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Anti-govt protesters rally across Thai capital

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RT@BangkokLife: Thai woman shouting in English outside Lumpini Park "All Shinawatras must go"

The incident was publicized in a tweet on twitter.com a social media site.

RT@BangkokLife: means it is just a tweet. No evidence it actually even occurred.

People tweet all sorts of nonsense which ends up being BS.

I was there from about 5 to 6 and didn't see or hear any such thing. Plenty of Yingluck auk bai but no one said anything against foreigners.

And there we have it from a man on the ground.

There are plenty of farangs supporting the protests, and plenty of Thais seeing this.

I was at the Korat protests and was constantly being wai'd and thanked for the support by the Thais there, with comments such as 'thank you, you are foreigner but a Thai patriot.'

It is what it is.

Edited by Nibbles48
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this from live " RT@BangkokLife: Thai woman shouting in English outside Lumpini Park "All Shinawatras must go" followed by "All foreigners should go! Thailand is for Thais!"

i never heard something stupid,sick,disgusting and pointless like this

if this comes from protesters,i will be on the Yingluck side from now on

sigh.... read my response before you switch sides.

If I tweeted 'PTP orders Thais to rise up against foreigners and exterminate them all'

Would you jump on the first plane out of here?

You are asuming he even lives in Thailand

Tere area high percentage of TV writers that do not even live here, but think they can save the world

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I was there from about 5 to 6 and didn't see or hear any such thing. Plenty of Yingluck auk bai but no one said anything against foreigners.

And there we have it from a man on the ground.

it was on BBC News

If that's the case, then I know it's a lie.

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So now we have assertions that we are to be rounded up and exterminated like the jews were during nazi rule.

These pro-thaksins are getting desperate.

And the funny thing is that it was Thaksin's close buddy, Hun Sen, the dictator of Cambodia, who actually WAS a member of the Khmer Rouge, the most genocidal regime in SE Asian history.

Yup... and I remember the Dems issuing us all free visas for almost a year from 2010 to 2011 to encourage foreigners to come back to Thailand.

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this from live " RT@BangkokLife: Thai woman shouting in English outside Lumpini Park "All Shinawatras must go" followed by "All foreigners should go! Thailand is for Thais!"

i never heard something stupid,sick,disgusting and pointless like this

if this comes from protesters,i will be on the Yingluck side from now on

sigh.... read my response before you switch sides.

If I tweeted 'PTP orders Thais to rise up against foreigners and exterminate them all'

Would you jump on the first plane out of here?

You are asuming he even lives in Thailand

Tere area high percentage of TV writers that do not even live here, but think they can save the world

i live in bangkok,huai kwang

and your sarcasm is funny.i suppose that the members of thaivisa dont need to live in thailand,anyway.or is allowed to post only if living in the kingdom?

Edited by kaobang
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I was there from about 5 to 6 and didn't see or hear any such thing. Plenty of Yingluck auk bai but no one said anything against foreigners.

And there we have it from a man on the ground.

it was on BBC News

link pls! I've been watching BBC ALL DAY... and world service... nothing of the sort mentioned.... I guess you're just trolling, unless you supply a link.


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Doesn't Suthep think it odd that only Bangkok folks are protesting, and only a fraction of the numbers he reports? It's amazing how little support this guy has.

What is even more amazing, at least to me, is that since the government set up their "war room", we are seeing a lot of posts trying to discredit Suthep. If he has no point, and no supporters and he is breaking some "real" law, why doesn't Tarit step in and arrest him? After all, his various locations are printed for all to see.

Don't worry he will get arrested. Things take time in Thailand if you are an influential person. My guess when he has to turn himself next time, their will be no bail for him.

Well then guess again, dummy.

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I wonder what the Thais really think of foreigners getting involved in their politics and joining rallies. I can guess but it probably isn't very pleasant!

well someone said that above.if protesting,they are patriots if journalist they are liars and goin to be beaten

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And there we have it from a man on the ground.

There are plenty of farangs supporting the protests, and plenty of Thais seeing this.

I was at the Korat protests and was constantly being wai'd and thanked for the support by the Thais there, with comments such as 'thank you, you are foreigner but a Thai patriot.'

It is what it is.

Of course you're fine if you support them... I don't think they're really against foreigners per se, just those they perceive to disagree with them.

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They are now shouting and chanting "get out" at foreign journalists....expect that will go around the world quickly

Who are shouting? The tiny number of protesters you mendaciously reported as a "mega-flop".

You have all the credibility of... a Thaksin stooge.

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""Today we closed Bangkok for half a day. If the government doesn't resign we will close Bangkok for a whole day... If it still does not resign we will close it for a month," he is quoted as saying by the French news agency AFP."

This is what Suthep is promising Bangkok.

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""Today we closed Bangkok for half a day. If the government doesn't resign we will close Bangkok for a whole day... If it still does not resign we will close it for a month," he is quoted as saying by the French news agency AFP."

This is what Suthep is promising Bangkok.

Yingluck lives in bangkok is in isan right now and has been to the south

i want to see Suthep goin to udon thani

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I wonder what the Thais really think of foreigners getting involved in their politics and joining rallies. I can guess but it probably isn't very pleasant!

well someone said that above.if protesting,they are patriots if journalist they are liars and goin to be beaten

Unless they're journalists like Michael Yon. He's been offered free stays in five star hotels - paid for by protesters - free transport from the airport, dinners in restaurants, the whole bit. Journalists are also good people if they tell the 'truth' about the protest and 'understand about Thailand'.

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I may remove you from the list on the day that the Dems win power and reform this country into a proper democracy, I would be interested to hear your whining.

power in Thailand is won by winning elections...

