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Where to buy a healthy dog?


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The Vets tell me NOT from the weekend market in BKK.

My vet tells me similar, "don't buy from a market". But when I ask where should I buy a dog from he says "a breeder" but then can't tell me where any are. Research on the Internet comes up with little and what I can find in hundreds of KM away. Little choice if you want a fun dog like my Golden or Black Lab. Never managed to train an ex-soi dog to play ball or frisbee. All they ever do is sleep, bark, poop and piss.

If you wanted a Labrador you should talk with my breeder. Even if you wanted a Golden I am sure he would know where to go. He is well connected at the dog shows here. His advice to me was free and generous. When I first contacted him he had already sold all his puppies. He told me even if I did not buy a dog from him please stay in contact and ask as many questions as possible. He said it was such an important decision and he did not want me making a mistake. He wasn't pushing his dogs because he had nothing to sell. After the third phone call to him with a list of questions I knew I was onto a good thing so I decided to wait on his next litter. I am really happy I did! This guy is an Australian so there are no language problems and he understands what farungs want.

Your post is about as much good as the advice given to me by my vet. "YOU SHOULD" and then fail to say where or how. And if the Aussie is so good why does he NOT show up in a search for breeders.

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The Vets tell me NOT from the weekend market in BKK.

My vet tells me similar, "don't buy from a market". But when I ask where should I buy a dog from he says "a breeder" but then can't tell me where any are. Research on the Internet comes up with little and what I can find in hundreds of KM away. Little choice if you want a fun dog like my Golden or Black Lab. Never managed to train an ex-soi dog to play ball or frisbee. All they ever do is sleep, bark, poop and piss.

If you wanted a Labrador you should talk with my breeder. Even if you wanted a Golden I am sure he would know where to go. He is well connected at the dog shows here. His advice to me was free and generous. When I first contacted him he had already sold all his puppies. He told me even if I did not buy a dog from him please stay in contact and ask as many questions as possible. He said it was such an important decision and he did not want me making a mistake. He wasn't pushing his dogs because he had nothing to sell. After the third phone call to him with a list of questions I knew I was onto a good thing so I decided to wait on his next litter. I am really happy I did! This guy is an Australian so there are no language problems and he understands what farungs want.

Your post is about as much good as the advice given to me by my vet. "YOU SHOULD" and then fail to say where or how. And if the Aussie is so good why does he NOT show up in a search for breeders.

Hello Keesters, Sorry, I have been away for new years. I did mention the kennel name in an earlier post (Premier Labradors). I was not sure if this would break the rules of ThaiVisa so I did not want to push it and mention it again. I understand your frustration to my post only going half way and maybe I should have mentioned the name again. If you want more details then you can contact me direct as another reader did. I cannot post the website here, but I would be happy to reply your message. I am not sure where you searched for this guy but I know he is not easy to find on the internet. He does not have huge numbers of puppies or great marketing of his website. I do not want to talk anyone into buying a dog from anyone however I just wanted to say I had a good experience. I would be very happy if other people who had good experiences could also say so. Does not matter if Thai or farung. What matters is we help each other if possible.

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I also talked to him last year. Very helpful guy. He dam_n well should be--when he charges 40,000 baht for a puppy (just like the Thai "breeders")

When you tell any of them you don't want a 'show dog'--just a family pet--you'll get the same answer: "no hab"...

He charged me 20,000 and called it pet quality. I have known a few people and have spoken to him on a number of occasions about pricing. He has never told me 40,000 but I have been quoted this from other kennels (actually, some slightly more and some less). His price has been standard at 20,000 for a pet or 25,000 if you need papers to show or breed from. The only thing I can think of is that he has also imported very expensive show dogs from Europe. Maybe you would pay extra if you wanted a puppy from imported dogs. I have just rung him as I am typing this. Again, he told me 20k for pet or 25k for show. I then asked him about 40k and he said he cannot remember. However, he said he had a partner about 2+ years ago that set some really high prices on the puppies so it might be true. He said he just followed what his partner said. He has not worked with his partner for over 2 years and he said his price has been standard since then.

Anyway, I still do not see a problem. if someone tells you 40,000 for a dog and you don't want to pay that much say thanks very much and move on. The seller does not need to be helpful regardless of the price. You would expect them to be helpful but I rang kennels/farms that were high in price and they were anything but helpful. It sounds like you rang a few kennels too. I bet you found a few less than helpful.

Edited by Jordan Russell
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For health, nothing beats a stray/"soi dog". Genetically built to survive and then when given a proper home/food/vaccinations etc, they really thrive.

