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Thai Ladyboy student activist unhappy with media calling her 'Mr'


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This thread makes me question what proportion of posters are clumsy trolls, and what are actually as ignorantly prejudicial as they appear to be. It's a non-story, for heaven's sake people. Get a grip! If someone wants to change they way they wish to be addressed, that is entirely up to them. End of. coffee1.gif

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Never mind the protest, let's focus on a narcissistic teenager with an gender/identity crisis.

And <deleted>, pull your tongue back in, you look ridiculous.

In the end, she's probably more worthwhile than the likes of Suthep and Thaksin. Sure, she's provocative, and quite possibly narcissistic, but she's also 19. I can see why she'd annoy some people, but you can't really challenge the consensus without upsetting people.

And why do you think she has a 'gender/identity crisis'? She hasn't indicated that she's unhappy being transgender. She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

I try to be very open minded and tolerant of all people.

However, I DO think that 55Jay is correct on the issue of gender/identity crisis...

While I respect a persons right to live their life the way they want to, I think if you are so unhappy with your gender that you have surgery to add tits and cut your penis off so you can post sexy selfies on the internet, that pretty much qualifies as "gender / identity crisis" in my book.

I don't see any contradiction between those two things... You have every right to express your crisis the way you choose... but that doesn't mean you don't have a crisis.

Just sayin'...


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She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

yes this is too much to ask, because it's simply not true. People will address him with what THEY think best matches reality, and if he want's to be somebody else - this is his private affair.

I will call an elephant as an elephant, even if it wants to be a butterfly.

By your avatar you could be a closet Fa,afafine from Samoa big guy,kiss kiss

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She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

yes this is too much to ask, because it's simply not true. People will address him with what THEY think best matches reality, and if he want's to be somebody else - this is his private affair.

I will call an elephant as an elephant, even if it wants to be a butterfly.

Fa,afafine from Samoa big guy, are the third gender,and are treated with the utmost respect or they will rip your bloody arms off. the Pattaya news paper use,s the term 3rd gender, polite .civil and not hateful.

Edited by theslime
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Well, MISTER Saran,

You sure look like a BOY to me. I think any Thai Girl would feel terribly insulted, if someone who looks like you, were to be called a GIRL.

Sorry young MAN, but even if you go get it chopped off, and the other bits with it, your Fake Boobs do not make you a Girl and by the way, are you getting your "Adam's Apple" cut out as well as the other things?

Actually most Thais are far less strung-up about gender than you obviously are.

You sound like a total closet case.

Also she is right, the Bangkok Post are going against basic guidelines followed by all major press organisations: call them the gender they desire to be called by.

Edited by celso
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Never mind the protest, let's focus on a narcissistic teenager with an gender/identity crisis.

And <deleted>, pull your tongue back in, you look ridiculous.

In the end, she's probably more worthwhile than the likes of Suthep and Thaksin. Sure, she's provocative, and quite possibly narcissistic, but she's also 19. I can see why she'd annoy some people, but you can't really challenge the consensus without upsetting people.

And why do you think she has a 'gender/identity crisis'? She hasn't indicated that she's unhappy being transgender. She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

I try to be very open minded and tolerant of all people.

However, I DO think that 55Jay is correct on the issue of gender/identity crisis...

While I respect a persons right to live their life the way they want to, I think if you are so unhappy with your gender that you have surgery to add tits and cut your penis off so you can post sexy selfies on the internet, that pretty much qualifies as "gender / identity crisis" in my book.

I don't see any contradiction between those two things... You have every right to express your crisis the way you choose... but that doesn't mean you don't have a crisis.

Just sayin'...


Maybe crisis was not the right word, but it certainly manifests itself as a conflict for the individual, which draws criticism and adornment. Acting out satisfies the need for attention and acceptance. Criticism/non-acceptance, such as with the BKK Post, allows him to highlight the issue, raises debate, which also serves the need for attention and, if nothing else, gains him reassurances of acceptance from his social circle, and often new, external sources.

