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farangs all times insulting thai people on forum here


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Khun Koratesanguy, I'm sorry that you have to endure this sort of abuse. Your English is simply not strong enough to deal with the native English speakers. I'll concede that there are many idiot farangs on this forum...especially the ones who keep complaining about the word "farang." Most of us know that this is not a derogatory term. In fact, we in America use similar terms to describe all people from Asia (Asian) or Latin America (Hispanic). In Korea, Japan, and most other countries, they have similar terms to "farang."

I don't know why some farangs can't get it through their thick heads, but don't bother trying to explain it to them. I have tried and I am a native English speaker. Just know that there are idiot farangs in Thailand and leave it at that.

There are idiot Farangs here in Thailand and I have met them, but they are very much in the minority.

Sadly enough you are quoting and responding to one.

Nigger is also supposedly a neutral term in English language when referring to black people, which is an innocent descendant of

the Latin adjective niger ("color black")

I would pay any money to see Berkshire call black people in USA NIGGERS to their face. I would pay even more to watch him do it in Harlem

And should he be lucky enough to be only wounded, to then call them idiots because after all its just a word in English language used to refer to people of black color

Kind of speaks for itself doesn't it. "I would pay any money to see Berkshire call black people in USA NIGGERS to their face. I would pay even more to watch him do it in Harlem."

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Yes, there are cultural differences, but this should not be a nationalist pride issue.

I knew several Thais who have great fluidity in several languages, but that doesn't mean the majority do.

Same for my fellow Americans, far from All are bilingual or fluent if they are.

As to logical thought processes:

If nationalism is used as am excuse to think illogically, that is not a valid excuse. 'It is not our way, and you are insulting us by pointing it out', is the slow steady route to never progressing as a culture. You can savor your past and culture and still THINK in a logical way, and take ideas from other cultures without it being a cultural insult. American English is a perfect case in point. It has words in common use from dozens of other languages and cultures. It doesn't diminish American culture to add things from others.

You can find many expat foreigners her who in general love the Thai culture, but absolutely HATE, ' some' of the things here. Just as they very, very likely ALSO hate with a passion many of the things back in their home, or other's cultures. So it could be suggested that you are being overly sensitive to griping by people who naturally gripe no matter where or when they are. And some are not the nicest not brightest bulbs in their own cultures....

I would also venture you have not visited any of the other lands or cultures you accuse members of as being cruel to your nationalistic outlook on Thailand, it might be quite enlightening to see how the other half lives and see how well YOU would get on in another, to you, illogical culture. I've lived in several sections of USA and lived in Europe and Asia, so I think I see these things pretty clearly.

Experience is the best teacher, and staying in your own patch never teaches you anything different than what you know, nor why others might verbally mark the differences. So if you want to get angry with me, fine. I have learned from Thai culture, but some things,mill never get a happy thumbs up from me, many because I see them hurting the average Thai person, not because they affect me so much.

As to double standards, they exist world wide. You Thais as a culture, have glaring double standards you apply to others and yourselves and many gleefully insult others to their face in Thai thinking we don't understand the slang...

We get this often, but, are you ok with that?

Farang Baa, but not always...

Nicely put....doubt he, she or shim (the OP) would appreciate or understands it.

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Khun Koratesanguy, I'm sorry that you have to endure this sort of abuse. Your English is simply not strong enough to deal with the native English speakers. I'll concede that there are many idiot farangs on this forum...especially the ones who keep complaining about the word "farang." Most of us know that this is not a derogatory term. In fact, we in America use similar terms to describe all people from Asia (Asian) or Latin America (Hispanic). In Korea, Japan, and most other countries, they have similar terms to "farang."

I don't know why some farangs can't get it through their thick heads, but don't bother trying to explain it to them. I have tried and I am a native English speaker. Just know that there are idiot farangs in Thailand and leave it at that.

There are idiot Farangs here in Thailand and I have met them, but they are very much in the minority.

Sadly enough you are quoting and responding to one.

Nigger is also supposedly a neutral term in English language when referring to black people, which is an innocent descendant of

the Latin adjective niger ("color black")

I would pay any money to see Berkshire call black people in USA NIGGERS to their face. I would pay even more to watch him do it in Harlem

And should he be lucky enough to be only wounded, to then call them idiots because after all its just a word in English language used to refer to people of black color

Kind of speaks for itself doesn't it. "I would pay any money to see Berkshire call black people in USA NIGGERS to their face. I would pay even more to watch him do it in Harlem."

