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I have done the best I could, Yingluck tells coalition partners


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You are right democracy is what it is. Obviously it is not what we have here in Thailand 48% of the voters telling 52% of the voters what to do and they get no voice in it.

Before you ramble on with your red shirt rhetoric get ass dictonary open your eyes use common sense and then tell us abnout your unbiased opinion.

Actually Thaksin was not ousted by a coup the was just a citizen with no authority. There was no government the army just filled the void. the next two elections were won by thaksin and thrown out on their ear for their illegal method of winning the election. Also the taking of money by the Prime Minister from another employer of his.

but ramble on with how unbiased you are. We all need a laugh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Jutuporn has been keeping to quite not like before when he was a joke a day.cheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

unbelievable ignorance by a yellow elite supporter who has no grasp

" get ass dictonary open your eyes use common sense and then tell us abnout your unbiased opinion"

Just about sums up this genius poster

Edited by binjalin
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She's behaved in a far more mature manner than Suthep and his clan.

But how did her clan behave during the 2010 riots? Much worse, IMHO. I'd take Suthep's approach any day over what happened back then.



The reds in 2010 were fighting for democracy and were responding to having the army set upon them.

Suthep and his thugs are fighting to overthrow a democratically elected government which has shown amazing restraint, no other government in the world would stand for such behaviour.

Shame on you!

exactly - well said - Abhisits government were NOT elected and have not been so for the last NINE elections so let's make it a TENTH

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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

OK I'm no political correspondent - but given the buckets of sand she has been given to carry, I'm inclined to think she has done as best a job as could be expected, before she even began she was under the gun, and don't forget she is also a mum and wife. Chok Dee lady - if I was Thai - I'd vote for you x

The best post today cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif --the sand was from Dubai--mum and wife ?????? part time for one of them only.

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

PTP have won one election. Where do you get 10 from? Even if you count the other Thaksin puppet parties, it's still only 5.

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

PTP have won one election. Where do you get 10 from? Even if you count the other Thaksin puppet parties, it's still only 5.

haha technically right my poor wording - I meant dems have NOT won last 9

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

PTP have won one election. Where do you get 10 from? Even if you count the other Thaksin puppet parties, it's still only 5.

haha technically right my poor wording - I meant dems have NOT won last 9

There are a lot of parties that haven't won the last 9. The only reason that Thaksin's parties have won a number of elections, is because Thaksin bought the regional power brokers and parties under his control.

Edited by whybother
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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

Yea. Then elect a horse. That would also "break the mold", wouldn't it? Seriously, you have a very distorted and simplistic concept of electability. If they could, the Thaksinistas would elect a convicted felon and fugitive from justice. I'd prefer they elected the horse; it would do less damage to Thai democracy.

so you think overturning elected governments and seizing buildings is ok? maybe you support a 'local Police Force'? an unelected people's council? and all the rest?

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

She broke the mould - by being Thaksin's sister. Does she deserve credit for that? Don't kid yourself that it was anything that she did by herself.

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

Yea. Then elect a horse. That would also "break the mold", wouldn't it? Seriously, you have a very distorted and simplistic concept of electability. If they could, the Thaksinistas would elect a convicted felon and fugitive from justice. I'd prefer they elected the horse; it would do less damage to Thai democracy.

so you think overturning elected governments and seizing buildings is ok? maybe you support a 'local Police Force'? an unelected people's council? and all the rest?

Are you dyslexic or hallucinating, have a reading disability, or what? Who said anything about overturning elected governments or seizing buildings (lol). My comment was a response to your comment about YS "breaking the mold".

But since you bring it up, yes, I think public protests leading to governments relinquishing power is ok, yes. This government tried to ram through a wildly unpopular amnesty bill to bring Thaksin back, and all else followed from that. It was a remarkably short-sighted, self-serving, presumptuous thing to do, and the government simply lost its credibility and ability to govern when it did it. Even elected governments can do that.

The Bastille was "seized". The US Embassy in Tehran was "seized". Law enforcement "seizes" drugs & contraband. What buildings were "seized" by the anti-govt protesters? To enter, even illegally, or even to "occupy", is certainly not to "seize". Your sense of the dramatic is well developed and your use of hyperbole entertaining if nothing else. (Very little else, actually.)