I'm no professional, but in my own direct experience with my Thai nephew in a gender conflict, I sussed out a possible connection to the fact he's a product of a fatherless upbringing, and the mother left him to the grandparents in the NE to raise as she worked in BKK (not the bar scene). He was a wicked smart super star in school but I felt for him, rudderless in life, no guidance, seeking attention and acceptance wherever and however he could get it. Having a Japanese surname and looking the part (not a typical looking Thai kid), made him different from the average kids around these parts, no real support at home to speak of, so acceptance was desperately needed.

He was very discreet as an early teen, hiding his gay porn and selfie penis shots of his mate, but incrementally became more overt around the house, and put up cross-dressing selfies on his FB page - but kept this part confined to his bedroom, never around the common areas of the house. Once the wife and I finally moved to LOS full-time, he was just 16, still living in the house, so we finally confronted him. He told my loving but disapproving wife that he wasn't sure what he wanted to be. We tried to encourage him, and for a while, like hitting a light switch, he started dressing as a boy. He was shockingly good looking too, white skin, great hair, he looked like a Koran pop/music star, which is all the rage and probably what he was shooting for. He had a girl friend but still seemed confused about it all and broke up - not sure who initiated.

That lasted about a month or so before he flipped back - stronger than before, again, like hitting a switch. He moved out of the house after about 7 months, been gone for 6 months now but has visited twice - as a boy. He still has a feminine air about him but doesn't seem to be so transfixed on his sexuality anymore.

That was my only beef. End of the day, do what you want, but the selective, over-acting as a female was very irritating. Every time he would say "Ka" with this fake, whiny, nasal girly tone, instead of Khrup, drove me up the wall. So contrived, plastic, and over the top. Sexual tastes and preferences are an important part of life, but when they become the focal point in one's overt life, trying to let the whole world know what your preferences are, whether they care to know or not, there's something (else) going on there.

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Never mind the protest, let's focus on a narcissistic teenager with an gender/identity crisis.

And <deleted>, pull your tongue back in, you look ridiculous.

In the end, she's probably more worthwhile than the likes of Suthep and Thaksin. Sure, she's provocative, and quite possibly narcissistic, but she's also 19. I can see why she'd annoy some people, but you can't really challenge the consensus without upsetting people.

And why do you think she has a 'gender/identity crisis'? She hasn't indicated that she's unhappy being transgender. She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

I try to be very open minded and tolerant of all people.

However, I DO think that 55Jay is correct on the issue of gender/identity crisis...

While I respect a persons right to live their life the way they want to, I think if you are so unhappy with your gender that you have surgery to add tits and cut your penis off so you can post sexy selfies on the internet, that pretty much qualifies as "gender / identity crisis" in my book.

I don't see any contradiction between those two things... You have every right to express your crisis the way you choose... but that doesn't mean you don't have a crisis.

Just sayin'...


Maybe crisis was not the right word, but it certainly manifests itself as a conflict for the individual, which draws criticism and adornment. Acting out satisfies the need for attention and acceptance. Criticism/non-acceptance, such as with the BKK Post, allows him to highlight the issue, raises debate, which also serves the need for attention and, if nothing else, gains him reassurances of acceptance from his social circle, and often new, external sources.

I'm no professional, but in my own direct experience with my Thai nephew in a gender conflict, I sussed out a possible connection to the fact he's a product of a fatherless upbringing, and the mother left him to the grandparents in the NE to raise as she worked in BKK (not the bar scene). He was a wicked smart super star in school but I felt for him, rudderless in life, no guidance, seeking attention and acceptance wherever and however he could get it. Having a Japanese surname and looking the part (not a typical looking Thai kid), made him different from the average kids around these parts, no real support at home to speak of, so acceptance was desperately needed.

