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Suthep declares December 1 as "People's Victory Day"

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This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

Hardly! "Occupying" is very different that "Burning" and "Destroying"

Sutthep is not spreading propaganda as Jatuporn has and is doing now.

Bring down the house of the Shinawhat's and maybe a real democracy can start to grow in this country.

Are you not a real doctor master of disaster? LOL

It's just that I believe everything I read and things people tell me. Is that a bad thing? I wonder about this sometimes.

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This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

I disagree. The people who cheered Jatuporn believed what he was doing was the right thing. That was their democratic right.

The same way these protesters have the democratic right to protest the Thaksin/Yingluck government.

Totally agreed. Hence the " at "stupid"....

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Before I write my post let me first state my absolute dislike for Puea Thai and as someone who has lived in Bangkok for 6 years I will never forget the mayhem their hired thugs caused in 2010. I still feel hatred when I see the family across the street going out to a protest all dressed up in their red shirts.


How in god's name can any foreigner even pretend to support this mob going around at the moment? Let's be very clear on this - they want to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a council of UNELECTED people of their own choosing to write a new constitution for the country. Can you imagine this happening in your own country and not being outraged?

Protest peacefully against the disgraceful amnesty bill? Brilliant

Protest against the corruption riddled rice scheme? Fantastic

Protest against the attempt to fiddle with the senate to consolidate power into fewer families? Superb

And you can even protest to put pressure on the government to dissolve the house and call a snap election, but when you refuse to even consider a snap election that is going against all of the ideals of democracy. All of the points that Suthep laid out in his six point plan can be achieved through a democratically elected parliament but the Democrats have never had the balls or the intelligence to get out there and win the working class vote.

Do people really want to see this country set back to zero by a bunch of old men with ideals more suited to 100 years ago? The government at the moment has many flaws but they were elected by the people. The thought of some council of old farts dictating a new constitution and acting like a bunch of feudal lords makes me sick to my stomach.

Welcome, brother, to the club of Red/Thaksin -supporters on TV...as you will be deemed from now on, by all of the anti- Thaksin League!

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In the western world this guy would be thrown in the slammer by now the people of Thailand voted in the present Government they did not come in by the back gate like the previous lot maybe the time has come to hold yet another election so once again the eople can decide. The only good thing about this is the baht is getting weaker time to bring in my currency and get a better rate.

In the western world, they wouldn't let Thaksin jump bail. So he would be in jail, his money confiscated, his sister not premier and therefor no protests.

In the Western world they would not have had a military coup that ousted him from power in the first place. Therefor no protests.

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Have any readers noticed the striking resemblance between the speeches of Mr. Suthep and equally rousing (and worrying) speeches by the late Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler? I wonder if perchance, they are related?

Here upcountry, a lot of the Thai folks on both sides of the Red/Yellow devide seem to think Suthep has recently started to sound quite a lot like a communist. It's their opinion and merely my observation.
I thought to myself, yes & no. Same same but different. Fascist? Communist?
Unfortunately I wasn't able to successfully convey to them the concept of National Socialism and it's pitfalls. They only seem to be familiar with communism. Fascism isn't part of the curriculum.
The last thing Thailand needs is a Führer who has uber-constitutional authority as Suthep seems to have been advocating. Imagine Thailand becoming a National Socialist Constitutional Monarchy with an uber-constitutional Fuehrer.
Amazing Thailand.
“Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”

National Socialists and Communists weren't very different. The Communist leaders had also uber-constitutional authorities.

But I can neither see Nazi nor Communist signs....he is a bit agitated and some of his ideas half cooked only, but he tells again and again and again that the number 1 thing is to make laws that allow true democracy by banning vote buying.

That wasn't a topic of Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc etc

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So for you it is acceptable that a government cheats, steals, lies and refuses to recognize decisions of the constitutional courts as long as they are elected ?

No, but new elections should be called, not a coupe (masked as a democratic-monarchical revolution.

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Anti-govt protesters declare Dec 1 day of great victory
By English News


BANGKOK, Nov 30 – Former Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban announced last night that all anti-government protesting groups have merged into one with the strong determination to wipe out the Thaksin regime on Sunday.

