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Thai Ladyboy student activist unhappy with media calling her 'Mr'


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Never mind the protest, let's focus on a narcissistic teenager with an gender/identity crisis.

And <deleted>, pull your tongue back in, you look ridiculous.

In the end, she's probably more worthwhile than the likes of Suthep and Thaksin. Sure, she's provocative, and quite possibly narcissistic, but she's also 19. I can see why she'd annoy some people, but you can't really challenge the consensus without upsetting people.

And why do you think she has a 'gender/identity crisis'? She hasn't indicated that she's unhappy being transgender. She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

That would be like me, pretending to be a policeman - and insisting that everyone address me as "officer." Yeah, it's too much to ask...

Easy enough if you want - just change your given name to 'Officer'. (Uniform is optional, Officer.)


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I think people should call themselves whatever they want, but your id card is a legal matter, and changing it based on what you feel like, no matter how strongly you feel, has a number of legal consequences.

First of all, if one person is allowed to change, then everyone should be allowed to change. Afterall noone can reasonably decide how strong someone elses feelings are.

secondly, as men and women have different legal rights, changing from one to the other might give a person certain legal advantages such as military conscription, monkhood, rights over ones children, tax issues, marriage rights and much more.

When you get off your 18th century soapbox, that is rotten by now, you will find that men, women and whatever, all have identical legal rights. The differences you mentioned are fortunately disappearing fast and remain confined to subcultures like military or religion.

And yes, everyone is entitled to change sex. All that said from someone that has no particualar interest in transgenders and no interest in changing his own sex.

I don't know which country you are referring to, but in Thailand men and women still have different legal rights on many issues other than military and religion, such as the ones mentioned above.

These rights differences may or may not be disappearing, but until they do, they still exist.

And even if it was only say military conscription, it would be very convenient for men to change sex the day prior to conscription, and then change back again the day after. Afterall alot of young men are quite confused about their sexuality and life in general at that age :-)

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She's right, Bangkok Post dicriminate her as Transgender. And I wonder about some respectless posts here, Thailand have a lot Transgenders, make it more colorful...biggrin.png

She has the right to address herself as she pleases, as does anyone in their private life.

However the Bangkok Post is not discriminating against her or her gender, they are being "politically correct" by addressing her as a Mr.

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I strongly suggest that we leave Mr Saran in a cell locekd up with Mr Nui, the serial gril rapists and murderer and let Mr Nui judge whether Mr Sarn should be classified as a girl ot a boy. Problem solved.

Are you just sick or are you just a troll?

This subject is interesting as the haters get so passionate about the subject. Makes you wonder about their sexuality, repressed or otherwise. Trannies, and all others that cause no harm deserve at least basic human respect.

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I strongly suggest that we leave Mr Saran in a cell locekd up with Mr Nui, the serial gril rapists and murderer and let Mr Nui judge whether Mr Sarn should be classified as a girl ot a boy. Problem solved.

As expected......

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Ray Davies and The Kinks made some pertinent comments about this c1971.


@Prbkk: Hey; thanks for that terrific link to The Kinks: it was soooo good to hear that stuff again ! ! ! "They sure don't make music like they used to, huh !


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Wow, this forum sure attracts a lot of uninformed comment from armchair critics safe in their normal, consevative and relatively socislly unchallenged lives. Completely lacking in imagination and any knowledge on what they are commenting on. 'If shes got the tackle she's a bloke'. Pull your head in mate. Its way more complicated than simple biology and genetics. People of both sexes with gender identity issues suffer enormously from crap like this - why put themselves through it if they didnt genuinely feel it was true. How arrogant to sit back and say - I dont have this probkem but I m going to deny those that do the right to identify themselves as they truly feel they are. Those of you who make such comments reveal a lack of human understanding and any depth of knowledge on the topic you are contributing to (ie your ignorance). Gender is a human construct and as such is not necessarily liked to your biology. This is the 21 st century, not the Middle Ages. Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

@simondan: Very well put - and you can trust me that 'well-thinking' people-of-integrity agree with you, because "one can't argue with the truth".

Thank you for your input !



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Transgender people obtaining basic civil rights is not evil. It is good. They are people and deserve MORE inclusion, not less.

actually the mr/ms on your id is a reflection of what you actually are, not what you feel like or think you are. Why should ladyboys or any other group have more or less rights than anyone else?

As far as I know they have exactly the same rights as anyone else - noone can change their status (except ms/mrs), so why should ladyboys suddenly get special treatment?

Not special treatment, dear. The SAME treatment for people who have this issue of having a gender different than the one they were born with. Not suggesting this be granted casually but only to persons who have shown long term evidence that there is credibility and a lifetime commitment behind the request of legal gender change.

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Not that I am German or Arabic but if I was I would find her/him/it very attractive.

What the...??

I am German and I do not find her attractive at all.

But what has that got to do with showing her some respect and address her a female?

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I can dress up as Napoleon and demand that everyone calls me Emporor but it doesn't make it so.

I can black myself up, curl my hair and call myself a black man, but would just be inviting others to take part in my mental illness.

I will not acquiesce to other peoples mental illness.

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I strongly suggest that we leave Mr Saran in a cell locekd up with Mr Nui, the serial gril rapists and murderer and let Mr Nui judge whether Mr Sarn should be classified as a girl ot a boy. Problem solved.

Are you just sick or are you just a troll?

This subject is interesting as the haters get so passionate about the subject. Makes you wonder about their sexuality, repressed or otherwise. Trannies, and all others that cause no harm deserve at least basic human respect.

What about a sick troll?!

That guy is just despicable!

I have no problem with conservative world views and I can get -to a certain point- the arguments of "the other side"...but that comment by AA (maybe there is a hint?!) is just gross.

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a dog by any other name is still a dog, it doesn't become a horse because it sleeps in a stable

A pommie by any other name is still an pommie, he doesn't become a valuable member of society because he stays in another country. Do you get the idea how wrong this sentence is?

You got to be kidding me? An aussie sausage jockey talking about valuable members of society? When you've done your time, no doubt you'll be able to return. In the meantime, enjoy yourself

You did not get the idea :-)

You're correct, I didn't get it until this time! Well done. I would have gone with "because you're a pom, doesn't mean you can play cricket"!

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I strongly suggest that we leave Mr Saran in a cell locekd up with Mr Nui, the serial gril rapists and murderer and let Mr Nui judge whether Mr Sarn should be classified as a girl ot a boy. Problem solved.

You should take a long hard look at yourself and think about the crass and prejudicial nature of this post. Trolling is one thing, but this post is hateful, contemptible and sickening.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Well Kitty, you have shown sufficiently that you can be an annoying p-i-t-a. Now let us hear something of substance so the term "student activist" is even remotely justified.

She doesn't have to be a pleasant person and you don't have to LIKE her or go out to dinner with her. She's asking to be addressed as the female gender. Is that a threat to male heterosexuals or something? Does it diminish you somehow? What's the problem? It costs nothing.

It would make me feel like I was playing along in some stupid game.... If I meet someone

who tells me he is something he is not,for example someone telling me he is a

Martian, I am NOT going to play along and call him the Martian Man. If you wish to address

people by titles that are not correct, go right ahead. But do not try to convince me to do the same.

Your comparison may be redundant. Ladyboys are everywhere but I am yet to meet anyone claiming to be a Martian, not even in Pattaya

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