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UK general visitor visa

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Hi all,

I've been with my Girlfriend a few years now and want her to come visit the UK as a general visitor, she's got a good professional job, properties in her name and car, so hopefully everything from her side should be ok. My Girlfriend will be visiting family in a Schengen country and will visit the UK from that country rather than from Thailand. Myself, I've recently completed The Knowledge, that is studying and qualifying to be a London black cab driver which took about 4 years during which time I was not working. As I will be sponsoring my Girlfriend I can show bank statements since I started working in September showing the money I've been putting into my account after most of my living expenses, around £200 - £300 per week, but being self employed I don't have payslips to prove income. As I've only been working for 3 months and don't have that much in the bank my retired Mother has agreed to act as co sponsor as she has a bit put away.

My queries are will it be a problem proving I can support her during her stay as I have no payslips and have only been back in employment a few months ?

Do I need to show 6 months bank statements or would 3 months be ok, there will only be income in the last 3 months ? Will the bank statements need to be originals or will photocopies be ok ?

I'm currently sharing rented local authority accommodation with my Mother, a 3 bedroom house, I have a tenancy agreement with both our names on it. Does this have to shown during the application and would a photocopy suffice ?

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The financial requirement for a visit visa is that she must be able to be supported whilst in the UK without working or recourse to public funds.

The money for this can come from her, you, a third party or any combination of these. So as your girlfriend is working, her finances can be used in the application as well as yours.

Whoever is contributing toward the cost of the visit must show that they have the funds to do so. Pay slips can help, but are not necessary; bank statements being more important.

Three months should be ok, though 6 months are better. You can always explain your financial history over that period in your sponsor's letter.

Because photocopies can be easily altered, they require either originals or copies certified as correct by the bank.

For the accommodation, it would be best if you can obtain a letter from your landlord agreeing that she can stay in the property and that there is room for her; being your girlfriend sharing a room with you should be ok.

If your landlord wont do this, then a copy of the tenancy agreement wont hurt; again they prefer the original document or a certified copy.

You may find UK Visit Visa Basics helpful.

Note that she cannot apply in the Schengen country whilst there as a visitor, UK visa applications must be made in the applicant's country of residence; in this case Thailand.

UK visas usually start on the day they are issued, but if she wants to ensure that she can spend the full 6 months in the UK after her Schengen country visit she can ask for the start of her UK visa to be post dated for up to three months. But if she does this she cannot use it to enter the UK before the requested date.

But be realistic on the length of her visit; will her employer grant her that long a leave of absence?

Edited by 7by7
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Thanks for the swift reply.

We're going to make the UK visa application in Bangkok once we've made the Schengen application and received the visa. Our plans are that she will visit the UK during the 3 months of her Stay in Germany, possibly more than once so we'll go for a multi entry visa for both Schengen and UK. Would we have to give exact dates for her entry and departure of UK ? I was hoping we could just give a start date for her visa and she could come and go as we please after that date up to the 6 months expiry date.

I'm leaving the UK for Thailand next week and what with it being Christmas I'll just have to hope the tenancy agreement will suffice as it's too late to get any type of letter from the local authority giving permission for her to stay in our home.

edit, a 3 month post date for the start of her UK visa would be fine. Her employer is ok with her taking time off.

Edited by Pete Beale
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The application form will ask for the date she intends to enter the UK and the date she intends to leave.

So I would put the first date of entry and the final date she intends leaving, and then explain her plans in more detail either in the additional information box on the form or in your sponsor's letter.

As long as she leaves the UK by the expiry date, it doesn't really matter if she doesn't stick to the exact dates in her application. Though if her total stay is longer than stated in the application she should explain why this was and how she was able to do so in her next application.

Her visa will be multi entry, meaning she can use it to enter the UK as often as she wishes during it's validity.

Unless the ECO has a very good reason for limiting the number of entries; which in the circumstances you describe I can't see happening.

If asking for the visa to be post dated, don't just put the appropriate date on the application form; say so in your sponsor's letter as well. Then check the start date immediately she receives her passport back; mistakes cannot be rectified later.

A reminder, too, that if the start of the visa is post dated that she cannot then change her mind and enter the UK before that date.

Edited by 7by7
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Ok, so if for example we put her dates as say a week after her arrival in Germany and a week before her leaving Germany to go back to Thailand at the end of her 3 month Schengen visa that should be ok ?

