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Greenwanderer's Iq

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And the results are in...after spending a good 15 or so minutes doing the 40-50 question, test, they say I get a 129 and that's a visual mathemetician...yea right, he he he... Don't really remember about the IQ test other than it calculates your score in comparison to others your age...i.e. knowledge you're expected to know at a certain age in your life...

Bunch of ballocks I guess, I do remember a fellow name Gardner's Multi-Intelligence test which was praised being more objective and precise than the IQ test....

HEre is the link for tickles free iq test

Anyhow, how this relates to Thailand is my following question...

Thai's education system is so butt-hungry for exam/test results to asess students, do they take iq or other age comparitive tests in school? Which ones exactly???...and is it a benefit to society considering that many uni graduates are jobless and/or are at a big disadvantage to the world job market???

Edited by greenwanderer108
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Well, here is the real link if you want to test your luck at what you'll score...don't worry, I think you have a better chance of scoring high if you're a senior, as I doubt they expect you to remember or know so much at that age anyway :D

Remember, no dictionaries or other references are aloud, except for some scratch paper or what have you...as its testing your knowlege base and capabilities without help from other sources...

also worth noting is that expats who spend a longer time away from home tend to develop a 'new' sense of logic and common sense as they have socialized into a different society, so don't worry if your score is low like mine, after all, it is not objective anyway :o ...

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a) an IQ test is NOT a general knowledge test

:o go to the Mensa site if you want to take a real IQ testing tool

c) 129 is not Low ... (but higher than I would expect from "aloud")

oooops Mensa.org only has a "mensa workout" now .... but by far better than the garbage on the other site

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... (but higher than I would expect from "aloud")

that's my point about being away from home for so long...spelling is something that takes on new forms once you've been away from 'reality' for so long...you get the flow yo?

Mensa state? What the heck is that ? Is that supposed to be common knowledge for someone who can score 129 on a fake IQ test, that happens to be advertising for the US military?

Anyway, I know the IQ test is a bunch of ballocks...Anyone who takes a Critical and Creative Thinking Class and get an A grade will automatically score 100+ on the IQ test from mastering the Deductive / Inductive rules-fallacies of western logic...

That's why I referred to Gardner's Multi-Inteligence test....though I haven't a clue if there is free online tests for that...

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Not bright enough to understand the IQ Test you took (and the link you posted) is little more than an Email Address Gathering Scam.

okay, Mr. Bright man,

just for the sake of hoots and scoops, let us see you take this free fake iq test simply for reference. I can assure you that the questions on such a test are straight forward and valid, and anyone who has sufficient reading comprehension skills can certainly breeze through the questions. However, I can not vouch if the rating / scoring system is fair/objective or not as I have no idea how they calculate all of it, other than it compares your answers with others your age and is biased for Western Common sense...

After all, an educated experienced wealthy father/activist ought to be pretty clever enough to score as much as a poor, uneducated, father/journalist like myself, certainly if not more...

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Well I waded through it for the fun........

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. :o

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My wife scored 128 on this test a while back. I wouldn't call her the brightest spark, although she does seem to have managed to aquire a degree or two. Its a crap test. As someone said, gathering email for spam or something. The Mensa test is a better reflection of IQ, but I'd assume you'll only find an abridged version on their site as it has to be properly administered. Haven't looked.

A high IQ is of very little significance as far as success in life is concerned.

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"That's why I referred to Gardner's Multi-Inteligence test....though I haven't a clue if there is free online tests for that.."

I knew a psych and he was always going on about how useless the 'IQ' test as it was biased towards people similar to those who wrote it. I guess it has improved since then.

Slightly off track, he told this story about a client (a 15yr old kid) who was assessed and placed in a basic maths class at school (slight social disorders) yet was attending Uni maths at night unknown to the school. He was p__ssed off that he wasn't allowed to make this public.

Anyway I thought there is a new method of considering all different types of intelligence (is that the Greens test?) such as spatial, emotional etc, makes far more sense. I think everyone has something going on somewhere, except possibly me at the moment getting hooked on TV forums :o

Mensa spins me right out, I visualise a bunch of guys, old sweaters, Dungeons & Dragons in full swing, manly smell of sweaty yaks and camembert cheese.

good night

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"That's why I referred to Gardner's Multi-Inteligence test....though I haven't a clue if there is free online tests for that.."

