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Slob in jomtien


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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

That's a pretty big list, some obvious but a couple I would say I do:

I spit sometimes, but it's in the gutter or grass.

When I eat, I have to admit that I'm louder than my companions.

TV too loud, this is me too but I'm half deaf, so I compensate for it.

But a couple that you have mentioned are just regular everyday stuff that seems that you're just mentioning to fill space.

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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

That's a pretty big list, some obvious but a couple I would say I do:

I spit sometimes, but it's in the gutter or grass.

When I eat, I have to admit that I'm louder than my companions.

TV too loud, this is me too but I'm half deaf, so I compensate for it.

But a couple that you have mentioned are just regular everyday stuff that seems that you're just mentioning to fill space.

No, i didn't just fill space.

Please stop spitting in public, improve your eating manners and get a hearing aid so you wont bother your neighbors with your tv, or listen through headphones.

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Unfortunately for us we are all falangs, remember the (they all look chinese to me) well we all pretty much look chinese to them, i saw the same once when i was taken to a 5 star hotel in Bangkok, had just arrived and was checking in, free glass of wine was offered but i refused being a non drinker and was offered some water instead that i enjoyed, as my details were being written down i looked to my right and saw a gent drinking a glass of wine, tall skinny bloke wearing very short shorts and a white singlet that i would use to wash my car and wearing thongs (flip flops) it made me embarrassed to think i would be put in that category,, the Thais around me showed more class than that guy, should not be allowed, there should be some dress code and also do they realize this is a Buddhist country? These people show no respect, i think they would be fines in Laos, i think they have some law there regarding bad dress sense,,, but then again i could be wrong.

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Unfortunately for us we are all falangs, remember the (they all look chinese to me) well we all pretty much look chinese to them, i saw the same once when i was taken to a 5 star hotel in Bangkok, had just arrived and was checking in, free glass of wine was offered but i refused being a non drinker and was offered some water instead that i enjoyed, as my details were being written down i looked to my right and saw a gent drinking a glass of wine, tall skinny bloke wearing very short shorts and a white singlet that i would use to wash my car and wearing thongs (flip flops) it made me embarrassed to think i would be put in that category,, the Thais around me showed more class than that guy, should not be allowed, there should be some dress code and also do they realize this is a Buddhist country? These people show no respect, i think they would be fines in Laos, i think they have some law there regarding bad dress sense,,, but then again i could be wrong.

sounds like he was australian

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Unfortunately for us we are all falangs, remember the (they all look chinese to me) well we all pretty much look chinese to them, i saw the same once when i was taken to a 5 star hotel in Bangkok, had just arrived and was checking in, free glass of wine was offered but i refused being a non drinker and was offered some water instead that i enjoyed, as my details were being written down i looked to my right and saw a gent drinking a glass of wine, tall skinny bloke wearing very short shorts and a white singlet that i would use to wash my car and wearing thongs (flip flops) it made me embarrassed to think i would be put in that category,, the Thais around me showed more class than that guy, should not be allowed, there should be some dress code and also do they realize this is a Buddhist country? These people show no respect, i think they would be fines in Laos, i think they have some law there regarding bad dress sense,,, but then again i could be wrong.

that sounds like me
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Unfortunately for us we are all falangs, remember the (they all look chinese to me) well we all pretty much look chinese to them, i saw the same once when i was taken to a 5 star hotel in Bangkok, had just arrived and was checking in, free glass of wine was offered but i refused being a non drinker and was offered some water instead that i enjoyed, as my details were being written down i looked to my right and saw a gent drinking a glass of wine, tall skinny bloke wearing very short shorts and a white singlet that i would use to wash my car and wearing thongs (flip flops) it made me embarrassed to think i would be put in that category,, the Thais around me showed more class than that guy, should not be allowed, there should be some dress code and also do they realize this is a Buddhist country? These people show no respect, i think they would be fines in Laos, i think they have some law there regarding bad dress sense,,, but then again i could be wrong.

sounds like he was australian

Couldn't have been American...we're always immaculate <coughs>

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tall skinny bloke wearing very short shorts and a white singlet that i would use to wash my car and wearing thongs (flip flops) it made me embarrassed to think i would be put in that category..

the Thais around me showed more class than that guy


So in country where daytime temprature never is below 30C, shorts and sandals are a no no in a 5 star hotel?

I dont think so. I think short, sandals and a t shirt are perfectly ok in any hotel, in Thailand.

Thai people there showed more class?

Thias who work there, wear suits. That is because they work in a 5 star hotel. The tall white guy was a guest, he is not required to wear a suite and tie.

