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Why do Thais watch me and gossip so much?


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Do Thais ask other Thais how much their rent is? I've never heard it yet...

They do, all the time and about everything.

Everything has a price tag and they tend to exaggerate the actual price they paid by 25-50%.

Much more than that...............laugh.png

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Love hotels usually charge 130bht/hr.

Incredible Thai Visa ability to read between the lines here and jump to wild conclusions is on display. The OP said "a female guest" not a hooker....could have been a colleague or a friend. Wow, some of you chaps tar everyone with the brushes you must be tarred with....or assume everyone lives as you do.

If it's any consolation OP, Thais (especially the blokes) find gossip as annoying as anyone. Sometimes a neighbour of mine will give me a lift down to Bang Na and he just rants all the way every time he sees a gaggle of women just sitting shooting the breeze....

The bottom line is that many here lead tedious lives and a good gas with Betty from down the Som Tam stall is the highspot of the day. and who better to gossip about than the person who can't understand a word of it, nor has the tools nor standing to refute any ludicrous claims made about them. Some of the more cynical membership will tell you that a good reason NOT to learn Thai is so you can't understand the gossip.

I suppose if you live the virtuous lives so many here think they do (no bars, no booze, no dollies, be in bed (alone) with a good book by 8 pm every night, off to temple at 6am every morning and wear a tuxedo for even the shortest nip to 7-11) you'll be fine...

1st part of your post would be related to this (from the OP), so no real need to read between any lines ;)

Whereustay, on 15 Dec 2013 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

I don't care…I am only asking why they care so much. Sure, I'm happy here but next time I'll just use a short time hotel…its not worth the aggravation to try and save 350 baht.

As for the rest, great stuff ;)

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I'm so busy every day doing all of the things I love to do that I just have a hard time comprehending how someone's life can be so shallow that they care enough about other people outside of their own family. Where do they find the time?

Not a hard one to answer, just look around you: from motorbike taxis to street vendors to shop assistants, doing nothing whilst chatting away, messing with their smart device and eating are the only things you will ever see them do. This is the only country I know in which virtually every single person I've met has a Facebook account and updates it several times per day.

Meaningless social interacting is the national sport here.

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You'll like this............. A few days back a lady came to visit with her old lassoed farang bf to show us his, sorry, her new car. Any hoooooooooo, she started telling us of her 20 table mega birthday party thumbsup.gif . We did wonder why we had not been invited as we have entertained them a few times whistling.gif .

Couple of days later a friend who was invited to that party came round. We asked, ''did you go to the 20 table mega party'' ?

''Yes, but there were no tables, we were the only ones there and sat on a mat'' w00t.gif .............cheesy.gif

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Do Thais ask other Thais how much their rent is? I've never heard it yet...

They do, all the time and about everything.

Everything has a price tag and they tend to exaggerate the actual price they paid by 25-50%.

Much more than that...............xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp alt=laugh.png pagespeed_url_hash=4020895376 width=20 height=20>

Isn't that strange...while most foreigners, in fact pretty much every one I know would be keen to tell you how cheap you got something, the bargain you found, how you paid less than everyone else....well the Thais have no issue looking daft for paying too much for something...even if they did

Pretty sure the reason is boast that they can afford that much...so they think that everyone else thinks, wow they must have a lot of dosh....whereas i would rather think that I saved all that dosh and still have it to buy something else

Yes, that's exactly it. Everything is about face, at the expense of common sense.

Edited by Sam Gold
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Okay, I screwed up. I'm still learning this face thing.

The point of my post is this:

Why do Thais seem concerned enough to comment on what a total stranger does with their life?

I'm not trying to say it was someone else's fault; just asking why they seem to care so much about other peoples' business which is really of no concern or relevance to their lives.

Do you care about random strangers and their behaviour in your world? I've only witnessed this in Thailand. Just an observation and not a complaint. I love living here, especially when I see the snow storms and high prices I left back home.

Your girlfriend must be a very classy chick to have brushed it off,I'm assuming she's no brain surgeon then?
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Ha, you sir are a first class idiot. Do you honestly believe a Thai brain surgeon would date a white dude? The only reason Thai girls date white guys are because they've already got some kids from some Thai loser and no Thai guy wants to hook up with used goods.

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Ha, you sir are a first class idiot. Do you honestly believe a Thai brain surgeon would date a white dude? The only reason Thai girls date white guys are because they've already got some kids from some Thai loser and no Thai guy wants to hook up with used goods.

Thanks for that 'pearl of wisdom'

Does the fact that you got busted by the som tam lady across the street when you brought a brass back to the home you share with your 'used goods' girlfriend make you a second class idiot?

How does idiot classification work anyway? Is first class more idiotic then second?

So if, for instance, I were to be classified as, say, an idiot of the fourteenth class, if I did something smart, would I get bumped up/down to 15th?