He went on stage at the Government Complex on Chaengwattana Road with alliance groups, business leaders and academics – all of whom have vowed to protest in unison under the freshly-named “People’s Committee to Change Thailand to Complete Democracy under the Monarchy.”

He said the alliance group has set December 1 as the day of great victory over the Thaksin regime in a peaceful, non-violent and unarmed movement by the people.

He said the Government Complex would be sealed off on the weekend, barring civil servants from entering their offices on Monday except for three agencies – the Administrative Court, Constitution Court and the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters.

Protesters would occupy the CAT Telecom and TOT buildings today, he said, claiming that employees of the two state enterprises have supported the protesters’ move.

Other state properties including Government House, National Police Bureau, Metropolitan Police Command, Education Ministry and Dusit Zoo will be occupied on Sunday, said Mr Suthep.

He said the seizures will spread to the Labour Department which houses the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order, Commerce Ministry and Public Relations Department but the state’s air, rail and bus services will operate without interruption.

The Government Complex will be the command centre but other rally sites operated by alliance groups being held daily as usual, he said.

Mr Suthep’s anti-government group runs two other demonstration sites at Democracy Monument on Ratchdamnoen Avenue and the Finance Minister on Soi Aree. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-11-30

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Have any readers noticed the striking resemblance between the speeches of Mr. Suthep and equally rousing (and worrying) speeches by the late Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler? I wonder if perchance, they are related?

Here upcountry, a lot of the Thai folks on both sides of the Red/Yellow devide seem to think Suthep has recently started to sound quite a lot like a communist. It's their opinion and merely my observation.
I thought to myself, yes & no. Same same but different. Fascist? Communist?
Unfortunately I wasn't able to successfully convey to them the concept of National Socialism and it's pitfalls. They only seem to be familiar with communism. Fascism isn't part of the curriculum.
The last thing Thailand needs is a Führer who has uber-constitutional authority as Suthep seems to have been advocating. Imagine Thailand becoming a National Socialist Constitutional Monarchy with an uber-constitutional Fuehrer.
Amazing Thailand.
“Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”

National Socialists and Communists weren't very different. The Communist leaders had also uber-constitutional authorities.

But I can neither see Nazi nor Communist signs....he is a bit agitated and some of his ideas half cooked only, but he tells again and again and again that the number 1 thing is to make laws that allow true democracy by banning vote buying.

That wasn't a topic of Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc etc

the "Peoples' council" is an idea of the leaders of the yellows, PAD, nationalists.

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The first sentence of my first post already expressed my dislike for Puea Thai. Puea Thai care only about being in power, they realized that poor people outnumber the rich in this country and so they targeted their policies towards them and then implemented them in a reckless or shoddy manner.

The Democrats also buy votes in the exact same manner, let's not insult each other's intelligence by claiming anything other than that fact.

But then again what do you care about votes? You are now supporting the creation of a people's council made up of UNELECTED people for the next "few" months.

You started off by trying to convince us all that you are totally neutral, but I'm afraid your true colours are starting to shine through.

If you are truly impartial, then you would surely like to see a government in place which abides by the rule of law, has the welfare of the people in mind, and does not make use of its position to enrich itself and its supporters, since anything other than that will lead to the ruin of this country.

They have had two years already, and the place is in tatters. They want to push it for another two years so that they can get an even bigger cake, borrowed from overseas, and take a huge slice of that, leaving the country with the repayment bill for the next half century.

That is why we now have concerned citizens on the streets trying to stop this from happening, a far cry from the thugs that invaded the city in 2010.

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The first sentence of my first post already expressed my dislike for Puea Thai. Puea Thai care only about being in power, they realized that poor people outnumber the rich in this country and so they targeted their policies towards them and then implemented them in a reckless or shoddy manner.

The Democrats also buy votes in the exact same manner, let's not insult each other's intelligence by claiming anything other than that fact.

But then again what do you care about votes? You are now supporting the creation of a people's council made up of UNELECTED people for the next "few" months.

You started off by trying to convince us all that you are totally neutral, but I'm afraid your true colours are starting to shine through.

