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Suthep announces 4-point demands against Yingluck govt


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WOW this guy is actually starting to talk exactly like a dictator

at last, the penny is dropping with some people! If you watched his speech Monday night (in the style of Hitler) there would be absolutely no doubt in your mind about it

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WOW this guy is actually starting to talk exactly like a dictator

at last, the penny is dropping with some people! If you watched his speech Monday night (in the style of Hitler) there would be absolutely no doubt in your mind about it

was it the salute - the little black mustache - perhaps he was shouting in German

a speech is a speech

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WOW this guy is actually starting to talk exactly like a dictator

at last, the penny is dropping with some people! If you watched his speech Monday night (in the style of Hitler) there would be absolutely no doubt in your mind about it

was it the salute - the little black mustache - perhaps he was shouting in German

a speech is a speech

You clearly didn't watch it did you?

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Hmmm, a wanted criminal in Thailand making demands to a convicted criminal in exile.clap2.gif

Sais a lot of the values of the society we live in.sad.png

Yep and Thailand will always be run and controlled by the criminal element and demand respect on the world stage even on the united nationscheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I can just imagine the rest of the ASEAN Nations sitting around together laughing their <deleted> off at Thailand and thinking does this corrupt insignificant little country really think it is going to be part of the club. Yea let them in put the dunce hat on them and tell them to sit in the corner so we can laugh at them.

Sadly. I think that goes right to the heart of the matter. The economy was in the toilet before this street chaos and its not going to get any better now ( a dead cat bounce on the SET nothwithstanding). PTP can only win on the basis of unsustainable promises ( and they can't pay for the promises they have made in the past) and they will be matched by the opposition. Yes, ASEAN must see this chaos as lotto winning stuff. Yet Thailand, with every natural advantage, does this over and over. No wonder the Japanese are expressing concern about investments, Just wait for the tax slugs on individuals....500 Baht entry ? Chicken feed relative to what we will end up paying in all manner of excise and vat taxes

Petrol (91), is 40+ baht on the mainland, and 52 baht...(yes 52 baht) on the islands. That is about $1.80 or something, and is more than we pay in Australia, It is by far and away the most expensive gas in SE Asia. I am bewildered not more is made of this, but obviously here is a large part of the revenue.

In Australia it is called "Petrol" and not gas. Gas in Australia is that other stuff like LPG. You are definitely an American.

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I initially supported Suthep efforts to rid Thailand of the Thaksin regime and I am happy that the government has been dissolved but now I am embarrassed that I was taken in by a man I thought wanted change for the good of Thailand. He seems to becoming drunk on the power he thinks he has.

There is something about politics in every country called the lesser of evils.

In this case It's getting more than apparent to the average person that this man is following instructions from voices.

Somebody should get this translated and send him a copy if he doesn't have already have one.


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i fear suthep has already made the required deal with the military

most people now see he is a dangerous nutter but maybe its too late

this could get (even more) messy if he prevents / ignores the election

I think it is far to late and his supporters/sheep will soon be sent off to the slaughter house and be wondering what went wrong, why was I so blind

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Give him enough rope and he will hang himself. Within 2 weeks from now he will be alone at his rallies. All the sane people will leave him as he shows his true power drunk self. As to his backing he only has the family of 200 behind him as the army are between the rock and the hard place. In 2006 there was no red shirts now there are and 60% plus of the troops are red shirts. A coup can bring down the army and they know it. The other unseen factor is the US working behind the scenes. The army have been neutralised for now and will only act to intervene if people attack each other. Suthep assumed the army would intervene and the longer this continues the more insane he will become. Hold tight we in for a hell of a ride.

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The man has obviously gone totally mad. Who on Earth gave him the right to order the police about, demand that YS resign as caretaker PM (which, by the way, would be illegal under the present constitution) and order the army on to the streets?

The Dear Leader is starting to think that he is the supreme authority, a very dangerous path to go down.

Perhaps he met with the senior brass at the military last night and they gave him the go ahead to demand the removal of the government and police, and then call on them to ride to the rescue of the nation. It's not a coup if you're invited......is it?

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suthep's 4 point demand against yingluck government:

1. yingluck has to commit suicide

2. in Th flag have to change the red color to yellow

3. the newest Bangkok road name is thanon suthep

4. suthep must to be the ageless leader of people's council, and the members in must to be only his relatives, business partners or friends.

Edited by Loles
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<deleted> ?????????

A person who claims to fight for democracy and people's rights ORDERS the police to go back into their barracks?

Am I the only one getting queasy whenever I read or hear the name "Suthep"? There's no legal foundation behind the whole movement and this person either, in the contrary - he has an outstanding warrant - but he's just acting like he owns the country already... I'm not a big Thaksin fan, nor I am a Red or Yellow Shirt Lover either, but this one sounds like bad news all over... Frightening... this is no good sad.png simply screams the word fascism right into my face...

