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Just Stubbed My Last Ever Cigarette


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You can do it! i'm nearly on 2 years now and I have still not cracked,came close once or twice though. Whichever method of packing up is not so important,it's a question of what suits you,it's not the first time I have tried to give up,this time is different,I know this is my last chance, just like an alchoholic, I can never have that one cigarette.

Believe me my willpower, is not great,and if I can do it,so can you! the two year Anniverary of quitting,is not too far off,so I hope you will still be joining me.

Good Luck, and remember that one will set you back on the slippery slope to a premature death,.....................it's one too many!

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You can do it! i'm nearly on 2 years now and I have still not cracked,came close once or twice though. Whichever method of packing up is not so important,it's a question of what suits you,it's not the first time I have tried to give up,this time is different,I know this is my last chance, just like an alchoholic, I can never have that one cigarette.

Believe me my willpower, is not great,and if I can do it,so can you! the two year Anniverary of quitting,is not too far off,so I hope you will still be joining me.

Good Luck, and remember that one will set you back on the slippery slope to a premature death,.....................it's one too many!

Hey Majic I wanted to smoke everyday for the first two years I quit and at times I was on my knees howling. I got through it somehow without smoking. It's about 10 years now, to be honest I can't actually recall my anniversary. Anyhow one day after about two years the madness left me. I became aware that I wan't craving or thinking what a good idea it would be to have a smoke, just one. So stick with it and keep doing the basics - it's the first one that does the damage, ones too many and twenty is not enough…….

Keep strong!

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I'm now at four months without a smoke, yet, I crave one every single day. Bloody evil stuff.


how much/many years did you smoke? Wish you all the best!

Started at 14 years old. Quit at 56.

I see, 42 years, that's a long time. Myself was a heavy smoker from 14 till 28, stopped after realising that i smoked the half time of my live. Start doing an exercise routine helped alot.

It looks like it gets harder to stop, as longer you feed the habit.

After the initial withdrawal i had no cravings at all. Know a few longtime smokers who also had trouble for the first 1-2 years, quite a lot of them relapsed, even after stopping for a few years (Brother was a nonsmoker for over 5 years...).

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  • 1 year later...

3rd day and I feeling like killing my children who woke me up early and other crap.

My wife is not speaking to me as yesterday my car broke down due to 'my' neglect. But what a bitch, especially when I warned her I was in no mood for any mind games. Hell, she even blamed me for her father getting drunk and falling off his motorbike. It is quite good in a way but the party will be interesting.


I know your message is from two years ago, but just wondered how you are doing with the "smoke free" regimen... Hope you've been successful. Sounds like you had a tough time the first few days :)

I have just been diagnosed with COPD and have to quit, I've set my date as Monday the 18th, any suggestions? My first impulse is to buy 3 bottles of the hard stuff and stay drunk for 3 days!

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