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'Corrupt politicians should face death term'

Lite Beer

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Wasn't he implicated up to his eyeballs in a scandal?

He doen't seem to have thought this out. If this law was already in force he and members of his own family would more than likely have already been executed given the Phuket and Samui land grabs and conflict of interest case.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How many times has he been to court and how many times has he been found guilty and sent to jail?

How many times has Thaksin been to court and found guilty and sent to jail?

Guilty once, jail never because HE skipped bail and became a convicted criminal fugitive.

He is at liberty to return to Thailand to serve his sentence at any time. Only He is delaying it.

I agree with you entirely about Thaksin. He should never have been bailed.

As for Suthep, he too has escaped justice as do the vast majority of corrupt politicians here.

It needs someone who has not benefitted from corruption, and has always refused to recognise that, who needs to lead a fight like this.

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It appears that people are only looking at court appearances, some of the worst criminals or best depending on your point of view never end up in court because they are teflon coated, they are only convicted either in-absentia or when the judges who have been paid off are more frightened of the alternatives than they are of the plaintif and just hope that neither side will expose them for what they really, are just puppets of the most powerful! What this country could do with is an international tribunal to look at politicians of all sides and expose them for what they are!, was that a flying pig that just flew past!!no it was just an honest polititian.

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You can't say that Suthep has no balls. He would be the very first to be executed. He was involved in a land scandal, barred from standing in an election on precisely the same kind of charge as Thaksin (conflict of interest) he stood accused of a palm oil price rigging scandal and he was accused of taking a very significant amount to change the name of the new police chief.

Be careful for what you which for. The Democrat party is full of corrupt people. Only naief people think that Thaksin or PT that is on the root of corruption. In a matter of fact corruption in Thailand is rife for over a century.

But yes fine. Let's execute first the shinawatra family starting with their children (they are a legitimate target for the idiots with the whistles) and if we are finished than we start with Suthep's family and we work our way down to the police till we finally are stuck with the PT voters in Izan and the North who are so poor they can neither pay fines or be paid. Than we are back at square one, TRT is in power again but this time the idiots supporting suthep are not around.

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Wasn't he implicated up to his eyeballs in a scandal?

Yep exactly.

The guy is an absolute tool and should face the death penalty for making Thailand look like a mental asylum.

A lot of farangs see this guy as Thailand's Messiah, the chosen one who has come forth to save Thailand.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

1995 As part of the Sor Por Kor 4 -01 land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kmala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket provience to 489 farmers. It was later found out that the members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surit Thani constituency a month before a nocofidence debate and called on his supporters to March on Bangkok in the hudreds of thousands to defend his reputation. The scandle led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no cofidence debate. In subsequent elections, the Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leepai's Democrat Party led government.

2009 Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had recieved concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep has supported, Members of Parliment are banned from holding stakes in companies which have recieved government consessions. In July 2009 the election commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the constitutional court to disqualify Suthep.

Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.

So maybe he should be the first in line for the firing squad, but I am sure he would only want the death term, once he has gained complete control with his latest attempted coup!

And then there was the palm oil scandal and latterly the unbuilt police stations.

Again with suthep's paws all over them.

These are what we know about

Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai's brother fled Thailand after defrauding the bank only returning once thailand's handy statute of limitations allowed him.

Just 4 years left for Thaksin

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I don't know why, but I'm finding the re-runs of the "Roadrunner" cartoons more logical than Thai politics, especially with regard to this bloke.

I mean, Wile E. Coyote at least had a plan, and he followed through religiously in his objective.

Oh wait, I see the connection to Thai politics now - his plans were always ludicrous and he usually blew himself up and never actually achieved anything.blink.png

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I agree! They should face some kind of justice. And while we are on the subject - What about the politicians that oreder police and the army to shoot civialns and use snipers as well??/ Oh Yes I know Mr. suthep is TOOOOOOOOOOO busy to go to court and face these charges. Right he os too busy BSing the world and these people that believe in him.

I think he plans to use his "village scouts" ( they dress like scouts with their bandanas around their necks) to deal with the "corrupted."

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'Corrupt politicians should face death term'

And how about the NON politicians and their spoiled mannerless brats who have killed or ran over innocent people and on some of those victims "by accident"???

Does not apply.

You can still run over policemen in your shiny new Ferrari

They're only Kwai after all

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Excellent point there bkkfaranguy.......

"The scandle led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no cofidence debate."

Chuan showed honour and honesty is his decision, its a pity Yingluck didn't act that honourable and honest when it came to her scandal racked government's no confidence debate, she just claimed ignorance of the facts and it was business as usual.

Yes but we are talking about corruption not bad government policies!

