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L.O.S. The Land of ?


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Sounds like this is the start of another Thai bashing thread.

Land of Smells, Land of Self and Land of Stink, then you throw in Land of Sanuk to try and disguise your majority derogatory suggestions. This lot you suggest is humour and not bashing.

By starting it, you know all the bigots and haters simply wouldn't be able to help themselves but post their nonsense (in a bid, it seems, to be both macho and quasi-funny in a neanderthal way), and that of course once their nonsense is posted it would earn them problems with the mods.

I think a similar thread on equally contentious subjects should be started every day, as it's the perfect to way to identify and get rid of the unthinking braindeads, without them even realising they're falling into the trap.

...and the bigots and the haters are of course those, who do not agree with you, that Thailand is just 100% great, although it sure has minor flwas....right?!

Unthinking braindeads?


Beacon of tolerance, aren't you?!

I might decide whether or not to say right or wrong to your question, once I discover what a minor flwas is? Just hope whatever it is, it`s not contagious?

How about LOS (Land of smiles) now there is some originality for you.

Or Land of Sunshine and some other decent suggestions other than the land of stink as suggested by the OP.

One more to throw in: Land of the sophisticated.

The op ( I ) also mentioned the Land of Smells, good smells like the cooking food, incense and other smells I love!

You will have difficulty finding an expat without rose colored glasses on that loves Thailand more than I do!

Why must you insist on harping on the negative while claiming to be positive?

This is Thailand Beetlejuice, don't be so serious.

Land of a Sunsets

Land of Starfruit

Land of Snakes ( note to Beetlejuice: I love snakes and think they are beautiful amazing creatures!)

And scorpions

and spiders ( great big scary ones )

and stupid people riding motor bikes one handed while holding new baby with the other arm

and srubbish everywhere ( sorry about that )

But best of all

the Land of SYTs ( why most of us came here and stayed, I'm sure, regardless of what they say, LOL ).

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I tell many Thais that the polite 'Wai' with two palms held together just under the chin in a praying position accompanied with a smile has now been replaced by a single hand held out palm-up and a scowl.

Some reluctantly agree!

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Sounds like this is the start of another Thai bashing thread.

Land of Smells, Land of Self and Land of Stink, then you throw in Land of Sanuk to try and disguise your majority derogatory suggestions. This lot you suggest is humour and not bashing.

By starting it, you know all the bigots and haters simply wouldn't be able to help themselves but post their nonsense (in a bid, it seems, to be both macho and quasi-funny in a neanderthal way), and that of course once their nonsense is posted it would earn them problems with the mods.

I think a similar thread on equally contentious subjects should be started every day, as it's the perfect to way to identify and get rid of the unthinking braindeads, without them even realising they're falling into the trap.

...and the bigots and the haters are of course those, who do not agree with you, that Thailand is just 100% great, although it sure has minor flwas....right?!

Unthinking braindeads?


Beacon of tolerance, aren't you?!

I might decide whether or not to say right or wrong to your question, once I discover what a minor flwas is? Just hope whatever it is, it`s not contagious?

How about LOS (Land of smiles) now there is some originality for you.

Or Land of Sunshine and some other decent suggestions other than the land of stink as suggested by the OP.

One more to throw in: Land of the sophisticated.

Land Of Self opinionated <deleted>. Loss Of Sensibility . Loss of all Suckers. Or my favourite Land Of my Sweetheart. Land of our Success.

Edited by Mudcrab
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The ones who have the most critical views regarding Thailand are either the losers who couldn`t hack it in Thailand and bear a grudge against the country, or got shafted by some Thai woman of ill repute when they fell head over heels in love with a her after only 2 nights of hot passion and paid sex?

For me personally, I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be in Thailand and able to afford living here.

The continuous politically bickering's do rather spoil things, because it brings an uncertainty to what the furture holds for us in Thailand, but besides that, I believe that those like me who can afford to live in Thailand should also consider themselves privileged and lucky. I bet that there are thousands of people in the West that would swap with us in an instant to escape their mundane lives there.