They also IMO have the best personalities, whereas pure breds are sometimes neurotic/high strung.

If there is a particular breed you want, the shelters often have them though of course no papers and probably not purebred. Purebreds are IMO and experience, never as healthy a mixed breeds. Nature knows what it is doing....

I have a Chihuahua who was a rescue. He's full size for a Chihuahua and Vet thinks has some pinscher blood mixed in. >12 years old now and still racing about in superb health, full of vitality, you don't often see that in pure bred ChiChis.

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  • 1 year later...

For the OP Valjean

please tell us where the sick puppy was purchased from so we may all avoid the place.

We bought a Toy Poodle from Sanam Luang 2 at the weekend, she's now in the vets on a drip, she has a low chance of survival, we're heartbroken.

We've learned our lesson the hard way, I wish we'd known about this before :(

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For the OP Valjean

please tell us where the sick puppy was purchased from so we may all avoid the place.

We bought a Toy Poodle from Sanam Luang 2 at the weekend, she's now in the vets on a drip, she has a low chance of survival, we're heartbroken.

We've learned our lesson the hard way, I wish we'd known about this before sad.png

i feel for you md.but here in thailand never mind how much care you give them there is always danger.just read my posting[could this be his last birthday]he couldnt be better looked after if he was in a 5* hotel yet i have been so worried the past 4weeks [low blood count] its ripping my heart to pieces.as there has been a lot of posts on taking a soi dog i think if you dearly want a dog that makes sense.

ours came from a good home[1yr.old] but he got loose and he was a whisker away from death.the vet done a rearly good job saving his life,yes ours to was on a drip,very weak,full of tape worms and high temp.,but being only 1yr.old and a very strong dog he pulled through.

lets hope your little one pulls through,if it does you can be sure it wont forget what you have done.

go and give food to the monks.

meatboy love me love my dog.

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Just a warning! If the death of her last puppy was from Parvo, it's a very contagious and deadly disease especially in young puppies and has a long "shelf life" even after the pet has been removed It is important to clean all of the areas with a solution of diluted bleach. If the dog has been on surfaces that can’t be cleaned with bleach then you have to let the shelf life of parvo virus run full term. Parvo virus can last 1 month on indoor surfaces, 5 months in sunny outdoor areas, and 7 months in shaded areas. Remember parvo can also be carried on your shoes and clothes. It is not airborne so it can’t be spread by the wind. Parvo is one of the most common diseases in puppies that are purchased from "puppy farms". Just be careful!

...and don't forget the doggie vaccinations.

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You will have more problems with inbred Pedigree type dogs. Especially over here, as inbreeding is rampant. Also abominable puppy farms make them stressed out from the start.

Although not pretty, a good street dog has been naturally selected for survival. The dumb ones are hit by cars and the other's have survived Parvo and such.

Buying Pedigree over here is just asking for trouble...and creating a monster market ripe for the profiliferation of puppy farms.

Let's get the street dogs off the street...and into good homes. They are quite affection and wise, and sturdy. (unlike dumbed down, weakened pedigrees)

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Our poor little puppy died today, after only 7 days with us, she meant the world to us.

She died from the virus CPV, which she probably caught from other dogs in the shop/'farm'.

Please, never make the same mistake we did.

We're now looking for a respecable breeder, we would like a Toy Poodle, not a large dog as we just don't have the space, if we had a larger garden we'd happily have a rescue dog, but that's impossible at the moment.

Any idea where to find healthy puppies would be greatly appreciated.


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so sorry for your loss.dont beat yourself up,we can all do it[you didnt make a mistake] dogs can look healthy one minute and sick the next.

this is what happened to me last monday. the past 5yrs.i have more or less looked after our neigbours dog,fed him,shower him,got a proper bed for him and he loved me for it.he is now over 12yrs.old and has a job to get about,totally unloved by the whole family that own him,lately i have been carrying him over to our house for his dinner with our boy,last monday he didnt eat and fell to the ground,frothing badly and was sick,laying on his back legs kicking,i thought this was it,i picked him up called the wife to get the owner,not concerned one bit so i told the wife call the vet.

i put his blanket on him and wiped his face with a damp cloth,i am now in tears,but all of a sudden before the vet came up he got and asked me for his dinner,he ate most of it had a drink and went to sleep.

since that day he has had a new lease of life,even to the point of going to our gate in the evening so he can have his walk with ours.

so you see maidong never mind what age they are they can be sick one minute and fully recovered the next.

someone on here i am sure will help you find what your looking for.

meatboy. love me love my dog.

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