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Thai student activist vows to fight her 'suspension'


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"Ms. Aum Neko, whose real name is Mr. Saran Chuichai..."

That being the case, why pray tell does the press and some others insist on calling him by his fantasy name, and refer to him by his fantasy gender, thereby enabling his mental illness?

These gender confused individuals suffer from a serious mental disorder, recognized by most if not all reputable psychological associations, and tragically bear hugely elevated rates of depression, suicide, psychosis and neurosis compared to the population as a whole. K. Saran deserves our pity and assistance, and certainly not society's nodding enabling of his mental disorder and disquiet.

Above all else, I certainly hope that the real motivation behind the University's action against him is not K. Saran's illness. Nobody asks to be burdened with this catastrophic disorder. The university should try to help him, and not ostracize him.

That aside, I applaud K. Saran for having the courage of his political convictions (whatever the merits of those convictions), and wish him the best in sorting out the various issues which confront him. His courageous stance is wonderful testimony as to why people afflicted with his problem should not be discriminated against.

While I agree with the support you suggest, you are being very harsh in characterising this as a mental illness. It is well documented that the vast majority of those who identify as third gender demonstrate these characteristics at a vey young age....suggesting that there may be some genetic link involved. I doubt very much that anyone would chose that lifestyle, given the negativity associated with it. The high rates of suicide may just reflect the pressure or the nature of the work most are forced into. However, there is a third gender person working in my local bank and he / she seems perfectly well accepted and assimilated in that environment ( albeit with slightly theatrical gestures in updating passbooks or other transactions).

Good luck to 'neko' for making a stand...

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Where did it say she messed with the flag, she replaced it with a black flag apparently - but that would not have been a statement about the flag and country but about the leadership of the University.... the flag is too good for them. If it were against the flag she would have burned it like they do in countries like the USA.

Even 99% of the foreigners here know that it is a bad idea to mess about in LOS with three things: His holiness Lord Buddha (such as pointing at a Buddha or monk with your feet, placing a Buddha statue on the ground, etc.), Royalty and the national flag. If I were to manage an university and one of my students would mess about with one of those three things, he/she would be kicked out and I would give a rat's #$$ whether he/she/it has a transgender agenda to hide behind, respectively is using that gender thing to pin conspiracy accusations on my appointed teachers.

Appearing politely dressed in public while fighting this (unneccessary) fight could also help...

Yeah...so...you want to move from the conservative things that hold you, society and your country back by...exactly 100% honor all of those things?

You might understand, that revolutions hardly ever started by obeying rules! (and I use "revolution" in the widest of senses)

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who do you call this transvestite "her"? gender is not what one can choose by himself (herself) but an objective reality. This transvestite, "Neko" (pussy cat in Japanese, I guess) should definitely be expelled from the uni, he does not deserve an education.

When he was admitted to Thammasat he was granted a main right - to learn, and if he is not interested in that - just give a place to someone who does!

Deeds of the Rector is none of his business - "Neko" did not establish it, didn't contribute to it in any means - so why should he has a right to assess the rector's actions?

Didn't you take note, that all these leftist activists in Thammasat who get media attention, are katoeys? This has an easy explanation: "if world does not accept me, world should be changed" - this simple idea fuels radical youth all over the world.

Sad but true.


...and you notice that you are using your right to express yourself, no matter if you are right or not...something that you deny her!

...and please also explain, what did you achieve to earn the right to criticize her?

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Where did it say she messed with the flag, she replaced it with a black flag apparently - but that would not have been a statement about the flag and country but about the leadership of the University.... the flag is too good for them. If it were against the flag she would have burned it like they do in countries like the USA.

Even 99% of the foreigners here know that it is a bad idea to mess about in LOS with three things: His holiness Lord Buddha (such as pointing at a Buddha or monk with your feet, placing a Buddha statue on the ground, etc.), Royalty and the national flag. If I were to manage an university and one of my students would mess about with one of those three things, he/she would be kicked out and I would give a rat's #$$ whether he/she/it has a transgender agenda to hide behind, respectively is using that gender thing to pin conspiracy accusations on my appointed teachers.

Appearing politely dressed in public while fighting this (unneccessary) fight could also help...

She removed it. It doesn't say she damaged it. Of course the university can't quite work out what that symbolises.