For those who can only see Thailand as the pits and have nothing good to say about the country, especially those who actually live here, must be extremely unhappy with their lot in life or have made a huge error in judgement by moving here, as it`s obvious Thailand is not for them.

It will be interesting to see how this thread progresses, and whether the few negative comment posters will try to overpower the positive comment posters, as they usually do on these threads.

Do not disagree with either your comments or sentiment,however two things are rather obvious, one is that you are financially comfortable enough to enjoy your privileged lifestyle and the second is that you obviously live in a manner that makes you oblivious to the real nature and problems facing this country, however, you are in good company as this is exactly the same mindset as the local government and priveledged elite adopt from behind the comfort of their privileged lifestyle.

You would not by chance own a 2.5 million Baht watch ?.

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The ones who have the most critical views regarding Thailand are either the losers who couldn`t hack it in Thailand and bear a grudge against the country, or got shafted by some Thai woman of ill repute when they fell head over heels in love with a her after only 2 nights of hot passion and paid sex?

For me personally, I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be in Thailand and able to afford living here.

The continuous politically bickering's do rather spoil things, because it brings an uncertainty to what the furture holds for us in Thailand, but besides that, I believe that those like me who can afford to live in Thailand should also consider themselves privileged and lucky. I bet that there are thousands of people in the West that would swap with us in an instant to escape their mundane lives there.

For those who can only see Thailand as the pits and have nothing good to say about the country, especially those who actually live here, must be extremely unhappy with their lot in life or have made a huge error in judgement by moving here, as it`s obvious Thailand is not for them.

It will be interesting to see how this thread progresses, and whether the negative comment posters will overpower the positive comment posters.

So do you reckon that it's only Thai women of ill repute that shaft people hey beetlejuice....

Must be nice looking through those rose tinted specs.... Do they have specsavers in Thailand yet...

Don't tar em all with the same brush beetle, you come across as a Thai apologist and then spoil yourself......

"those rose tinted specs"

"you come across as a Thai apologist"

First of all your original post may not be the most childish thing posted on Thai Visa, but it sure comes in high on the list. Nothing wrong with being childish and obviously you have plenty of company here. Like most childish behavior however, it can be annoying to some people, so it's hard to imagine when you posted it you didn't think you'd provoke some reactions.

The "rose-colored glasses" and "Thai apologist" labels rarely make much sense and in this case make no sense.

Most people who are reasonably content with their lives here made a realistic appraisal of what life would be like in Thailand and, fully understanding the negatives along with the positives, prefer to enjoy the positives while not dwelling on the negatives. On the other hand, the chronic whiners must have viewed Thailand as some sort of fairyland before they came here because they were looking at everything through rosey specs that only focused on those things their dreary lives had denied them. When they realized everyday wouldn't be Christmas here in Thailand, like most disappointed children they started throwing tantrums... moaning incessantly on TV. At this point they used those rose-colored spectacles to remember how really wonderful life was back in their own countries ... once again unable to remember the dreary existence they had before coming to Thailand.

In other words, if you weighed staying in your own country against moving to Thailand and if you made a reasoned decision, you're probably fairly content. If you thought you were moving from DismalLand to Disneyland, you're undoubtedly a fully certified Thai basher now because the rose colored glasses fell off and shifting blame is what moaners do best.

There is no need for anyone who likes life in Thailand to apologize for themselves or for Thailand. Responding to all the brainless, childish, ludicrous moaning that so often fills these threads is not apologizing. Most of the things people complain about here are as bad or worse in the countries the complainers came from. Most people who spend all their time whining are unhappy with their own lives and need to try to shift the blame onto Thailand or Thai people. Pointing out how baseless their moaning is, is not being an apologist.

This thread ought to be in the joke forum where childish things are better appreciated by everyone who wants to forget about all the serious issues of the world. To consider this a general topic related to life in Thailand is nonsense. In the meantime, maybe this cartoon will give you some fresh ideas for more equally challenging threads.


