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Thai political protests turn violent, one dead

Lite Beer

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What a joke! You are an ugly joke!

you are talking about ignorance? Are you sure, these yellow thugs are not the one from deep south.

Oh let me guess, you know all of them, and you certify they are all nice budhist?

These hired people just try to provoke one more coup, and they dare to call themself "democrat party"

These yellow terrorist just try to bring down a legitimate government. You dont like it, well you have to live with it,

till the next election that you gonna lose again!

I despise the red shirt as much i truelly hate these yellow terrorist.

You clearly have a lack of knowledge on the area, hence resorting to pretty embarrassing name calling. I am genuinely really cut up that you think I am an ugly joke.

Many protestors have travelled from Surat, Trang, Krabi, Phuket and many more provinces, protests have occurred on a daily basis in these regions, with very little in three regions that you alluded to (the only one I am aware of was very peaceful and in Yala yesterday). You'll notice that multiple calls to prayer have not so far been a feature of the Democrat protests, and the intimation that there is a secretive allegiance between middle class thais, the Bangkok elite, the students, and Muslim separatists is pretty ridiculous.

If you're going to make an argument, please bring some facts to the table to back up your claim. You're the person making the accusation, the idea either came from inside your mind, or from some factual evidence. If you're going to go around making wild claims then it is your responsibility to explain and justify how you came to believe in the claim, it is not the responsibility of others to prove otherwise. You either made it up, or you have some supporting evidence - so which is it?

maybe alzheimer but you have a short memory, so here some facts:

Your yellow terrorist did lose 5 times the power.

And the last 4 times, Your thugs always try to take it back throught army coup, violence, silly claims and terrorism.

In 2006 Thaksin was ousted. The junta while in power rised by hundred percent their budgetthumbsup.gif well done,

and ratified an amnesty for their coupthumbsup.gif well done

2007 because of world pressure, the junta have to give back the power. And what a surprise YOU LOSE again!laugh.png

Samak was elected and few month later impeached because of a silly TV showthumbsup.gif , well done yellow loser.

2008 Your hired yellow terrorist did invade an airport for a weeks. The funny part was they were paid to do so!

The brother in law of TS, get the power and lose it quickly.

Of course Newin, get an offer that he can not refusethumbsup.gif otherwise babyface Abhisit and his pom pom boy will never get the job!


2010, what started like a peaceful demonstration from the red shirt was violently put down. Thousand of injuried people, hundred of deaths.

You might disagree with their opinion, you might hate them.... But at the end, you didnt have any other choice to just kill themthumbsup.gif well done yellow loser.


i remember when a new election was called again, you yellow &@#### on this forum claimed that no way the red shirt will take the power this time.

How delusional you are. AND guess what???? YOU LOSE AGAINlaugh.png do you get it?

So what about your previous msg, with all your blablabla.

Ii know for a fact we can not trust loser, anarchist, terrorist, killer.

To get back the power the only choice you have is to hire yellow thugs from south thailand, and i will not be surprised the most violent one

and whatever they are muslim or budhist, at the end they are real terrorist!

Hate it or like it, the actual governement is totally legitimate, and your yellow thugs have no right to over throw them out!

ps: i am not even a red shirtlaugh.png

You have got to be PISSED!

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The army will not turn out for a coup... they are in Thaksins pocket now. Your chosen side has assasinated many innocent people before...so a couple more what prick your conscience. Very vociferous for your first 2 posts. Surprised you have not posted before...

Please give evidence where anyone but the reds or the army have killed people since say ... 2009?

The army killed on the instruction of the government of the day. Abhisit 2010 (only if you believe he was the leader and not just a puppet)

Again, please hand your evidence to the DSI. They really need it.

The orders will have been put in writing and many people will have a copy. Nobody is going to instuct his soldiers to shoot to kill without the orders in his back pocket. It will come out at the trial...Over to you

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Well if Sooty and Sweep did not give the orders who did. The army answers to the government of the day. The government gives the ok after consulting with army chiefs before any action is taken. That government was run by Abhisit and Suthep in charge of the CRES

I shouldn't respond since you are not using the names of the people involved .... but

What government of the day did the army answer to in 2006?

