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Why so loud?


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Same same here. Living in a tiny little village up North.

While the "females" try their very best to make as much noise as possible with their voices/lungs (sadly I have to say they succeed pretty much) , the males are almost mute, BUT love to turn up stereos, tune pick-ups and mototrcycles. Running with 100 kmh (!!) through the villige and hunking the horn as loud as they can: "Out of my way. I am coming!!!" They love also any tools that make noise.

In the morning around 07h45 a mini bus with open windows is flying (flight level zero) through the village. Disco on wheeels. Basses turned up to the max. And inside? MONKS! Same back in the afternoon around 17h45.

Solution: I try not to get up before noon. At that time the noisemakers seem to have to recharge their batteries for a short while. After 21h00 everybody is exhausted from their job. Then I have peace and quiet until I go to bed late.

While I am up, my place gets flooded by tsunamis of oral diarrhea.

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Why do Thai people seem to like everything to be as loud as possible?

Why do many Western boys aged 12-15 like the same?

There in lies the answer.

Because they want to fit here when they're older and go by the name Tommy Who?

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Yesterday I went to Home Works in Pattaya to buy a new big screen TV. However, they had the sound on all the TV's and stereos to the max and was impossible to converse with the sales person. I walked out and went to Num Chai and the noise was even louder there! I've given up the search for a TV for time being and instead bought a good book to read.

That being said, the noise is FAR louder in the Philippines.

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Unfortunately while speaking with some I can only see their voiceless lips guessing something has just been said answering my question.

I supose you are male and so is your Thai counterpart, but listen to two Thai females screeming at each other.

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I get to listen to a lot of Thai TV and my impression is that the dramas are 20% talking, 5% music, 25% women screaming, 48% yelling and arguing and 2 % silence.

The comedies are 50% talking, 25% yelling and 25% cartoon sound effects.

No wonder many Thai/ Farang couples have 2 TV rooms.

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I get to listen to a lot of Thai TV and my impression is that the dramas are 20% talking, 5% music, 25% women screaming, 48% yelling and arguing and 2 % silence.

The comedies are 50% talking, 25% yelling and 25% cartoon sound effects.

No wonder many Thai/ Farang couples have 2 TV rooms.


Your observations are right.


I gave up watching TV at all long time ago. But thank you, now I know I am not missing anything.

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Having a car or a stereo system is not a big deal in Farang land

but for some one who makes 15,000 bht a month and it is a big deal and they want every one to know they have one, thus the loudness, It is a natural human response. every culture goes through this stage.

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When they play music at parties or at home, they play it so loud it is distorted and sounds bad.

I agree, not only that but most Thai's don't know the difference between loud distorted music and undistorted music, caused by over driveing the amplifier or speakers.

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I get to listen to a lot of Thai TV and my impression is that the dramas are 20% talking, 5% music, 25% women screaming, 48% yelling and arguing and 2 % silence.

20% bad guy with gel in his hair turns up and laughs like a demon with fast high pitched music.

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Written in above post -- you have it - brilliant! = "Basic adolescent psychological need for identity, coupled with complete and utter ignorance of others, only conscious of self."

Someone else mentioned the "small penis syndrome" - which has to be tied with the reason above!

Add to the equation the AVERAGE 87 IQ, and you have small children making a typical "Thai half-assed attempt" at "showing off" with zero concern for the privacy rights of others.

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There's a lot of situations and reasons for people to be loud, some that come to mind:

-People in most countries crank up music because they want to imagine they have company enjoying the tunes with them.

-In my village in Isaan, people will crank up their music when family members go on meditation retreats hoping to reach out to them. I guess they don't understand or care that the purpose of ordaining for a bit and meditating is to get away from music for a little while.

-Then there's a kind of hawker style loudness, full p.a.'s blaring in shopping centers to try and sell something. Panthip used to have two or three of them set up sometimes all blasting away, probably still do that.

- One I don't get is blasting the entire village with audio from television or videos. If you are near enough to see the screen you'll go deaf pretty soon, and if you are faraway from the screen how entertaining is it to just listen to the soundtrack. Social status? "We are watching movies! +1 for us!" Dunno.

- People don't care to or can't look after themselves and become deaf and so they yell? Perhaps from watching movies played at full blast through enormous p.a. speakers. I agree that generally Thais speak extremely quietly, but there are quite a number who go to the opposite extreme yelling in movie theatres and on public transpo.

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If you think the Thai's are loud don't ever go to China then Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your nexus advert is as long as you post. Do you need to add this ?

Thank you for such an insightful contribution....is this better your highness ?

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Just looove it that i can turn my stereo way up at a level that would never be accepted back home. That's the counterside of this.

Just hate the cars with the commercials blasting out of the loudspeakers, driving around town. we have one ahole selling meat at 7.30 in the morning, driving around ,shouting in his microphone almost every day of the week. noone else seems to be bothered by him though. I don't need an alarmclock to wake up every day at the same time.

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I agree they are a noisy lot. My missus can't shut a door quietly, bangs like hell (not like that you orrible lot) when doing the dishes, and worst of all shouts on her phone. As previously mentioned I think this is to get noticed, and when I tell her to stop shouting she says "I can't hear her". So why the <deleted> does she have to shout? I've booked her in to hospital to have her mobile surgically removed from her ear.

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I agree they are a noisy lot. My missus can't shut a door quietly, bangs like hell (not like that you orrible lot) when doing the dishes, and worst of all shouts on her phone. As previously mentioned I think this is to get noticed, and when I tell her to stop shouting she says "I can't hear her". So why the <deleted> does she have to shout? I've booked her in to hospital to have her mobile surgically removed from her ear.

Seeing as no one else has said it I will......if you had married a hi so Thai Chinese Chula graduate with a double doctorate instead of a bar girl you wouldn't have this problem

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O.K., some very good responses so far!

Someone mentioned trucks selling things with loud speakers and some guy with a microphone yelling..

Maybe food for a new thread, but related to this one:

Give a microphone to any Thai person and they will not shut up until it is taken away..

And they really don't have much worth saying usually!

Thanks for the replies,

The OP

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It's not just Thais who feel the need to talk loudly! I was speaking to a Thai owner on the ground floor of the condo where we live. We were both talking in a normal voice until a certain Englishman came in. Both of us had to stop talking until he passed he speaks so loud. I have been some 40 metres from him at the condo pool and still make out everything he said!

Loud voice = small .........!!!!


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