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While I agree with the support you suggest, you are being very harsh in characterising this as a mental illness. It is well documented that the vast majority of those who identify as third gender demonstrate these characteristics at a vey young age....suggesting that there may be some genetic link involved. I doubt very much that anyone would chose that lifestyle, given the negativity associated with it. The high rates of suicide may just reflect the pressure or the nature of the work most are forced into. However, there is a third gender person working in my local bank and he / she seems perfectly well accepted and assimilated in that environment ( albeit with slightly theatrical gestures in updating passbooks or other transactions).

Good luck to 'neko' for making a stand...

More than one standard professional reference works regards this as a mental illness. For example, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders refers to this as "gender identity disorder." And common sense might inform that if one is not willing to count voluntary genital mutilation as a mental disorder, then mental disorder is simply defined out of existence.

This is rather like homosexuals referring to themselves as "gay". Again, the research shows that this is one of the most ungay populations imaginable, suffering--like those who fancy themselves as the other sex--from highly elevated rates of suicide, depression, psychosis and neurosis.

Use of such Orwellian doiuble speak is used to hide the truth, at least from the simple minded.

Your implication that an alleged genetic link to gender identity disorder somehow relieves it from being a mental disorder is bizarre, to say the least. By your logic, psychosis--of which the genetic link is more than alleged--is then not a mental disorder. Nor, fortunately for you, is an alternate reality either necessarily a sign of a mental disorder.

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While I agree with the support you suggest, you are being very harsh in characterising this as a mental illness. It is well documented that the vast majority of those who identify as third gender demonstrate these characteristics at a vey young age....suggesting that there may be some genetic link involved. I doubt very much that anyone would chose that lifestyle, given the negativity associated with it. The high rates of suicide may just reflect the pressure or the nature of the work most are forced into. However, there is a third gender person working in my local bank and he / she seems perfectly well accepted and assimilated in that environment ( albeit with slightly theatrical gestures in updating passbooks or other transactions).

Good luck to 'neko' for making a stand...

More than one standard professional reference works regards this as a mental illness. For example, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders refers to this as "gender identity disorder." And common sense might inform that if one is not willing to count voluntary genital mutilation as a mental disorder, then mental disorder is simply defined out of existence.

This is rather like homosexuals referring to themselves as "gay". Again, the research shows that this is one of the most ungay populations imaginable, suffering--like those who fancy themselves as the other sex--from highly elevated rates of suicide, depression, psychosis and neurosis.

Use of such Orwellian doiuble speak is used to hide the truth, at least from the simple minded.

Your implication that an alleged genetic link to gender identity disorder somehow relieves it from being a mental disorder is bizarre, to say the least. By your logic, psychosis--of which the genetic link is more than alleged--is then not a mental disorder. Nor, fortunately for you, is an alternate reality either necessarily a sign of a mental disorder.

You are massively over-simplifying and misrepresenting the stance of the psychological and psychiatric communities on this issue. For instance, please see the following statement from the American Psychological Association: http://www.apa.org/topics/sexuality/transgender.aspx?item=11.

To quote:

"A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling, which implies that identifying as transgender does not constitute a mental disorder."

I doubt that Khun Aum could be doing what she is doing if she was experiencing significant distress about her gender.

Also, there is a political aspect to the DSM IV classification:

"According to DSM-IV, people who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of gender identity disorder. This diagnosis is highly controversial among some mental health professionals and transgender communities. Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately pathologizes gender noncongruence and should be eliminated. Others argue that it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care."

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who do you call this transvestite "her"? gender is not what one can choose by himself (herself) but an objective reality. This transvestite, "Neko" (pussy cat in Japanese, I guess) should definitely be expelled from the uni, he does not deserve an education.

When he was admitted to Thammasat he was granted a main right - to learn, and if he is not interested in that - just give a place to someone who does!

Deeds of the Rector is none of his business - "Neko" did not establish it, didn't contribute to it in any means - so why should he has a right to assess the rector's actions?

Didn't you take note, that all these leftist activists in Thammasat who get media attention, are katoeys? This has an easy explanation: "if world does not accept me, world should be changed" - this simple idea fuels radical youth all over the world.

Sad but true.


...and you notice that you are using your right to express yourself, no matter if you are right or not...something that you deny her!

...and please also explain, what did you achieve to earn the right to criticize her?