Suthept's aim? overthrow the elected government and seize government buildings - you obviously can't take in the news. What amnesty bill? it was shelved - what 'unpopular'? it is 100,000 morons in a population of 60m

what 'lost credibility'? you think they will not WIN the next election??? you are deluded

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Knew it. Ultimately she had to ask Thaksin what to do, discussed it with him rather than her coalition partners which says it all and reminds me why 250,000 people, the largest in recent memory, are on the streets wanting the Shinawatras gone. Out Out Damned Spot. Same as Marcos and Suharto, banish yourselves from the land!

By all accounts, the best estimates on the number of 'people on the streets' is 100,000.

Out of a national voting population of say 50,000,000.

That's a rather paltry 0.02% of the population out for a whistle-blowing stroll on a cool winter's day.

Yingluck has seen TRT, Democrats and PTP getting charged with unlawful killings after each of the last three rounds of public protests. Smart move to snuff out the alleged motivation for Suthep's 'million man' march before it even got started. The ending would have been more violence with everyone claiming it was those bloody red shirts that started it again.

The old fool isn't grinning in all these snapshots as he 'leads' his flock of sheep but gritting his teeth because the Pyrrhic victory afforded him by the government dissolution isn't sweet at all.

He has already resigned from the Democrats, set himself up as some sort of Director of this disparate mob of protectors of feudal patronage masquerading as fighters for democratic reform. His totally unconstitutional demands to lead some arcane sort of committee of like-minded sycophantic, bottom-feeders has run out of the little steam well before it ran out of the credibility it never really had.

All you have to do is compare the crowd to say a full Wembley stadium. sorry but there were 3 Wembley's out there.

How on earth can you expect all the country to be there ??? that's pathetic to go on percentages.

How many reds were there in the siege of BKK 3 years ago 60 million ??

Hope you will be happy if it all about turns and you can still observe the corruption at record levels and the country eventually bankrupt. Yingluck has seen little -she delegates while being out the country attaining Guinness book of records for a PM on abroad trips. come on no matter what your beliefs are you should see right from wrong BEFORE Sutheps appearance .

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Knew it. Ultimately she had to ask Thaksin what to do, discussed it with him rather than her coalition partners which says it all and reminds me why 250,000 people, the largest in recent memory, are on the streets wanting the Shinawatras gone. Out Out Damned Spot. Same as Marcos and Suharto, banish yourselves from the land!

By all accounts, the best estimates on the number of 'people on the streets' is 100,000.

Out of a national voting population of say 50,000,000.

That's a rather paltry 0.02% of the population out for a whistle-blowing stroll on a cool winter's day.

Yingluck has seen TRT, Democrats and PTP getting charged with unlawful killings after each of the last three rounds of public protests. Smart move to snuff out the alleged motivation for Suthep's 'million man' march before it even got started. The ending would have been more violence with everyone claiming it was those bloody red shirts that started it again.

The old fool isn't grinning in all these snapshots as he 'leads' his flock of sheep but gritting his teeth because the Pyrrhic victory afforded him by the government dissolution isn't sweet at all.

He has already resigned from the Democrats, set himself up as some sort of Director of this disparate mob of protectors of feudal patronage masquerading as fighters for democratic reform. His totally unconstitutional demands to lead some arcane sort of committee of like-minded sycophantic, bottom-feeders has run out of steam well before it ran out of the credibility it never really had.

Your post has to win the prize for most obtuse use of a statistic! So, in your estimation, if "only" 100,000 (lol) anti-government protesters turn up, THAT's the sum-total of support throughout the country for their cause? Everyone who opposed this government travelled to Bangkok for these rallies & marches, did they?

Well gee, what do thais even NEED elections for!? Just count those who come to Bangkok and march, and thanks to your well thought out theorem, they can just dispense with those pesky elections! And I guess that would pretty much eliminate the need for buying votes as well, which will certainly be appreciated by one current resident of Dubai (he'll still have the rent-a-crowd expenses though).

Edited by hawker9000
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The amnesty bill was not shelved, after 180 days Yingluck could have presented it to the King to sign.

The people protesting yesterday are not morons,they are Thai, most are educated and know the Shinawat family well.

So many have the same feeling, how can we teach the young to be honest when our leaders pass laws to forgive cases of corruption?

The atmosphere was joyous yesterday, the people were happy to play a part in forcing a terrible government to resign.

They are so sick of Thaksin cheating, going right back to 2001 when he was charged with hiding millions of baht in his servants' names for years.