It sure does,

It has been discussed endlessly that the term farang is somewhat offensive, yet you still have your quality foreigners who defend the use of it

and call others idiots who prefer not to be addressed in that manner.

It is inappropriate and ignorant, even Google translate does not have it https://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#auto/th/foreigner

Edited by lemoncake
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Yes, there are cultural differences, but this should not be a nationalist pride issue.

I knew several Thais who have great fluidity in several languages, but that doesn't mean the majority do.

Same for my fellow Americans, far from All are bilingual or fluent if they are.

As to logical thought processes:

If nationalism is used as am excuse to think illogically, that is not a valid excuse. 'It is not our way, and you are insulting us by pointing it out', is the slow steady route to never progressing as a culture. You can savor your past and culture and still THINK in a logical way, and take ideas from other cultures without it being a cultural insult. American English is a perfect case in point. It has words in common use from dozens of other languages and cultures. It doesn't diminish American culture to add things from others.

You can find many expat foreigners her who in general love the Thai culture, but absolutely HATE, ' some' of the things here. Just as they very, very likely ALSO hate with a passion many of the things back in their home, or other's cultures. So it could be suggested that you are being overly sensitive to griping by people who naturally gripe no matter where or when they are. And some are not the nicest not brightest bulbs in their own cultures....

I would also venture you have not visited any of the other lands or cultures you accuse members of as being cruel to your nationalistic outlook on Thailand, it might be quite enlightening to see how the other half lives and see how well YOU would get on in another, to you, illogical culture. I've lived in several sections of USA and lived in Europe and Asia, so I think I see these things pretty clearly.

Experience is the best teacher, and staying in your own patch never teaches you anything different than what you know, nor why others might verbally mark the differences. So if you want to get angry with me, fine. I have learned from Thai culture, but some things,mill never get a happy thumbs up from me, many because I see them hurting the average Thai person, not because they affect me so much.

As to double standards, they exist world wide. You Thais as a culture, have glaring double standards you apply to others and yourselves and many gleefully insult others to their face in Thai thinking we don't understand the slang...

We get this often, but, are you ok with that?

Farang Baa, but not always...

Nicely put....doubt he, she or shim (the OP) would appreciate or understands it.

He maybe be fluid enough to understand it.cheesy.gif

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Koratesanguy, You do not need to apologize. You are not alone. Many posters in this forum do not deserve to live in Thailand. There is a lot of low life even here on Thai Visa (TV). Su su (สู้ สู้).

I have never been treated bad by Thais. Perhaps this is because I have learned their language and can communicate with the with ease. How many Farangs in this forum can do that? Perhaps only a handful because most are too F!@#$king lazy to learn Thai. At least this guy Koratesanguy can write in English - even if it is not gramatically perfect - at least you can understand what the guy says.

I try best way for saying I can here on thai visa. I know is not correct spelling or perfect wording

Perhaps some of us can't, perhaps some of us are dyslexic regarding our mother language. Perhaps........................................

Glad you understand the term ''low-life'' , where else are they other than your ''even here'' quote.?

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I want to say some replys to things that I read have being said for that I write here before. I reading that many say I not thai guy . that is wrong to say because I am thai person . I come from village in korat my age 24 I married with 1 baby boy 4 age years. now I in pattaya work in hotel checking customer in and out at recepton desk.

If Thai people want respect from foreigners, the first thing they have to do is stop sending their daughters to work as prostitutes, especially in places like Pattaya.

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Why don't you write your next post in Thai or rewrite a previous post that you made in Thai to prove that you are actually Thai... otherwise everyone here will just assume that this is yet another troll thread where a farang expresses his own viewpoints under the guise of being a Thai person thereby giving his opinions a higher authority. You can PM me as well in Thai (preferably more than six words, smile.png )

One man shoots another and a Thai guy says that man shot another man. One man shoots another and a Farang says that man shot another man.

Would also ask the Thai man to prove he is a Thai man? Why? Would you trust his opinion less? Or more?

As far as I can see attacking the OP is still attacking the OP regardless of what guise you cloak the attacks in. If he establishes his identity would you then ask him to verify his education or lack of education? He may not be smart or dumb enough to post on Thai Visa.

