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No shame,no morals.


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You mean to say that your wife didn't know you two were overcharged all this time?

How would she,only been staying in the soi two weeks,was her that found out as I don't speak thai.

But why don't you speak thai, it is only in your own interest to learn the language of the country you are living in, I was at a direct disadvantage, I arrived in an isaan village direct from 7months in borneo,having just trying to learn the basic,malay, Iban and sakai dialects and as I was part of a ghurka unit my head was fuc_ked up with ghurkhali as well,while I considered it helpful to me I started to learn thai, big joke as I was to find out years later the thai spoken in Yasothon province is a mixture of laos ,Khmer and doubledutch,when I first spoke to a thai officer he commented on my excellent pronunciation , but advised me not to use the isaan dialect when talking to city thais,as they think of it as a language of the gutter!!how do you forget the language you are using everyday and try to learn an entirely different version of the language,like with german or swiss, I learned the language first and then the dialects, but even today in Thailand my friends say Ispeak thai like a Laos Pimp !!learn the language mate ,no one will laugh at you

No I will not learn the language but thanks for the advice,I spend most of my time in oz.

Your time in Thailand must be extremely miserable and stressful, especially for those who require their wives to hold their hands, accompany them or do the bargaining, even for the simplest of purchases.

I don`t sympathise, it`s just sad.

What,can't have a coffee with the missus without it being a sign of weakness,give the man a break.

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As I said price is not the issue,it was how nice they were being to us,everyday,then whispering to charge extra,a dog act.

They ripped you off.Have a go at them or take your business elsewhere.Call them a bunch of pricks.You said it was a dog act.You know as well as me take the lowest thing you can call someone in Australia is a dog.Ease up.Say in to the wrong person in Australia you would have the living suitcases belted out of you at the least.

I agree,very bad choice of words for a minor ripoff.

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In most CIVILIZED countries, double-pricing is a CRIME!

No it is not, It is YOUR job to get the best price for what you are buying as it is the Thais job to get YOU to pay the most. Do not get upset with the Thais for being better at their job then you are at yours.

I have been in sales most of my life and understand how the negotiations process works, for better or worse. I have sold 5 people the same exact thing in the same week and charged 5 different prices, started off at a few different prices. No one claims that to be immoral, it is how business is done. Just because in the US and other well off countries it is not standard practice to negotiate on small items like coffee or a plate of food doesn't mean it is wrong.

As it being racist it is in a way but done every where world wide. I get a older Jewish person from NY I treat them different then if I get a Mexican couple from East LA. Not because of the color of the skin but because they negotiate different. I know that most Jewish couples will fight me about the over all price as most Mexican couples will fight me for just the monthly payment.

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i am very sorry to hear that but i was talking to a guy who traveled the world of 5 years spent a month or more at every location. one conclusion he came to was how unfriendly as a group humans are except in certain countries thailand was not one. was talking to emergency room doctor in thailand thai female asked her the number one cause of emergency room patients gastrointestinal diseases by far says she would be out of business without it , something to think about

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In most CIVILIZED countries, double-pricing is a CRIME!

No it is not, It is YOUR job to get the best price for what you are buying as it is the Thais job to get YOU to pay the most. Do not get upset with the Thais for being better at their job then you are at yours.

I have been in sales most of my life and understand how the negotiations process works, for better or worse. I have sold 5 people the same exact thing in the same week and charged 5 different prices, started off at a few different prices. No one claims that to be immoral, it is how business is done. Just because in the US and other well off countries it is not standard practice to negotiate on small items like coffee or a plate of food doesn't mean it is wrong.

As it being racist it is in a way but done every where world wide. I get a older Jewish person from NY I treat them different then if I get a Mexican couple from East LA. Not because of the color of the skin but because they negotiate different. I know that most Jewish couples will fight me about the over all price as most Mexican couples will fight me for just the monthly payment.

Liars don't usually have a problem with liars or see lying as wrong.

Listen,I will repeat it for what I believe may be the seventh time,it's getting hard I feel like I'm speaking Chinese here,double pricing was not the issue.

What's wrong here can some of you not read.

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In most CIVILIZED countries, double-pricing is a CRIME!

No it is not, It is YOUR job to get the best price for what you are buying as it is the Thais job to get YOU to pay the most. Do not get upset with the Thais for being better at their job then you are at yours.

I have been in sales most of my life and understand how the negotiations process works, for better or worse. I have sold 5 people the same exact thing in the same week and charged 5 different prices, started off at a few different prices. No one claims that to be immoral, it is how business is done. Just because in the US and other well off countries it is not standard practice to negotiate on small items like coffee or a plate of food doesn't mean it is wrong.

As it being racist it is in a way but done every where world wide. I get a older Jewish person from NY I treat them different then if I get a Mexican couple from East LA. Not because of the color of the skin but because they negotiate different. I know that most Jewish couples will fight me about the over all price as most Mexican couples will fight me for just the monthly payment.