When does 'smart person grades 20-1' kick in? Is that when you notice people gossiping about you, or is it when you figure out why they're doing it?

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Figure of speech. I know you're just trying to take a poke at her meaning an educated, higher salary Thai would not just let it pass as she has many options while a girl of a lower socio-economic background would just have to accept it and let it go.

She had to let it go as she knows there are 10 more girls ready to take her place the moment she leaves. Free rent at Thonglor, free food, spending money, not having to kiss someone her grandfather's age, white racial background, physically fit and a guy that doesn't beat her or take all her money can be quite appealing for many Thai girls.

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Figure of speech. I know you're just trying to take a poke at her meaning an educated, higher salary Thai would not just let it pass as she has many options while a girl of a lower socio-economic background would just have to accept it and let it go.

She had to let it go as she knows there are 10 more girls ready to take her place the moment she leaves. Free rent at Thonglor, free food, spending money, not having to kiss someone her grandfather's age, white racial background, physically fit and a guy that doesn't beat her or take all her money can be quite appealing for many Thai girls.

10 more girls ready to take the place with a guy that openly cheats on his girlfriend?What sort of "girls" are we talking about here,they're certainly not Hi-So are they?Desperate springs to mind!

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Figure of speech. I know you're just trying to take a poke at her meaning an educated, higher salary Thai would not just let it pass as she has many options while a girl of a lower socio-economic background would just have to accept it and let it go.

She had to let it go as she knows there are 10 more girls ready to take her place the moment she leaves. Free rent at Thonglor, free food, spending money, not having to kiss someone her grandfather's age, white racial background, physically fit and a guy that doesn't beat her or take all her money can be quite appealing for many Thai girls.

Hansum young man alert

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She had to let it go as she knows there are 10 more girls ready to take her place the moment she leaves. Free rent at Thonglor, free food, spending money, not having to kiss someone her grandfather's age, white racial background, physically fit and a guy that doesn't beat her or take all her money can be quite appealing for many Thai girls.

I can't quite believe I'm reading this! It's like a line from a particularly low-budget 'B' movie! laugh.png

A word in your shell-like, sunshine. The guys on these forums eat onanistic popinjays like you for breakfast, so save the bragging for when you're with more naive and impressionable company.

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She had to let it go as she knows there are 10 more girls ready to take her place the moment she leaves. Free rent at Thonglor, free food, spending money, not having to kiss someone her grandfather's age, white racial background, physically fit and a guy that doesn't beat her or take all her money can be quite appealing for many Thai girls.

I can't quite believe I'm reading this! It's like a line from a particularly low-budget 'B' movie! laugh.png

A word in your shell-like, sunshine. The guys on these forums eat onanistic popinjays like you for breakfast, so save the bragging for when you're with more naive and impressionable company.

That said Hansum Young Men get a good ride over in the LOS often not having to pay for it either - pooying chorp mahk mahk. Maybe the OP falls into that category and is enjoying his life so much that all the opprobium we could pour down on his sallow head will have little or no effect.

Ecclesiastes 11:9

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

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Okay, I screwed up. I'm still learning this face thing.

The point of my post is this:

Why do Thais seem concerned enough to comment on what a total stranger does with their life?

I'm not trying to say it was someone else's fault; just asking why they seem to care so much about other peoples' business which is really of no concern or relevance to their lives.

Do you care about random strangers and their behaviour in your world? I've only witnessed this in Thailand. Just an observation and not a complaint. I love living here, especially when I see the snow storms and high prices I left back home.

Depends what the stranger is doing. If I saw someone throwing garbage in the street I would care, or if someone was yelling and behaving rudely I would care, same if someone was beating his wife.

But I agree that caring if someone brought a girl home is a sign of extreme boredom and shallowness, which is quite common in Thailand.

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I don't care…I am only asking why they care so much. Sure, I'm happy here but next time I'll just use a short time hotel…its not worth the aggravation to try and save 350 baht.

I wonder if you would feel the same if the restraint worker told you that your G/F and a strange man was in your room for a few hours???

And will, you care so much if your G/F goes too a short time hotel??? 1zgarz5.gif

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When the Thai folks ask "Do I have a Thai wife or a girlfriend?" I just answer "Both!" and leave them to ponder.

This combined with the rent question is cleverly designed to see if you have enough spare cash to make it worthwhile for them to offer you their daughter/sister/wife as a bed partner.

I have started just answering this question "yes" whether I have a GF or not at the time. Last time I said "No", a shop owner offered me his 13 year old daughter.

whistling.gif I know I am going to burn in hell for this BUT

Was she cute??????????



Try this tomorrow. Sit outside and do nothing but watch what is happening. That is the same as the people that run the stalls.

Then when your GF gets home see what you talk about???

remember the different types of tele communication



Tell a woman

Now with gender equality it is


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