This is a silly point.

The poster is an English speaker writing broken English, pretending to be Thai for his own amusement.

He is welcome to do this, but should expect to be called out on it.

Why? Is his position so much stronger than yours that attacking the poster is your only option for winning an argument?

Black guy gets stopped for speeding in Alabama by a white state trooper. As the cop is writing the ticket the black guys points to a white guy speeding by. Does it make any difference? Does it mean the state trooper does not like black people? If what the poster says is true deal with. Why try to find a reason not to debate the man?

I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it.

I'm only interested in, and commenting on, the fact that he is faking, and has succeeded in drawing people in.

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I want to say some replys to things that I read have being said for that I write here before. I reading that many say I not thai guy . that is wrong to say because I am thai person . I come from village in korat my age 24 I married with 1 baby boy 4 age years. now I in pattaya work in hotel checking customer in and out at recepton desk.

If Thai people want respect from foreigners, the first thing they have to do is stop sending their daughters to work as prostitutes, especially in places like Pattaya.

Is London, Nevada, Hamburg, Amsterdam or Kings Cross OK?

Edited by thailiketoo
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I want to say some replys to things that I read have being said for that I write here before. I reading that many say I not thai guy . that is wrong to say because I am thai person . I come from village in korat my age 24 I married with 1 baby boy 4 age years. now I in pattaya work in hotel checking customer in and out at recepton desk.

If Thai people want respect from foreigners, the first thing they have to do is stop sending their daughters to work as prostitutes, especially in places like Pattaya.

Is London, Nevada, Hamburg, Amsterdam or Kings Cross OK?

I used to work near Kings Cross. usually half a dozen hookers hanging around, not the same as 25,000 in Pattaya.

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I want to say some replys to things that I read have being said for that I write here before. I reading that many say I not thai guy . that is wrong to say because I am thai person . I come from village in korat my age 24 I married with 1 baby boy 4 age years. now I in pattaya work in hotel checking customer in and out at recepton desk.

If Thai people want respect from foreigners, the first thing they have to do is stop sending their daughters to work as prostitutes, especially in places like Pattaya.

Is London, Nevada, Hamburg, Amsterdam or Kings Cross OK?

Yes... the pay is much much much higher, high enough to feed the entire family, including uncles, cousins and of course useless brothers, their wives and mia noi's

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One man shoots another and a Thai guy says that man shot another man. One man shoots another and a Farang says that man shot another man.

Would also ask the Thai man to prove he is a Thai man? Why? Would you trust his opinion less? Or more?

As far as I can see attacking the OP is still attacking the OP regardless of what guise you cloak the attacks in. If he establishes his identity would you then ask him to verify his education or lack of education? He may not be smart or dumb enough to post on Thai Visa.

This is a silly point.

The poster is an English speaker writing broken English, pretending to be Thai for his own amusement.

He is welcome to do this, but should expect to be called out on it.

Why? Is his position so much stronger than yours that attacking the poster is your only option for winning an argument?

Black guy gets stopped for speeding in Alabama by a white state trooper. As the cop is writing the ticket the black guys points to a white guy speeding by. Does it make any difference? Does it mean the state trooper does not like black people? If what the poster says is true deal with. Why try to find a reason not to debate the man?

I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it.

I'm only interested in, and commenting on, the fact that he is faking, and has succeeded in drawing people in.

Is that a new requirement for posting on Thai Visa? You cant be a fake? Hmmm. A fake what? Gender, Nationality, residence, age, income, sexual preference, political party and the list goes on and on. Oh and who appointed you the judge?

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It sure does,

It has been discussed endlessly that the term farang is somewhat offensive, yet you still have your quality foreigners who defend the use of it

and call others idiots who prefer not to be addressed in that manner.

It is inappropriate and ignorant, even Google translate does not have it https://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#auto/th/foreigner

Yes it does.


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I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it.

I'm only interested in, and commenting on, the fact that he is faking, and has succeeded in drawing people in.

Is that a new requirement for posting on Thai Visa? You cant be a fake? Hmmm. A fake what? Gender, Nationality, residence, age, income, sexual preference, political party and the list goes on and on. Oh and who appointed you the judge?