You don't think the amnesty bill was scandalous, when everyone in the country, even a few of the paid stooges, were well aware it was a whitewash for family and party members?

Perhaps you never heard of it but in South Africa they had a truth and reconciliation settlement to put behind the horror of those years of apartheid.

One side here wants continuos war and declines every attempt at reconciliation.

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So who would be left? In fact you could go a step further and declare that anyone giving/accepting a bribe should be put to death and wipe out the entire population

Okay, so what do you propose..... just let things stay the same..? Thailand now has a chance to reform, Lets hope there is a way forward from this point for the Thai peoples. And corruption is a good starting point .. especially with high ranking officials.. Death sentence is a pretty good deterrent. wai2.gif

Never gonna happen...in my lifetime anyway and I expect to live at least another 25 years

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It,s really time to do anything about the spread corruption in Thailand.

Maybee this are the right way, to statue example, and show the will from the Thai government,s side.

If a falang do anything, than it,s high priority to soonest possible charge the person.


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A bit harsh, but what the heck, T.I.T. Can the punishment be extended to civil servants and local government officials too....and b(u)y the way, elections are neither free nor fair. They can't be free because there is so much money changing hands for vote buying, and fair, well, that's anyone's guess.

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I don't understand all those red supporters beign against this if Suthep is so corrupt (and he could well be i doubt he is a saint) he would be caught and prosecuted too if he was corrupt.

Even if you think the guy is a complete idiot ( i might even agree) if he can affect this kind of change it would be good for the whole of Thailand.

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Wasn't he implicated up to his eyeballs in a scandal?

Yep exactly.

The guy is an absolute tool and should face the death penalty for making Thailand look like a mental asylum.

A lot of farangs see this guy as Thailand's Messiah, the chosen one who has come forth to save Thailand.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149> crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

1995 As part of the Sor Por Kor 4 -01 land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kmala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket provience to 489 farmers. It was later found out that the members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surit Thani constituency a month before a nocofidence debate and called on his supporters to March on Bangkok in the hudreds of thousands to defend his reputation. The scandle led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no cofidence debate. In subsequent elections, the Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leepai's Democrat Party led government.

2009 Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had recieved concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep has supported, Members of Parliment are banned from holding stakes in companies which have recieved government consessions. In July 2009 the election commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the constitutional court to disqualify Suthep.

Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.

So maybe he should be the first in line for the firing squad, but I am sure he would only want the death term, once he has gained complete control with his latest attempted coup!

Excellent point there bkkfaranguy.......

"The scandle led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no cofidence debate."

Chuan showed honour and honesty is his decision, its a pity Yingluck didn't act that honourable and honest when it came to her scandal racked government's no confidence debate, she just claimed ignorance of the facts and it was business as usual.

Chuan Lek Pai knew he will loose the no confidence vote and that's why he dissolved parliament. He had a very small margin with his coalition partners and they were against him.

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A bit harsh, but what the heck, T.I.T. Can the punishment be extended to civil servants and local government officials too....and b(u)y the way, elections are neither free nor fair. They can't be free because there is so much money changing hands for vote buying, and fair, well, that's anyone's guess.

The vote buying is a small point. It would be important that all parties declare from where they get their money. Lets say if CP supports the Democrat Party with finances and the Democrat Party wins the election then every deal that the government gives to CP with Telecom or Farming contracts they must be scrutinized. I mean we all know from where the Democrats get their money.

They should be an Internet website where all funds of each party gets recorded. In the last election the Democrats raised more funds according to news reports.

The same of course for all other political parties.

The vote buying is not really that big. 60,000 villages and each village distributes around 3000-4000 Baht to undecided voters. Die heart Red shirts don't get any money because they any way vote for PTP. In our village only BJP distributed most of the money and PTP gave 100 Baht to around 40 people's which were mostly the elderly.

PTP really don't need to pay for any votes here in Isaan or even Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai because what Suthep did in the past few weeks makes most of them puke in front of the TV.

I don't think the Democrat Party will go for any election as they will loose big time in February.

Get thousands of International Election Observers that can monitor Isaan and the South and have a referendum if Suthep's suggestion should be approved.

May be have another question lined up if Suthep should be arrested for treason and he would loose that too and might be the first to go to the gallows.

I like some idea;'s from him 2 terms for MP's, which means all three seats of his family in Surat Thani must be made available.

Another option would that I would love to see is that Isaan people are permitted to vote in Surat Thani, Phuket and Krabi and they do not have to return back to their province to place their vote where the blue book and the ID card is issued. Their are thousands of people from Central, Northern and Northeast Thailand that do not have the funds to return to Isaan and they should be allowed to vote in those Southern provinces. If they do their might be a large switch pointing to the the South from Northern voters towards PTP in Phuket, Krabi and Samui.

