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Thai Govt readjusts response to protests; time for talk finished


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By his own logic, the operators of Rajamangala Stadium should be arrested for providing the facility and its services to protestors.

Nope. That's not his logic. The logic is they're being lead by someone with an arrest warrant for treason, so anyone that supports him or provides his group with services could also be subject to lelgal action.

You have to admit that threatening the BMA for toilets is just ludicrous though ..... don't you?

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Gunning down a nurse in cold blood as she attempted to do her job is a political act. And it was Suthep, as head of security, who sanctioned the killing.

Grow up, do you really think the Suthep actually said - "go and shoot a few nurses" so that idiots could after a few years sprout stupidity like (Suthep) sanctioned the killing.

You must be so desperate to make such ridicules statements.

A ridiculous claim. The court was unable to say who shot her, let alone he gave the order to open fire on the temple. So how will it be possible to prove that Suthep ordered the killing? That would be necessary to prove the charge of murder in all the cases that Abhisit and Suthep have been frivolously charged with. A wanton waste of taxpayers' money.

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This is a mistake.

HUGE mistake, and going after the people providing the toilets? or water? The BMA has the responsibility to the community at large to do that. (They did it for the reds too!) Do you really want tens of thousands of people crapping in the gutters?

Going after Blue Sky is another huge mistake. It will simply look like stifling of the press (no matter how one biased that press is) .. it didn't turn out well when they Abhisit gov't went after the red channels. (this group is obviously less violent than the reds ... but they won't stay that way of pressured too hard! Not from incitement from the stages, but from the reaction to the sheer hypocrisy of a UDD backed PTP gov't playing this dangerous "double standards" game.

Agree about the toilets thing. Don't see how the BMA are at fault here.

Blue Sky is a different issue. Shutting it down would be a mistake, as like you say, the first violent incident in 2010 came after the government shut down the red shirt TV channel PTV. But apparently they're not going to do that, they're instead going to go after the executives legally. Hopefully they realize if they do try to shut it down, it gives the anti-govt protesters an immediate task, and if they were successful in getting it back on air, it could galvanize them.

Announcing he's not going to negotiate with Suthep is neither here nor there really. Suthep wasn't negotiating anyway. What it actually means is that they're going to try to arrest Suthep now. He's had his chance and decided to play it this way. They didn't attempt to arrest him before because they wanted to leave the door open to negotiation.

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Red shirt media that openly supported the insurrection in 2010 were only prosecuted in the case of lese majeste content. Is this another double standard?

With modern social media and Youtube which is hosted overseas protestors can get their message across. It is a big mistake to try to make them martyrs but it is understandable that this stooge has his orders to get tough from cousin Thaksin.

Red shirt media was threatened and shut down for a time. It will only be double standards if the charges go to trial. (so far)

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Red shirt media that openly supported the insurrection in 2010 were only prosecuted in the case of lese majeste content. Is this another double standard?

With modern social media and Youtube which is hosted overseas protestors can get their message across. It is a big mistake to try to make them martyrs but it is understandable that this stooge has his orders to get tough from cousin Thaksin.

Well as far as I know the executives of PTV were Veera, Jatuporn, Nattawud and Jakrapob. And they were already subject to legal charges, so it wouldn't really have had any effect to go after them for that specifically. I guess that's why they opted to simply shut it down instead. Actually, in the case of the red shirt community radio stations that were shut down, I think there's a strong case there *should* have been prosecutions. If they were breaking the law, prosecute the person specifically responsible, rather than arbitrarily closing down opposition media.

As you say, if they were to shut it down, it's still going to be online anyway, so there's really not much point.

Edited by Emptyset
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By his own logic, the operators of Rajamangala Stadium should be arrested for providing the facility and its services to protestors.

Nope. That's not his logic. The logic is they're being lead by someone with an arrest warrant for treason, so anyone that supports him or provides his group with services could also be subject to lelgal action.

You have to admit that threatening the BMA for toilets is just ludicrous though ..... don't you?

