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N Korea threatens to strike South without warning


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N Korea threatens to strike South without warning

SEOUL: -- North Korea has threatened to strike South Korea without warning. A spokesman for the South Korean Defense Ministry said on Friday that the North's powerful National Defense Commission on Thursday sent a fax to South Korea's National Security Council through the western coastal military hotline to threaten to strike the South "without any notice."

According to the South Korean Defense Ministry official, Pyongyang issued threats in response to conservatives’ anti-Pyongyang rallies in Seoul on the second death anniversary of its leader Kim Jong-il earlier this week. The latest threat came after several conservative groups and North Korean defectors on Tuesday held rallies in Seoul to protest against North Korea’s authoritarian rule and human rights abuse, with some burning Kim Jong-Un’s photo, evoking harsh criticism from the DPRK National Defense Commission.

The South Korean Defense Ministry immediately replied through the military line, vowing to “sternly react” to any provocations, ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said, Yeohap news agency reported.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_12_20/N-Korea-threatens-to-strike-South-without-warning-3930/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-12-20

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I recall having read that the uncle was probably instrumental in keeping Dear Leader in check and adverting last stand off. Dear Leader just killed off uncle and starts the threats again within a week. US may view Ithe threats a but differently with uncle out of the way.

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Sorry, but this bring it on macho crap doesn't work with lunatics.

The S Koreans I know are seriously screwed up.

Domineering, repressing and controlling to women, violent and aggressive.

I can't imagine what the N Koreans must be like.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Sound just like some Farang I know clap2.gif

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Sorry, but this bring it on macho crap doesn't work with lunatics.

The S Koreans I know are seriously screwed up.

Domineering, repressing and controlling to women, violent and aggressive.

I can't imagine what the N Koreans must be like.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Sound just like some Farang I know clap2.gif

Welcome to the human race.

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Does this guy just wake up drunk one morning and decide to send a fax saying I am going to bar-be-que your arse?


North Korea sends fax threatening to strike South Korea 'without notice': report

Menacing language from North Korea is nothing new. Neither is its office technology.

A South Korean news agency reported Friday that the North has threatened a “merciless” attack without notice in response to anti-North rallies this week — and that it sent the warning by fax.


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"SEOUL: -- North Korea has threatened to strike South Korea without warning. A spokesman for the South Korean Defense Ministry said on Friday that the North's powerful National Defense Commission on Thursday sent a fax to South Korea's National Security Council through the western coastal military hotline to threaten to strike the South "without any notice."

Bring it, you fat little punk. There is a more than a sufficient missile defense barrier in place and nuclear stealth subs in your waters that can turn you into a glass parking lot.

Let's get it done by Christmas please.

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Does this guy just wake up drunk one morning and decide to send a fax saying I am going to bar-be-que your arse?


North Korea sends fax threatening to strike South Korea 'without notice': report

Menacing language from North Korea is nothing new. Neither is its office technology.

A South Korean news agency reported Friday that the North has threatened a “merciless” attack without notice in response to anti-North rallies this week — and that it sent the warning by fax.


outh Korea responded to the Northern threat by faxing back. It vowed to “sternly react” to any provocations, ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok told Yonhap.

The Fax include a picture of the butt of some one claiming to be the Prez. of South Korea taken on the Fax with the caption "Oh Yeaa, BBQ this"

West fears escalation, with responding Fax from North Korea leader laugh.png

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China needs to pull the plug. They won't but they need to.

Yes, they seem to be stuck with them for better or far worse.

And this article was written in 2010 when the current loony's father (and uncle) were still in charge:

Chinese officials used to say their alliance with North Korea was “as close as lips and teeth.” Now, as Pyongyang continues to bite the hand that feeds it, Beijing’s exasperation is growing. In the WikiLeaks dump of classified diplomatic cables, Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei described Pyongyang’s bad-boy behavior as that of a “spoiled child” acting up to grab Washington’s attention. Another dispatch quoted He as saying, “We may not like [North Korea but] … they are a neighbor.” And that was all prior to North Korea’s recent belligerent moves—torpedoing a South Korean warship, shelling a border island—which humiliated Chinese efforts to negotiate a solution to the nuke crisis.

But don’t expect Beijing to break openly with Pyongyang any time soon. Dislike is one thing; national interests are quite another.


And more recently:

North Korea is also a headache to China as uncontrollable. An official at the South Korea Presidential Office said, "China was trying to pull North Korea to its side by persuading it to give up nuclear weapons, but North Korea reacted (by purging Jang Song Thaek) and tried to pull China to its side," adding, "This is very unwelcome to China since stability of North Korean regime is important to it." Another high-ranking government official said, "Chinese President Xi Jinping has negative image on Kim Jong Un who is young and scatterbrained, and it seems that such view aggravated following Kim`s reign of terror," adding, "China is in a situation where it can`t and won`t intervene in North Korea`s internal politics."


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There is a German, a Japanese and a North Korean sitting in a steam room,

There is a ringing and the German starts taking in to his wrist,

What's going on asks the N Korean?

Oh I have a cell phone build in to my wrist and I am talking to my office replies the German

A few minutes later the Japanese lets out a yell of joy after looking at his wrist watch,

What happened asked the N Korean

Oh I get the latest stock market data on my wrist watch, and I just made a bundle of money

By Now the N Korean is feeling a little inadequate, so he walks out of the steam room, and when he comes back there is a a long piece of toilet paper hunting out of his ass

Do you know there toilet paper hanging out of you ass, says the German to the N Korean.

Not to be out done the N Korean replies

I know I know, I am getting a fax from Dear Leader.laugh.png

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I used to have a fax machine. I later had a fax program on my computer.

Hey, I even used to have a land line. coffee1.gif

One can't help but wonder how reliable their missile guidance systems are..!

Wouldn't it be something to see them all going up in the air, fizzling out, and falling straight back down....!! Oohhh Shiiiiiiiiiittttt...!!

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