I was thinking that after her 3 month Schengen visa has finished she could maybe stay in the UK until her 6 month visa is up, we would have to change the dates on her return flight back to Thailand and sort out a transit flight to either Berlin or Amsterdam to pick up the flight. So this should not be a problem as long as we explained the situation on her next visa application ?

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She certainly would not be breaking the conditions of her UK visa were she to do so.

However, it could damage her credibility for any future applications if she produces a letter in this application from her employer saying she has three months leave, but then stays away for 6 months. Especially if in that subsequent application she uses a letter from the same employer saying the same thing.

As I said above, if she stays for longer than stated in her application she will need to explain in any future application why and how she was able to do so.

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Thanks again for the advice. My Girlfriend is of the impression that any documents submitted in the application will not be returned, is this true ? My bank statements are not such a problem as I can get copies from my bank, but I certainly don't want to be losing my tenancy agreement if only originals are accepted.

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Thanks again for the advice. My Girlfriend is of the impression that any documents submitted in the application will not be returned, is this true ? My bank statements are not such a problem as I can get copies from my bank, but I certainly don't want to be losing my tenancy agreement if only originals are accepted.

You supply originals and copies of all the documents that need to be returned, they will retain the copies and return the originals.

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Ok, thanks.

When would the original documents be returned, after the interview or after the final decision has been made and my Girlfriend collects her passport. I'll be there for the interview but will be back in UK by time she collects her passport if it takes a minimum of 15 days as she thinks it will.

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There is no interview, the application is decided on the strength of the application and evidence.

When the hard copy of the application is submitted together with the supporting documents, the biometric details of the applicant are captured, you will not be allowed in.

When the decision has been made the passport, hopefully with a visa vignette stuck inside, will be returned together with the original supporting documents.

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Sorry to be a pedant, og, but it's more correct to say that an interview is highly unlikely; especially for a visit application.

It is possible that the ECO will decide to speak to the applicant, but if so it is probable that this will be done by phone. Face to face interviews, even for settlement applications, are extremely rare.

However, if a visit visa applicant has provided an employer's letter as evidence of their reason to return, it is possible, dare I say likely, that someone from the embassy will phone the employer to confirm the letter's contents.

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With your permission people perhaps I can throw some more info into the ring. I have been living with a 100% Chinese passport holder! who I met in Bangkok in 2007, she has her own business with an office in BKK and also in Dongguan, here in China. In 2010 we went to the VFS visa office in Shenzhen as we were talking of marriage and wanted her to meet my family to ensure she was happy enough to commit herself to me.

All this was written into the application forms, and being very careful we made sure all required documents, including her own bank statements were submitted, which included a letter from myself stating that NEITHER of us would rely on UK handouts, whether it be medical treatment or whatever etc. Etc.

My then girlfriend was not subjected to an interview. It must be understood that VFS are not a UK government agency, it is a private company employed by the UK Border Agency, not the FCO or by the British Embassy. Their job is to ensure your documentation is as required and all documents are filled in correctly.

As stated she was not called for an interview, but she did have to go through the .biometric submit. When happy, the VFS sent all her details in what looked like a diplomatic pouch, to the Consulate in Guangzhou. Four days later she got her passport and visa back which was valid for two years, multi entry with a maximum stay of 180 days.

Last year we married and between us purchased property here in Dongguan, last week she reapplied again, and this time was given a five year visa multi entry with a maximum stay of 180 days.

As pointed out earlier VFS do not have the authority to agree or decline a visa, they are merely the paper pushers. I firmly believe that if you can conform to requirements then give as much documentation as you can. It's those who are struggling to meet the requirements, who then attempt to BS or lie, who are the ones easily found out.

Hope this helps

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  • 1 month later...

Quick update:

Put the application in at Regent House on 24th Jan and received everything back in post today 1st Feb with I'm happy to say the visa. Was a bit worried about whether we'd get it as she could get no letter of confirmation from her workplace as she only works part time now. The only thing not gone to plan is that the visa starts from 29th Jan and was not post dated to April even though we put her date of entry then, but makes no difference as she's going home before the 6 months is up anyway. Something to look out for in future though. Perfect timing for me as I go back to UK tomorrow and can now take all my documents back too.

Again thanks for advice.

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I didn't ask for the visa to be post dated as such, just put the "Date of planned arrival in UK" as 12th April. Couldn't see any question on the online application as to when you actually want the visa to start from. Looking back I guess I should of put it in the "Additional Information" box at the end. Makes no difference as the visa runs to end of July and she goes home end of June.

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