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The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out. sad.png

Edited by oldsailor35
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The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out. sad.png

I sympathise with this. One thing I can't stand is shirtless people in restaurants. I'm glad so many places now operate "no Shirt, No Service" policies, especially in Pattaya. Manys the time I've had to politely ask someone if they could just slip their shirt back on and in 100% of cases they have done. I didn't however feel the need to rush to the internet cafe to express my disgust as they were on holiday and meant no offence, Just didn't know any better,

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The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out. sad.png

So being a slob is only relative to young guys? Have you been to Pattaya?whistling.gif

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The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out. sad.png

I sympathise with this. One thing I can't stand is shirtless people in restaurants. I'm glad so many places now operate "no Shirt, No Service" policies, especially in Pattaya. Manys the time I've had to politely ask someone if they could just slip their shirt back on and in 100% of cases they have done. I didn't however feel the need to rush to the internet cafe to express my disgust as they were on holiday and meant no offence, Just didn't know any better,

What is you obsession with thinking I rushed to my computer to cry about this man. I saw him the day before and thought I would mention it on here to

see if others had the same opinion as me. That is what a forum is for, people expressing the own opinions. Others wise there would be no forum.

So you don't like shirtless people in restaurant's, in my opinion wearing a dirty vest, stinking and drinking beer in a supermarket is just as bad.

A vest does not exactly cover much.

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Many people who complain about such things here often are extremely old with a woman forty years younger in toe,they are often looked down on by locals even more so.

I am not sure if that was a dig at me or the responders to my post.

For reference i am 31 and my gf is 34.

Not at all,good to see,the age thing that is.

Mine is 34 also,I'm 37.

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So you don't like shirtless people in restaurant's, in my opinion wearing a dirty vest, stinking and drinking beer in a supermarket is just as bad

There's a world of difference between filling a shopping trolley and one's gob...

Sone scruffy old tramp came wandering into one of my locals this evening and the staff chased him off with a broom, then bunged the unfortunate geezer a few baht and took him some grub. so maybe there's a tactic for you in the future....

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So you don't like shirtless people in restaurant's, in my opinion wearing a dirty vest, stinking and drinking beer in a supermarket is just as bad

There's a world of difference between filling a shopping trolley and one's gob...

Sone scruffy old tramp came wandering into one of my locals this evening and the staff chased him off with a broom, then bunged the unfortunate geezer a few baht and took him some grub. so maybe there's a tactic for you in the future....

So your suggesting next time I chase him out of the super market with a broom, give him a was wash, a clean set of cloths and send him on his why?

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The guy in question was dirty.

Didn't you know that water was in short supply in Pattaya/Jomtien? In the past 10 days I've had under 500 liters through my water meter. And the same goes for every house in the village as well as the whole street and surrounding streets.

Don't blame him blame the water company. smile.pnggiggle.gif

Edited by Keesters
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The damage has been done. I see these farang every where now a days. Was in 7/11 2 days ago young dude about 28 to 30 smelled really bad, very dirty clothes and had not shaved in a while. I mean really do we need this. And the shirt thing, was sitting in McD's yesterday and an older guy was in there with his shirt off and lots of tatoos, had turn away as he did not look good. I know this is a vacation town, but damn a little thought for where you are at.

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So many angry people on here. No sorry no low self- esteem. I just like people to show a little self respect, when out in public places.

He had a half filled trolley so I guess did not pop out for a quick bite. come on how hard is it to have a wash and put

something clean on?

could it be that the chap didn't care whether you like him or not? huh.png

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The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out. sad.png

What would you suggest then,top hat and tails or a tuxedo to sit down to dinner on holiday?whistling.gif

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To be fair to the original poster, he may have thought it a light hearted conversation starter and he got slated by some. It proved a great post.

Provocative, interesting and amusing replies. What the forum is supposed to be ?

There are indeed to be seen extremely scruffy, unfit slobs around. I am thinking Pattaya and dont know anywhere else toooo much.

But personally I love it. Geriatric beach bum (as in USA 1960s and 70s surfing youth culture, Beach Boys and all that) life style.

Makes me smile walking past some bars.

The scruff may have been on way home from beach. Many in bars in evenings not got that excuse. But as stated .. good for them.

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The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out.

Could it be that is how guys under 30 dress all over the world. You say they wore shorts and shirts. What is wrong with that?

And this body odour thing.. I am out the streets hours and hours each and every day. I never get to my place before 2am.

Not once have smelled some person in a coffee shop, in a restaurant in Pattaya.

Lots of streets stink here, the sewers at Beach rd near South rd intersection have about 100m stretch, that is really painful to walk by. Lots of garbage bags stink on most every street here.

But never have had any smell coming from another person. Where are all these young punks in short, who smell so bad, you have to leave the place!

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This will only mean something to "Brits / poms" but I forgot to mention the infamous slob in the original post may have been like Rab C Nesbit.

(Very funny cult British TV comedy series scruff, holes in dirty vest, unkempt hair, unshaven etc etc).

So the poster was moved to mention it. Good that he did. I might have done myself if in extrovert mood.

(I cant find smiley smiley icon thingy on this keyboard).

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This will only mean something to "Brits / poms" but I forgot to mention the infamous slob in the original post may have been like Rab C Nesbit. (Very funny cult British TV comedy series scruff, holes in dirty vest, unkempt hair, unshaven etc etc). So the poster was moved to mention it. Good that he did. I might have done myself if in extrovert mood. (I cant find smiley smiley icon thingy on this keyboard).

Strange, I can't get any smileys either.

Someone on TV, can't remember his name, has Rab C as his avatar.

However you want to dress, it only takes a couple of minutes for a shower.

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