If you are truly impartial, then you would surely like to see a government in place which abides by the rule of law, has the welfare of the people in mind, and does not make use of its position to enrich itself and its supporters, since anything other than that will lead to the ruin of this country.

They have had two years already, and the place is in tatters. They want to push it for another two years so that they can get an even bigger cake, borrowed from overseas, and take a huge slice of that, leaving the country with the repayment bill for the next half century.

That is why we now have concerned citizens on the streets trying to stop this from happening, a far cry from the thugs that invaded the city in 2010.

Ya verily tis a far cry from what they should do and that is have an election. I know crude, barbaric and old fashioned. But it works - it has been the method of changing power in democracies since Greece in 550 BC.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Thaksin might as well come home now. No one seems to be following any laws...

I may be wrong , but you have no idea just how true that statement is. There is an ISA in place in Bangkok and yet people are gathering in their thousands wherever they want. He could come back now but...........?

If I was Thaksin Shinawatra, I would fly to Thailand, land in Korat hijack a chopper, fly down to Bangkok and parachute into Rajamangal Stadium to tumultuous applause and the sight of the Red Sea and thousands of lovely Isaan ladies wetting their pants with sheer joy. And then tell Suthep to go and do the physically impossible with himself.

But thankfully I am not.;

My wife is a beautiful Issan Lady from Kalasin

when I met her she was 100% brainwashed into Thaskinmania

But after 6 years of living away from Issan

The brain has been allowed to develop

now she is out their demonstrating against him

Funny thing is all her Uni educated Issan girlfriends are with her

Thaskin's biggest mistake was allowing Issan youth to attend university

Reminds me of the late 60's in the west

And the Times They are a Changing

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Now that the censure debate is finished there is nothing stopping Yingluck from dissolving the lower house and calling snap elections (other than her brother that is)

Why should she call elections? Would calling an election solve the problem? I expect the PTP would win again, and by the sounds of it, Suthep and the Democrats protesting are making it pretty clear that new elections is not their aim-have they even mentioned elections? I would presume its the last thing on their mind as they know they would lose.

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According to Suthep, the state agencies to be occupied are Government House, Royal Thai Police headquarters, Metropolitan Police Bureau, ministries of Education, Interior, Commerce and Foreign Affaris, Dusit Zoo, Public Relations Department, and Labour Ministry, where the government's Centre for Administration of Peace and Order is located.

If nothing else happens it will at least put a break in the money line from the tax payers to the politicians bank accounts or where ever it is they keep the money?

Why do they have a ministry of Commerce and Foreign Affairs? isn't that what Yingluck has been doing in her travels between shopping malls?

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Victory day December 1?

Victory over who?

The opponent I think is not yet lost.

Like boxing, maybe the opponent is still studying the punch of the challenger.

But the round is in 6th now and the challenger

has not knockout the opponent yet.

But who is leading in points?

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It would be funnier if both the anti and pro-government compete in football. They all love the sport.

Their groups will occupy the opposite sides as cheerers!

The money that they are spending in protest and vote buying will be the prizes.

In case any team is lost, they can protest to have another game with another prizes at stake.

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All this occupation of government institutions is only delaying my tax refund!

To the posters that 'complain' that Suthep is not following democratic rule: he knows that, his whole point is to do away with democracy

for the time being (someone who follows him told me 4 years or so). He does not want democracy now, he considers it failed,

because PTP, ruled by Thaksin, have, in his and his followers view, messed up, are corrupt and only enriching themselves.

And they got in the power seat under the guise of democratic elections. So (in their view) blame democracy.

They view that PTP's aim is only to bring Thaksin back, get his money back, and get him back in power.

They are very unhappy with this and basically don't want to wait till next election to get rid of this, also knowing that

in case of a new election, PTP might be re-elected, because, and this is another main gripe, PTP/Thaksin buy every election by

giving money to poor voters and promising them riches.

So, if you hate the current government and also know that in case of elections that same government would probably be back in, what

do you have to do to permanently get rid of that government (PTP)? Overthrow that government and abandon principle of democracy.

Now, to satisfy the people and make it sound like you are doing it for the people, you call the new ruling power the "People's Council",

with the emphasis on PEOPLE. And you include the higher institution of course, because passing that would surely cost you support.

