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PM Yingluck pleads for justice as PDRC pushes on with its ultimatum


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The Nation


PM pleads for justice as PDRC pushes on with its ultimatum

BANGKOK: -- CARETAKER Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra fought back tears yesterday when asked by reporters to respond to the anti-government group's demand that the whole Shinawatra clan leave the country.

In a shaky voice, her eyes welling with tears, she said she has backed down to the point where she did not know how to back down any further.

"Everyone can get hurt. It is not that I have no feelings. I have paid attention to the protesters' demands. We all are Thais. Do you want us not to even live on Thai soil?" Yingluck asked.

Suthep Thaugsuban, a former Democrat MP and leader of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), on Monday succeeded in mobilising over 100,000 protesters and demanded Yingluck and the entire Cabinet immediately relinquish administrative power after she announced the dissolution of the House of Representatives. He also vowed to create a "People's Assembly" to reshape the country.

Though the new election date has been declared for February 2, the situation remains tense, as it is unclear if Thailand's oldest party - the Democrats - would boycott the election, as they did in 2006.

The situation in Bangkok has caught international attention. Yesterday, Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the US Department of State, said in a statement: "We encourage all involved to resolve political differences peacefully and democratically in a way that reflects the will of the Thai people and strengthens the rule of law."

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle also issued a statement, saying: "Confrontation is not a solution. Political exchange and a democratic dialogue is the right solution for now."

He also noted that if Bangkok witnessed more use of force, and more bloodshed, it would be a backward step for democracy, political and social stability as well as for Thailand's economic development.

Yingluck yesterday said she would stay on until the election was over. She also urged protesters to end their rallies and to go to the polls, to uphold democracy.

Thailand yesterday celebrated Constitution Day, remembering King Rama VII for the promulgation of the first constitution in 1932.

"What the government could do is to dissolve the House and return power to the people. We do not want to see violence," Yingluck said. Though key members of the Pheu Thai Party want her to contest the election, she said there has been no consultation yet. She refused to say if she would quit politics.

"I did not think that the situation would turn out to be like this. I do not want to see Thai politics become violence-prone," she said.

Former House speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont said the PDRC's demand for the government to resign is driving the country towards a dead end.

In a televised programme, caretaker Justice Minister Chaikasem Nitisiri announced that in a consultation between government agencies including the Council of State, under the Constitution's Article 181, the government cannot leave office before the election is complete.

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power," he said.

Suthep urged protesters to stay with him until tomorrowDecember 12. In the announcement on Monday, he called officials across the country to report to the PDRC, rather than to their offices, in a bid to paralyse the administration.

-- The Nation 2013-12-11

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Expecting or wanting to expel the entire family from the country is now getting ridiculous. Suthep must be extremely scared that he won't win the election with the Shinawatra's still holding Thai citizenship. I think Yingluk has handled the whole political unrest quite well. She has calm and shown enormous restraint with the demonstrators and given more than the otherside.

Hasn't Suthep got murder charges to answer tomorrow?

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I thought a leader of a country is supposed to be strong and stand tall? Even the redshirts should take a moment to realize that their leader is probably not the person that should be there. The family already has billions of dollars, just step down and retire already. There is more than enough for a dozen generations of shinawatras to go around.

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Every generation of offspring in a family produce some good, some bad and some ugly. The Shin family generation which have been in a position of power, in Thailand, for most of the past decade have displayed the last two on a lower level, than probably ever experienced before.

Farmers have known how to fight this freak of nature, process for centuries, neuter them, Families have committed them to instituations, governments have banned, excuited, jailed, etc and many have either retired quietly or taken their ill gotten gaines and did a runner or in some final cases make the honorable choice for country/family.

The Shin family seems to have no honor, to their family, nor the Thai people, they have reproduced already, thus their options are quite limited, but it would seem they still have the option of making a decision, which would benfit Thailand.

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How satisfying to see her beg for justice. In light of her government's systematic destruction of justice and fair play. How quickly the game can change hey madam PM?


I think she has handled this incredibly well and minimal loss of life which is more than can be said for Abhisit when he was faced with the same situation anyway this lady has handled it with class, intelligence and with obvious concern for thai people.

It could of been a lot worse has she put up more of a fight and the red shirt disbanded their demonstration I KNOW WHO THE SMART ONES were in this debatical.

But I dont see an end to this if Suthep gets his way we will see the Reds come out in force and we know how he and Abhisit handles protesters. dont we.

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Expecting or wanting to expel the entire family from the country is now getting ridiculous. Suthep must be extremely scared that he won't win the election with the Shinawatra's still holding Thai citizenship. I think Yingluk has handled the whole political unrest quite well. She has calm and shown enormous restraint with the demonstrators and given more than the otherside.

Hasn't Suthep got murder charges to answer tomorrow?

There is no point in holding elections at this point, why is this not obvious to all given the past history of coup after coup and dissolve after dissolve

There is no point in using a faulty election system and voting (serious intimidation and vote buying)

There is no point in voting anyone into a very faulty political system

There must be change first, I would have thought it was obvious - History doesn't lie

The crux of the matter is if Khun Suthep is the man that can pioneer these very needed changes

PTP are holding on at all costs because if they step down all of their nasty deeds will be revealed for all to see, they have two choices - stay in control at all costs or head to the airport

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Expecting or wanting to expel the entire family from the country is now getting ridiculous. Suthep must be extremely scared that he won't win the election with the Shinawatra's still holding Thai citizenship. I think Yingluk has handled the whole political unrest quite well. She has calm and shown enormous restraint with the demonstrators and given more than the otherside.