Again, as I said previously, he is "welcome to do so (post in broken english, pretending to be Thai), but should expect to be called out on it".

I'm just pointing out his prank is not as convincing as he thought, that's all - no big deal.

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It sure does,

It has been discussed endlessly that the term farang is somewhat offensive, yet you still have your quality foreigners who defend the use of it

and call others idiots who prefer not to be addressed in that manner.

It is inappropriate and ignorant, even Google translate does not have it https://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#auto/th/foreigner

Yes it does.


You do not know the difference between Westerner and Foreigner?

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I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it.

I'm only interested in, and commenting on, the fact that he is faking, and has succeeded in drawing people in.

Is that a new requirement for posting on Thai Visa? You cant be a fake? Hmmm. A fake what? Gender, Nationality, residence, age, income, sexual preference, political party and the list goes on and on. Oh and who appointed you the judge?

Again, as I said previously, he is "welcome to do so (post in broken english, pretending to be Thai), but should expect to be called out on it".

I'm just pointing out his prank is not as convincing as he thought, that's all - no big deal.

So, I'll point out that when you attack a poster rather than his post that is a flame - no big deal.

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I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it.

I'm only interested in, and commenting on, the fact that he is faking, and has succeeded in drawing people in.

Is that a new requirement for posting on Thai Visa? You cant be a fake? Hmmm. A fake what? Gender, Nationality, residence, age, income, sexual preference, political party and the list goes on and on. Oh and who appointed you the judge?

Again, as I said previously, he is "welcome to do so (post in broken english, pretending to be Thai), but should expect to be called out on it".

I'm just pointing out his prank is not as convincing as he thought, that's all - no big deal.

So, I'll point out that when you attack a poster rather than his post that is a flame - no big deal.

I'm not attacking the poster.

I like these pranks. I'm attacking the actual posts - they weren't done well enough. He faked the bad English well in some places, but used a lot of pronouns and very non-Thai sounding fluent English, e. g. "all over Thailand" in others.

My two line attempt was much better in my opinion...

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Is that a new requirement for posting on Thai Visa? You cant be a fake? Hmmm. A fake what? Gender, Nationality, residence, age, income, sexual preference, political party and the list goes on and on. Oh and who appointed you the judge?

Again, as I said previously, he is "welcome to do so (post in broken english, pretending to be Thai), but should expect to be called out on it".

I'm just pointing out his prank is not as convincing as he thought, that's all - no big deal.

So, I'll point out that when you attack a poster rather than his post that is a flame - no big deal.

I'm not attacking the poster.

I like these pranks. I'm attacking the actual posts - they weren't done well enough. He faked the bad English well in some places, but used a lot of pronouns and very non-Thai sounding fluent English, e. g. "all over Thailand" in others.

My two line attempt was much better in my opinion...

You don't get it. A flame is attacking thy poster or the way he writes or his nationality when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. I know you don't get it. I think a lot of posters here think it sport to attack the poster, writing style , or some other odd thing about the post. You people think it is fun to mock people and ignore their message, Yingluck's accent. The red farmers illiterate speech and on and on. Like you said, " I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it." You don't know enough to comment on his meaning only on how he said it. Well isn't that typical?

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You don't get it. A flame is attacking thy poster or the way he writes or his nationality when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. I know you don't get it. I think a lot of posters here think it sport to attack the poster, writing style , or some other odd thing about the post. You people think it is fun to mock people and ignore their message, Yingluck's accent. The red farmers illiterate speech and on and on. Like you said, " I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it." You don't know enough to comment on his meaning only on how he said it. Well isn't that typical?

What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.??

Partingon has made his position very clear, but you insist on coming back like a mosquito

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You don't get it. A flame is attacking thy poster or the way he writes or his nationality when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. I know you don't get it. I think a lot of posters here think it sport to attack the poster, writing style , or some other odd thing about the post. You people think it is fun to mock people and ignore their message, Yingluck's accent. The red farmers illiterate speech and on and on. Like you said, " I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it." You don't know enough to comment on his meaning only on how he said it. Well isn't that typical?

I know enough to comment on his meaning, but I just don't care enough.

I don't care enough because the poster is not sincere in what he is writing because it is a fake post. I can't state it any more clearly than that...