Everybody can criticize Thammasat as an outsider, but if you are a student of Thammasat it imposes on you some moral obligations. If he (not she, for the God's sake!) disagrees with the Rector's or administration's position - just leave the uni and criticize it as much as you want.

it's like a minister, criticizing a prime minister, but not leaving a cabinet

any private person can criticize any other private person, but to criticize an institution you belong too is a meanness...

he deserved to be expelled, no doubt

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Lot of right-wing 'disgust' on this thread, plus a few strange anti-transexual rants. Guess Aum is doing something right. Similar to punk in the UK, sometimes someone has to come along and shake things up. I'm sure some of those who don't necessarily agree with her political stance will at least admire her for that. Especially given that Thais are often criticized on here for not being able to think for themselves...

Why don't you advice Aum to shit on the street, or show his genitals to public, it will "shake things up" even more!

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Lot of right-wing 'disgust' on this thread, plus a few strange anti-transexual rants. Guess Aum is doing something right. Similar to punk in the UK, sometimes someone has to come along and shake things up. I'm sure some of those who don't necessarily agree with her political stance will at least admire her for that. Especially given that Thais are often criticized on here for not being able to think for themselves...

Why don't you advice Aum to shit on the street, or show his genitals to public, it will "shake things up" even more!

Isn't that a little too offensive?

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I really don't see where Aum's sexual orientation should enter into it. That's her decision, right or wrong, and I would fight for her right to make her own decision.

As to the yellows, so called democratic party, aren't these the same jokers who want to take the vote away from those THEY consider uneducated?

In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

Remember Thailand is a democracy in its infancy. In the UK we have a Parliament over 800 years old, and the system is still far from perfect!

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Are you serious?

I guess you never went to university. Or if you did, you accepted everything that you were told and ordered to do without question. And clearly you left without having developed any sense of critical thinking or rebellion against the status quo. What a good Thai citizen!

I was highly critical of my university's stance on several matters and demonstrated against my rector and am proud of doing so. Students should be encouraged to question, allowed to express their opinions about their school and about their country or on any matter.

I am not writing in support for Aum's views, but recognising her right to express them.

I have a Master degree, believe it or not.

I didn't accept all opinions my Rector has but I kept my point of view to myself, as soon as I am a student, and never dared to publicly criticize an official position if my university.

In Western left-liberal paradigma its considered normal to bite the hand that feeds you - same do all leftisit NGOs critisizing western democratic governments for not being enough democratic, but never dare to fight with real evil - African dictators, Muslim terrorists, North Korean communist cannibals - because they can really strike back.

Like a spoiled child hits his mother, because he knows exactly mom will not hurt him back.

In West it became a moveton to respect those of higher rank, parents, elders, teachers, disrespect became a virtue - that's why western societies are degrading.

The root of it is rotten idea that humans are equal. Reality shows us it's not true: somebody born clever, somebody stupid, somebody born with high primativeness, somebody with low, somebody born healthy, and somebody sick.

But western "tolerasts", feminists and red fundamentalists just keep denying the truth and ostracize those who speak it.

So why don't you keep your brilliant ideas to yourself and your Western World and stop to teach other nations how they should live?

Edited by JJttttt1
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Complete and utter bull...

So, if I am member of a sportsclub, I can not criticize the coach?

If I am member of a political party, I can not criticize the leader?

As soon as I am at one university, the director is God and I bow to his every word?!

She has more balls (unintended pun) than you have and obviously a lot more brain, too!

Sports club is a voluntary organization, but if you disagree with a coach on his point of view to training - the best way is to find another one.

Political party is a union of similar minded people with the same goal, so they choose there leader among themselves and have a right, even an obligation to criticize him

But the university is different - students don't elect the Rector, they just asking for a favor to be taught buy him and his professors, if they don't like how they teach, or there political views, or there political beliefs - just find another uni.

it's like you come to the store and criticize the way how they lay out the goods on the shelves - if you don't like it - the door is behind.

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Lot of right-wing 'disgust' on this thread, plus a few strange anti-transexual rants. Guess Aum is doing something right. Similar to punk in the UK, sometimes someone has to come along and shake things up. I'm sure some of those who don't necessarily agree with her political stance will at least admire her for that. Especially given that Thais are often criticized on here for not being able to think for themselves...

Why don't you advice Aum to shit on the street, or show his genitals to public, it will "shake things up" even more!

Isn't that a little too offensive?

oh really? but once it's (I mean the second thing) it's happened to my girlfriend. We were sitting in the small restaurant in Pattaya, gf was sitting facing the street, and suddenly her face turned red. She told me - a katoey was walking near, looked at her and lifted his skirt to show what he has under. Obviously the evening was spoiled.

Somebody can consider this unacceptable behavior, somebody can't accept what she did with flag - but for you everything should be ok, if only he can "shake things up"

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Complete and utter bull...

