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I have just witnessed two occurrences of double pricing policy - Do Thai's know that this hurts?


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Just recently I witnessed two occurrences at close hand of the double pricing policy in Bangkok - And It really hurts when I see this is happening.

Occurrence 1:

A few weeks ago I was at the national convention centre in Bangkok and was considering a hotel destination package in the south of Thailand. I was looking at the pictures of the hotel package and the way the brochure was designed it was pretty clear that the offering was accommodation in the featured hotel for three nights at a price of 5,500 Baht. So after a little conversation with the girl at the desk about some of the detail I told her that I would buy the package. However up until this point neither one of us had mentioned the price (since it was very clear what this actually was), So when it came time to pay I was a little surprised when she then asked me for 6,800 Baht. When I began pointing to the price on the brochure she told me without any hint of embarrassment that price for a Farang to stay at the hotel is different. - And she continued to rub salt in the wounds by adding surely you know that is common policy with all things here in Thailand to charge Farangs more?

Occurrence 2:

Also few weeks ago I stood in-line behind a Thai national waiting to buy fruit and when it was my turn the seller smiles wide and welcoming as she recognises me (I had been buying my fruit from her cart every day for about 3 months) she gets my fruit and then asks for 50% more than the Thai national that she had just served with the same fruit moments earlier. Now thinking that I had been paying too much for a long time I pointed to this person next to me still with their change in hand telling her that his was a different price, but she just looks at me and she simply repeats the price again and then smiles (again). It was as if I had said nothing of interest in any way to her. So OK now I'm also thinking that I could have been mistaken in some way about the previous transaction. I am also fearing that I might jeopardize (what I thought was) a rather good relationship by pushing this too much. So I then signal to her I am sorry and obviously I had made wrong judgement and I start to walk away

But then another buyer goes to the cart and so I walk back and I stand and watch the next Thai national pay the same as the first Thai national for the same fruit that I had just bought for 50% more. Then I ask her this same question of why my fruit cost more when I buy it rather that when a Thai is paying for it and without a flicker of guilt she just smiles (again) and also again she offers me no explanation and so I have to just walk away.

Sad to say, but I never went back to her again and never bought anything again because I felt somehow like I had been betrayed (ok a bit dramatic here).

But why is this so widely accepted without any form of Embarrassment that this should be OK?

If a foreigner was to set their behaviour to be discriminatory only when a Thai national was involved what would be the judgement?

Say for example if you were to order some food and watch the vendor prepare it and then you decided to walk away once its ready and tell the Thai seller that you didn't want it any longer unless its 30 Baht cheaper than normal price - And just to make it even worse for them - Tell them you would not have done that to a Farang, but since you're a Thai national - it's OK.

Obviously its not OK to do this - I'm simply making a point of showing that treating any nationality with discrimination has an impact and this should be seen by both nationalities as being wrong. But I do not see any embarrassment in Thai culture when this happens - Why NOT?

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"surely you know that is common policy with all things here in Thailand to charge Farangs more?"

She actually said these words, in English, to you? I'm impressed smile.png

I've never been overcharged (other than Zoo entrance fee at some time), not that I know of anyway (!).

Then again you usually don't know what another person paid before you for some item on the street.

If I would be aware that I am charged more, it depends on how badly I want the item, I would still buy it or not.

But paying 50% more....or even 20% more......don't think so.

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I am not sure, if the 1st thing is actually "double pricing" in the sense, we all understand it.

There are actually different "tiers" in hotel rates. Middle Eastern, German, Thai, etc.

...and with tourism struggling quiet a bit at the moment (unless you believe TAT), there are some special offers for local- buyers out, who usually would pay actually more than most farang.


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never will i pay more than a thai all you do is walk away and make sure you get what you want else-where and walk past the vendor so she or he see's you.

but its not only stitching us up,they will catch us and thais on the weight expecialy someone selling prawns.my mrs.loves it when she catches them out then everyone knows.

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I find over pricing farang usually happens in tourist areas or government attractions. In Isaan I don't see it very often. Yesterday I bought a belt marked at ฿220 without asking the vendor said ฿200. I quite often have that happen.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The OP title ... I have just witnessed two occurrences of double pricing policy - Do Thai's know that this hurts?

A retort ... I have just witnessed two occurrences of almost the same thread about double pricing policy - Do Thai Visa members know that this hurts?

The most recent post in that thread about double pricing was only this morning ... outrageous-double-pricing-in-thailand *

What I can't decipher is what new information the OP is trying to impart?

Is it Thai Culture - NO

Is it a Thai practise - Sometimes

* even if it was a Troll thread.

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Plain and simple, I do not believe your stories, especially the part where she said in clear English "surely you know that it is common policy with all things in Thailand, to charge the Falang more".

Why have I not run into this common practice of double pricing in my 13 years in Thailand with the exception of the Chiang Mai Zoo about 10 years ago, which I refused to pay and our group went on to see the hot springs.instead. If I would have run into the situation you described, I would look for another hotel and I would not have brought the fruit, if in fact you paid, it was by your choice.


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I've seen large billboards advertising Condos, top half in English with price , bottom half in Thai with the price in thai numbers cheaper so Falang can't read, ...... TIT coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

What makes you think a foreigner considering a condo purchase can't read Thai numbers, they're dead easy to learn.

I agree, but theres many falang who cannot read thai, in fact I've come across a few who never even realised that there are numbers inThai ...

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I've seen large billboards advertising Condos, top half in English with price , bottom half in Thai with the price in thai numbers cheaper so Falang can't read, ...... TIT coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

What makes you think a foreigner considering a condo purchase can't read Thai numbers, they're dead easy to learn.

I agree, but theres many falang who cannot read thai, in fact I've come across a few who never even realised that there are numbers inThai ...

Then they're not ready to splash out the cash for a condo IMO.

I'd like to see a picture of this condo advert........not that I'm doubting you, but I've never seen a billboard like that and would like to.

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I've seen large billboards advertising Condos, top half in English with price , bottom half in Thai with the price in thai numbers cheaper so Falang can't read, ...... TIT coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

What makes you think a foreigner considering a condo purchase can't read Thai numbers, they're dead easy to learn.

I agree, but theres many falang who cannot read thai, in fact I've come across a few who never even realised that there are numbers inThai ...

Then they're not ready to splash out the cash for a condo IMO.

I'd like to see a picture of this condo advert........not that I'm doubting you, but I've never seen a billboard like that and would like to.

Well thats up to them !! ... Next time I see A billboard advertising said I'll take a pic, just so you can sleep better !! ....coffee1.gif

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I dont know what it is but i never ever get charged more ,maybe its because i look as if i am a local living here in Pattaya ,at entertainment venues just show my driving licence and get Thai price ,only once been charged farang price and that was on the yellow sumbmarine ,but as it was our sons birthday treat could hardly walk away.

is it because you look like a tourist op?

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Being a fan of Avatars ... I do like your one ... thumbsup.gif

But the choice of user name ... not so sure.

A Spambot is an automated computer program designed to assist in the sending of spam. Spambots usually create fake accounts and send spam using them .. Wiki

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I dont know what it is but i never ever get charged more ,maybe its because i look as if i am a local living here in Pattaya ,at entertainment venues just show my driving licence and get Thai price ,only once been charged farang price and that was on the yellow sumbmarine ,but as it was our sons birthday treat could hardly walk away.

is it because you look like a tourist op?

The stall holder must have thought something, in order to do it for 90 consecutive days and get away with it!

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