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The ones who have the most critical views regarding Thailand are either the losers who couldn`t hack it in Thailand and bear a grudge against the country, or got shafted by some Thai woman of ill repute when they fell head over heels in love with a her after only 2 nights of hot passion and paid sex?

For me personally, I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be in Thailand and able to afford living here.

The continuous politically bickering's do rather spoil things, because it brings an uncertainty to what the furture holds for us in Thailand, but besides that, I believe that those like me who can afford to live in Thailand should also consider themselves privileged and lucky. I bet that there are thousands of people in the West that would swap with us in an instant to escape their mundane lives there.

For those who can only see Thailand as the pits and have nothing good to say about the country, especially those who actually live here, must be extremely unhappy with their lot in life or have made a huge error in judgement by moving here, as it`s obvious Thailand is not for them.

It will be interesting to see how this thread progresses, and whether the negative comment posters will overpower the positive comment posters.

So do you reckon that it's only Thai women of ill repute that shaft people hey beetlejuice....

Must be nice looking through those rose tinted specs.... Do they have specsavers in Thailand yet...

Don't tar em all with the same brush beetle, you come across as a Thai apologist and then spoil yourself......

"those rose tinted specs"

"you come across as a Thai apologist"

First of all your original post may not be the most childish thing posted on Thai Visa, but it sure comes in high on the list. Nothing wrong with being childish and obviously you have plenty of company here. Like most childish behavior however, it can be annoying to some people, so it's hard to imagine when you posted it you didn't think you'd provoke some reactions.

The "rose-colored glasses" and "Thai apologist" labels rarely make much sense and in this case make no sense.

Most people who are reasonably content with their lives here made a realistic appraisal of what life would be like in Thailand and, fully understanding the negatives along with the positives, prefer to enjoy the positives while not dwelling on the negatives. On the other hand, the chronic whiners must have viewed Thailand as some sort of fairyland before they came here because they were looking at everything through rosey specs that only focused on those things their dreary lives had denied them. When they realized everyday wouldn't be Christmas here in Thailand, like most disappointed children they started throwing tantrums... moaning incessantly on TV. At this point they used those rose-colored spectacles to remember how really wonderful life was back in their own countries ... once again unable to remember the dreary existence they had before coming to Thailand.

In other words, if you weighed staying in your own country against moving to Thailand and if you made a reasoned decision, you're probably fairly content. If you thought you were moving from DismalLand to Disneyland, you're undoubtedly a fully certified Thai basher now because the rose colored glasses fell off and shifting blame is what moaners do best.

There is no need for anyone who likes life in Thailand to apologize for themselves or for Thailand. Responding to all the brainless, childish, ludicrous moaning that so often fills these threads is not apologizing. Most of the things people complain about here are as bad or worse in the countries the complainers came from. Most people who spend all their time whining are unhappy with their own lives and need to try to shift the blame onto Thailand or Thai people. Pointing out how baseless their moaning is, is not being an apologist.

This thread ought to be in the joke forum where childish things are better appreciated by everyone who wants to forget about all the serious issues of the world. To consider this a general topic related to life in Thailand is nonsense. In the meantime, maybe this cartoon will give you some fresh ideas for more equally challenging threads.

What is that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?

Can we get back on track?

LOS > read OPs request, post your dull stuff in "challenging threads" please, thanks ;p

Land Of Sniveling

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The ones who have the most critical views regarding Thailand are either the losers who couldn`t hack it in Thailand and bear a grudge against the country, or got shafted by some Thai woman of ill repute when they fell head over heels in love with a her after only 2 nights of hot passion and paid sex?


For me personally, I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be in Thailand and able to afford living here.


The continuous politically bickering's  do rather spoil things, because it brings an uncertainty  to what the furture holds for us in Thailand, but besides that, I believe that those like me who can afford to live in Thailand should also consider themselves privileged and lucky. I bet that there are thousands of people in the West that would swap with us in an instant to escape their mundane lives there.


