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Bangkok - Descent into chaos


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I don't like the fact that I predicted this outcome several weeks ago, as I always felt that the situation would become so dire that YL would have no option but to resign and call for new elections. In any other democracy in the world this would have happened weeks ago, as there is no point in trying to hold on to power when it is clear that a huge proportion of the population is against you.

Unfortunately, this is not a democracy at all, it is an autocracy created by a fugitive criminal who did not have the guts to return to his home country and 'face the music', but instead, felt that he could run the country from afar. Sitting in comfort in Dubai he will no doubt be telling his sister and his other well-paid employees to hang in there because victory is in sight. Sadly, he couldn't be further from the truth...!

What we currently have is a last ditch heavy-handed attempt to use the police to "appease" the crowd, but there is no appeasing this crowd. This government has to fall in order to end this, and the police have to withdraw before we start to see real civil war.

As I've said before, these people are not being paid to be there, they are there because they are passionate about their demand to see real democracy in this country. If TS and YL cannot see this, then they will go down in history as being responsible for the destruction of a once beautiful country.

Sorry George, I have to disagree with you wholeheartedly. When mobs overthrow a democratically elected government they are not promoting "real democracy" it's nothing more than mob-rule and anarchy. End of story. It's happened twice in the past what, 5 years? One lot outed and another lot installed. Mob rule.

Buying votes is nothing new. It happens in America and it happens in Britain. Blocks of trade union votes, top job offers etc etc. Democracy doesn't really exist. In most countries governments are controlled by corporate money - here it's family mony (so it seems anyway). Nothing you or I say will count here - or in our home countries come to that.

I love all these comments about "real democracy"...

The situation here is no different than anywhere else in the world, and that includes my former home of the USofA... It's about POWER.... It's not about fairness or honesty or what the electorate wants... It's not about amnesty or the constitution or any other ideological issue. Political parties are allthe same... they are in it for their own benefit, and all the rest of this nonsense is just window dressing and theater to manipulate and control the people to obtain and maintain POWER.

"REAL DEMOCRACY" is two lions and a gazelle arguing about what to eat for lunch.

Anybody who tells you differently is either deluded themselves or trying to delude you.

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You cannot seriously be branding every single protester as a fascist hooligan? Most are professional office workers and students.

Great to see so many deep thinking farangs advocating the violent overthrow of a legitimately elected government by fascist hooligans.

"Most are professional office workers and students"?

Firstly, if they behave like fascist hooligans then they are, by definition, fascist hooligans . . .

Secondly, do you have any proof of your assertion that 'most are professional office workers and students"?

Edited by Sheryl
quote edited for civility
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Even if Suthep group will be successful in ousting Yingluck, I don't believe there will be peace thereafter.

How can a country be governed by not elected people? Let the people decide by voting.

Number of protesters cannot justify the number in whole Thailand.

Before Yingluck, it was Abhisit. Abhisit is an opposition. Opposition also protested. Now, Yingluck, it's the same problem

I'm sitting in Chiang Mai surrounded by a couple of million Thai folk going about their work...business as usual. Who the heck's in Bangkok, and how do they manage to hold so much sway over the lives of the majority of Thai?

I don't think the Thai people will benefit by any group using the "over-throw the government" card again. If the path keeps being used, it will become a rut, and then the path of least resistance.

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The whole situation is a sad indictment on the political process in Thailand.

It just seems one side of politics refuses to accept the result of elections and thinks it has the god given right to oust the other side.regardless of the social , economic impact.

The consequences of this are of course no rule of law whatsoever and no obligation for any party or group to repsect the prevailng institutions.

I dont buy arguments about vote buying as an excuse because both sides know the game and both sides are equally guilty when it comes to the practice.

The opposition should organise themsevles better and campaign better and win an election on their own merits and stop disrupting the rule of law and order in Thailand because it cant organise themselves properly to win an election.

People should stop blaming Thaksin for all the ills of Thai society and look at why someone like Thaksin was able to entrench himself in power.

The fact is Thailand is and has been a very corrupt society and unless a full reform of all the key institutions is undertaken ie police, army, judiciary, education and political then the door will always be open for unscrupulous operators. I am not sure why anyone thinks things will magically change with a shift in politcal power to another bunch of corrupt individuals.

Three cheers for Tolley. Platinum Member and clearly well deserved.

Brilliantly and succinctly put. I completely agree with you and I wish I had said is as eloquently.