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Death penalty is only the law in barbarian countries

There are still executions in Thailand. You just don't hear about them.

Thaksin was the worst perpetrator, with his extra judicial executions.

He was as bad, if not worse than Kim Jong Un.

If you are refering to the war on drugs, don't forget that it had the overwhelming support of the Thai people. It's only the soft-hearted Farangs on here who shed tears for the drug pushers who were the scourge of working class families.

Except that a lot of those executed in these extra judicial killings were not pushers. They were drug users, ex-drug users, or just plain expendable in the eyes of their killers, but they were not the evil that lies behind the drug trade. Those scum still walk free.

In our village they only popped off the correct guys and the village made a party after that

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Wasn't he implicated up to his eyeballs in a scandal?

Yep exactly.

The guy is an absolute tool and should face the death penalty for making Thailand look like a mental asylum.

A lot of farangs see this guy as Thailand's Messiah, the chosen one who has come forth to save Thailand.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

1995 As part of the Sor Por Kor 4 -01 land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kmala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket provience to 489 farmers. It was later found out that the members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surit Thani constituency a month before a nocofidence debate and called on his supporters to March on Bangkok in the hudreds of thousands to defend his reputation. The scandle led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no cofidence debate. In subsequent elections, the Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leepai's Democrat Party led government.

2009 Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had recieved concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep has supported, Members of Parliment are banned from holding stakes in companies which have recieved government consessions. In July 2009 the election commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the constitutional court to disqualify Suthep.

Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.

So maybe he should be the first in line for the firing squad, but I am sure he would only want the death term, once he has gained complete control with his latest attempted coup!

And then there was the palm oil scandal and latterly the unbuilt police stations.

Again with suthep's paws all over them.

These are what we know about

Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai's brother fled Thailand after defrauding the bank only returning once thailand's handy statute of limitations allowed him.

Just 4 years left for Thaksin

Palm oil rigging make sense for Kamnan Suthep as he and his family owns 2000 Rai of palm oil according to his son who is the CEO of that farm company.

35 years ago Suthep was a Kamnan and made his fortune when canvassed votes for the Democrat Party. He has never switched one his side to any other party and was in the 90's the Financier of the Democrat Party. He wanted to become before already the Secretary General of the Democrat Party before Khun Banyan but Khun Sanan came first who by the way was disqualified for having 45 million Baht in his Bank account which he said was a loan. Kamnan Suthep still had more bad luck when after Sanan took over as Secretary General. Only with Abhisit did Kamnan Suthep came into power and what he has done in the last few years we all know.

A Kamnan never should be a PM or DPM. He in charge for getting votes and controlling their canvassers to deliver the votes. In exchange they hold on to the Kamnan as long he control's his district and the village heads. Village heads to pay for votes and this is for both North, Central and South.

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Wasn't he implicated up to his eyeballs in a scandal?

He doen't seem to have thought this out. If this law was already in force he and members of his own family would more than likely have already been executed given the Phuket and Samui land grabs and conflict of interest case.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How many times has he been to court and how many times has he been found guilty and sent to jail?

How many times has Thaksin been to court and found guilty and sent to jail?

Guilty once, jail never because HE skipped bail and became a convicted criminal fugitive.

He is at liberty to return to Thailand to serve his sentence at any time. Only He is delaying it.

I agree with you entirely about Thaksin. He should never have been bailed.

As for Suthep, he too has escaped justice as do the vast majority of corrupt politicians here.

It needs someone who has not benefitted from corruption, and has always refused to recognise that, who needs to lead a fight like this.

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Other than one very obvious candidate,,where are they going to find this second thai person who is COMPLETELY free of any corruption?

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Aside from the death penalty I agree. No statute of limitations, life bans for bad politicians etc etc. sounds good. Let's implement this yesterday, the sooner the better for everyone here...Under these rules Thaksin would have been out a VERY long time ago and maybe this country would be a much better place for it.

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Executing people, including Suthep himself apparently as they are saying no statute of limitations, is not the solution to the corruption problem. Ironically it is these kinds of solutions that issue forth from the very sociopathic mindset that corruption itself does. This kind of melodramatic bluster really says he's more interested in making noise and perpetuating some drama than solving problems. Not that anyone is holding their breath waiting for reasonable and effective solutions to any of the mess, but they need to find a way to make the laws they already have enforced, or if they are found not to be well written enough, they need to be modified accordingly and taken seriously. Nobody will take the death penalty for corruption seriously, when it comes time to execute high status people, they'll get a mai pet rai and go back to doing what they were doing before and I'd bet the PDRC damn well know that.

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