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Why and at what age did you come to Thailand?

i claudius

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I can't speak for others but I, for one, had never, ever paid for tail in my life so this was a major culture shock

It was never part of the reason for coming here but if I remember correctly, I think I expected to find most women to be of a similar calibre to a dear Thai friend in London who was cultured and educated.

Boy, was I wrong or what? laugh.png

I'd like to apologize. I read your above post seeing have when you wrote had.

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So Thailand is free sex for you. Congrats. No dinner, no movies, no trinkets. Sure I believe that. You should write an instruction manual. Free sex in Thailand would be a big seller, I'm sure.

I have a few "gikships" on the go and consequently, no, I don't pay.

Any bloke with a personality, who takes good enough care of himself and who actually likes females and their company can get laid regularly without net financial loss. Sure he might have to buy dinner or a few drinks but, personally, I've had many women buy me drinks and dinner.

Gimme a sec and I'll ask a few of them if they saw that as "paying to get my briefs off" one way or another laugh.png

Just out of curiosity have you ever tried paid sex?

In a way it’s quite liberating when you can get your socks off without any emotional attachment whatsoever.


I have now


Good on you and a swinging new year.

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Any bloke with a personality, who takes good enough care of himself and who actually likes females and their company can get laid regularly without net financial loss. Sure he might have to buy dinner or a few drinks but, personally, I've had many women buy me drinks and dinner.

Are you gay?

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Of course, there are guys who hardly ever had to contend with game-playing females and could get to the "de-knickering" stage without all the <deleted> you mentioned.

This normally occurs - strangely enough - when a male begins looking at women like human beings rather than a "gash on legs".

So Thailand is free sex for you. Congrats. No dinner, no movies, no trinkets. Sure I believe that. You should write an instruction manual. Free sex in Thailand would be a big seller, I'm sure.

I have a few "gikships" on the go and consequently, no, I don't pay.

Any bloke with a personality, who takes good enough care of himself and who actually likes females and their company can get laid regularly without net financial loss. Sure he might have to buy dinner or a few drinks but, personally, I've had many women buy me drinks and dinner.

Gimme a sec and I'll ask a few of them if they saw that as "paying to get my briefs off" one way or another laugh.png

Just out of curiosity have you ever tried paid sex?

In a way it’s quite liberating when you can get your socks off without any emotional attachment whatsoever.

I have never had an emotional attachment to my socks..but I have paid for a few pairs!

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The sympathy and empathy you all display for trafficked women is astounding. Astounding because it's complexly lacking. I'm sure you can all convince yourself that these women 'enjoy' being go go girls - cheaper than a happy meal - as it's part of 'their culture'. Well guess what- you're wrong.

You DO understand that "Sympathy" and "Empathy" mean completely different things I hope?


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To get back on Topic :

At age 25, in 1971, I had completed my Exams for a Professional Qualification in the U.K. - after 5 years of night school, day release etc. - and was confident I would pass the Finals; so I looked around for any job outside the U.K. just for "Overseas Experience" on my c.v. and to have a break from the pressure cycle - fully intending to return to the UK after that initial Contract with a new Company.

At that time any Overseas opportunities in my field would usually be in the Middle East of West Africa so I was surprised to receive an offer from a Company based in Thailand.

At that time - young, no obligations in U.K. I thought - "why not"?

Now, 40 + years here I run my own very successful Company and have absolutely no regrets.

By no means a bowl of roses all the time but my lifestyle here is totally incomparable with what I might have experienced in the U.K..


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Of course, there are guys who hardly ever had to contend with game-playing females and could get to the "de-knickering" stage without all the <deleted> you mentioned.

This normally occurs - strangely enough - when a male begins looking at women like human beings rather than a "gash on legs".

So Thailand is free sex for you. Congrats. No dinner, no movies, no trinkets. Sure I believe that. You should write an instruction manual. Free sex in Thailand would be a big seller, I'm sure.

I have a few "gikships" on the go and consequently, no, I don't pay.

Any bloke with a personality, who takes good enough care of himself and who actually likes females and their company can get laid regularly without net financial loss. Sure he might have to buy dinner or a few drinks but, personally, I've had many women buy me drinks and dinner.