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I don't like the fact that I predicted this outcome several weeks ago, as I always felt that the situation would become so dire that YL would have no option but to resign and call for new elections. In any other democracy in the world this would have happened weeks ago, as there is no point in trying to hold on to power when it is clear that a huge proportion of the population is against you.

Unfortunately, this is not a democracy at all, it is an autocracy created by a fugitive criminal who did not have the guts to return to his home country and 'face the music', but instead, felt that he could run the country from afar. Sitting in comfort in Dubai he will no doubt be telling his sister and his other well-paid employees to hang in there because victory is in sight. Sadly, he couldn't be further from the truth...!

What we currently have is a last ditch heavy-handed attempt to use the police to "appease" the crowd, but there is no appeasing this crowd. This government has to fall in order to end this, and the police have to withdraw before we start to see real civil war.

As I've said before, these people are not being paid to be there, they are there because they are passionate about their demand to see real democracy in this country. If TS and YL cannot see this, then they will go down in history as being responsible for the destruction of a once beautiful country.

Sorry George, I have to disagree with you wholeheartedly. When mobs overthrow a democratically elected government they are not promoting "real democracy" it's nothing more than mob-rule and anarchy. End of story. It's happened twice in the past what, 5 years? One lot outed and another lot installed. Mob rule.

Buying votes is nothing new. It happens in America and it happens in Britain. Blocks of trade union votes, top job offers etc etc. Democracy doesn't really exist. In most countries governments are controlled by corporate money - here it's family mony (so it seems anyway). Nothing you or I say will count here - or in our home countries come to that.

I love all these comments about "real democracy"...

The situation here is no different than anywhere else in the world, and that includes my former home of the USofA... It's about POWER.... It's not about fairness or honesty or what the electorate wants... It's not about amnesty or the constitution or any other ideological issue. Political parties are allthe same... they are in it for their own benefit, and all the rest of this nonsense is just window dressing and theater to manipulate and control the people to obtain and maintain POWER.

"REAL DEMOCRACY" is two lions and a gazelle arguing about what to eat for lunch.

Anybody who tells you differently is either deluded themselves or trying to delude you.

The word "DEMOCRACY" has been abused for years, its supposed to mean "rule of the people". This is only really true in a Direct Democracy or Pure Democracy where rather than voting in a representative with a mandate to do whatever they want for the next 4 years you vote on legislation and policies. Why do we even need politicians?

i think the way forward is the concept of an Electronic Direct Democracy, everyone has their own secure voting device, everyone votes, there is no longer any need to pay thousands of corrupt politicians. Representative democracy has failed.

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Once again, personal attacks/baiting remarks have been removed or edited out.

If you cannot discuss matters with people you disagree with in a civil and objective manner then refrain altogether. There is already enough polarization and intolerance out in the streets, no need to add bring it in here. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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maybe they should do something new in this counry


so all those poor farmers could no be bought with 500 baht to vote for mr. T

So...are you suggesting to take away the right to vote from a few million people, because they are too poor?

Isn't that basically a "dont let the stupid farmers from Isan vote" in disguise?

"Only people who actually pay taxes can vote" Very interesting idea, I only wish there had been people like you expousing that idea in the U.S.A. a little over 5 years ago, that way Obama would have gotten less than 10% of the vote and never been elected, thereby saving The U.S.A. from the disaster it is headed forwai2.gif

@VegasVic... What an interesting idea... I think we actually did try something like that once before in the US... we even counted slaves as only 3/5ths of a person because they were CLEARLY not worthy of being considered full PEOPLE.

And then when these "sub-people" want to have the right to vote, we could hunt them down and lynch them for trying to exercise their rights... Wow... You are really onto something here... We could even dress in bed sheets and burn crosses... that would be a HOOT!

I like to believe in the best in people and I hope that we are moving forward in our understanding and compassion for one another... and then I see people say things like your post and I realize that we haven't come very far at all.

Sorry...I ran out of "likes", so: likelikelikelike!

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You cannot seriously be branding every single protester as a fascist hooligan? Most are professional office workers and students.

Great to see so many deep thinking farangs advocating the violent overthrow of a legitimately elected government by fascist hooligans.

"Most are professional office workers and students"?

Firstly, if they behave like fascist hooligans then they are, by definition, fascist hooligans . . .

Secondly, do you have any proof of your assertion that 'most are professional office workers and students"?

Apologists seem to make generalities their choice of justification

How is opposing an elected government that's been convicted of corruption under Thai law be "Fascist Hooliganism"?

I was just surprised by that broad categorization, any one who opposes a government is a fascist hooligan.... Not that it matters, but i could not disagree with you more.

