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how is all the latest round of BS in bangkok going to effect us?


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the war of the shirts is heating up again in our nations capital, what will this bring to Phuket? presumable less tourists? maybe airport closure? anything else?

my daughters school is already closed for the protests and Satree is closed for 5 days i heard

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Just came from gassing up the car and buying breakfast for the family. Many cars with newly hoisted flags. And after watching an idiot falang on tv at a red shirt rally, well, refrain from wearing red in Phuket.

Their nationalistic, xenophobic crap is resurfacing. Better wear another color and refrain from answering dangerous questions from them to you about what is happening in BKK.

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Internet is off completely today.

I've read reports of the Cat and Tot being shut down.

My 3BB still working Ok, but TOT is off. Cable TV is off but I guess that might be due to the 4 hour power cut overnight.

Big problem on road Kata to Chalong with electricity. All traffic stooped there all morning already, migfht also have something to do with power/internet cuts at the moment.

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^^Is that anywhere near Karon Hill? Another news source which can't be named is reporting 10 power poles down.

Yes, that is it, between Kata and Chalong (the term Karon Hill may be confusing here).

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^^Is that anywhere near Karon Hill? Another news source which can't be named is reporting 10 power poles down.

Yes, that is it, between Kata and Chalong (the term Karon Hill may be confusing here).

Leftside going down into Kata they have put in a new electric cmplex/transformer station, don't really know what you call those things, but could these downed poles be new ones going up to connect that?

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^^Is that anywhere near Karon Hill? Another news source which can't be named is reporting 10 power poles down.

Yes, that is it, between Kata and Chalong (the term Karon Hill may be confusing here).

Leftside going down into Kata they have put in a new electric cmplex/transformer station, don't really know what you call those things, but could these downed poles be new ones going up to connect that?

According to a news source which can't be mentioned, 10 poles went down like domino's after a rubber tree fell across some wires. The poles are on the road.

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^^Is that anywhere near Karon Hill? Another news source which can't be named is reporting 10 power poles down.

Yes, that is it, between Kata and Chalong (the term Karon Hill may be confusing here).

Leftside going down into Kata they have put in a new electric cmplex/transformer station, don't really know what you call those things, but could these downed poles be new ones going up to connect that?

No, these downed poles have been there since 3 (apparently ) am already, and the road has been blocked for a long time. Don't mind too much, but it caused lots of inconveneice this morning to me, so I do mind that :)

Luckily it was a sunday, on a normal working day it would have caused many problems.

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Just watch them installing these electric poles. Truck comes along with an auger. Bores into the soft soil about 2 meters, plonk the new pole in the hole. They fill in the hole with a small cement collar. Totally inadequate. So coconut tree falls into one, causes it to keel over, takes down the poles either side.

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Been watching the various Thai TV channels most of the morning and in my opinion it seems to be esculating quite a bit today.

Btw , for those interested alot of uploads to youtube from the English speaking News sources , BBC , CNN etc almost hourly today.

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Jesus , really there really are some dumb ass foreigners here.

Not 1 minte ago channel seven showing some of the yellows protesting and heres this douch wearing a Red polo t shirt in the shot looking on..

Beggers belief.

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How will effect us? The usual, down like a ton of bricks on the Foreigner coffee1.gif

The usual, down like a ton of bricks on the Foreigner coffee1.gif

How do you figure this?

As usual??meaning what exactly?

Apart from inconveniece when yellow mob took over the airports years ago, as with the coup in '06..no real impact on the average expats at all IMO

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How will effect us? The usual, down like a ton of bricks on the Foreigner coffee1.gif

The usual, down like a ton of bricks on the Foreigner coffee1.gif

How do you figure this?

As usual??meaning what exactly?

Apart from inconveniece when yellow mob took over the airports years ago, as with the coup in '06..no real impact on the average expats at all IMO

So you call no True Visions on the TV no impact?

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I remember beer supplies in Phuket got to drastically low levels before. That certainly effected me. smile.pngsmile.png

I think that were the floods.

I think you are correct. That was caused by the floods.

If the protesters were smart, they would shut down the breweries. That would have the same effect on tourism as shutting down the airport. :) :)

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Last time there was a big increase in tourists in Phuket, all switching from bkk down here .

If I remember correctly the drop off of tourists happened after the protests as people en route / allready here just switched to Phuket. It was the ones that hadnt left that cancelled their plans to come to Thailand.

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I remember beer supplies in Phuket got to drastically low levels before. That certainly effected me. smile.pngsmile.png

I think that were the floods.

I think you are correct. That was caused by the floods.

If the protesters were smart, they would shut down the breweries. That would have the same effect on tourism as shutting down the airport. smile.pngsmile.png

The problem is that with every year something happening it becomes difficult to distinguish the events :)

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I remember beer supplies in Phuket got to drastically low levels before. That certainly effected me. smile.pngsmile.png

I think that were the floods.

I think you are correct. That was caused by the floods.

If the protesters were smart, they would shut down the breweries. That would have the same effect on tourism as shutting down the airport. smile.pngsmile.png

The problem is that with every year something happening it becomes difficult to distinguish the events smile.png

There's always something happening in Thailand, whether it be at the national, provincial, and local level. I like to take an interest in Thailand's current affairs.

It's one of the reasons I like living here, it's always changing and interesting, it's like a soap opera, but you are right, it's hard to keep a track of it all. :) :)

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Just came from gassing up the car and buying breakfast for the family. Many cars with newly hoisted flags. And after watching an idiot falang on tv at a red shirt rally, well, refrain from wearing red in Phuket.

Their nationalistic, xenophobic crap is resurfacing. Better wear another color and refrain from answering dangerous questions from them to you about what is happening in BKK.

"Their nationalistic, xenophobic crap is resurfacing."

Do you understand what nationalism and xenophobia mean?

"answering dangerous questions"

Speaking of irrational xenophobia.

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thailand is like the stock market right now it's time to invest!

this remind me of the tsunami when land prices was heavily reduced and guess what happened 6 months later, prices up up again! as soon as the demonstrations is over the thai currency will sky high again and you will all sit here and complain again how little you get for your money..

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Just came from gassing up the car and buying breakfast for the family. Many cars with newly hoisted flags. And after watching an idiot falang on tv at a red shirt rally, well, refrain from wearing red in Phuket.

Their nationalistic, xenophobic crap is resurfacing. Better wear another color and refrain from answering dangerous questions from them to you about what is happening in BKK.

"Their nationalistic, xenophobic crap is resurfacing."

Do you understand what nationalism and xenophobia mean?

"answering dangerous questions"

Speaking of irrational xenophobia.

LOL. You want to be stupid enough to answer politically sensitive questions thrown by a native, then be my guest.

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