Hasn't Suthep got murder charges to answer tomorrow?

There is no point in holding elections at this point, why is this not obvious to all given the past history of coup after coup and dissolve after dissolve

There is no point in using a faulty election system and voting (serious intimidation and vote buying)

There is no point in voting anyone into a very faulty political system

There must be change first, I would have thought it was obvious - History doesn't lie

The crux of the matter is if Khun Suthep is the man that can pioneer these very needed changes

PTP are holding on at all costs because if they step down all of their nasty deeds will be revealed for all to see, they have two choices - stay in control at all costs or head to the airport

And this is where the cleansing starts ? asylum seekers enmasse next I suppose.

This is a dangerous road that has been well trodden by many other nations in the past and it never ends well or peaceful.

I have to conclude you have no idea of what your asking for or going along with nor where it will lead ... a tragedy they do not teach history in Thailand, a real tragedy.

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Expecting or wanting to expel the entire family from the country is now getting ridiculous. Suthep must be extremely scared that he won't win the election with the Shinawatra's still holding Thai citizenship. I think Yingluk has handled the whole political unrest quite well. She has calm and shown enormous restraint with the demonstrators and given more than the otherside.

Hasn't Suthep got murder charges to answer tomorrow?

Amazing. I really don't think she does anything except what she's told to do. All part of the strategy. Remember someone thinks, others do.

She's becoming a very good actress though. Crocodile tears on and off at will.

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It's a waiting game. Don't be swayed by her tears, they burn like acid.

Yes, I agree. I watched her speech closely and observed that as she left the podium her "tears" turned into a wry smile. It was if the whole speech was a sham to make people think what she and her brother want people to think. I also saw others around her with wide grins. Nowhere was there sadness.

Beware the evil siblings and their followers!

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It's a waiting game. Don't be swayed by her tears, they burn like acid.

Yes, I agree. I watched her speech closely and observed that as she left the podium her "tears" turned into a wry smile. It was if the whole speech was a sham to make people think what she and her brother want people to think. I also saw others around her with wide grins. Nowhere was there sadness.

Beware the evil siblings and their followers!

I cannot even say that her behavior is shocking because it isn't surprising, it's expected of these two faced criminals. Thais are rightfully climbing into her on their media sites already.
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How satisfying to see her beg for justice. In light of her government's systematic destruction of justice and fair play. How quickly the game can change hey madam PM?


I think she has handled this incredibly well and minimal loss of life which is more than can be said for Abhisit when he was faced with the same situation anyway this lady has handled it with class, intelligence and with obvious concern for thai people.

It could of been a lot worse has she put up more of a fight and the red shirt disbanded their demonstration I KNOW WHO THE SMART ONES were in this debatical.

But I dont see an end to this if Suthep gets his way we will see the Reds come out in force and we know how he and Abhisit handles protesters. dont we.

Class? Watch the video below and if that is what you deem as class then your definition of class is very low.
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Expecting or wanting to expel the entire family from the country is now getting ridiculous. Suthep must be extremely scared that he won't win the election with the Shinawatra's still holding Thai citizenship. I think Yingluk has handled the whole political unrest quite well. She has calm and shown enormous restraint with the demonstrators and given more than the otherside.

Hasn't Suthep got murder charges to answer tomorrow?

Amazing. I really don't think she does anything except what she's told to do. All part of the strategy. Remember someone thinks, others do.

She's becoming a very good actress though. Crocodile tears on and off at will.

She could always get into a Thai soap if the worst comes to the worst. Or maybe a bio-pic about her time in politics under her older brother's guiding third hand.

They could call it 'Poo and Pee'. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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I thought a leader of a country is supposed to be strong and stand tall? Even the redshirts should take a moment to realize that their leader is probably not the person that should be there. The family already has billions of dollars, just step down and retire already. There is more than enough for a dozen generations of shinawatras to go around.

She is ..... Maybe more should wonder about her sincerity? This has appeared on You Tube?

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The world would be better of with the Democrat Party leaders and their family out of the country. The fact that they threatened a 10 year old child says it all. suthep = scum

The thing is there are no longer any democrats they all resigned.

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The world would be better of with the Democrat Party leaders and their family out of the country. The fact that they threatened a 10 year old child says it all. suthep = scum

Do you have ANY proof at all of that accusation other than it was relaesed by the PTP?

The headmaster of the school denies it, the school denies it, yet you believe that people who were there are wrong.

You brought it up, now you PROVE it or shut up about it.

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I thought a leader of a country is supposed to be strong and stand tall? Even the redshirts should take a moment to realize that their leader is probably not the person that should be there. The family already has billions of dollars, just step down and retire already. There is more than enough for a dozen generations of shinawatras to go around.

She is ..... Maybe more should wonder about her sincerity? This has appeared on You Tube?

geez! She should win a thai emmy for that performance... Thats better acting than most of the acting on thai tv right now.

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Whoever will sit, I don't think corruption is eliminated.

The truth is, if there is a government, there is corruption.

Whoever sits, opposition is there. Without opposition, we do not know government corruption.

If Suthep will sit, opposition will surely rise. That's normal

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