So, if I am member of a sportsclub, I can not criticize the coach?

If I am member of a political party, I can not criticize the leader?

As soon as I am at one university, the director is God and I bow to his every word?!

She has more balls (unintended pun) than you have and obviously a lot more brain, too!

Sports club is a voluntary organization, but if you disagree with a coach on his point of view to training - the best way is to find another one.

Political party is a union of similar minded people with the same goal, so they choose there leader among themselves and have a right, even an obligation to criticize him

But the university is different - students don't elect the Rector, they just asking for a favor to be taught buy him and his professors, if they don't like how they teach, or there political views, or there political beliefs - just find another uni.

it's like you come to the store and criticize the way how they lay out the goods on the shelves - if you don't like it - the door is behind.

They ask for "the favor" to be taught by him???

Yep...you are totally full of it!

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yes, because elders make a favor when they share there knowledge with youth. And youngsters are appreciated for what they are getting from elders. This is how human civilization works.

do YOU have any knowledge to share? I think, I know the answer...

Yep actually I have!

The knowledge that you are a troll!

The first part of your post, is actually describing one of the major problems, this country has!

I hope , you are not Thai!

I would loose all hope, right here!

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yes, because elders make a favor when they share there knowledge with youth. And youngsters are appreciated for what they are getting from elders. This is how human civilization works.

do YOU have any knowledge to share? I think, I know the answer...

You are (apparently) a masters educated Thai. It is instructive to read your views on this subject.

I'd say that the result of your lack of training or experience in how to be critical, is hereby reflected in your reaction to being criticised. Sadly this is a common problem within Thai society.

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In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

this is a perfect example of leftist idealism and denial of truth

the truth is majority is not and will never be enough conscious to make a wise decision.Its never happened (even in UK "universal suffrage" was introduced in 1918, and where is the British Empire now?) Masses are exposed to fears and phobias and behave according to their instincts. Populist, a person who knows how to push these buttons, will always win a person who tells the truth. Because most of the population don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear that the one to blame for there misery and poverty is someone else.

And populist will deliver what masses need - rob intelligent and successful minority in favor of stupid and unsuccessful majority.

The result will be the growth of percentage of lazy and unsuccessful majority - this is what you have in Europe, Africa, Latin America and US now.

Don't you realize: Western world is not a pattern, or a goal to achieve for developing countries anymore. Developing world feels sorry for what Western countries are entrapped in by socialist ideology.

Please keep your moldy ideas for yourself.

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In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

this is a perfect example of leftist idealism and denial of truth

the truth is majority is not and will never be enough conscious to make a wise decision.Its never happened (even in UK "universal suffrage" was introduced in 1918, and where is the British Empire now?) Masses are exposed to fears and phobias and behave according to their instincts. Populist, a person who knows how to push these buttons, will always win a person who tells the truth. Because most of the population don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear that the one to blame for there misery and poverty is someone else.

And populist will deliver what masses need - rob intelligent and successful minority in favor of stupid and unsuccessful majority.

The result will be the growth of percentage of lazy and unsuccessful majority - this is what you have in Europe, Africa, Latin America and US now.

Don't you realize: Western world is not a pattern, or a goal to achieve for developing countries anymore. Developing world feels sorry for what Western countries are entrapped in by socialist ideology.

Please keep your moldy ideas for yourself.

clap2.gif At least you are an expert in what you do!

Trolling, that is!


Well, where is the British Empire now?

Some might say, it has evolved into a democratic nation called Great Britain and is a well respected, leading world- nation (I know, to some it is not, but...).

But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

"...this is what we have in ..."- so tell me what you have/

I assume for a minute you are Thai (a shame, really!)- so tell me what YOU have here?!

I know the answers you have and I already know, they have nothing to do with reality and they will make me laugh...before I cry!

The pattern for your idea of development sure doesn't come from the moldy west...they don't even come from this planet!

In all the post I read from you, you pose yourself as a backward, sexist, rascist ...and I could tell you what you are, but you, sir , are not worth loosing my posting rights!

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Ah yes! The "Age of Rights".

Did he happen to mention that the University put a gun to his head and forced him to attend this university? No! I didn't think so.

Did he mention that he willfully applied and was accepted, on the basis that he agreed to the policies and statutes of this university, and he even signed on the dotted line? No! I didn't think so.

But after all... it is the "Age of Rights", yes? The rights which enable one to go back on one's word once one gains the trust and confidences of those around one.

I suppose terrorists and murderers have rights too, based on this man's lunatic views.

