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Phuket Police to target foreigners at night

Lite Beer

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Well, it's official then, with these statistics, Phuket is to be renamed Pattaya 2.

I would like to personally congratulate the BiB and Phuket's influential people for their wonderful administration of the island. Job well done. Keep up the good work.

Why Pattaya 2 ?

I have never ever been stopped and searched in Pattaya.

Let's hope Pattaya doesn't become Phuket 2.

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The "targeting" of one particular minority in society is racist, and when done by law enforcement officers, is "racial profiling."

If based on race, yes, but there is no connection between 'foreigners' and 'race'.

"Phuket police to target foreigners." - seems race related to me. Foreigners = anyone who is not Thai. smile.pngsmile.png

I'm surprised, I would have thought you'd know the difference between a nationality and a race. But I guess not now since it does not suit your purpose.

I know the difference.

I also know when I am being discriminated against.

Everyone knows in what context the police used the word "forigner."

Oh, don't forget to keep your passport on you, or you can expect money to be demanded from you. :)

Edited by NamKangMan
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...I guess the 10 million or so Thai criminals don't fit into the equation of enforcing laws.......

...better put this new abuse that foreigners will be subjected to in the travel brochures...

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If based on race, yes, but there is no connection between 'foreigners' and 'race'.

"Phuket police to target foreigners." - seems race related to me. Foreigners = anyone who is not Thai. smile.pngsmile.png

I'm surprised, I would have thought you'd know the difference between a nationality and a race. But I guess not now since it does not suit your purpose.


Everyone knows in what context the police used the word "forigner."


Which is why they even mentioned 'Vietnamese' in the article.

'Everybody knows' is the weakest argument possible, only used when there are no real arguments left anymore.

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Well, it's official then, with these statistics, Phuket is to be renamed Pattaya 2.

I would like to personally congratulate the BiB and Phuket's influential people for their wonderful administration of the island. Job well done. Keep up the good work.

I will look forward to the racial profiling at your check points.

555 Phuket could only wish to be Pattaya 2 tongue.png

Phuket is cesspit 1 of the whole of Thailand... This is just another reminder not ever to re-visit Phuket again (unless with invitation and all expenses paid)...

Keep on digging, Phuket! It is your own grave cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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This headline would not be of such negative impact to a Thai loving foreigner if the country would have its very own affairs sorted out and under control, but with major unrest, shootings and bombings in the south (performed by Thais!); killings, stabbings and robbings of tourists on a daily basis (performed by Thais!), tourists being killed for singing with a band (performed by Thais!); tourists being drugged and robbed on a daily basis (performed by Thais!); foreign investors being cheated out of their businesses and losing their investments on a frequent basis due to the 51%Thai/49% foreigner ratio (performed by Thais!); Thai mass murderers and child rapists roaming around and killing undetected for years; lax safety standards killing tourists all over the place via speedboats, tour boats, water scooters, mini vans, VIP buses, etc. (provided by and neglected by Thais!); overfishing and neglect in national parks, providing absolutely no conservation efforts, while charging the visiting tousists blind (performed by Thais!); unability to form a working government and unability to understand, enforce and obey even the simplest rules of democracy; unability of the government to destroy and punish mafia-alike structures amongst Tuk-Tuk and Taxi drivers (Thais); unability to force the own (Thai) citizens to obey traffic laws and keep vehicles road worthy; governments unability to weed out corruption (performed by Thais!); and many, many, issues more that could fill a book, this finger pointing and cracking down on foreigners for minor misconduct or violating visa or work permit laws is just a bit too much and shows again that Thailand is the hub of what???? Racism, or perhaps utter stupidity...

If there is one country in the world that deserves to be boycotted by tourists and sanctioned by all other nations due to their decision makers' remarkable aptitude for pointing fingers at foreigners and performing blunt racism out in the open without remorse, then it is Thailand!

I wish that (given that Thailand ever will have a functioning government that finally is accepted by "the people of Thailand") one Thai P.M. or other influencial leading politician up there would read Thai Expat opinions and posts like ours here on Thai Visa on a frequent basis and make an effort to sit down with a few selected ones on a round table and listen - just for once - to our concerns and day to day problems we are facing when living in this country, giving us the opportunity to have a saying to and explain to them how it feels to be treated like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen while trying to do everything by the book, raising Thai/foreign families and kids, etc. truly trying to fit in, adapt, speaking the language and all... I wish so much that the Thais would listen to us, just for once and at least try to understand.