Utterly ridiculous. What is the BMA supposed to do? Let people sh*t all over the place and create a public health hazard and then be prosecuted for that.

Why was it OK for the government to be led remotely by someone with a current conviction for corruption and an outstanding warrant for terrorism until the attorney-general conveniently dropped the latter charge before retiring and picking up his golden handshake? Double standards?

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If the threats against the BMA ever went to court, they should take the sewage trucks in the exact number needed for the rallies and visit our friendly head of CAPO's house and ask where he would like them to leave it.

(sorry --- just have to let those things out once in awhile.!)

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By his own logic, the operators of Rajamangala Stadium should be arrested for providing the facility and its services to protestors.

Nope. That's not his logic. The logic is they're being lead by someone with an arrest warrant for treason, so anyone that supports him or provides his group with services could also be subject to lelgal action.

You have to admit that threatening the BMA for toilets is just ludicrous though ..... don't you?


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Well we will have a court decide upon that shortly, we hope. Unless Suthep gets his appointed PM to drop the murder charges. What do you think is the reason for Suthep organizing protests at this time? He can get rid of his sworn enemy and beat a murder rap, killing two birds with one stone. It has nothing to do with the good of the people. That should be obvious to all but the delusional by now.


The timing was perfect? That loathesome amnesty bill (which would have cleared Suthep -- so self-interest is ruled out of the equation) and the scandals and issues about the current government gave him his perfect storm. He had red shirts fighting the amnesty bill with him!

As far as the charges go against Suthep, he was not charged in the court that deals with political office holders. As an individual (and not as DPM) he could not issue any orders. You can expect the court to rule that they do not have jurisdiction in this case and to drop the charges. I do not know if there is "double jeopardy" in Thai law or if it would apply.Where I am from the one bite at that apple would be gone.

Now back to the topic. It is apparent that the caddy's ball-washer is blowing smoke right now with all of these charges! Where but Thailand would the government(national) be trying to arrest the government(capital)?

I agree with you that the amnesty bill was loathsome and had it become law Suthep would have achieved 50% of his aims. But the price would have been the return of his biggest enemy to Thailand, a situation he simply could not accept. We are in a situation where both sides will not compromise. I think most people would have been happy with the defeat of the amnnesty bill and would have been prepared to get back to normal life. Suthep could have achieved this from within the Democrat party. But he quit the party because for him there can be no compromise. it's all or bust. It now looks that with the government saying talks are finished that they too, are digging in their heels. The suffering and the death continues.

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Toilets, water, food, medical help are all humanitarian aid, should be exempt from prosecution.

That's nonsense, all of these protesters could just go home to have a shit if they need it. What country in the world allows a mob to invade government offices and start installing their own toilets?

The government allowed the protesters into some offices as remember and as much as I don't like the government I think that was probably a good decision to avoid conflict. The thing is very few of the protesters are violent or in government offices and are merely exercising their right to protest. If they had to go home to have a shit then that would effectively prevent any protests which would be unconstitutional.

I don't know for sure but the Metropolitan authority may be obliged to provide toilets.

Edited by kimamey
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There are rumors going around that because last night's celebrations organized by Suthep were much more popular than the one organized by the government, Surapong and Thaksin felt this was the right time to step up the game (which includes THB 10,000,000 for the police to buy stronger teargas).

Views from Government complex (1 of 3 protest sites) last night. This is something the government doesn't want you to see and therefore was not broadcasted at any free (government controlled) TV channel.

Ooft! - I think that shows where the support really lies when all those who have to keep going to work are able to vote with their feet.. a big kick in the teeth for Mr T. That is an immense crowd.

According to Jatuporn, 20,000 max! According to people with a human brain, more than 200,000.

Jatuporn said that? It's funny because I just read how early in 2010 when the red rally was estimated at 150,000, most of the TV channels claimed there were only 25,000 present. Guess that's always the way it goes... this is a lot like 2010 in reverse in some respects. Government now is saying what the Democrats said back then, and the same goes for the current protesters wrt the red shirts. Guess the script for this stuff is pretty much already written.