He was very discreet as an early teen, hiding his gay porn and selfie penis shots of his mate, but incrementally became more overt around the house, and put up cross-dressing selfies on his FB page - but kept this part confined to his bedroom, never around the common areas of the house. Once the wife and I finally moved to LOS full-time, he was just 16, still living in the house, so we finally confronted him. He told my loving but disapproving wife that he wasn't sure what he wanted to be. We tried to encourage him, and for a while, like hitting a light switch, he started dressing as a boy. He was shockingly good looking too, white skin, great hair, he looked like a Koran pop/music star, which is all the rage and probably what he was shooting for. He had a girl friend but still seemed confused about it all and broke up - not sure who initiated.

That lasted about a month or so before he flipped back - stronger than before, again, like hitting a switch. He moved out of the house after about 7 months, been gone for 6 months now but has visited twice - as a boy. He still has a feminine air about him but doesn't seem to be so transfixed on his sexuality anymore.

That was my only beef. End of the day, do what you want, but the selective, over-acting as a female was very irritating. Every time he would say "Ka" with this fake, whiny, nasal girly tone, instead of Khrup, drove me up the wall. So contrived, plastic, and over the top. Sexual tastes and preferences are an important part of life, but when they become the focal point in one's overt life, trying to let the whole world know what your preferences are, whether they care to know or not, there's something (else) going on there.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am with you! "Every time he would say "Ka" with this fake, whiny, nasal girly tone, instead of Khrup, drove me up the wall." This can only be topped by an overacting Ladyboy who eats fried chicken and sticky rice with the little finger spread straight up (right hand) while moving through "her hair" every 5 seconds or so with the left hand (eyes scanning the surroundings for a financially sound victim)...

I have a lot of respect though for the ones who truly (even to third persons) seem to have been born in the wrong body, but who can contain themselves to really look, feel and talk like a woman. I know, well, knew some, but they are rarely found.

What pisses me off is the whole gay, lesbian, transgender, hype at the moment where everyone is so proud to be different, is that It almost feels like you are outing yourself when you "admit" to be straight. I believe people should be allowed to do what they want to do if it makes them happy as long as it is within the boundaries of the law and implies common sense. But most of the ladyboys here in Thailand are simply overdoing it, consequentually making them the laughing stock of Southeast Asia, including our little school brat here.

Edited by catweazle
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That is just wrong. People are ASSUMED to be straight. Straight people don't come out. This meme of straight people crying discrimination when sexual MINORITY groups assert fair treatment is truly nauseating and totally unfounded.

I get it. Many people don't approve of or enjoy out events like gay parades. So bloody don't attend! Sorted.

Edited by Jingthing
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Transgender people obtaining basic civil rights is not evil. It is good. They are people and deserve MORE inclusion, not less.

actually the mr/ms on your id is a reflection of what you actually are, not what you feel like or think you are. Why should ladyboys or any other group have more or less rights than anyone else?

As far as I know they have exactly the same rights as anyone else - noone can change their status (except ms/mrs), so why should ladyboys suddenly get special treatment?

Not special treatment, dear. The SAME treatment for people who have this issue of having a gender different than the one they were born with. Not suggesting this be granted casually but only to persons who have shown long term evidence that there is credibility and a lifetime commitment behind the request of legal gender change.
I think we are talking past eachother. You seem to consider gender a feeling, whereas legally and in my opinion it is a genetic issue, hence not something that depends on ones feelings.

Using my definition, noone has a gender different from the one they are born with, and ladyboys already have exactly the same rights as everyone else.

Regarding your suggestion that it should not be granted lightly, I think we both know how easy it is to obtain a certificate of anything in Thailand, provided you have cash. Further it is rather difficult for a teenager or youngster to show a lifetime commitment of anything. And what if he/she changes his/her mind? How often should you be allowed to change?

Edited by monkeycountry
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Had to get my HAZMAT suit on to wade through this thread.

The "you were born like this so that is what you are" is missing one very important point.

We are now in the 21st century and science has moved on.