Since Abhist and Suthep are being charged as common citizens and not as political office holders there is no case against them as you will see on the 12th (not the 20th)

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Well if Sooty and Sweep did not give the orders who did. The army answers to the government of the day. The government gives the ok after consulting with army chiefs before any action is taken. That government was run by Abhisit and Suthep in charge of the CRES

I shouldn't respond since you are not using the names of the people involved .... but

What government of the day did the army answer to in 2006?

Since Abhist and Suthep are being charged as common citizens and not as political office holders there is no case against them as you will see on the 12th (not the 20th)

The army answered to their paymasters after a few phone calls from the go between...the coup master himself, who Thaksin tried to have arrested on the night of the coup.

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maybe alzheimer but you have a short memory, so here some facts:

Your yellow terrorist did lose 5 times the power.

And the last 4 times, Your thugs always try to take it back throught army coup, violence, silly claims and terrorism.

In 2006 Thaksin was ousted. The junta while in power rised by hundred percent their budgetthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif well done,

and ratified an amnesty for their coupthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif well done

2007 because of world pressure, the junta have to give back the power. And what a surprise YOU LOSE again!xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp

Samak was elected and few month later impeached because of a silly TV showthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif , well done yellow loser.

2008 Your hired yellow terrorist did invade an airport for a weeks. The funny part was they were paid to do so!

The brother in law of TS, get the power and lose it quickly.

Of course Newin, get an offer that he can not refusethumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif otherwise babyface Abhisit and his pom pom boy will never get the job!


2010, what started like a peaceful demonstration from the red shirt was violently put down. Thousand of injuried people, hundred of deaths.

You might disagree with their opinion, you might hate them.... But at the end, you didnt have any other choice to just kill themthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif well done yellow loser.


i remember when a new election was called again, you yellow &@#### on this forum claimed that no way the red shirt will take the power this time.

How delusional you are. AND guess what???? YOU LOSE AGAINxlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp do you get it?

So what about your previous msg, with all your blablabla.

Ii know for a fact we can not trust loser, anarchist, terrorist, killer.

To get back the power the only choice you have is to hire yellow thugs from south thailand, and i will not be surprised the most violent one

and whatever they are muslim or budhist, at the end they are real terrorist!

Hate it or like it, the actual governement is totally legitimate, and your yellow thugs have no right to over throw them out!

ps: i am not even a red shirtxlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp

OK... bit of a brainmelt there huh?

Your original point that I questioned was that you stated the current anti-government protestors was this:

...They bring yellow thugs from south thailand. You know the muslims terrorist, as some of you like to label them. And you wonder its turn nasty.

I asked you to back up this statement with evidence, I cannot spot you doing this in amongst the interesting formatting and stream of consciousness ranting, so I take it that you cannot do so?

Perhaps you should think twice about making statements that you cannot back up when someone pulls you up on them.

I'm not really willing to engage further with you. I asked you to back up the original statement with factual evidence or admit you made it up, yet it seems you decided instead to gloss over the fact that you even said it and take the opportunity to rant about your political views from a blinkered one-sided perspective in the manner of a drunk football fan - rather odd.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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All this arguing about who fired the first shot is getting childish now anyway.

Irrelevant of who cast the first stone. There is one clear culprit here and he isn't even in Thailand. He has deliberately divided the country right down the middle, and he does have a very vested interest in a civil war in Thailand.

Even if the army did come out, and regardless of who's side they will take, this situation has come to a head, and it is clearly pro vs anti government.

This could well be the first day of a civil war that can spread nationwide with the protests being held all over the place. We can expect to see this mirrored all over the country in every town and city now that the red shirts believe they have tipped the balance in their favour with the police and the belief that the army is also on their side. I doubt they will stop now. They have tasted blood and we all know that they love the taste of blood.

Every civil war starts with a single shot, and that has now been dealt. There is no doubt that forces are now at work to plan the counter attack.

This is no longer about reds V army as seen in 2010, this is about reds v dem supporters.

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Protest should never turn violent, I do hope they catch the murderer whatever color he or she is .