Don't think so much about Suthep, he'll calm down once the excitement has worn off.

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

Yea. Then elect a horse. That would also "break the mold", wouldn't it? Seriously, you have a very distorted and simplistic concept of electability. If they could, the Thaksinistas would elect a convicted felon and fugitive from justice. I'd prefer they elected the horse; it would do less damage to Thai democracy.

so you think overturning elected governments and seizing buildings is ok? maybe you support a 'local Police Force'? an unelected people's council? and all the rest?

Are you dyslexic or hallucinating, have a reading disability, or what? Who said anything about overturning elected governments or seizing buildings (lol). My comment was a response to your comment about YS "breaking the mold".

But since you bring it up, yes, I think public protests leading to governments relinquishing power is ok, yes. This government tried to ram through a wildly unpopular amnesty bill to bring Thaksin back, and all else followed from that. It was a remarkably short-sighted, self-serving, presumptuous thing to do, and the government simply lost its credibility and ability to govern when it did it. Even elected governments can do that.

The Bastille was "seized". The US Embassy in Tehran was "seized". Law enforcement "seizes" drugs & contraband. What buildings were "seized" by the anti-govt protesters? To enter, even illegally, or even to "occupy", is certainly not to "seize". Your sense of the dramatic is well developed and your use of hyperbole entertaining if nothing else. (Very little else, actually.)

You forgot to include " fascists seize power". Just thought I'd mention it like.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

Yea. Then elect a horse. That would also "break the mold", wouldn't it? Seriously, you have a very distorted and simplistic concept of electability. If they could, the Thaksinistas would elect a convicted felon and fugitive from justice. I'd prefer they elected the horse; it would do less damage to Thai democracy.

so you think overturning elected governments and seizing buildings is ok? maybe you support a 'local Police Force'? an unelected people's council? and all the rest?

Are you dyslexic or hallucinating, have a reading disability, or what? Who said anything about overturning elected governments or seizing buildings (lol). My comment was a response to your comment about YS "breaking the mold".

But since you bring it up, yes, I think public protests leading to governments relinquishing power is ok, yes. This government tried to ram through a wildly unpopular amnesty bill to bring Thaksin back, and all else followed from that. It was a remarkably short-sighted, self-serving, presumptuous thing to do, and the government simply lost its credibility and ability to govern when it did it. Even elected governments can do that.

The Bastille was "seized". The US Embassy in Tehran was "seized". Law enforcement "seizes" drugs & contraband. What buildings were "seized" by the anti-govt protesters? To enter, even illegally, or even to "occupy", is certainly not to "seize". Your sense of the dramatic is well developed and your use of hyperbole entertaining if nothing else. (Very little else, actually.)

You forgot to include " fascists seize power". Just thought I'd mention it like.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well, I did mention the heavy-handed attempt to bring Thaksin back, yes...

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The amnesty bill was not shelved, after 180 days Yingluck could have presented it to the King to sign.

The people protesting yesterday are not morons,they are Thai, most are educated and know the Shinawat family well.

So many have the same feeling, how can we teach the young to be honest when our leaders pass laws to forgive cases of corruption?

The atmosphere was joyous yesterday, the people were happy to play a part in forcing a terrible government to resign.

They are so sick of Thaksin cheating, going right back to 2001 when he was charged with hiding millions of baht in his servants' names for years.

Don't think so much about Suthep, he'll calm down once the excitement has worn off.

Isn't Suthep on charge of corruption involving land deals? this is the choice of your "well educated"? you teach the young how honest Khun Suthep is? now he goes against the Royal Decree concerning elections? In Thailand you don't care about democracy?

you see democracy sometimes gives us "what we don't want" but it's democracy - the educated are not 'born to dominate' they are born to convince those LESS educated that they have a better way - when the amart realize this there will be peace

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The usual pro PAD/yellow shirt/( i still cant rememebr what that new thing is called P***whatever) balouny on this thread.. goes like this:

Thailand is corrupt, very,very,very,VERY corrupt! There fore it is not a democracy and "vote-buying" therefore it is not a democracy and a 'people's council' must run the country (and who the hell is gonna be on the people's council-oh just forget it!)

Thaksin is controlling Yingluck via skype.