Liars don't usually have a problem with liars or see lying as wrong.

Listen,I will repeat it for what I believe may be the seventh time,it's getting hard I feel like I'm speaking Chinese here,double pricing was not the issue.

What's wrong here can some of you not read.

There is NO law that you have to post the price and can charge what ever the consumer will pay. They are not "lying" you asked them a price and they told you what they wanted, plan and simple. If you do not like the price you have options,

1) pay the price

2) negotiate the price you want to pay

3) go some where else

4) get on a internet forum and bitch and complain about it as you look for people to agree with you and get pissy when they do not.

Seems like you chose option 4 and seem to think you are smart by your insults.

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Good sales people don't need to lie.

You can hardly call it good sales when they lost two regular customer.

I would call that stupidity.

I guess you agree with the jet ski scams to who only think about the money they scam off the one or two customers they get per day instead of an honest trade that would have tourist lined up the beach to use them.

Same thing,and your right about one thing I do disagree with dishonesty,I pride myself on being honest even when it gets me in trouble,I expect the same in return,that's why I went elsewhere.

Charge me extra and I will buy it,just don't lie about it,and don't twist it,it was dishonest.

She tried to hide the fact that she charged extra,if she said excuse me sir,farang pay more,I would still be drinking it,I just dislike bs and that's where you and me differ as your a self confessed liar.

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Good sales people don't need to lie. You can hardly call it good sales when they lost two regular customer. I would call that stupidity. I guess you agree with the jet ski scams to who only think about the money they scam off the one or two customers they get per day instead of an honest trade that would have tourist lined up the beach to use them. Same thing,and your right about one thing I do disagree with dishonesty,I pride myself on being honest even when it gets me in trouble,I expect the same in return,that's why I went elsewhere. Charge me extra and I will buy it,just don't lie about it,and don't twist it,it was dishonest. She tried to hide the fact that she charged extra,if she said excuse me sir,farang pay more,I would still be drinking it,I just dislike bs and that's where you and me differ as your a self confessed liar.

No one is lying, they lost 2 custmomers as you say. Say they have 100 Farang customers and do this to them all and 20% leave, they still have 80% of those customers paying more, it will more then make up for the 20% of lost customers. The reason to open a business is to make the most money not make friends.

The Jet Ski Scam is just that a scam, they charge you for damage you did not do so not the same, even a fool should know the difference.

Glad you are still into the insult game because you are obviously not smart enough to do anything else. But we differ as you are going to complain and bitch that they shouldn't do that and I will tell them what I think is fair and what I am willing to pay.

Also why would you insult me as a self confessed liar? Because I am in sales and understand it or because I do not agree with you?

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Good sales people don't need to lie. You can hardly call it good sales when they lost two regular customer. I would call that stupidity. I guess you agree with the jet ski scams to who only think about the money they scam off the one or two customers they get per day instead of an honest trade that would have tourist lined up the beach to use them. Same thing,and your right about one thing I do disagree with dishonesty,I pride myself on being honest even when it gets me in trouble,I expect the same in return,that's why I went elsewhere. Charge me extra and I will buy it,just don't lie about it,and don't twist it,it was dishonest. She tried to hide the fact that she charged extra,if she said excuse me sir,farang pay more,I would still be drinking it,I just dislike bs and that's where you and me differ as your a self confessed liar.

No one is lying, they lost 2 custmomers as you say. Say they have 100 Farang customers and do this to them all and 20% leave, they still have 80% of those customers paying more, it will more then make up for the 20% of lost customers. The reason to open a business is to make the most money not make friends.

The Jet Ski Scam is just that a scam, they charge you for damage you did not do so not the same, even a fool should know the difference.

Glad you are still into the insult game because you are obviously not smart enough to do anything else. But we differ as you are going to complain and bitch that they shouldn't do that and I will tell them what I think is fair and what I am willing to pay.

Also why would you insult me as a self confessed liar? Because I am in sales and understand it or because I do not agree with you?

Why was she hiding the fact then.

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May be your wife has actually known that you have been a bit overcharged but she didn't really wanted to make a fuse out of it.

I mean come on, you have been drinking 28 coffee's a week with your Mrs and you never overheard once how much another customer paid, before ?

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could you elaborate how your wife found out she is overcharged?

Sure,when we returned to Bangkok after two years we notice price rises everywhere,we both remarked to each other how even the coffee stand has gone up.

No marked price,not expensive,happy to pay,the people were very friendly,we have a one year old daughter and you know how they carry on over half thai babies,they were so nice.

We were always served by the woman,on the day we found out her husband served us,he quoted a new lower price,his wife stopped him and whispered not quite quietly enough something about farang special price in thai.

