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Anti-govt protesters rally across Thai capital

Lite Beer

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Luckily I have ExpatTV internet TV and I get all the British mainstream channels in HD through my internet connection, I also get the ability to record and upload to youtube, and I also have 7 days rewind on demand.

I scanned both BBC News UK and World news, and it is the same Johnathon Head report in a loop.

Here it is..... bullshitters exposed once again.....lol

Try a little harder next time.... This is 2013 we have the technology to expose you.

exactly! that's what he said


Meanwhile, police said there were about 135,000 protesters at 4pm - 135K from all protest grounds combined that is.

feeling a bit stupid are you?

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RT@veen_NT: Meanwhile, police said there were about 135,000 protesters at 4pm - 135K from all protest grounds combined that is.

What's the population of Thailand?

So you can probably multiply that by 10 then.

Definitely. But why just multiply it by 10? That seems totally abitrary. I'd rather trust the PDRC's FB page myself:

Urban architect academics used maps/acreage to calculate that the protester tally between 17.00-18.00 hours today was approximately 5.6 million.
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Of course they were referring to the government.

They ahve been shouting 'get out' for almost 2 months now... so what makes these idiots think that now they mean foreigners?


Fair point. Although I felt she was pointing rather 'menacingly' at Jonathan Head there. lol.

Well she did give him the thumbs up.

I believe that means the negative among the Thai youth... according to my wife anyway.

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RT@veen_NT: Meanwhile, police said there were about 135,000 protesters at 4pm - 135K from all protest grounds combined that is.

What's the population of Thailand?

So you can probably multiply that by 10 then.

Definitely. But why just multiply it by 10? That seems totally abitrary. I'd rather trust the PDRC's FB page myself:

Urban architect academics used maps/acreage to calculate that the protester tally between 17.00-18.00 hours today was approximately 5.6 million.

5.6 Million People, seems fair, bit of a queue for a taxi then?

Edited by fab4
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I distrust movies or novels to educate us about human behavior- but when Susan Sontag praises a movie maker for his observations-- I take notice.

Thyere is Stantango- and there is this (the Werkmeister Harmonak)--

Tarr understands the ;mob- very few posters, I know, will watch this- but those who do will be horrified at the similarities to what is happening in Bangkok.


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and you are a farang rose-tinted fool who has no understanding about Thailand and I am NOT pro-Thaksin you noob I am anti anti-democracy unlike you


it's just... what can I say? breathtaking stupidity that you can't see the obvious... the old amart/elite clinging onto power. It's not about Thaksin - yet you can't see it - utterly, utterly breathtaking

If you can't say anything more coherent or substantive than that, I suggest that you say nothing.

How gratifying.

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Luckily I have ExpatTV internet TV and I get all the British mainstream channels in HD through my internet connection, I also get the ability to record and upload to youtube, and I also have 7 days rewind on demand.

I scanned both BBC News UK and World news, and it is the same Johnathon Head report in a loop.

Here it is..... bullshitters exposed once again.....lol

Try a little harder next time.... This is 2013 we have the technology to expose you.

exactly! that's what he said


Meanwhile, police said there were about 135,000 protesters at 4pm - 135K from all protest grounds combined that is.

feeling a bit stupid are you?

I was at Asoke at 5 pm and tried to do a quick estimate. Counted 20 people in a row and then 10 rows. Tried to see how often that small area would fit into the whole area.

I guessed about 30,000 people. So 135,000 combined seems a bit low but I doubt if there were 2 million.

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If you can't say anything more coherent or substantive than that, I suggest that you say nothing.

How gratifying.

commenting on your own posts now? that's the very best an elitist right winger like you can do??? the VERY best? how smug you are but you can't hold down the majority of people for long - just watch and see clap2.gif

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If you can't say anything more coherent or substantive than that, I suggest that you say nothing.