Power in Thailand is won by buying elections, hadn't you heard? It's common knowledge amongst almost the entire Thai nation, speak to a few Thais and ask if it's true, they'll most likely smile, or laugh, and admit they were bought.

I can't believe this has to be pointed out to everybody on here who claims Thailand is a democracy and that democracy is at stake, it's <deleted>.

Elections in all nations are "bought". Keep your core supporters on board with policies that benefit them, attract floating voters with policies that can benefit them, ignore what is happening to the nation if it keeps you in power. No difference in LOS. The money that was handed out was done by both parties. Simple fact is that people vote for the party under which they will be better off. Problem for the Democrats is that a majority of Thai's see themselves as better off under PT.

Maybe those people are the uneducated, doesn't mean their decisions are less valid, educated voters also make bad choices, hard to explain George Bush in any other way.

There is some truth in the suggestions that all elections are bought - to a degree. However in young 'democracies' like Thailand, there is a lack of understanding of what the word and concept of democracy means. One of the things we should all be campaigning against - whatever country we are in - is money politics and that is something of which Thaksin (sadly) is a past master. In Thailand people accept an ideological approach based on people in power rewriting history at will - there are certain politicians here who are past masters at manipulating the 'truth' about events of the past. That's no different, say, to Northern Ireland, where there is still a political divide based on religion and this is reinforced by the emphasis on events that took place in Ireland hundreds of years ago versions of which become more embellished as the years roll on!

The danger here is that those who understand democracy are fighting against manipulators with heaps of money and a mass who have bought into the Thaksin lie. Part of this can be explained by the way people are educated (no creative thinking, accept what you are told etc etc) and a culture that encourages people to respect those with wealth, those in higher positions, those with degrees (etc) without question. If this part of the culture changed then people would have a real freedom of choice. Until then, unfortunately, all elections here will be bought and there will be no reform. You cannot reform such an ingrained culture in a short time. It'll take a 100 years.

Edited by ianf
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I was there from about 5 to 6 and didn't see or hear any such thing. Plenty of Yingluck auk bai but no one said anything against foreigners.

And there we have it from a man on the ground.

it was on BBC News

link pls! I've been watching BBC ALL DAY... and world service... nothing of the sort mentioned.... I guess you're just trolling, unless you supply a link.


you must be a sick <deleted> or a liar (must be second) if you have been watching BBC ALL day - it was ON BBC News

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I was there from about 5 to 6 and didn't see or hear any such thing. Plenty of Yingluck auk bai but no one said anything against foreigners.

And there we have it from a man on the ground.

it was on BBC News

link pls! I've been watching BBC ALL DAY... and world service... nothing of the sort mentioned.... I guess you're just trolling, unless you supply a link.


you must be a sick <deleted> or a liar (must be second) if you have been watching BBC ALL day - it was ON BBC News

Well then provide the link, otherwise...

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They are now shouting and chanting "get out" at foreign journalists....expect that will go around the world quickly

Who are shouting? The tiny number of protesters you mendaciously reported as a "mega-flop".

You have all the credibility of... a Thaksin stooge.

Don't worry about him, he lies all the time.

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I wonder what the Thais really think of foreigners getting involved in their politics and joining rallies. I can guess but it probably isn't very pleasant!

I think the anti-govt speakers are actually quite acceptance of foreigners involved. Few of them take the extra effort to explain and deliver some important key points in english speaking to let the foreigners have a better understanding about the actual situation, their goal and also to clear misunderstanding of their motive of taking down the current govt. This shows that they appreciate our concerns and supports. So is it consider pleasant? :)

I think so .

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Funny that.

I just been on BBC News Asia, if it is anywhere, it is there.

No mention of it.... just another pro government supporter lying. Strange how most of them lie on here and get found out.

The only thing on there is another wildly inaccurate report from Johnathon 'Dick' Head.


A few hilarious snippets.

'Tens of thousands of opposition-backed protesters have marched through the Thai capital' (try hundreds of thousands).

'The protesters massed at five main intersections,' ( I believe it was 15 plus YL's crib).

'Protests began nearly a month ago' (erm... try almost 2 months ago).

Seriously, does this guy even know what is going on here?

Jonathan Head is a VERY respected journalist and you are a pig ignorant poster

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I wonder what the Thais really think of foreigners getting involved in their politics and joining rallies. I can guess but it probably isn't very pleasant!

I think the anti-govt speakers are actually quite acceptance of foreigners involved. Few of them take the extra effort to explain and deliver some important key points in english speaking to let the foreigners have a better understanding about the actual situation, their goal and also to clear misunderstanding of their motive of taking down the current govt. This shows that they appreciate our concerns and supports. So is it consider pleasant? smile.png

I think so .

like the journalist who was beaten? after Suthep's thugs told the mob to do so from the stage? you should be ashamed posting such garbage

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This was a mega flop. Lumpini Park is deserted, no one left at Asoke, very thin and dispirited protest marching down Sukhivit...2 abreast. People have voted with their feet on Khun Suthep by staying away in droves

I don't know why you bother! clearly the Television footage shows the opposite,and is probably the largest demonstration to date.

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This was a mega flop. Lumpini Park is deserted, no one left at Asoke, very thin and dispirited protest marching down Sukhivit...2 abreast. People have voted with their feet on Khun Suthep by staying away in droves

I don't know why you bother! clearly the Television footage shows the opposite,and is probably the largest demonstration to date.

30,000? 40,000? that's the very most you could get in one TV shot against the millions who would VOTE against the Dems - oh hang on they are scared of losing so won't stand - you elite loving posters should be ashamed to stand against democracy

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