Now while there are many people out there protesting with him and occupying, one cannot say whether their views and cause

represent that of the majority of the Thai people. So if Suthep succeeds and there is a people's council, it might not agree with a lot or

the majority of the Thai people how this council will conduct itself and how it will perform.

So we might end up with a People's Council because a few million Thais want it, whilst a few dozen million Thais don't want it.

Do they (i.e. those not satisfied with that council) then in turn have the right to go out there and protest and occupy to overthrow that People's Council?

Just for the record: I'm not supporting PTP, Democrats, Red or Yellow or whatever color Suthep is supposed to be. I think they are all not suited

to run an honest, clean, humble government, for the mere fact that they are Thai (i.e. too much old-school Thai way).

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National Socialists and Communists weren't very different. The Communist leaders had also uber-constitutional authorities.

But I can neither see Nazi nor Communist signs....he is a bit agitated and some of his ideas half cooked only, but he tells again and again and again that the number 1 thing is to make laws that allow true democracy by banning vote buying.

That wasn't a topic of Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc etc

It's not me who see's the communist/fascist tendency in Suthep.

My opinions don't matter as I'm merely a foreign guest in The Kingdom.

I was relaying the current gist of the zeitgeist for both the Pro and anti-Shinawatra supporters here upcountry, where they have expressed the same opinion; that it seems to appear that Suthep is starting to sound more and more like a communist. Suthep seems to be wrapping his plutocratic ideology in a "For The People" banner. Historically every fascist/communist regime has pulled this ploy of bait and switch to steal power from the electorate. First, for the people, then for some of the people, then a few.

As far as vote buying goes, Thai people here expect to get paid whenever there are elections whether national elections or even local administrative elections. Even the vote buyers expect to be paid. It's always been that way. It's just the way it is and the way it has been long before the Shinawatra clan emigrated from China. I don't see it changing anytime soon, unless votes become so irrelevant and worthless that nobody is willing to buy them anymore.

In other corrupt countries vote buying sometimes works like this; FatCat HiSo wants the top administrative job so he can feed off the trough with his fat piggy snout and get richer. He estimates how much buying the election win will cost him. He borrows the money from the money lenders, and if he calculated correctly, he wins. Then he's got to use 40% or more of his earnings plus a good portion of the proceeds of graft to pay back the loans over the next four years. The people who sold their votes feel they have won a moral victory because they got a piece of the action as well, votes cost in many cases up to 40% of FatCat's total take. (The system is corrupt to the core, it could be an "Obama Phone, or a bottle of LaoKhaow... doesn't matter it's corrupt to the core.)

This is not limited to the public sphere. In the corporate world job promotions are not handed out on merit, but rather need to be bid on and then paid for. A good example would be the position of a senior insurance adjuster. (Corrupt to the core).

The main advantage of an all elected parliament and senate in a constitutional monarchy is the electors can be voted out on mass by the electorate every four years if the voters see it fit.

Suthep's half cooked pregnant ideas leave no provision for this and even seem to recommend preventing this ever from happening. One thing needs to happen first; the Shiniwatra regime and any possible reincarnations must be banished from Thailand. This of course is to protect The People from themselves. Once the Thaksin regime is gone the composition of the parliament and senate can be fixed properly so that The People will never have control of their constitutional parliament and senate ever again.

Right now, as it stands, The People are fully empowered to throw out the entire elector in the next election and they will certainly do so if they deem it fit and are given the chance.

As far as I can see Suthep wants the Thaksin clan thrown out first, by any means, then amendments made to guarantee the neutering of The People so they can never again vote into power the electors they choose in future elections.

The trough of graft needs to be restored to those it rightfully belongs to. Namely it needs to be returned to it's institutional place as the sole domain of the rich elite and their bourgeois hangers on.

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Have any readers noticed the striking resemblance between the speeches of Mr. Suthep and equally rousing (and worrying) speeches by the late Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler? I wonder if perchance, they are related?

I was thinking he was more like Mussolini, although the image conscious Il Duce wouldn't have been caught dead with a whistle on a lanyard hung round his neck. When this madness ends maybe this pathetic little bloviator can secure employment as a parking attendant.

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