Let's hope all people involved find their common sense soon.....

No matter which side the victim comes from, the murder is a man called Suthep, he is the one who started all this trouble and is now stirring it up to a climax, just for his own ego and defense when he faces a court for murder. He wont stop now until they arrest the grub.

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All this arguing about who fired the first shot is getting childish now anyway.

Irrelevant of who cast the first stone. There is one clear culprit here and he isn't even in Thailand. He has deliberately divided the country right down the middle, and he does have a very vested interest in a civil war in Thailand.

Even if the army did come out, and regardless of who's side they will take, this situation has come to a head, and it is clearly pro vs anti government.

This could well be the first day of a civil war that can spread nationwide with the protests being held all over the place. We can expect to see this mirrored all over the country in every town and city now that the red shirts believe they have tipped the balance in their favour with the police and the belief that the army is also on their side. I doubt they will stop now. They have tasted blood and we all know that they love the taste of blood.

Every civil war starts with a single shot, and that has now been dealt. There is no doubt that forces are now at work to plan the counter attack.

This is no longer about reds V army as seen in 2010, this is about reds v dem supporters.

And if the army supports the incumbent government who do you think will win.... and who do you think will be running for their private jets

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Well if Sooty and Sweep did not give the orders who did. The army answers to the government of the day. The government gives the ok after consulting with army chiefs before any action is taken. That government was run by Abhisit and Suthep in charge of the CRES

But the DSI case is based on the presumption that they were acting as individuals, not as members of the government.

Even someone as thick as you realises that is a farcical presumption, but it is needed because as office holders they are immune from prosecution.

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To diamond king and all other that think all is white and black.

Is it so easy to forget is it not..

I was there when the red was demonstration in the streets, THEY WHERE fuc_kING BAD, they ask me to open my car, want to look into my car like I have something to hide, the red suddenly get the power to stop cars on the road and look in it… nice system the red can do what they want if they want.. no police, nothing, even in middle of the demonstration next day, 10-12 reds was waking with guns, with heavy guns, NOBODY DID ANYTHING.. that was ok…….what a joke…

Then I reject, then they scratch my car, and make a lot of hit to it, and try to turn it around, then I get out, the police come and they laugh and say I better leave the place..

So what shall I do ? shoot them like the red did today because demonstration try to stop red to come into the stadium..

So is it now legal to shoot people on the streets if you get attach, that was new to me..

Is it a democratic election hmmmm do any of you know what that is?, go to the local village with a money car and tell all they get money if they give vote to the red side. Or if you join your village gets money to be better if the whole village votes on the red.

That is called money democratic.

And it is so nice to have an PM brother that have stop tax on mobile company and just 2 week later sell his mobile company and off cause he not need to pay taxes… why shall he the law say he not need to.

Then easy to give 50 bath hospital and a cow to the farmer.. what a bonus.

Ohh yes and then he order 1000s of thai to be shot in drug war.. all forgotten ? tsk tsk......

Is that democratic ?, is it democratic, that the PMs brother that are convicted by high Court, an criminal shall be hear what to do for Thailand in future, try to make law so he do not need to go to jail… haha, what a joke, Thailand are kids in politic, nobody do anything for the country it is take yourself table.

Rice schema, water plans, all sucks, and all total out of control, total Chaos, PM that think it is nice to send her son to piano lessons, just 1 lesson is 1 month salary for the farmer, and my nice husband stand by my side, she say, to help me when I am busy, he take care of the house and my "15 different offshore account where I hide my Money", because I do not trust my brother to take care of the money offshore.. Who knows one day they gone…

The red are MUCH MUCH worse in there time, then the demonstration are today, but off cause the little reds are sitting in there caves and say ohhh they so bad... ohhhhh..


You are too stupid diamond and all other that cannot see this is leading to chaos with a system like it is today, and to claim it is done by people choose.. YES MONEY TALK FRIENDS….but it has nothing to do with democratic, so stop use that word <deleted>..