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Well, it's official then, with these statistics, Phuket is to be renamed Pattaya 2.

I would like to personally congratulate the BiB and Phuket's influential people for their wonderful administration of the island. Job well done. Keep up the good work.

I will look forward to the racial profiling at your check points.

Scams, robbery, assaults, and now racial profiling police (and possible shakedowns) - remind me again, why is it people go to Phuket?

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Phuket Provincial Police Deputy Commander Peerayuth Karachedi (right) has prepared his officers to target foreigners at night. Photo: Gazette file “We have both good and bad foreigners here, and it’s our job to try to prevent the bad ones from doing criminal acts in our country,” Col Peerayuth noted.

Phuket Provincial Police Deputy Commander Peerayuth Karached Have no rights to say bad to any of the Foreigners. His job is to catch the criminal and put them behind bar and lets court decide who is bad.

Commander should think twice before he gives statement to media.

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Sounds like we, as a group, should forward this article to our respective country news and wire services. They will have a great time with it. The wording of the article going to do additional harm to the paradise-like image the LOS/TAT is trying to project.

I can't imagine any high ranking official actually saying this and not expecting some sort of international backlash.

Pax Nobiscum

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Personally i count for 3 of them in 2013 for not wearing a helmet and missing international license, this country is a joke

can i ask then why be there are get it now its a joke meaning funny haveing an laugh best go home to your place which is home or is that a bigger joke

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This headline would not be of such negative impact to a Thai loving foreigner if the country would have its very own affairs sorted out and under control, but with major unrest, shootings and bombings in the south (performed by Thais!); killings, stabbings and robbings of tourists on a daily basis (performed by Thais!), tourists being killed for singing with a band (performed by Thais!); tourists being drugged and robbed on a daily basis (performed by Thais!); foreign investors being cheated out of their businesses and losing their investments on a frequent basis due to the 51%Thai/49% foreigner ratio (performed by Thais!); Thai mass murderers and child rapists roaming around and killing undetected for years; lax safety standards killing tourists all over the place via speedboats, tour boats, water scooters, mini vans, VIP buses, etc. (provided by and neglected by Thais!); overfishing and neglect in national parks, providing absolutely no conservation efforts, while charging the visiting tousists blind (performed by Thais!); unability to form a working government and unability to understand, enforce and obey even the simplest rules of democracy; unability of the government to destroy and punish mafia-alike structures amongst Tuk-Tuk and Taxi drivers (Thais); unability to force the own (Thai) citizens to obey traffic laws and keep vehicles road worthy; governments unability to weed out corruption (performed by Thais!); and many, many, issues more that could fill a book, this finger pointing and cracking down on foreigners for minor misconduct or violating visa or work permit laws is just a bit too much and shows again that Thailand is the hub of what???? Racism, or perhaps utter stupidity...

If there is one country in the world that deserves to be boycotted by tourists and sanctioned by all other nations due to their decision makers' remarkable aptitude for pointing fingers at foreigners and performing blunt racism out in the open without remorse, then it is Thailand!

I wish that (given that Thailand ever will have a functioning government that finally is accepted by "the people of Thailand") one Thai P.M. or other influencial leading politician up there would read Thai Expat opinions and posts like ours here on Thai Visa on a frequent basis and make an effort to sit down with a few selected ones on a round table and listen - just for once - to our concerns and day to day problems we are facing when living in this country, giving us the opportunity to have a saying to and explain to them how it feels to be treated like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen while trying to do everything by the book, raising Thai/foreign families and kids, etc. truly trying to fit in, adapt, speaking the language and all... I wish so much that the Thais would listen to us, just for once and at least try to understand.

Good lord mate, a rather bewildering viewpoint. And it begs the question; why would you live in(?) or visit(?) Thailand having that sort of opinion of the country and its people? It's truly puzzling to me that there are those that are so passionately unhappy about anything and everything Thai, yet still live(?) or visit(?) there. Are you imprisoned there or something?

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There are a hell of a lot 'bad' locals too. Search everyone or search no one you jackasses !

Exactly. Make the searches random, or search everyone, but not target a certain part of the community based on their ethinicity.

Criminality does not distinguish between nationalities.