Gimme a sec and I'll ask a few of them if they saw that as "paying to get my briefs off" one way or another laugh.png

Just out of curiosity have you ever tried paid sex?

In a way it’s quite liberating when you can get your socks off without any emotional attachment whatsoever.

I have never had an emotional attachment to my socks..but I have paid for a few pairs!

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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After two assignments in Vietnam, I requested Japan and they sent me to Bangkok.

I was 21 years old.

In September 1968, I was sent Temporary Duty (TDY) to our small detachment in Ubon Ratchathani for 60 days.

In 1970, after several months of threats, the U.S. approved my application to marry a foreign national.

I married a Thai girl in December of 1970 and was told to stop working and wait for orders.

Then they forgot about me.

My wife's visa for the U.S. was about to expire so I made a phone call and we left Thailand 5 days later on July 30, 1971.

My wife returns to Ubon Ratchathani almost every year.

I go with her about every other year.

We have 3 daughters, 3 granddaughters, 3 grandsons, and .... 3 son-in-laws.

I know another guy just like you came here from the vietnam war ,had a heck of a job to be allowed to get married ,was told it would never last ,he comes to the bar now and again in the afternoon for a drink ,and sometimes brings his wife ,still waiting for it 'not to last ' 40 odd years later.

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Actually, the US Army required it members to submit a form "Request Approval/Authorization to Marry a Foreign National" and get approval.

If the form was not submitted or not approved and a soldier married a foreign national, the soldier would face a wide range of discipline options including a Courts-martial.

The government did not like members of my units fraternizing let alone getting married to foreign nationals.

The units that we were assigned to in Southeast Asia and several other parts of the world, were cover units.

We were actually in the Army Security Agency.

The Army Security Agency was tasked by the National Security Agency.

When I married a Thai girl, my Top Secret Clearance was suspended and I lost access to our work.

After the US Government conducted a Special Background Investigation on my wife I was given a waiver to go back to work based on we would not travel to Thailand and my wife would become a US Citizen as soon as possible.

That was back in 1970 - 71.

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Came unexpectedly in late October 1992, at the age of 22.

Had just completed a contract offshore in the South China Sea, and decided to spend the winter and the money earned traveling Asia. Intended going to Nepal then India where I planned to buy an Enfield Bullet motorcycle and go touring on that. we had demobilized from the job at Singapore, and a colleague suggested bangkok as the best place to head to Nepal from and he was heading up to bkk and stopping in Koh Samui and suggested I join him.

I wasn't keen initially as I knew nothing of Thailand and wasn't really interested, and it was only the promise of motorcycles for hire swayed me, but from the minute I arrived I was totally bowled over by the place. I stayed 2 weeks, nipped off to Nepal for a month and came back for Christmas and New Year, still planning India next, but in the end and stayed on Samui until I ran out of money in April. That set the pattern for the remainder of most of the 90's, summer working and winter on the beach in Thailand. Finally moved permanently at the end of 1999.

Until recently I've never regretted it, but I do find myself wondering sometimes how things would have panned out if I'd turned down the invitation to go to Samui.

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I can't speak for others but I, for one, had never, ever paid for tail in my life so this was a major culture shock

It was never part of the reason for coming here but if I remember correctly, I think I expected to find most women to be of a similar calibre to a dear Thai friend in London who was cultured and educated.

Boy, was I wrong or what? laugh.png

Dating is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people with the aim of the male getting in the knickers of the female. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, prior to coitus, together, as a couple with the male paying the bill.

Some males, being rather busy, choose to skip the middle part of dating by cutting out the middleman of restaurant, movies and pathetic trinkets moving from the initial stages of dating to the final knicker stage.

This normally occurs when a male has passed puberty and has lost his interest in games both on line and off and/or has been married a few times.

Of course, there are guys who hardly ever had to contend with game-playing females and could get to the "de-knickering" stage without all the <deleted> you mentioned.

This normally occurs - strangely enough - when a male begins looking at women like human beings rather than a "gash on legs".

So Thailand is free sex for you. Congrats. No dinner, no movies, no trinkets. Sure I believe that. You should write an instruction manual. Free sex in Thailand would be a big seller, I'm sure.

