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Foreign Tour Operators Taking Thai Jobs


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You, bloody foreigners, you come to our country....take our jobs......marry to our women and HAVE children with them......can't speak properly our language, etc. etc.

I'm trying to remember....in which country....did I hear the above comments before!whistling.gif

I doubt animosity exists about farangs marrying thai women as the majority of the women (wrongly or rightly) are perceived domestically as low desirability.

Can't understand what your comment has to do with my question????

Again......I am a bloody foreigner!!!!!!!

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Exactly how does one "take" a Thai job?

How to I interpret that?

What are the rules to this game?

Who does the hiring?

What are the job requirements?

How much leeway does the interviewer have in the eventual decision of who is hired?

How many Thais lined up at the door for an interview?

How many showed up late to the interview and the first question out of their mouths we, "How much you pay me?"

Why can't an employer decide who is best fit for their needs, and that usually being the best qualified, and the most productive?

Why isn't it pointed out that most employers go through Thai personnel every 3, 6, 9 and 12 months and can't keep a decent Thai worker very long before they go stagnant and lose all interest in achieving excellence?

Why isn't it pointed out that most Thai CVs have a history of being "on the job" for anywhere from 6 months to 1 year?

This all reminds me of the poor in the USA, living off the government dole. You can't find hardly any of them at the employment center, but they will stand in the blazing hot son, or sub-freezing temperatures for 12 hours waiting for their free, Section 8 Housing.

This is all ludicrous. I understand the illegal implications, but that makes this entire charade even more ludicrous. No one is legal. Not one! Thai politics and the entire business process make it so anyone who follows the letter of the law will simply not be able to compete due to all the "illegal" Thai operators and Thai scumbags who put "legal" businesses on the back burner of their priorities in their over-eagerness to collect a little kick-back so they can keep their little "side-businesses" running smoothly.

Foreign tour operators "taking" Thai jobs!



The HUB of whiners and cry-babies.

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next they'll be complaining about falangs having Russian girlfriends - taking jobs away from working Thai girls lol

Perhaps if Thailand started to put some of the billions (1/3GDP) they make every year from tourism back into development and hospitality education then they'd be better equipped to manage this huge industry - typical Thai attitude - take the money but do nothing

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Thais will not be able to perform as tour operator as they are too stupid and to lazy to learn the language of their customers properly.

And that's where their rulers step in, to create "laws" whose only means is to make sure this <deleted> can carry on and on, criminalizing anyone trying to improve things up.....welcome to LOSS

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How dare Farangs take away Thai jobs.

Thai people not poor enough?

Farang not rich enough?

Farang = foreinger = anybody not thai

if [many] thai people were not so lazy then there would be no need for Farangs in the labour force

thats why construction companies now employ Burmese, cambodian , lao staff

many of these farangs have a much better work ethic

my self and many others now employ Burmese staff with much better results and service

so sorry thailand you better wake up , money comes to those who work for it

it just doesnt fall into lazy hands from the sky

your neighbouring countries [may] soon take over

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It's like Thais complaining about not being employed as basket ball player over the height of 6ft 5.

The jobs only exist to be filled by native speakers. I am absolutely sure that the employers would love to find Thais who speak native Russian.

Tour guides need to be able to speak one or more languages, such as English, Japanese, Chinese and Russian. That simple fact disqualifies most Thais who are working in the industry. Forcing companies to hire Thais for jobs that they are not qualified for is stupid.

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Can't wait the day when farang will operate jet ski business :=)

Yes! I have always wanted to try jet ski, of course I'd never do, because the way it is set up now.

But Im afraid that even if there will a brigade of Russian jet ski operators, they would extort even more money,

Russian guy rents jet from a Russian owner, they take his passport details, and jet owners partners can continue extorting money from him all the way to Russia.

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How dare Farangs take away Thai jobs.

Thai people not poor enough?

Farang not rich enough?

you want the truth

How many cars you make in Thailand that are Thai Designed - 0

How many motorbikes you make in Thailand that are Thai designed -0

How many Highways you build in Thailand that you did without falang - 0

How many power stations you build in Thailand without falang - 0

How many high speed rail networks you have in Thailand - 0

How many high speed railway networks you going to have without falang - 0

How many nuclear power station will you build without falang - 0

How many dams you build in Thailand with falang - 0

How many major airports you build in Thailand without falang - 0

I could go on as the list is endless

Thailand is a cheap labour camp - you do nothing in your country (except grow rubber chickens and rice) without falang/foreign expertise and investment you have nothing of your own.

Your tourism industry is mostly based on the sex trade which is primarily bought by falangs - you could not survive as a country without it

You as Thais extort (not all) Thieve from tourists on a scale that is staggering, you take money and give nothing back - you should be spending at least 1/3 of the money made from tourism back into tourism but your short sight and greed will be your downfall

If you don't believe you need falangs/foreigners in your life and working in your country keep reading the above until it sinks in that without us you have nothing at all.

Often wondered where those rubber chickens came from.

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How dare Farangs take away Thai jobs.

Thai people not poor enough?

Farang not rich enough?

you want the truth

How many cars you make in Thailand that are Thai Designed - 0

How many motorbikes you make in Thailand that are Thai designed -0

How many Highways you build in Thailand that you did without falang - 0

How many power stations you build in Thailand without falang - 0

How many high speed rail networks you have in Thailand - 0

How many high speed railway networks you going to have without falang - 0

How many nuclear power station will you build without falang - 0

How many dams you build in Thailand with falang - 0

How many major airports you build in Thailand without falang - 0

I could go on as the list is endless

Thailand is a cheap labour camp - you do nothing in your country (except grow rubber chickens and rice) without falang/foreign expertise and investment you have nothing of your own.

Your tourism industry is mostly based on the sex trade which is primarily bought by falangs - you could not survive as a country without it

You as Thais extort (not all) Thieve from tourists on a scale that is staggering, you take money and give nothing back - you should be spending at least 1/3 of the money made from tourism back into tourism but your short sight and greed will be your downfall

If you don't believe you need falangs/foreigners in your life and working in your country keep reading the above until it sinks in that without us you have nothing at all.

How many Highways you build in Thailand that you did without falang - 0

S0 who is installing the potholes and the rough uneven patches on the 20 kms stretches of highway, the Thais or Farangs

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