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Why do some ( ? many ) expats start a new family with Thai wives?


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Is this the dumbest post of the year?

Why is it the dumbest post?

OP is spot on, in many cases, she already has a few kids being raised by her mother, so why have more?

Well I didn't have any kids, my wife hadn't had any kids before. It's quite natural for married couples to have kids.

In your case i totally agree, but OP is talking about couples who already have kids from previous times

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So..I have children with another woman...and my significant other had children from an earlier relationship...and now I am with her and we want to have a family together with kids that we "produced" together.

W.hy is that strange?

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I don't see why it's a mystery. People like family life and normality. People don't migrate to Thailand to grow old and lonely.

I beg to differ on that one, after travelling to Thailand on and off for well over ten years, I've met some real grumpy cantankerous old and lonely men..

I have met some happy ones who are still with their Thai wives after 15 years or so but they are in my experience the minority..

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I don't see why it's a mystery. People like family life and normality. People don't migrate to Thailand to grow old and lonely.

One's wife keeps one from being lonely ( at least mine does ). I fail to understand why children are necessary for that reason.

Agree. Children are not necessary to be happy... Same as couples can also be very happy without having to own a house, a car, a dog or being married..

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I don't see why it's a mystery. People like family life and normality. People don't migrate to Thailand to grow old and lonely.

I beg to differ on that one, after travelling to Thailand on and off for well over ten years, I've met some real grumpy cantankerous old and lonely men..

I have met some happy ones who are still with their Thai wives after 15 years or so but they are in my experience the minority..

Let me guess... By any chance did you meet these old lonely grumpy men in bars over a breakfast drink?

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So..I have children with another woman...and my significant other had children from an earlier relationship...and now I am with her and we want to have a family together with kids that we "produced" together.

W.hy is that strange?

No, that makes you normal.

However, if you look like your profile picture, then you are not normal :-)

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So..I have children with another woman...and my significant other had children from an earlier relationship...and now I am with her and we want to have a family together with kids that we "produced" together.

W.hy is that strange?

Because many of the children I know ( and those I grew up with ) are horrid little beasts, and while one can always be excused making the mistake once, I fail to understand why one would make the same mistake a second time around.

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I don't see why it's a mystery. People like family life and normality. People don't migrate to Thailand to grow old and lonely.

I beg to differ on that one, after travelling to Thailand on and off for well over ten years, I've met some real grumpy cantankerous old and lonely men..

I have met some happy ones who are still with their Thai wives after 15 years or so but they are in my experience the minority..

Let me guess... By any chance did you meet these old lonely grumpy men in bars over a breakfast drink?

Guess all you want Khunpa, though if you get to Pattaya if your interested in research I'm sure you'll find more than one who would be willing to discuss over a tea or coffee whilst having breakfast, I'm sure you'll find them all over Thailand as I don't think there on the endangered species list yet, infact I'm sure Thailand will continue to breed cantankerous grumpy old men for many years to come, as one leaves broken hearted with no money, there seems to be many newcomers willing to take his place...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Some people never seem to learn until it's too latehit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. , even when they have been warned and given good advice the merry go round continues with a never ending supply of willing victims...beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu


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I don't see why it's a mystery. People like family life and normality. People don't migrate to Thailand to grow old and lonely.

One's wife keeps one from being lonely ( at least mine does ). I fail to understand why children are necessary for that reason.

Because having children is a normal part of being human. You don't have them for company.

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I think ex pats start up new families for 2 reasons and in most cases they are a mixture of both.

1) they buggered up relationships back home so want another crack

2) they can't party with a hat so end up with unwanted babies

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