Ah, you poor uninformed masses, there has always been free and continually available sex everywhere; in Thailand they refer to it as 'flying a kite'

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Dating is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people with the aim of the male getting in the knickers of the female. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, prior to coitus, together, as a couple with the male paying the bill.

Some males, being rather busy, choose to skip the middle part of dating by cutting out the middleman of restaurant, movies and pathetic trinkets moving from the initial stages of dating to the final knicker stage.

This normally occurs when a male has passed puberty and has lost his interest in games both on line and off and/or has been married a few times.

Of course, there are guys who hardly ever had to contend with game-playing females and could get to the "de-knickering" stage without all the <deleted> you mentioned.

This normally occurs - strangely enough - when a male begins looking at women like human beings rather than a "gash on legs".

So Thailand is free sex for you. Congrats. No dinner, no movies, no trinkets. Sure I believe that. You should write an instruction manual. Free sex in Thailand would be a big seller, I'm sure.

Ah, you poor uninformed masses, there has always been free and continually available sex everywhere; in Thailand they refer to it as 'flying a kite'

"Professor Vicharn Vitiyasai of Chang Mai University... emphasized that, 'In Thai society, boys begin to buy women when they are around 13 years old; 50 per cent of 16-year-old boys and 90 per cent of university students go to brothels. Married men also think it natural to entertain business clients and friends by taking them to brothels, and they visit brothels themselves as a part of the joy of travel."


Cambodia, 59 - 80%:

USAID, "Cambodia HIV/AIDS Technical Support: Technical Assistance and Support Contract 3 (TASC3) Indefinite Quantity Contract Section A – Request for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP)," (350 KB) pdf-logo.gif www.usaid.gov, Apr. 2, 2007

Thailand, 75%:

J. Shih, "A Plague in Prostitution: HIV and AIDS in Thailand," (135 KB) pdf-logo.gifRhode Island Medicine, 1994

Italy, 16.7%:

Bruno Wanrooij, PhD, "Italy (Repubblica Italiana)," (502 KB) pdf-logo.gifContinuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, Eds. Robert T. Francoeur, PhD, and Raymond J. Noonan, PhD, Kinsey Institute, 2004

Italy, 45%:

Tamsin Smith, "New Danger for Italy's Foreign Prostitutes," bbc.co.uk, Sep. 12, 2003

Spain, 27%:

Giles Tremlett, "Spanish Men Most Likely to Pay for Sex," guardian.co.uk, July 29, 2004

Spain, 39%:

Sven-Axel Månsson, "Men’s Practices in Prostitution and Their Implications for Social Work," (105 KB) pdf-logo.gifSocial Work in Cuba and Sweden: Achievements and Prospects, Eds. Sven-Axel Månsson and Clotilde Proveyer Cervantes, 2004

Japan, 37%:

Bridget Anderson and Julia O'Connell Davidson, Is Trafficking in Human Beings Demand Driven? A Multi-Country Pilot Study, Dec. 2003

Netherlands, 13.5%:

Jelto J. Drenth, PhD., and A. Koos Slob, PhD, "Netherlands and the Autonomous Dutch Antilles," (581 KB) pdf-logo.gifContinuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, Eds. Robert T. Francoeur, PhD, and Raymond J. Noonan, PhD, Kinsey Institute, 2004

Netherlands, 21.6%:

Daniela Danna, "Conclusions. Dealing with Complexity," Prostitution and Public Life in Four European Capitals (612 KB) pdf-logo.gif, Ed. Daniela Danna, 2007

United States, 15 - 20%:

Abt Associates Inc., "Final Report on the Evaluation of the First Offender Prostitution Program," (2.2 MB) pdf-logo.gif Prepared for Karen Bachar, Office of Research and Evaluation, National Institute of Justice, Mar. 7, 2008

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  • 1 year later...

In May 2002 I arrived one week after graduating university to teach English at a Thai international university for a year. Six of seven of my cohort stayed a second year, a few of us a third during which I met my future wife, and I left after the fourth. Earned a Master's in Education from home and the wife joined me three years after having left. We make it back for a month during the summer every other year, which is now.

We have discussed returning to stay in Thailand sometime in the future, perhaps during retirement. We would spend half the year here and the other half at my family's place in the Caribbean, which we're headed to next week.