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I don't understand this mentality that the government was elected so they can do whatever they want until their term is up. The point is they want to change the constitution, create a family owned dictatorship, and continue to protect themselves from their corrupt actions. I don't believe for a minute that people should stand by and watch the country go to crap just because some people were "elected" even if through vote buying. You don't stand by and watch the country go to shit and then try to fix something if you get the chance which may turn out to be something that can't be fixed.

Some of the biggest constitutional changes happened in 2007 following the ousting of Thaksin. They were drafted by the interim govt and supported by Democrats. The change mandated that only half the senate would be elected, the rest would be appointed by committee. It appears to be the current government's view that that all politicians should be elected, not appointed by high ranking judges and the like. That doesn't seem like a radical concept.

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just out of interest,,, how much does tear gas hurt or sting ?

is it like pepper spray?

how long is a victim in pain for?

does it affect your breathing capability? (like asthma)?

what does it do to you and for how long?

if you are "continually" in the tear gas smoke,, does the effect worsen or stay at a plateau?

if in tear gas for too long, can it kill ?

after coming out of tear gas, how long before you get back to normal again ?

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You cannot seriously be branding every single protester as a fascist hooligan? Most are professional office workers and students.

Great to see so many deep thinking farangs advocating the violent overthrow of a legitimately elected government by fascist hooligans.

"Most are professional office workers and students"?

Firstly, if they behave like fascist hooligans then they are, by definition, fascist hooligans . . .

Secondly, do you have any proof of your assertion that 'most are professional office workers and students"?

I would suggest that he has more proof that they are "professional office workers and students" than you have that they "behave like fascist hooligans".

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I don't like the fact that I predicted this outcome several weeks ago, as I always felt that the situation would become so dire that YL would have no option but to resign and call for new elections. In any other democracy in the world this would have happened weeks ago, as there is no point in trying to hold on to power when it is clear that a huge proportion of the population is against you.

Unfortunately, this is not a democracy at all, it is an autocracy created by a fugitive criminal who did not have the guts to return to his home country and 'face the music', but instead, felt that he could run the country from afar. Sitting in comfort in Dubai he will no doubt be telling his sister and his other well-paid employees to hang in there because victory is in sight. Sadly, he couldn't be further from the truth...!

What we currently have is a last ditch heavy-handed attempt to use the police to "appease" the crowd, but there is no appeasing this crowd. This government has to fall in order to end this, and the police have to withdraw before we start to see real civil war.

As I've said before, these people are not being paid to be there, they are there because they are passionate about their demand to see real democracy in this country. If TS and YL cannot see this, then they will go down in history as being responsible for the destruction of a once beautiful country.

Sorry George, I have to disagree with you wholeheartedly. When mobs overthrow a democratically elected government they are not promoting "real democracy" it's nothing more than mob-rule and anarchy. End of story. It's happened twice in the past what, 5 years? One lot outed and another lot installed. Mob rule.

Buying votes is nothing new. It happens in America and it happens in Britain. Blocks of trade union votes, top job offers etc etc. Democracy doesn't really exist. In most countries governments are controlled by corporate money - here it's family mony (so it seems anyway). Nothing you or I say will count here - or in our home countries come to that.

I love all these comments about "real democracy"...

The situation here is no different than anywhere else in the world, and that includes my former home of the USofA... It's about POWER.... It's not about fairness or honesty or what the electorate wants... It's not about amnesty or the constitution or any other ideological issue. Political parties are allthe same... they are in it for their own benefit, and all the rest of this nonsense is just window dressing and theater to manipulate and control the people to obtain and maintain POWER.

"REAL DEMOCRACY" is two lions and a gazelle arguing about what to eat for lunch.

Anybody who tells you differently is either deluded themselves or trying to delude you.

The word "DEMOCRACY" has been abused for years, its supposed to mean "rule of the people". This is only really true in a Direct Democracy or Pure Democracy where rather than voting in a representative with a mandate to do whatever they want for the next 4 years you vote on legislation and policies. Why do we even need politicians?

i think the way forward is the concept of an Electronic Direct Democracy, everyone has their own secure voting device, everyone votes, there is no longer any need to pay thousands of corrupt politicians. Representative democracy has failed.

Of course the big issue with a direct democracy is whether its a good idea to give the people control of their own country. Maybe it isn't...... But for the first time in our history we have the technology to give it a go.

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i think the way forward is the concept of an Electronic Direct Democracy, everyone has their own secure voting device, everyone votes, there is no longer any need to pay thousands of corrupt politicians. Representative democracy has failed.