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I wonder if they will plant evidence or even set Farangs up like those 6 cops on Nana, I am sure there will be the standard 200B admin fee to be able to drive off. Looks like they need some xmas money now high season has started.

I don't know about the planting of drugs, but yes, I'm thinking it's just another money grab.

No licence (tourist), no passport, had a few to drink - "pay me and you will be on your way."

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@ stevenl

There are 124 posts, with most members voicing their displeasure following the announcement made by police.

I concede the use of the word "Everyone" is not accurate - obviously, not every single person shares my view, but I would suggest a majority does.

The police can mention every nationality they like, Eg. Vietnamese, but the bottom line is, they are targeting "foreigners" and that means, all those who are not Thai, but it is my opinion that causcasian "foreigners" will be the main target, most probably because they are an easy target for bribes in relation to helmets, licencing and driving/riding whilst intoxicated.

You're just projecting your own opinions, ethnicity and ideas in your suspicions, not what has hapened in the past and what is happening at the moment.

And yes, the majority of postrrs in this thread seems to agree with you, albeit a big part of those are just moaning about race discriminiation, which it clearly is not. But that realy does not mean the majority of foreigners living on phuket shares your ideas, or even the majority of people living on phuket and posting on tv.

Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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@ stevenl

There are 124 posts, with most members voicing their displeasure following the announcement made by police.

I concede the use of the word "Everyone" is not accurate - obviously, not every single person shares my view, but I would suggest a majority does.

The police can mention every nationality they like, Eg. Vietnamese, but the bottom line is, they are targeting "foreigners" and that means, all those who are not Thai, but it is my opinion that causcasian "foreigners" will be the main target, most probably because they are an easy target for bribes in relation to helmets, licencing and driving/riding whilst intoxicated.

You're just projecting your own opinions, ethnicity and ideas in your suspicions, not what has hapened in the past and what is happening at the moment.

And yes, the majority of postrrs in this thread seems to agree with you, albeit a big part of those are just moaning about race discriminiation, which it clearly is not. But that realy does not mean the majority of foreigners living on phuket shares your ideas, or even the majority of people living on phuket and posting on tv.

Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well, statistically, for this thread, you seem to be in the minority. That does not mean you are wrong in any way, you are entitled to your opinion, but then again, so am I, and everyone else, and the sentiment of the majority in this thread is quite clear.

As this statement by police has only recently been announced, we have not yet had any reports on how they are going to implement these "check points." If reports start filtering back that tourist were getting hit up for a few hundred baht for not having a licence, or carrying their passport - my suspicions will be confirmed.

Personally, because it's at night, I think the drink driving will be the big corrupt earner for them.

Once again, this only seems to be hapening on Planet Phuket - not in other tourist areas of Thailand, so, race descrimination aside, tourists and expats are being treated differently by police on Phuket, to what other tourists and expats are in other locations in Thailand.

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This headline would not be of such negative impact to a Thai loving foreigner if the country would have its very own affairs sorted out and under control, but with major unrest, shootings and bombings in the south (performed by Thais!); killings, stabbings and robbings of tourists on a daily basis (performed by Thais!), tourists being killed for singing with a band (performed by Thais!); tourists being drugged and robbed on a daily basis (performed by Thais!); foreign investors being cheated out of their businesses and losing their investments on a frequent basis due to the 51%Thai/49% foreigner ratio (performed by Thais!); Thai mass murderers and child rapists roaming around and killing undetected for years; lax safety standards killing tourists all over the place via speedboats, tour boats, water scooters, mini vans, VIP buses, etc. (provided by and neglected by Thais!); overfishing and neglect in national parks, providing absolutely no conservation efforts, while charging the visiting tousists blind (performed by Thais!); unability to form a working government and unability to understand, enforce and obey even the simplest rules of democracy; unability of the government to destroy and punish mafia-alike structures amongst Tuk-Tuk and Taxi drivers (Thais); unability to force the own (Thai) citizens to obey traffic laws and keep vehicles road worthy; governments unability to weed out corruption (performed by Thais!); and many, many, issues more that could fill a book, this finger pointing and cracking down on foreigners for minor misconduct or violating visa or work permit laws is just a bit too much and shows again that Thailand is the hub of what???? Racism, or perhaps utter stupidity...