The world has become a disgusting place to exist.

have another cup of coffee. I don't think you're over reacting enough yet.

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In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

this is a perfect example of leftist idealism and denial of truth

the truth is majority is not and will never be enough conscious to make a wise decision.Its never happened (even in UK "universal suffrage" was introduced in 1918, and where is the British Empire now?) Masses are exposed to fears and phobias and behave according to their instincts. Populist, a person who knows how to push these buttons, will always win a person who tells the truth. Because most of the population don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear that the one to blame for there misery and poverty is someone else.

And populist will deliver what masses need - rob intelligent and successful minority in favor of stupid and unsuccessful majority.

The result will be the growth of percentage of lazy and unsuccessful majority - this is what you have in Europe, Africa, Latin America and US now.

Don't you realize: Western world is not a pattern, or a goal to achieve for developing countries anymore. Developing world feels sorry for what Western countries are entrapped in by socialist ideology.

Please keep your moldy ideas for yourself.

clap2.gif At least you are an expert in what you do!

Trolling, that is!


Well, where is the British Empire now?

Some might say, it has evolved into a democratic nation called Great Britain and is a well respected, leading world- nation (I know, to some it is not, but...).

But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

"...this is what we have in ..."- so tell me what you have/

I assume for a minute you are Thai (a shame, really!)- so tell me what YOU have here?!

I know the answers you have and I already know, they have nothing to do with reality and they will make me laugh...before I cry!

The pattern for your idea of development sure doesn't come from the moldy west...they don't even come from this planet!

In all the post I read from you, you pose yourself as a backward, sexist, rascist ...and I could tell you what you are, but you, sir , are not worth loosing my posting rights!

Most people know the difference between right and wrong. The basis of the "British", Western, Magna Carter court system.

Most ordinary, intelligent, hard working people in most countries can conceive that there is a wildly deceptive, duplicitous, greed driven bunch of vampires, who work in, for and through their governments. Who have access to State secrets, treasuries, agreements with giant corporations and banking dynasties.

What most people are beginning to understand is that where two party systems exist, they are only ever two heads of the one beast.

Those that believe in either of the heads are betrayed. The heads create enough deception to keep people happy that at any given time, one of the

heads is telling the truth and the other isn't. For a time. The voters keep on chopping at one of the heads, as if the other head will bring change.

Its frustrating when the change does not happen.

What do we do next?

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yes, because elders make a favor when they share there knowledge with youth. And youngsters are appreciated for what they are getting from elders. This is how human civilization works.

do YOU have any knowledge to share? I think, I know the answer...

And you indeed have a Masters Degree. I think I know the answer - but at least I realise in most situations there is certainly more than one answer.

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bravo! all you can answer are just emotional invectives and ad hominem arguments!

1) Thailand is developing and choosing a pattern of developing now. On one scale is a commonsense, on another is the pressure from all this left-liberal fundamentalists and international bureaucrats. Sadly, western world all together still has a lot economic power which still lets him to impose it's corrupted values and drag many nations to the same grave, but western hegemony is already broken. 10 or 20 years and Western world will be left alone in it's deadlock.


a) UK lost all it's infulence and power around the world, there is no way for British to spread their civilization around the Globe anymore.UK is not an exemplar for other nations anymore

B) UK lost it's wealth compared to other countries. British citizen lives far worse than 100 years ago (comparing to other nations development of course).

c) British nation is disappearing quickly under waves of immigrants with alien culture and growing amount of lumpens - parasites, who was grown by more and more socialist cabinets...

if it's a success, so what is fail?

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bravo! all you can answer are just emotional invectives and ad hominem arguments!

1) Thailand is developing and choosing a pattern of developing now. On one scale is a commonsense, on another is the pressure from all this left-liberal fundamentalists and international bureaucrats. Sadly, western world all together still has a lot economic power which still lets him to impose it's corrupted values and drag many nations to the same grave, but western hegemony is already broken. 10 or 20 years and Western world will be left alone in it's deadlock.


a) UK lost all it's infulence and power around the world, there is no way for British to spread their civilization around the Globe anymore.UK is not an exemplar for other nations anymore

cool.png UK lost it's wealth compared to other countries. British citizen lives far worse than 100 years ago (comparing to other nations development of course).

c) British nation is disappearing quickly under waves of immigrants with alien culture and growing amount of lumpens - parasites, who was grown by more and more socialist cabinets...

if it's a success, so what is fail?

You are!

Bye bye!

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