in the hot midday sun ... rolleyes.gif


David, I hadn't considered that option. But yes I suspect you have a point - first time poster and an extremely trite little story. Add the fact that a soi dog can dodge a formula one car from a standing start, and it all does lead to a certain bridge. facepalm.gif

Just quietly, the OP has 36 posts credited to him.

Joined 6 days ago.

A quick search reveals only 9 remain visible ... all from this thread.

First thing I do when reading something such as this is to check the posting history ... rolleyes.gif

The Wheat and the Chaff are soon separated.

That said, I have been wrong before, and given my number of posts ... sure to be again.


Hot dang. It's an honor to be in the company of Starsky and Hutch wai2.gifthumbsup.gif , or Abbot and Costello

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All of these replies are foolish. Whether the value of the dog is 20 Baht or a million Baht, if you have proper insurance you are insured for damages you cause with your car. Do what you would do if you damaged someone's Mercedes. Call the insurance and let them sort it out. The insurance investigator will probably suss the woman out in minutes.

Haha. Do ya think so !!!


Of a shaggy dog story.

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Did the dog have a collar round its neck?

what does a collar have to do with it? Very few dogs have collars on my soi. Does not mean you can kill them.

If the dog has a collar it means it has an owner, the name and address and phone number are usually engraved on a plate.

No collar means the dogs can be taken away by authorities, yes it does happen if you bother going to your local khet to report aggressive dogs.

Yes the police also know this, as do most Thais.

If this dog had no collar it basically means it had no owner, or was just a soi dog the woman in question chose to feed, doesnt mean it was her dog.

When you say, Very few dogs have collars on my soi. are you talking about soi dogs?

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Okay .... so what you wound up doing was not right, except if you were in fear of your life. Okay.... so Thais will try to winkle money out of us Farangs whenever the opportunity presents itself (at least the bad apples will). Soi dogs are a problem and no one in this country sees any reason to do anything about it. They spread illnesses, dig through garbage, try and pull you off your scooter or simply chase the car down the street and even attack people. At night they fight with each other, walk (not run) across busy roads, and are simply a pain in the ass. No one thinks of neutering these animals so the puppies just keep coming. Again no one seems to care. Back in the west we would round them up and and deal with them as needed. As a matter of fact many can make very nice house pets once they are shown some affection and care. But this is not always the case as we know.

But as for your situation... I agree with the poster who suggested driving her down to the station and reporting the incident yourself, thereby removing any 'power' she might think that she has. But do NOT pay her a dime! Why should you? It was not her dog I can guarantee you. Also no collar, then no owner. Have you ever seen the dog go into the house next door... like a real pet? No, you haven't. So balls to your neighbor. Report her while you are at the police station for ,making threats against you and blackmailing you. Tell them what she has said to you in full. But I will suggest one more thing, the Tourist Police are under a much more watchful eye right now and more likely to listen to you than the regular cops will... unless you bring them some ...'tea money'.

I have a problem with 12 Soi dogs. They have bitten kids on my street and as a doctor, I have taken them to the hospital for tests right away when I find out about the attacks. I have reported it to the city authorities and they do nothing ...except when the dogs wind up dead in the street, then they come by and collect the body. This leads me to think that if you can do it quietly.................... well you get the idea. Though I am NOT suggesting that we go on a cull of Soi dogs anytime soon.

But it is a problem and one that this country has to address. But of course they won't. It is a Catch 22... you are screwed if you do and screwed if you don't.

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Killing the dog is not a good thing to do, but I as animal lover sometimes also been driving so far that thoughts come in my mind to kill a dog like that..

meaning all the ones that say you should be hanged, or all the ones that say you did a good thing .. are wrong, the truth is in the middle, you are just human.

about the Thai woman, living in fight with your neighbors is not a good thing. In my opinion, Thai way .. go to her with your wife with a smile and show respect, and say that you are sorry her dog is dead, that you didn't know the dog has been killed by your car, but if she give all the documents she have about ownership of the dog, vet bills or food, or so, you will bring it to you lawyer and he will handle it for her. and leave with a smile and apologize

most possible you will never hear from her again, if she come and push again, ask for docs, if she give, you come back later.. and say your lawyer wants she compensate for the car damage, cat lost, and bites before .. now you know who the owner is .. in a friendly way like its your lawyer ask, not you...

finally it will all go away .. no fight, no threat, just smile say sawadee krab ..

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I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert. The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.

There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.

Why don't you settle and have done with it.

Yes, maybe you're right

Why would you think that once she has your 20K she won't go to the BIB? Are you new here?

Drive her to the police station and report it as an accident and tell the BIB that it is her dog and she always leaves her dog running loose and many cars have nearly hit it but she still lets it run loose in the street. Then ask her the dog's name in front of the cop. If she knows it is no sweat off you but odds are this question is going to throw her off since locals don't really plan their actions or deceit well at all.

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First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

There are some bizarre notions underlying the term that some people are using.

Can you both please name a jurisdiction in the world where a person would be charged with murder for intentionally killing a dog? Okay lets start one here.

Personally, I am more than happy to argue the merits against an anthropocentric world view. If you wish to grant dogs or other animals the same status as humans then that is fine. (I'll leave aside the glaring issue of the main distinction between animals and humans).

However, animals will then also have the same rights and responsibilities as humans with the obvious consequence that animals will be charged for killing each other and good luck prosecuting such case! (One bark for not guilty and two barks for guilty). Also, everyone would have to also stop eating animals otherwise you'd then be an accessory to murder.

Edited by Lakegeneve
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OP, you should be given a medal for 1) getting rid of one of those disgusting animals, or 2) coming up with one of the best troll posts on TV to get by the mods in quite a while.

Either way, a hearty Well Done!

He was bagged at post #41 as a troll, but the mods have let it run on. Yep, well done to the OP, an excellent troll post. post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

Maybe the next one can be ... I killed a bridge and now the occupants are blackmailing me?

Do you think it will run?

David Mate, this is TV - anything can run here. Seriously considered starting a thread "I'm being blackmailed by a soi dog because I ran over its owner".

I can't believe it's got this many posts. But then I guess most of them aren't actually reading the thread in their haste to offer their unique opinion.

Once again, hats off to the OP, I do believe this many posts on a troll thread is close to a record. I literally cannot wait for your next one, but can you please PM me the handle you'll be posting under so I don't miss the fun?

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I believe that sleeping dogs should be left to sleep under the bridge in the hot midday sun ... rolleyes.gif


David, I hadn't considered that option. But yes I suspect you have a point - first time poster and an extremely trite little story. Add the fact that a soi dog can dodge a formula one car from a standing start, and it all does lead to a certain bridge. facepalm.gif

Just quietly, the OP has 36 posts credited to him.

Joined 6 days ago.

A quick search reveals only 9 remain visible ... all from this thread.

First thing I do when reading something such as this is to check the posting history ... rolleyes.gif

The Wheat and the Chaff are soon separated.

That said, I have been wrong before, and given my number of posts ... sure to be again.


Hot dang. It's an honor to be in the company of Starsky and Hutch wai2.gifthumbsup.gif , or Abbot and Costello

Nuh, too Amurcan for us. We'd probably go with The Sweeney though, or perhaps Morecombe and Wise at a push. (Google is your friend.) coffee1.gif

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