If there is one country in the world that deserves to be boycotted by tourists and sanctioned by all other nations due to their decision makers' remarkable aptitude for pointing fingers at foreigners and performing blunt racism out in the open without remorse, then it is Thailand!

I wish that (given that Thailand ever will have a functioning government that finally is accepted by "the people of Thailand") one Thai P.M. or other influencial leading politician up there would read Thai Expat opinions and posts like ours here on Thai Visa on a frequent basis and make an effort to sit down with a few selected ones on a round table and listen - just for once - to our concerns and day to day problems we are facing when living in this country, giving us the opportunity to have a saying to and explain to them how it feels to be treated like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen while trying to do everything by the book, raising Thai/foreign families and kids, etc. truly trying to fit in, adapt, speaking the language and all... I wish so much that the Thais would listen to us, just for once and at least try to understand.

Good lord mate, a rather bewildering viewpoint. And it begs the question; why would you live in(?) or visit(?) Thailand having that sort of opinion of the country and its people? It's truly puzzling to me that there are those that are so passionately unhappy about anything and everything Thai, yet still live(?) or visit(?) there. Are you imprisoned there or something?

Zappa, you have been reading virtually "around" my email without understanding the point I was trying to make, but perhaps you'll figure it out by time...

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@ sabai-Zappa - read this, since it might enlighten you a little, given that you have some free time for reading instead of taking whatever makes you so "violently happy" and blue-eyed: <link removed>

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This headline would not be of such negative impact to a Thai loving foreigner if the country would have its very own affairs sorted out and under control, but with major unrest, shootings and bombings in the south (performed by Thais!); killings, stabbings and robbings of tourists on a daily basis (performed by Thais!), tourists being killed for singing with a band (performed by Thais!); tourists being drugged and robbed on a daily basis (performed by Thais!); foreign investors being cheated out of their businesses and losing their investments on a frequent basis due to the 51%Thai/49% foreigner ratio (performed by Thais!); Thai mass murderers and child rapists roaming around and killing undetected for years; lax safety standards killing tourists all over the place via speedboats, tour boats, water scooters, mini vans, VIP buses, etc. (provided by and neglected by Thais!); overfishing and neglect in national parks, providing absolutely no conservation efforts, while charging the visiting tousists blind (performed by Thais!); unability to form a working government and unability to understand, enforce and obey even the simplest rules of democracy; unability of the government to destroy and punish mafia-alike structures amongst Tuk-Tuk and Taxi drivers (Thais); unability to force the own (Thai) citizens to obey traffic laws and keep vehicles road worthy; governments unability to weed out corruption (performed by Thais!); and many, many, issues more that could fill a book, this finger pointing and cracking down on foreigners for minor misconduct or violating visa or work permit laws is just a bit too much and shows again that Thailand is the hub of what???? Racism, or perhaps utter stupidity...

If there is one country in the world that deserves to be boycotted by tourists and sanctioned by all other nations due to their decision makers' remarkable aptitude for pointing fingers at foreigners and performing blunt racism out in the open without remorse, then it is Thailand!

I wish that (given that Thailand ever will have a functioning government that finally is accepted by "the people of Thailand") one Thai P.M. or other influencial leading politician up there would read Thai Expat opinions and posts like ours here on Thai Visa on a frequent basis and make an effort to sit down with a few selected ones on a round table and listen - just for once - to our concerns and day to day problems we are facing when living in this country, giving us the opportunity to have a saying to and explain to them how it feels to be treated like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen while trying to do everything by the book, raising Thai/foreign families and kids, etc. truly trying to fit in, adapt, speaking the language and all... I wish so much that the Thais would listen to us, just for once and at least try to understand.

Good lord mate, a rather bewildering viewpoint. And it begs the question; why would you live in(?) or visit(?) Thailand having that sort of opinion of the country and its people? It's truly puzzling to me that there are those that are so passionately unhappy about anything and everything Thai, yet still live(?) or visit(?) there. Are you imprisoned there or something?

Ahhh. yet another, "If you don't like it here, why don't you move" post - which is equally backed up by the "Why doesn't Planet Phuket come online with the rest of Thailand" reply. :) :)

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Lets face it guys a month from now it will all be gone again. This is just them sayig they are working, Happens in one form or another another very often only to be forgotten qickly

Unless it's lucrative, and as mentioned, I think the driving/riding, after drinking, will be lucrative for them, in which case, the check points at night will be here to stay.

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