You'll have me reaching for the tissues..absolutely no facts in that

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Well Jim, its obvious that you don't like the facts. Your preferred mob, and thats what they are "A Mob" cannot win an election so therefore are not entitled to govern Thailand, they are NOT wanted by the majority. They are just trouble makers. They should shut up, go home, stop making trouble and wait for the next elections to see if they are a majority, or just the same "Unwanted mob" that cannot win anything without causing death and disorder. Just <deleted> go home and shut up. Let the preferred party get on with running Thailand instead of having to pull you gang of brainless schoolchildren like idiots into line.

I do have to congratulate you on moving past one liners!

Sadly PTP did not get 50% of the electorate (in either the direct or proportional votes) but majoritarianism is not democracy.

In parliamentary democracy it is not uncommon for a government to be forced to call elections early. Yingluck screwed up by not calling them the minute the censure debate was finished. (She could not call for them while the censure debate was scheduled.) She had the option to end this but that would kill the amnesty bill that has about 160 days left before it can be voted into place by the house alone with only 50%+1 vote.

Notie that amnesty would absolve Abhisit and Suthep of any wrong doing and wipe away 2555 cases of corruption as well as ALL of the outsanding cases against her brother. Abhisit and Suthep know that the charges against them will be dropped in court as the court they were assigned to has no standing to charge political office holders (and as common citizens they could not have issued orders.) The preponderance of evidence would clear them even as office holders.

When PTP and the govt chose to not allow the opposition the chance to debate the amnesty bill in the third reading they lost legitimacy. When the Gov't and PTP said the constitutional court ruling against their attempted power grab was invalid they declared they would not be controlled by the rule of law. and thus again lost legitimacy.

At this point there is (imho) no way forward without radical reform and a unity government. That government will have to exclude the current government members as well as the key Democrats. We can all hope for an interim government led by Anand or Mechai V.

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oldsailor35, on 01 Dec 2013 - 01:17, said:

This is exactly what this grub Suthep is trying to do . He does not give a stuff if one of his sheep gets shot, just as long as he can get a dead body to use for his defense on the 20th. He has "upped the anti" hoping to get a dead body so that he can say that Yingluck is a murderer like himself and Abisit. Already these filthy bastards are saying that the redshirts have killed a man, this is what they are after.

Too long at sea? This has nothing to do with Suthep's court case, which should be obvious. And don't be so quick to apportion blame. I expect we'll never find out who fired the shots.

Obviously Suthep is too smart for you ! It has a lot to do with his court case, he wants to tie it in with his defense by saying that Yingluck is acting same as him and his lacky Abisit did.

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Yinglucks support is on the wane

Powerful picture, it sums it all.

The best answer to the yellow disillusioned terrorist on this forum, hat offsthumbsup.gif

Nowhere near to what was seen at democracy monument last week, and they can all come back and kick this red lot back to the paddys. No problem.

I hope they do. I hope they all return with broken bones for souvenirs.

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Check out the guy in a red shirt....more peaceloving tree hugger protestors giving a slap to a government supporter

Looks to me like he is actually being protected.

Now if it were the other way round.........

Should be a video, actually, but yes, that looks like protection indeed. Similar to what took place with the taxi. The question is who tried to lynch him in that crowd of "peaceful" demonstrators?

Edited by freemindxs
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Well if Sooty and Sweep did not give the orders who did. The army answers to the government of the day. The government gives the ok after consulting with army chiefs before any action is taken. That government was run by Abhisit and Suthep in charge of the CRES

But the DSI case is based on the presumption that they were acting as individuals, not as members of the government.

Even someone as thick as you realises that is a farcical presumption, but it is needed because as office holders they are immune from prosecution.

You will be allowed to insult on here because you talk sponsor beliefs. Try this...just drop the 'J' from your name and reveal your true identity

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Where's the PM???

YL is handling this situation superbly although if you are a Thaksin hater you can't see it. She hasn't used any force or violence, she's making reasonable requests of the public: please be peaceful, please let's negotiate, please don't harass my son, she is respectfully asking people to not take over gov't buildings (which is something she is supposed to say) etc., Most of all, she's allowing these huge, mass protests to continue without large-scale government intervention. She isn't doing anything to inflame the situation which is exactly the right thing.