Hmmmm Electronic Direct Democracy... That would be like government by Facebook on iPhones. Whoever gets the most "likes" wins!
Brilliant. Not!
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problem with an election is that Yingluck would be re elected. They have the money to pay for the votes needed. I think most people would like the whole Shinawatra clan out of Thailand for good

Yes, yes, yes .. this is the same thing we hear all time. Regardless of how much truth there is that one party paid for votes and one did not, do you think that the PTP would not be re-elected without such tactics? If I recall correctly, they (and Yingluck personally) always come out ahead of Abhisit and the Dems in opinion polls. And I doubt that people are being paid to respond a certain way in opinion polls. Many people here would love to believe that PTP supporters are ignorant country hicks that only vote for whichever party pays the most. The passion you see on both sides of this unfortunate conflict shows that it's simplistic to believe that PTP wins elections through vote buying (even if vote buying takes place).

Spot on. This piece has already been bandied about here today, I know, but it's worth quoting Democrat MP and party reformer Alongkorn on this issue:

Recently, if we are speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement "they are using less money"]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says "They don't need to use so much money?"] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money” For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore”

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Soon the Thaksin family will stand accused of the traffic accidents in Thailand and of the extreme weather this year. Seems to me all other charges already on file. It's amazing what and how much knowledge members of this forum have on this man and his family

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I would suggest that he has more proof that they are "professional office workers and students" than you have that they "behave like fascist hooligans".

Yesterday I saw lots of the live footage with closeups. The "professional office workers and students" I saw were grim looking rough types. Really tough guys with long hair and lots of tattoos and missing teeth. The type of people like the Red Shirt supporters the Democrat party has a history of hiring when they need to rent a mob. More according to Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot
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i think the way forward is the concept of an Electronic Direct Democracy, everyone has their own secure voting device, everyone votes, there is no longer any need to pay thousands of corrupt politicians. Representative democracy has failed.

Hmmmm Electronic Direct Democracy... That would be like government by Facebook on iPhones. Whoever gets the most "likes" wins!
Brilliant. Not!

It would be good if you could elaborate a bit more on why you think it its such a bad idea... or is that all you have got?

They have a semi-direct democracy in Switzerland. Sounds kinda dirty but it works.

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i think the way forward is the concept of an Electronic Direct Democracy, everyone has their own secure voting device, everyone votes, there is no longer any need to pay thousands of corrupt politicians. Representative democracy has failed.

Hmmmm Electronic Direct Democracy... That would be like government by Facebook on iPhones. Whoever gets the most "likes" wins!
Brilliant. Not!

It would be good if you could elaborate a bit more on why you think it its such a bad idea... or is that all you have got?

They have a semi-direct democracy in Switzerland. Sounds kinda dirty but it works.

is this just a fear of technology? We must use feather and quill to cast our votes... sort of thing.

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I don't like the fact that I predicted this outcome several weeks ago, as I always felt that the situation would become so dire that YL would have no option but to resign and call for new elections. In any other democracy in the world this would have happened weeks ago, as there is no point in trying to hold on to power when it is clear that a huge proportion of the population is against you.

Fair point. But where are you getting these figures? I've only seen protest numbers in the tens of thousands, versus the 15,744,190 people who voted her in. I don't think there's a reasonable democracy in the world that would throw out an elected leader on those grounds.

Firstly, given that the population of Thailand currently stands at 69.5 million, a vote of almost 15.75 million represents less than 23% support, which is hardly a majority. That indicates that a huge proportion of the population did not vote for her, so there is little need for me to further expand on my earlier statement.

Secondly, setting that issue aside, what is of greater importance is that what happened two years ago is of little relevance to the political stage here in Thailand today.

There have been countless examples of ill-considered policies during that two-year period that were clearly aimed at lining people's pockets before even considering the needs of the people, along with many broken promises that have even alienated some of their most hard-line supporters (e.g., the opposition to the Amnesty Bill amongst hard-line Red Shirts)

Add to this the FACT that many of these votes were bought - and please don't anyone try to tell me that there is no evidence of this, because Khun T is so bloody vein that he had himself videoed handing out the cash back in 2010 - some proportion of these people are now going to realise that their THB 500 or THB 1,000 has actually cost them a lot more out of their own pockets.

There are those in the PTP who have gone very quite, and indeed, they have probably gone somewhere else; for example, we have heard nothing from Jatuporn since Friday. As far as I'm concerned, that should be down to the fact that he is in jail for breaching his bail conditions, but I suspect that that is not the case, and that he is now on the run.