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You don't get it. A flame is attacking thy poster or the way he writes or his nationality when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. I know you don't get it. I think a lot of posters here think it sport to attack the poster, writing style , or some other odd thing about the post. You people think it is fun to mock people and ignore their message, Yingluck's accent. The red farmers illiterate speech and on and on. Like you said, " I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it." You don't know enough to comment on his meaning only on how he said it. Well isn't that typical?

What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.??

Partingon has made his position very clear, but you insist on coming back like a mosquito

Nope wrong. You should get facts straight before you write. I'm sure Yingluck would.biggrin.png

BTW your comment about me being a mosquito is also a flame. Is that your style, facts wrong and flaming sword of contradiction, charge...

Edited by thailiketoo
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You don't get it. A flame is attacking thy poster or the way he writes or his nationality when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. I know you don't get it. I think a lot of posters here think it sport to attack the poster, writing style , or some other odd thing about the post. You people think it is fun to mock people and ignore their message, Yingluck's accent. The red farmers illiterate speech and on and on. Like you said, " I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it." You don't know enough to comment on his meaning only on how he said it. Well isn't that typical?

What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.??

Partingon has made his position very clear, but you insist on coming back like a mosquito

Nope wrong. You should get facts straight before you write. I'm sure Yingluck would.biggrin.png

BTW your comment about me being a mosquito is also a flame. Is that your style, facts wrong and flaming sword of contradiction, charge...

violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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You don't get it. A flame is attacking thy poster or the way he writes or his nationality when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. I know you don't get it. I think a lot of posters here think it sport to attack the poster, writing style , or some other odd thing about the post. You people think it is fun to mock people and ignore their message, Yingluck's accent. The red farmers illiterate speech and on and on. Like you said, " I don't have any position at all on what he posted - I don't care about it." You don't know enough to comment on his meaning only on how he said it. Well isn't that typical?

What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.??

Partingon has made his position very clear, but you insist on coming back like a mosquito

Nope wrong. You should get facts straight before you write. I'm sure Yingluck would.biggrin.png

BTW your comment about me being a mosquito is also a flame. Is that your style, facts wrong and flaming sword of contradiction, charge...

violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

Can't get the written facts correct so now it's flaming with pictures time? I guess I should consider the source. Try this for your next post, The Eight-Fold Path of TV-Humiliation

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Can't get the written facts correct so now it's flaming with pictures time? I guess I should consider the source.


4. Phase four. Time for hidden invectives and minor insults. These insults tend to be subjective or indirect in their kind; “Have you taken your medicine yet?” Generally, the insults are seldom accompanied by any arguments that actually contributes to the topic.

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Can't get the written facts correct so now it's flaming with pictures time? I guess I should consider the source.


4. Phase four. Time for hidden invectives and minor insults. These insults tend to be subjective or indirect in their kind; “Have you taken your medicine yet?” Generally, the insults are seldom accompanied by any arguments that actually contributes to the topic.

Excellent, now here is a definition for you of trolling

-Being a prick on the internet because you can

-a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people

-Internet slang term used to describe any Internet user behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else.

So lets see here, another member clarified his position numerous times, but it is not good enough for you and you insist on more and more annoyance.

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Fifty Two - is that your IQ? That was uncalled for.

I want to say some replys to things that I read have being said for that I write here before. I reading that many say I not thai guy . that is wrong to say because I am thai person . I come from village in korat my age 24 I married with 1 baby boy 4 age years. now I in pattaya work in hotel checking customer in and out at recepton desk.

If Thai people want respect from foreigners, the first thing they have to do is stop sending their daughters to work as prostitutes, especially in places like Pattaya.
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Can't get the written facts correct so now it's flaming with pictures time? I guess I should consider the source.


4. Phase four. Time for hidden invectives and minor insults. These insults tend to be subjective or indirect in their kind; “Have you taken your medicine yet?” Generally, the insults are seldom accompanied by any arguments that actually contributes to the topic.

Excellent, now here is a definition for you of trolling

-Being a prick on the internet because you can

-a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people

-Internet slang term used to describe any Internet user behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else.

So lets see here, another member clarified his position numerous times, but it is not good enough for you and you insist on more and more annoyance.

You wrote, "What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.??"

That's not true. I pointed that out. And you started flaming.

Before you engage me, get your facts straight or expect your error to be pointed out.

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