Yes she are used to do that, with all the Money get to the wrong person in the government too... silent is too to hide what you do…

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Check out the guy in a red shirt....more peaceloving tree hugger protestors giving a slap to a government supporter

Looks to me like he is actually being protected.

Now if it were the other way round.........

Should be a video, actually, but yes, that looks like protection indeed. Similar to what took place with the taxi. The question is who tried to lynch him in that crow of "peaceful" demonstrators?

Reds in black?

That is what is going around the social media since early this afternoon, looks like they may well have a point.

Anyway, the RU is now in flames.

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Well if Sooty and Sweep did not give the orders who did. The army answers to the government of the day. The government gives the ok after consulting with army chiefs before any action is taken. That government was run by Abhisit and Suthep in charge of the CRES

But the DSI case is based on the presumption that they were acting as individuals, not as members of the government.

Even someone as thick as you realises that is a farcical presumption, but it is needed because as office holders they are immune from prosecution.

Actually as office holders they are not immune to prosecution after their MP status is up. Thaksin was an office holder when he committed the crime he was convicted of.

What it means is that their orders will (if given at all) have to be proven wrongful in the situation. They will also have to be tried in the court for political office holders. They are as safe as can be even when the current charges against them are dropped. There is just far too much evidence that they gave warning, they were facing an armed insurrection etc .. and there will obviously be no orders anywere telling the army to fire on anyone unarmed.

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maybe alzheimer but you have a short memory, so here some facts:

Your yellow terrorist did lose 5 times the power.

And the last 4 times, Your thugs always try to take it back throught army coup, violence, silly claims and terrorism.

In 2006 Thaksin was ousted. The junta while in power rised by hundred percent their budgetthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif well done,

and ratified an amnesty for their coupthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif well done

2007 because of world pressure, the junta have to give back the power. And what a surprise YOU LOSE again!xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp

Samak was elected and few month later impeached because of a silly TV showthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif , well done yellow loser.

2008 Your hired yellow terrorist did invade an airport for a weeks. The funny part was they were paid to do so!

The brother in law of TS, get the power and lose it quickly.

Of course Newin, get an offer that he can not refusethumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif otherwise babyface Abhisit and his pom pom boy will never get the job!


2010, what started like a peaceful demonstration from the red shirt was violently put down. Thousand of injuried people, hundred of deaths.

You might disagree with their opinion, you might hate them.... But at the end, you didnt have any other choice to just kill themthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif well done yellow loser.


i remember when a new election was called again, you yellow &@#### on this forum claimed that no way the red shirt will take the power this time.

How delusional you are. AND guess what???? YOU LOSE AGAINxlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp do you get it?

So what about your previous msg, with all your blablabla.

Ii know for a fact we can not trust loser, anarchist, terrorist, killer.

To get back the power the only choice you have is to hire yellow thugs from south thailand, and i will not be surprised the most violent one

and whatever they are muslim or budhist, at the end they are real terrorist!

Hate it or like it, the actual governement is totally legitimate, and your yellow thugs have no right to over throw them out!

ps: i am not even a red shirtxlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp

OK... bit of a brainmelt there huh?

Your original point that I questioned was that you stated the current anti-government protestors was this:

...They bring yellow thugs from south thailand. You know the muslims terrorist, as some of you like to label them. And you wonder its turn nasty.

I asked you to back up this statement with evidence, I cannot spot you doing this in amongst the interesting formatting and stream of consciousness ranting, so I take it that you cannot do so?

Perhaps you should think twice about making statements that you cannot back up when someone pulls you up on them.

I'm not really willing to engage further with you. I asked you to back up the original statement with factual evidence or admit you made it up, yet it seems you decided instead to gloss over the fact that you even said it and take the opportunity to rant about your political views from a blinkered one-sided perspective in the manner of a drunk football fan - rather odd.

Reds are liars, thief’s, and terrorist. ..... you forget this.. or your brain just not big enough to remember..



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Yinglucks support is on the wane

Powerful picture, it sums it all.

The best answer to the yellow disillusioned terrorist on this forum, hat offsthumbsup.gif

Wow .. That must be costing a lot of baht!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Some get a few baht others get free meals

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