For those who can only see Thailand as the pits and have nothing good to say about the country, especially those who actually live here, must be extremely unhappy with their lot in life or have made a huge error in judgement by moving here, as it`s obvious Thailand is not for them.


It will be interesting to see how this thread progresses, and whether the negative comment posters will overpower the positive comment posters.

So do you reckon that it's only Thai women of ill repute that shaft people hey beetlejuice....

Must be nice looking through those rose tinted specs.... Do they have specsavers in Thailand yet...

Don't tar em all with the same brush beetle, you come across as a Thai apologist and then spoil yourself......


"those rose tinted specs"

"you come across as a Thai apologist"


First of all your original post may not be the most childish thing posted on Thai Visa, but it sure comes in high on the list. Nothing wrong with being childish and obviously you have plenty of company here. Like most childish behavior however, it can be annoying to some people, so it's hard to imagine when you posted it you didn't think you'd provoke some reactions.


The "rose-colored glasses" and "Thai apologist" labels rarely make much sense and in this case make no sense.


Most people who are reasonably content with their lives here made a realistic appraisal of what life would be like in Thailand and, fully understanding the negatives along with the positives, prefer to enjoy the positives while not dwelling on the negatives. On the other hand, the chronic whiners must have viewed Thailand as some sort of fairyland before they came here because they were looking at everything through rosey specs that only focused on those things their dreary lives had denied them. When they realized everyday wouldn't be Christmas here in Thailand, like most disappointed children they started throwing tantrums...  moaning incessantly on TV. At this point they used those rose-colored spectacles to remember how really wonderful life was back in their own countries ... once again unable to remember the dreary existence they had before coming to Thailand.


In other words, if you weighed staying in your own country against moving to Thailand and if you made a reasoned decision, you're probably fairly content. If you thought you were moving from DismalLand to  Disneyland, you're undoubtedly a fully certified Thai basher now because the rose colored glasses fell off and shifting blame is what moaners do best.


There is no need for anyone who likes life in Thailand to apologize for themselves or for Thailand. Responding to all the brainless, childish, ludicrous moaning that so often fills these threads is not apologizing. Most of the things people complain about here are as bad or worse in the countries the complainers came from. Most people who spend all their time whining are unhappy with their own lives and need to try to shift the blame onto Thailand or Thai people. Pointing out how baseless their moaning is, is not being an apologist.


This thread ought to be in the joke forum where childish things are better appreciated by everyone who wants to forget about all the serious issues of the world. To consider this a general topic related to life in Thailand is nonsense.  In the meantime, maybe this cartoon will give you some fresh ideas for more equally challenging threads.




Wow that was quite a read...Hope you feel better now.... Any way hope you enjoyed your rant and just so you know, I'm quite content in life and have no personal bad memories of the time I have spent in Thailand.

I get a little miffed on here though at times when certain people on here try to make out how really wonderfull Thailand is, they don't see any bad, only good...and then try to have a dig at people who may have had a bad experience with a woman of ill repute.

.According to beetle juice the most critical of Thailand or those who bear a grudge against the country is a loser who couldnt hack it.

There are many people who have have been shafted in Thailand and no doubt about it many more will go down the same route, oh and I'm pretty sure all were not shafted by women of ill repute...It's pretty clear beetlejuice was referring to prostitutes..

I'd hazard a guess that he aint ever been with a woman of ill repute, a bit like like a lot of others on TV who say they have never been with one, I find it quite amazing over the years finding out how many are with hiso Thai Chinese...

A lot of bull shi*ers on TV but if it makes them happy then so be it...

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There are many people who have have been shafted in Thailand and no doubt about it many more will go down the same route, oh and I'm pretty sure all were not shafted by women of ill repute...It's pretty clear beetlejuice was referring to prostitutes..

I was shafted by a Yorkshireman pretending to be an IFA in CM.

Up to 100 other people in CM were also shafted by the same guy.

Never had any problems with Thai women, apart from the usual sulks, tantrums and cheating .... and that was me.

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