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Came here in 2007 aged 54 having been divorced for 2 years and finding that my local council wouldnt even attempt to rehouse me until i had spent all the money from the prior divorce instead like a fool or out of being proud i cleared my debts with everyone and was told you shouldn't have done by them, so i thought well fack this for a laugh and decided time was right to get out from my country even though i had made my full contributions for my own well being not for them so here i am and here i stay.

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Won a trip in 1993 Met a female university academic; Pentecostal Christian - enough of that.

2003 - came here permanently. BKK - one day. CNX - 12 years.

Likes - wear shoes & sox - never. Tie - what is a tie?

Time - Thai style took a while to adjust to.

People - as I live in the North, I can say that, in the main, they were/are sincere.

Language - challenge but unavoidable

Food - superb

No budget needed.

I/O - still learning to accept the procedure

Gays/katoeys - surprisingly well-accepted

Women - perfection

I'm here forever.

(Surprised how many people settled here at a relatively young age - no criticism - North is for old farts)

Great thread!

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I met a very wealthy and beautiful upper class Thai-Chinese woman while studying to be a nuclear scientist at Harvard and she convinced me to come to Thailand with her on her parents private plane and I reluctantly accepted. Since then I have taken over the reigns of her parent's chemical and material conglomerate which has lead to record profits but despite my massive wealth, you are more likely to see me donating my time down at the local Orphanage than at the seemingly weekly Royal galas that we are invited too.

I am sure we know you and your wife , we move in the same circles tongue.png

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For years I went to Mexico and partied. Had many close encounters and was tiring of sleazy bar and brothels areas in the middle of swamps with guys riding around in pickups with loaded rifles and the hookers having razorblade fights. And tables with pistols or knives placed in front of the patron. One night a guy told me try Thailand ,so I did. Only been back to Mexico once since. I cannot remember exactly how old I was the first time here but it was in my late 30's.

The only thing I really miss though about Mexico is the men who would come into the bar with a battery and a magneto with handles attached to the magneto It was fun to hold the handles and have him turn up the volume on the magneto. I used to love getting the whole bar jumping up on tables to watch and shouting mas mass. I took a lot of electricity into my body in those places. I was a bit of a celebrity in many brothels because of that.

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I was 59 years old.

My Thai wife was seriously ill and wanted too be close to her family.

We left California and relocated in my wife's family's village.

She is doing well now..and so am I.

We have no plans to return to the States.

Life is good.

Edited by willyumiii
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  • 1 month later...

My 1st trip in Thailand was in 2005 at the age of 29.

Wanted hard to discover the country and had no real idea of what I will find out.

I remember having only Jeans and Hillwalking shoes which were not the proper clothes for this Hot August month.

I loved the country, the people and the food and meet one nice bargirl at the very end of the trip.

I kept coming back and decided to expatriate in 2007. At the same time my company offered me the possibility to almost double my wages so i stayed in europe. Met my european girlfriend one year later and didn't go to thailand for a while even if was still thinking about it.

Broke up with my girl several years later. At the end of the relationship, I started again my trips to LOS.

I'm now at 11 trips to thailand. Started in the last trips to stay away from prostitution and use internet dating.

The last girl I met this summer made me take the decision of something i've been planning for years: Staying in thailand for longer than the ususal 2-3 weeks holidays.

I organised a sabbatical year leave from work and i have now my tourist visa and enough saving to last for years.

Still have few months to work before coming. The bad part is that i've realised it was really not sure that the girl will wait for me even if she says the opposite.

But at least my dream is becoming true 10 years after my first trip. I'm sure i'm going to enjoy those next twelve month and maybe will start a new life in Thailand.

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Came in 99 to take drugs and get drunk and escape an English winter and the wrong kind of drugs. Stayed 13 years. Realised too late what a waste of time it had been, left three years ago with my wife and two kids to go to Saudi. Earning far more here than I ever could in Thailand. Have a better life in the Gulf. Both my wife and I prefer it there. Wish we had left sooner. Don't miss Thailand one little bit. Home is where the heart is and it's a big old world out there.

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First encounter with Thailand was 20 years ago when I was 30.

Was on aimless wander around the world with no plan of stopping, marrying, kids.

20 years later, and I am married to a Thai lady and we have two kids. Home is Korat, my wife's Thai family are great.

Life is sweet.

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