I knew a psych and he was always going on about how useless the 'IQ' test as it was biased towards people similar to those who wrote it. I guess it has improved since then.

Slightly off track, he told this story about a client (a 15yr old kid) who was assessed and placed in a basic maths class at school (slight social disorders) yet was attending Uni maths at night unknown to the school. He was p__ssed off that he wasn't allowed to make this public.

Anyway I thought there is a new method of considering all different types of intelligence (is that the Greens test?) such as spatial, emotional etc, makes far more sense. I think everyone has something going on somewhere, except possibly me at the moment getting hooked on TV forums :o

Mensa spins me right out, I visualise a bunch of guys, old sweaters, Dungeons & Dragons in full swing, manly smell of sweaty yaks and camembert cheese.

good night

Sadly, you are wrong. Go to their meetings. A talk about some subject, followed by a social with much beer and much talk of sailing and sex :D

Much like TV?

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scored 7 points too few to join Mensa Douggie?

Actually Mensa tends to be an interesting group of people ... members from Rocket scientists and Firemen and academics and yes ... even expats ... the Mensa SIG's cover every conceivable area ... car-enthusiasts to politics :o

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My sister is Mensa, so there are plenty of females in the club. Too much weight given the intellect, IMHO. There's much more to us than that. Bound to leave you with a feeling of either "better than thou" or "less than." Comparisons are a sticky trap. I'll stay away.

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There probably are more male menbers of Mensa than female members ... but I know a family where all 4 kids qualified and 3 are members 2 men and one woman

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The standard IQ test is among the most abused and mis-administered tests on the books. It was originally developed (and is only academically meaningful) to discern significant differences in what were regarded quite some time ago in academic circles as several forms of intelligence in groups or populations [it should be noted that the test in its traditional forms favours American white populations, though someone may have taken care of this by now- I'm not sure which test it was that was responsible for recent reports that the Thai national average IQ was in the high 80s]. It has also never been demonstrated to any rigourous statistical standard that there is any "thing" which corresponds to whatever it is that an IQ test tests, much less that should that thing exist, it would be intelligence.

Anecdotal evidence suggests to me that high IQs do correspond with mathematical and verbal proficiencies, but leave out a number of other skills that might connotate intelligence of various kinds; Gardner's not just whistling Dixie.

Suggest that those who are interested in more check out The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen Jay Gould's excellent history of IQ tests and their abuse.

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The reason for online IQ tests is so they can charge you for a IQ report ($12.95 for this particalor one). Just how many people are going to pay money if their results were "your IQ is 82, you are a visual moron". Of course they are going to tell you instead how great and intelligent you are so you purchase the report. This test in particular seemed flawed because it had numerous questions which needed knowledge of the english language; impossible to just "think" those ones out. A sucker for puzzles, I tried it and got a 140; visual mathemetician :o

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A load of utter rubbish! And the same can be said for MENSA.

Intelligence is not merely about solving puzzles.

MENSA is an organisation for back slapping self obsessed fools most of whom may be good at solving puzzles but would probably struggle to string a lucid paragraph together on any topic apart from how high their 'IQ' is.

MENSA has no official recognition whatsoever despite what they may think.

Utter dribble.

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missed the cut PF?

Mensa membership can stand one in good stead early in life .... and provide interesting people to talk with later on ...

not to mention professional contacts ... networking opportunities ... and general silliness :-)

but then again .. if you aren't a member ... you wouldn't know :o

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I know plenty of unemployed PhD's ..... but like I said ... if you didn't make the cut you just don't KNOW about it PF ... so might this be a bit of jealousy? or a tish of inferiority?

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Got it PF ...

this thread should be about Greenie's IQ ... but I don't want to po the mods ....

So PF .. you aren't a member of Mensa ... never have been ... don't qualify ... BUT .. you know all about them through some magical form of reverse osmosis :o

Now ... several years ago there was a report in the USA that dumb people make better lovers ... they don't THINK about it ... they just do what feels good! ... That's a report I hope that is not true!

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