How gratifying.

commenting on your own posts now? that's the very best an elitist right winger like you can do??? the VERY best? how smug you are but you can't hold down the majority of people for long - just watch and see clap2.gif

Egad, man. You're having a public meltdown. Think before you post, why don't you.

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It's really funny reading all this tripe. I'm in Chiang Mai and it's life as usual. No signs of protesters anywhere. Most Chiang Mai people I know don't give a rat's ass about Bangkok and whether it burns or sinks. Sometimes I really just think that Northern Thailand should secede from the nation of Bangkok, and we'd all be better off up here.

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Luckily I have ExpatTV internet TV and I get all the British mainstream channels in HD through my internet connection, I also get the ability to record and upload to youtube, and I also have 7 days rewind on demand.

I scanned both BBC News UK and World news, and it is the same Johnathon Head report in a loop.

Here it is..... bullshitters exposed once again.....lol

Try a little harder next time.... This is 2013 we have the technology to expose you.

exactly! that's what he said


Meanwhile, police said there were about 135,000 protesters at 4pm - 135K from all protest grounds combined that is.

feeling a bit stupid are you?

I was at Asoke at 5 pm and tried to do a quick estimate. Counted 20 people in a row and then 10 rows. Tried to see how often that small area would fit into the whole area.

I guessed about 30,000 people. So 135,000 combined seems a bit low but I doubt if there were 2 million.

that's about right from my sources maybe 200,000 - a small fraction compared to the propaganda lies and deceit from those clinging onto power set against the vast majority of Thais who demand justice and democracy

God help Thailand through this terrible attempted coup - She needs peace and justice

There is no God.

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RT@veen_NT: Meanwhile, police said there were about 135,000 protesters at 4pm - 135K from all protest grounds combined that is.

What's the population of Thailand?

So you can probably multiply that by 10 then.

Definitely. But why just multiply it by 10? That seems totally abitrary. I'd rather trust the PDRC's FB page myself:

Urban architect academics used maps/acreage to calculate that the protester tally between 17.00-18.00 hours today was approximately 5.6 million.

hmm 5.6 million in a street protest, now, what was the population of Thailand again.....

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The attempts at making perceptions change in general thought about this rally,

and it's support are a truly Sisyphus-ian job. Rolling a large rock up s super steep hill,

only to see it roll to the bottom... and then the boss says start again.

The usual suspects hard at work trying to confuse, disorient, and make international observations opaque.

I agree. Michael Yon and Tony Cartalucci are wasting their time. Most people now see this for what it is. Nothing more than an undemocratic power grab.

Or countering one. ( nice try, no sale)

Edited by animatic
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It's really funny reading all this tripe. I'm in Chiang Mai and it's life as usual. No signs of protesters anywhere. Most Chiang Mai people I know don't give a rat's ass about Bangkok and whether it burns or sinks. Sometimes I really just think that Northern Thailand should secede from the nation of Bangkok, and we'd all be better off up here.


Thaksin can be your King, and Yingluck can be your PM.

Jutaporn as deputy PM. Chalerm and Tarit will be ministers

They will be looked down upon by Laos and Myanmar within a year, while the new southern country will probably be the most prosperous nation in SEA.

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Going back to the tweet:

Thai woman shouting in English outside Lumpini Park "All Shinawatras must go" followed by "All foreigners should go! Thailand is for Thais!"

This was by tweeter BangkokLife who spend the day among the protesters and was talking about what he witnessed. Nothing to do with BBC news which was only mentioned by a poster in this thread.

The protesters are a disparate bunch that include narrow-minded racists, tech school thugs, gullible southerners as well as some very decent people who don't fully appreciate the implications of abolishing democracy in favour of a Grand Fascist Council.

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This was a mega flop. Lumpini Park is deserted, no one left at Asoke, very thin and dispirited protest marching down Sukhivit...2 abreast. People have voted with their feet on Khun Suthep by staying away in droves

And you know this how?
He died and was reincarnated three times today, and each new life was in a new location. Well, he was brain dead three times...it would appear judging by posts 555.


Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Or he is a big fat liar with his pants on fire. biggrin.png

I went for a bike ride today around 1pm in lumpini and the area around the front facing silom was very crowded.


This pic was taken around 4pm

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Those who are posting on here in support of these protests might like to consider the sort of people they're supporting:

RT@BangkokLife: Thai woman shouting in English outside Lumpini Park "All Shinawatras must go" followed by "All foreigners should go! Thailand is for Thais!"

Not even that will convince some of them of the xenophobic, uber nationalism of this 'movement'

<deleted> so one person hates forang. Heres al title surprise for you from someone here for 30 years a lot of thais dislike us and a lot hate us. In wales they used to burn english cottages because they hatted the English so much. A lot of Thais don't like forang irrespective of their political allegiance. In most of Europe lots of people say same about muslims. In 30 years I've made al to of great Thai friends both rich and really poor but all will tell you a lot of thais simply don't like even hate forang. Live with it it wont go away same as prejudice against blacks or jews or germans. Now don't get me started n germans and don't mention the war.

Dont be so pathetic and show your total ignorance

Finally you must be American and I wish americans would go and get lost and stop polluting the world with their BS so please if your american go home the world is for all not for Americans

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This was a mega flop. Lumpini Park is deserted, no one left at Asoke, very thin and dispirited protest marching down Sukhivit...2 abreast. People have voted with their feet on Khun Suthep by staying away in droves

And you know this how?
He died and was reincarnated three times today, and each new life was in a new location. Well, he was brain dead three times...it would appear judging by posts 555.


Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Or he is a big fat liar with his pants on fire. biggrin.png

Yes.... He's a liar

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Regarding numbers, it doesn't take more than a few thousand to block a road...even a few hundred will get the job done. He's never come close to the millions he's claimed...he's never attracted more than a hundred fifty thousand...

150,000 Thais protesting weekly is quite an achievement.

Wait until the election and see how many boycott it.

Apart from the people on the street, there are many at home tuned into Blue Sky, supporting the demands for reform and utterly sick of the Shinawat family thinking Thailand is their own private company to do what they like with.

There are many important players in Thai politics and Suthep is only one of them, but he has crystallized the opposition to the dominance of the Shinawat family perfectly.

A new party, composed of the progressive elements of the Democrats and Pheua Thai parties together is a possible way forward.

You are spot on Siripon, and this is something that I have been mooting for the past two months. Let's simply ignore the nonsense that the vast majoity of the posters on TV and spurting out, and recognise that there is clearly a real problem here, otherwise these protests would not be taking place.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Shin clan has to go, but these demonstrators that we are seeing on the streets right now are not the type of people to allow a new dictator to take over.

If it turns out that Suthep is not really "poacher turned gamekeeper", as I tend to think he is, then his supporters will no doubt drop him like a hot potato. If he is sincere, then we are likely to see a new party being formed, with Suthep in something of a background "consultancy" role, with the aim of bringing forth a new, "clean" party capable of moving this country forward.

Hence, what we are seeing here is the makings of real democracy in Thailand, and I just hope that I live long enough to see it taking shape, and to see crooked politicians being placed behind bars.

The red shirt apologists on TV will, as usual, attack my stance on these issues, but, also, as usual, they will not bring forth any reasonable proposals as to how this country can move forward other than to suggest that the PTP will once again win the next election.

I will put my neck on the line and say that they will be proven wrong...!! The days of the Shin clan are over...!!

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At the end of the day , it's a disastrous result for Suthep. Exactly how many final, absolute final, definitely final " d- days" have there been now. 8 or 9? And now the number of protesters goes down and falls well short of targets ( and their own ridiculous claims of actual numbers). So not satisfied with the people rejecting the suggestion that they remove the elected govt, he issues yet more threats, more deadlines....very tedious , odious man.

Prbkk, I have read through this entire thread and watched you digging your hole ever deeper. Do you not know when to withdraw from an argument...?!

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