This is the beginning of the end, and I only hope that she has an ounce of dignity left in her that will allow her to recognise this and dissolve Parliament to end this period of strife. If she doesn't, things are going to get pretty bad, and this time around, the police will find that they cannot stand back and watch, because they are now facing the opposing team...and we will see if they have the balls for it ... !!

"Firstly, given that the population of Thailand currently stands at 69.5 million, a vote of almost 15.75 million represents less than 23% support, which is hardly a majority. That indicates that a huge proportion of the population did not vote for her, so there is little need for me to further expand on my earlier statement."

44% of the electorate voted PTP, 32% voted Dems. With their coalition partners, the government now has over 50%, in a democracy, that's what's called a majority with a mandate to govern,

No democracy in the world would stand for this insurrection, the police and the army must act now to end this madness and protect democracy. It is their duty!

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It would be good if you could elaborate a bit more on why you think it its such a bad idea... or is that all you have got?

They have a semi-direct democracy in Switzerland. Sounds kinda dirty but it works.

is this just a fear of technology? We must use feather and quill to cast our votes... sort of thing.

No it's not. A responsible government gives the country what it needs, which is often far from what it wants. If somebody proposes something which is immensely popular to more than 50% of the people but which will ruin the country, in a direct democracy it is much more likely to be enacted. Of course in representative democracy the same thing can happen if the government is more interested in gaining or maintaining power than responsible management. Google 'rice scam' for a perfect example.

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I would suggest that he has more proof that they are "professional office workers and students" than you have that they "behave like fascist hooligans".

Yesterday I saw lots of the live footage with closeups. The "professional office workers and students" I saw were grim looking rough types. Really tough guys with long hair and lots of tattoos and missing teeth. The type of people like the Red Shirt supporters the Democrat party has a history of hiring when they need to rent a mob. More according to Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot

You saw close ups of the guys on the front lines. Of course they are tougher looking than the rest.

What about the teeming thousands from last week and continuing now composed of office workers, old people, etc?

You haven't seen any pics of them? PM me and I can send you literally thousands of pictures of said people.

Take off the blinders mate.

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I would suggest that he has more proof that they are "professional office workers and students" than you have that they "behave like fascist hooligans".

Yesterday I saw lots of the live footage with closeups. The "professional office workers and students" I saw were grim looking rough types. Really tough guys with long hair and lots of tattoos and missing teeth. The type of people like the Red Shirt supporters the Democrat party has a history of hiring when they need to rent a mob. More according to Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot

Well i know some of them, I live with one of them. She graduated from thammasat with a degree in social studies. not quite sure what you mean by proof. I did not say the were all students and office workers, i was just saying they are not all toothless maniacs with nothing better to do.

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I would suggest that he has more proof that they are "professional office workers and students" than you have that they "behave like fascist hooligans".

Yesterday I saw lots of the live footage with closeups. The "professional office workers and students" I saw were grim looking rough types. Really tough guys with long hair and lots of tattoos and missing teeth. The type of people like the Red Shirt supporters the Democrat party has a history of hiring when they need to rent a mob. More according to Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot

Well i know some of them, I live with one of them. She graduated from thammasat with a degree in social studies. not quite sure what you mean by proof. I did not say the were all students and office workers, i was just saying they are not all toothless maniacs with nothing better to do.

Yet again you move the goalposts . . . and just because you know one person who isn't a hooligan doesn't support your assertion that 'most of them are professional office workers and students'.

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Jasun poses an interesting question, "Where is Jatuporn?"

Something very odd about the disappearance of the red-shirt mouth pieces from the media after the rally shut down.

Jatuporn was making threats, Thida warned that the red shirt army would defend democracy, Kwanchai was itching for a fight and Arisaman, usually up for a verbal blast, was nowhere to be seen.

They obviously know something we don't!

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"Chemically treated water?" Wouldn't that be considered to be a weapon of mass destruction by the UN?

I just found this on WIKIPEDIA:

In 1993, the Chemical Weapons Convention was signed, outlawing all uses of chemical weapons in war. Since the signing of the convention, no use of chemical weapons in interstate has been documented, but chemical weapons have been used by other groups. Most notably, the Japanese terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo carried out an attack in the Tokyo subway with sarin, a nerve agent.

I guess they will need to make a new entry in WIKIPEDIA. Putting Thailand up there in line with Syira and Sadam and other nut jobs. Nothing to be proud of. Lets hope this get sorted and soon.

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