Reality is: there is corruption but not any more than similar developing countries and its probably alot worse elseware, it's part of politics, especially in the developing world and her accusers in the democrat party like Suthep and Sohndi are more corrupt than Yingluck. The previous elections were internationally monitored and significant voter fraud was not found. The first thing Yingluck said about her brother when she was elected was that bringing him back was 'not a priority' and she killed the amnesty bill early on in the crises.

Suspending democracy does not stamp out corruption, it makes it worse because then the government is based on cronyism. The entire nature of a 'people's council' dictatorship is cronyism.

These yellowshirt fanboys need to get used to Yingluck being PM, because since the democrat party has decided to self destruct, Yingluck is gonna be the #1 for a long time, enough time for someone on the opposition side to get their act together and actually win over some voters instead telling voters that they are stupid.

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The amnesty bill was not shelved, after 180 days Yingluck could have presented it to the King to sign.

The people protesting yesterday are not morons,they are Thai, most are educated and know the Shinawat family well.

So many have the same feeling, how can we teach the young to be honest when our leaders pass laws to forgive cases of corruption?

The atmosphere was joyous yesterday, the people were happy to play a part in forcing a terrible government to resign.

They are so sick of Thaksin cheating, going right back to 2001 when he was charged with hiding millions of baht in his servants' names for years.

Don't think so much about Suthep, he'll calm down once the excitement has worn off.

Isn't Suthep on charge of corruption involving land deals? this is the choice of your "well educated"? you teach the young how honest Khun Suthep is? now he goes against the Royal Decree concerning elections? In Thailand you don't care about democracy?

you see democracy sometimes gives us "what we don't want" but it's democracy - the educated are not 'born to dominate' they are born to convince those LESS educated that they have a better way - when the amart realize this there will be peace

Oh, such a nice little lecture on democracy. Except in this case, it's simpler. Stop trying to bring Thaksin back. The same democracy you're giving us that lovely homily on, ALSO tried and convicted him. And he fled. ...as you were saying, it's perhaps not what some would have wanted, but that was democracy, too.

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The rather scary thought, that seems not yet to have been addressed on TV, is who is behind Suthep, who is giving him the go ahead for these mendacious, irresponsible and damaging antics ( i hesitate to use the word treasonous, but no doubt others will use it) and cuo bono in the long term ??

The suspension of democracy is a very serious thing and all of you who think the Thaksin family are the real and blameworthy target, should perhaps think again.

They are but the excuse.

I detest Thaksin, but think Yingluck has done a creditable job since the last election and more importantly, has been getting better as she gains experience in the position.

Her handling of the last few days has been pretty good and very level headed, whilst Suthep ( and now the Democrat party ) are steering full on for something that could become close to civil war.

Some on here should consider the consequences of out right, full on, Thai on Thai violence.

Before Suthep that was unlikely but he now seems to be making it a certainty.

( And i am not talking about a few demos........)

There are now 15.5 million disenfranchised voters for one side, 11 million for the other, plus another 6 million for the other parties, and not all of them will be pleased to see their constitutional, legal and democratic rights to representation removed in an unlawful manner.

fair comment

many TVF posters love to paint anyone against the elitist amart also loves Thaksin and THIS is a terrible mistake

many Thais I know vote PTP but also do not want Thaksin back and to blame Thaksin for everything is insane

HM has decreed an election so let's see what the people want (again)

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posters who oppose democracy here, but not in their own country, are hypocrites

It's the bowdlerised Thai version of democracy, more like an elected dictatorship of one rich family. Heavily flawed. Why is it hypocritical to point that out?

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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

"it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM."

Had her government (and make no mistakes because she says it was her government) done its job then there would be no mass demonstrations and dissolution of parliament.

It doesn't make any difference what she did or did not do. Suthep wants to be the dicator here, no matter what. I'm interested to know what you think she didn't do that she should have done better. In a normal democratic society if the people are not happy, then when the elcetions come around again they say that with their votes, that what demcoracy is about right? She won a no confidence vote so what else? Listen to some mental case who is 2nd only to Thaksin in the corruption stakes? Somebody who stands up and says we don't want democracy - when he means HE doesn't want democracy because it interferes with his personal agenda?
And here's the thing

She won the no confidence vote. The dems wouldn't give up their hard evidence to the speaker because we were told it was secret.

I'm not surprised at the under reporting of this so called impeachment attempt because of course in the end all they had was innuendo, smears etc like the gag of producing a bag of rotten rice in parliament but then refusing to name where it came from.

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