I was tended to make fun of Yingluck in the past and never hesitated to join in with the "little girls should play with dolls" bashing, but now, with every day passing and with this Suthep guy doing public speeches in a Hitler, Pol-Pot, Stalin manner, I start to like her more and more by the hour.

Think Suthep and his people who believe that they are representing the people of Thailand, are achieving exactly the opposite of what they hoped for. I dislike them, I dislike their ways, and I start to become a Yingluck fan... Am I alone?

Could not agree more.

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For the sake of Thailand and a continuum of Democracy YS, get the raving lunatic self appointed demi-god of the protestors, locked up!
You have the authority why the heck don't you use it? Make it the last decent thing you do before you go!

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suthep's 4 point demand against yingluck government:

1. yingluck has to commit suicide

2. in Th flag have to change the red color to yellow

3. the newest Bangkok road name is thanon suthep

4. suthep must to be the ageless leader of people's council, and the members in must to be only his relatives, business partners or friends.

It's getting that way.

It was initially against the amnesty bill but as each day goes by he has a new demand.

OK plan "Z"

If you refuse to abide by my demands we will refuse to eat anything produced outside of Bangkok, we will cut off your imports into the city, your people will starve.

That will f#$cK them Somchia. So what's for dinner?

What comes after "Z"

Edited by chooka
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I used to think the only way to explain T's actions was that he was still secretly working for Hun Sen and now I find myself wondering if S is actually secretly working for T.

Crazy indeed..... but how else do you explain what they have been doing to the country?

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The man has obviously gone totally mad. Who on Earth gave him the right to order the police about, demand that YS resign as caretaker PM (which, by the way, would be illegal under the present constitution) and order the army on to the streets?

The Dear Leader is starting to think that he is the supreme authority, a very dangerous path to go down.

He did, when he declared the PTP/Yingluck government was no longer legitimate. The police are part of the problem.

This silver haired fox knows exactly what he's doing, step by step. The police haven't laid a hand on him, and after the rumored "secret" meeting with the current and former heads of the Thai Army, appears he's got all the backing he needs; which was probably the case from the very beginning.

He will be judged by history depending on his success or failure. The Founding Fathers of my country were rebellious dissidents, now revered as heroic patriots. Had they failed, would just be martyred footnotes on the Colony's Wiki page.

I will surely vomit hearing/reading Suthep's history :)
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I used to think the only way to explain T's actions was that he was still secretly working for Hun Sen and now I find myself wondering if S is actually secretly working for T.

Crazy indeed..... but how else do you explain what they have been doing to the country?

They are all sending the country down the toilet. At the same time they preach that international companies are climbing over themselves to invest.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Peoples Democratic Reform Committee want to reform democracy into a non democracy ie Fascist State.

I have long ago come to understand that third world countries that put democratic in there names

are not democratic. ie. Democratic Republic of North Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo.

But he sure is looking smug in that photo.

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Looks like General Prem gave him the OK.

I think you are right ( maybe not Prem though....) and we are now head on for serious conflict.

History is being written for Thailand, the sad part is that it is being written by lunatics.

It may be that confrontation and serious violence is already unavoidable.

I very much hope it won't happen, but it don't look good.

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What comes after "Z"

World War Z ???

I mean, the mindset of a brainwashed and angry mob is not far off from that of a Zombie... no?

I've lived through the Tsunami and almost died in the floods, have been shipwrecked and did survive a couple of other close calls and believe me, I am not easily scared, but I have to admit here that saying, "I am getting worried about this whole Suthep thing", would be sugarcoating it. We are looking at a coup in disguise here and I fear that the mask will come off pretty soon, and then it's getting ugly.

Welcome to Frrright Night!

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WOW this guy is actually starting to talk exactly like a dictator

That's your opinion which you are entitled to.

Another view is that he is determined to make change towards real democracy.

Just one point, one of the bastions of solid democracy is a professional apolitical police force. Thailand currently has neither, and in reality the police are openly aligned to the red / udd cause and openly embrace the paymaster, and very senior police even more openly embrace and seek directions from the paymaster.

IMHO unless the police are forced to change their habits then overall improvements in the democracy picture be very very difficulty.

Therefore strongly attach the illegitimate barriers to change.

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WOW this guy is actually starting to talk exactly like a dictator

That's your opinion which you are entitled to.

Another view is that he is determined to make change towards real democracy.

Just one point, one of the bastions of solid democracy is a professional apolitical police force. Thailand currently has neither, and in reality the police are openly aligned to the red / udd cause and openly embrace the paymaster, and very senior police even more openly embrace and seek directions from the paymaster.

IMHO unless the police are forced to change their habits then overall improvements in the democracy picture be very very difficulty.

Therefore strongly attach the illegitimate barriers to change.

So true the police face the paymaster , they are employed by the government and aren't private security. They will work for the people and be paid by either reds or yellows . Same in every country the governments pay the police.

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