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Views from Government complex (1 of 3 protest sites) last night. This is something the government doesn't want you to see and therefore was not broadcasted at any free (government controlled) TV channel.

Ooft! - I think that shows where the support really lies when all those who have to keep going to work are able to vote with their feet.. a big kick in the teeth for Mr T. That is an immense crowd.

According to Jatuporn, 20,000 max! According to people with a human brain, more than 200,000.

Jatuporn said that? It's funny because I just read how early in 2010 when the red rally was estimated at 150,000, most of the TV channels claimed there were only 25,000 present. Guess that's always the way it goes... this is a lot like 2010 in reverse in some respects. Government now is saying what the Democrats said back then, and the same goes for the current protesters wrt the red shirts. Guess the script for this stuff is pretty much already written.

To be fair, the site the Reds were using couldn't accommodate that many people. I have never seen images like this one from last night.

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Right, it's the principal of the thing, 60000 people daily crapping out turds in the streets of Bangkok much less important than the idea that these people can go back to their homes and provinces for their ablutions. Well said, Inspector Javert!

Toilets, water, food, medical help are all humanitarian aid, should be exempt from prosecution.

That's nonsense, all of these protesters could just go home to have a shit if they need it. What country in the world allows a mob to invade government offices and start installing their own toilets?

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While giving a speech at the UN Commission on Human Rights in New York, Thaksin was queried about the thousands of non-judicial killings of supposed drug dealers here. His response-"mind your own business".

Time to enjoy the last few hours of internet connection. To allow him to complete his endgame Thaksin needs to ban internet/social media in Thailand, most likely will block publication of any free and critical news articles and outlets also. I expect this to happen imminently.

Whats next? Executing anybody that wears spectacles because they look intelligent? Viva la revolution!

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..."and don't forget, once she's loaded that stick, it's mine!")

"Just to be sure, could you please repeat how you want me to handle the situation?"


"Tell Poo to get off the pot and put some stick about or I'll get her sister to do it instead."

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That's the only thing that Thais are good at "talking" and now they have cancelled talking as an option.

But for anyone who has had a Thai wife or GF talking has a limited chance of success as after 10 minutes they get a headache and you have to adjourn...... most have the attention span of an ant. coffee1.gif

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<deleted> does "people’s rehabilitation" mean? That sounds mighty scary to me.

Anyway, they seem to have already escalated things by sending in the gun and bomb wielding thugs, just like they did when people were regularly hurling grenades at the Yellow shirt protesters a few years back.

Sounds like this is about to get really nasty, I have a feeling we ain't seen nothing yet.

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Thus, a hatred.
And that only one day after the king has called for unity and peace.
The country is on the brink of civil war and now the agitators pour more oil into the fire.
The old dinosaurs have no interest to resolve this conflict peacefull in the sense of all Thais.
Best both sides would send their old agitators in the desert.
The people have enough from this old hate speeches, corruption and lies.
Would be good to hear more moderate voices from both camps.
Responsible politicians would try to relax the situation.
Edited by tomacht8
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That's the only thing that Thais are good at "talking" and now they have cancelled talking as an option.  


But for anyone who has had a Thai wife or GF talking has a limited chance of success as after 10 minutes they get a headache and you have to adjourn...... most have the attention span of an ant.     Posted Image

Perhaps it's just your wife, after taking to you? You've given me a headache in far less than 10 minutes :)

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Opps, somebody didn't get the 'word': US hopes Thailand's crisis ends through peaceful means. Posted here on TV. I would hazard a guess it was Yingluck. I mean surely she wouldn't lie, we all know Thai women never lie (That is sarcasm for those that are a bit slow). Her brother forgot to Skype her?

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So "anyone helping a criminal should be arrested".

Does that mean that all red shirts, PTP party members and MP's as well as HIMSELF plus Yingluck should be arrested on sight!!!

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