My case in point. "You were born a man so that is what you always are."

Will you say to a person who is born with no legs, that they shall never walk? We already have prosthetics, and they are developing fast. Functioning leg transplants may happen one day. Would you say to the person born without legs "sorry, you were born without legs, so you will remain without legs for life." If you wouldn't say that, then there is no reason for you to say somebody born without sterile female genitalia and high female hormone count, that they should not have those in life either, since it is just a question of modern science, the same as prosthetic legs.

Then it goes to "but they aren't women because they can't have children." You should thank them for that. Theres 7 billion of us here already lol.

Well said Yunla. But you're wasting your breath on this lot. Half are trolls - and that's okay, but most are true believers of their own bigoted opinions and are actually quite dangerous people!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All gone quite, simondan you are a champion.

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Had to get my HAZMAT suit on to wade through this thread.

The "you were born like this so that is what you are" is missing one very important point.

We are now in the 21st century and science has moved on.

My case in point. "You were born a man so that is what you always are."

Will you say to a person who is born with no legs, that they shall never walk? We already have prosthetics, and they are developing fast. Functioning leg transplants may happen one day. Would you say to the person born without legs "sorry, you were born without legs, so you will remain without legs for life." If you wouldn't say that, then there is no reason for you to say somebody born without sterile female genitalia and high female hormone count, that they should not have those in life either, since it is just a question of modern science, the same as prosthetic legs.

Then it goes to "but they aren't women because they can't have children." You should thank them for that. Theres 7 billion of us here already lol.

Well said Yunla. But you're wasting your breath on this lot. Half are trolls - and that's okay, but most are true believers of their own bigoted opinions and are actually quite dangerous people!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was born with primary multiple-sclerosis and would be dead long ago if it wasn't for science injecting me with any chemical crap they can can scrape off the hospital floors. My friend who has been on dialysis for 15 years since he was a teenager, is in a similar boat, we are both alive because science has made it possible. The suicide rate for people with "gender dysphoria" which is a cross-wiring of the brain and/or XXY-etc. problems relating to abnormal birth builds, is extremely high. More people kill themselves because they suffer from gender dysphoria than those who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction / depression etc. Even post-op transgenders have a high suicide rate, because they still feel 'wrongly wired.' It is no party at all, it is a serious medical condition, no different to Multiple Sclerosis which I am dying from, or the dialysis my best friend goes for twice a week. I praise science for giving us all a chance to live a few extra decades with some hope of dignity.

I think what plagues Thailand with its unusually high number of transgenders and the like is not genetic or physical in nature. I think it is societal - a lack of real male role models or men with values that typify men in many other cultures.

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Until the law changes then he should be called mr, right or wrong this is the law.

Which law would that be? Is there actually a law which specifies who can use Mr, Mrs Miss or Ms??

Must be otherwise the masses would change their titles.

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I think what plagues Thailand with its unusually high number of transgenders and the like is not genetic or physical in nature. I think it is societal - a lack of real male role models or men with values that typify men in many other cultures.

I think what plagues Thailand with its unusually high number of foreigner bigots and the like is not genetic or physical in nature. I think it is societal - a lack of sensibility and understating with values that typify men in many other cultures.

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I strongly suggest that we leave Mr Saran in a cell locekd up with Mr Nui, the serial gril rapists and murderer and let Mr Nui judge whether Mr Sarn should be classified as a girl ot a boy. Problem solved.

Are you just sick or are you just a troll?

This subject is interesting as the haters get so passionate about the subject. Makes you wonder about their sexuality, repressed or otherwise. Trannies, and all others that cause no harm deserve at least basic human respect.

What about a sick troll?!

That guy is just despicable!

I have no problem with conservative world views and I can get -to a certain point- the arguments of "the other side"...but that comment by AA (maybe there is a hint?!) is just gross.

Point well taken.

Are we /is Thailand not blessed given the apparent high % of expat intellectuals that make Thailand their home?

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