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Another snake ID :)

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Found this little fella behind some cardboard boxes, well Mrs Cornish did accompanied by some high pitch screams :)

He wasn't at all aggressive just a bit jumpy... Popped him into the plastic container and released near a river about 2 km from the house.

Only 25cm long approx and max 1cm diameter.

I think it is a baby python, what do you reckon ??


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I missed a photo opportunity for a beautiful lime-green snake about a metre long, very slim and with what looked like a ridge down his back, or maybe just a slightly darker green line. Really he was a most striking green and I am sorry to not have my cam. Anyone any ideas on what he might have been? He was in my soi along the edge of some overgrown waste ground.

Edit ---

G>oogling leads me to believe he was a pit viper - but dunno which one...

Edited by jpinx
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I missed a photo opportunity for a beautiful lime-green snake about a metre long, very slim and with what looked like a ridge down his back, or maybe just a slightly darker green line. Really he was a most striking green and I am sorry to not have my cam. Anyone any ideas on what he might have been? He was in my soi along the edge of some overgrown waste ground.

Edit ---

G>oogling leads me to believe he was a pit viper - but dunno which one...

If very slim like you describe and a metre long, most likely this green tree snake.

Pit vipers usually shorter and fatter.....also if it was stretched out on a bush or tree, then pit vipers tend to be curled up and on the ground.


Edited by Showbags
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going with the Laotian Wolf snake..

Saw another 1 today and stopped to observe it carefully. Once you actually take some time to notice the differences, I think it might get easier to identify them. Obviously in the heat of battle you don't have that time to make sure :)

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That is a pretty snake. I admit I'm leery of them in Thailand. So many varieties of poisonous ones I don't take chances. And on the golf course on those (rare) occasions when I hit one into the jungle I don't look. Not worth it.

At least here in Arizona the harmful ones are easy to ID and usually give a warning if you get close. I had the chase this one out of the garage.


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I'm a bit wary when I see dark snakes with yellow bands. Hatchling KCs are similar to the OPs pic. We've had a few in the house thanks to the cats.

I'd also be careful. Loatian wolf snakes are sometimes mistaken for Banded Kraits and visa versa. kKraits are poisonous and deadly!

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I never actually handle any snakes...

Catch them for sure but with a long handled hook.

It's just nice to know which ones can be observed more closely and which ones to bag and ship rapidly smile.png

Snakes are just cool animals to watch...

Yeah. It bugs me that some people will kill any snake they see. Even if it is a harmless one and they know it. Snakes are cool. Mind you I prefer cats as pets. Even a cat is more affectionate than a snake. biggrin.png

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