He suddenly raised the price to the usual price,my wife was well pissed but what can you do other then go elsewhere of coarse and post here as we do.

Double pricing is fine,dishonesty is not,she hid the price difference from us.

I have been pissy this week,love Thailand,always will but my wife's cousin was pulled over by the police,had a certain something put on him,very good man,decent hard working man,was told to sign a confession and was beaten,he refused,beaten again,refused beaten terribly bad.

Her cousins family spent quite a bit of cash getting him out for something they put on him,I'm dirty about it,I like him,he was beaten like a dog.

So small things have set me off this week I will admit.

For the trolls out there,no we did not pay for him to be released.

I read about these things,but when you see it happen to someone you know and like,some of the things here are a little frustrating.

I'd like you to relax and go back to the stand where you bought the coffee. If you are certain about being overcharged. Tell them nicely that you've noticed you are paying more than everybody else or you pay less the last time you were there. Say it like it's no big deal. If language barrier is your problem, let your wife speak. I'm sure they'll definitely sell you coffee more than your money's worth from now on.

It's easier to be a hypocrite to someone you don't know. Once you get to know them, they might even allow you to intervene the queue. That's how it is here, but I'm quite certain it probably happens everywhere else in world.

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In most CIVILIZED countries, double-pricing is a CRIME!

No it is not, It is YOUR job to get the best price for what you are buying as it is the Thais job to get YOU to pay the most. Do not get upset with the Thais for being better at their job then you are at yours.

I have been in sales most of my life and understand how the negotiations process works, for better or worse. I have sold 5 people the same exact thing in the same week and charged 5 different prices, started off at a few different prices. No one claims that to be immoral, it is how business is done. Just because in the US and other well off countries it is not standard practice to negotiate on small items like coffee or a plate of food doesn't mean it is wrong.

As it being racist it is in a way but done every where world wide. I get a older Jewish person from NY I treat them different then if I get a Mexican couple from East LA. Not because of the color of the skin but because they negotiate different. I know that most Jewish couples will fight me about the over all price as most Mexican couples will fight me for just the monthly payment.

Liars don't usually have a problem with liars or see lying as wrong.

Listen,I will repeat it for what I believe may be the seventh time,it's getting hard I feel like I'm speaking Chinese here,double pricing was not the issue.

What's wrong here can some of you not read.

It is simply the fact that every day they talked friendly, and almost welcomed you also friendly that you felt kind of "betrayed" (?)

I understand. Your moral is slightly ticklish...like many honest people by the way :-)

No need to justified your self any longer on endless threads even thought "No shame no morals" (for in fact a trifle) is probably a little too much for the thick skinned TV members.

Forget it and have a happy new yearsmile.png

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Hang on a minute,I did not sat my childhood was in Muay Thai camps,can you show me where I wrote that.

Like the other three your assuming things.

I am assuming the whole point of this boring and tedious topic was to get your post count up.

Mission accomplished, now give it away and go out and have a nice coffee ! cheesy.gif

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In Thailand, I go to a few bars where the bartenders charges me about 1/2 the stated rate, and forgets a drink or 2 on my bill.

In the US there are several bars I go to where the bartender pours me a double when i order a scotch and charges me for a single, plus there's a drink or 2 missing on my tab when i call for the bill.

Whats the difference?

PS, when you're nice sometimes people are nice back. Not always, and not even often but just sometimes. And when they are nice to me, I'm more inclined to give them my business. and if you're not happy about the service, move on. Its not rocket science. but its useless to feel hurt by it. Its business, they are not your friends, until you are their friend first :)

And as i stated before, before you get the "local" rate, you have to be a local. and the OP was about to become a local, I believe, until he let the "betrayal" get to him. His loss. but If it makes him feel better, he should go to another cart as he did.

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If you are purchasing a product from a large outlet and you have to return it for some reason and they tell you that you have to purchase something else. They tell you they do not give cash back. Just ask them if they have heard of the consumers association and you will hear them have a natter together ,then they will refund your cash. It has worked for me several times.

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I don't think I get overcharged that often, but I try to speak my best Thai and engage in a bit of friendly banter with any Thai people I meet, whether I am buying something off them or not.

99% of the foreigners I know who get overcharged deserve it.

A mate of mine from Australia used to get robbed blind everywhere he went in Thailand. I put it down to the fact that he used to speak rudely to them. And he refused to learn any Thai language.

The money I spent on Thai language lessons was a good investment, for many reasons. biggrin.png

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Good on you OP. You did the right thing. The amount you were over charged is not the point here it' the principle. Sadly I don't think the vendors will realise the error of their ways. Glad to hear you found an alternative place.

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i didn't bother reading all this but seems to me you guys are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

instead of seeing it as a surcharge on foreigners, see it as a discount for locals. they earn less than us, so it's fair (or at least not an issue to get indignant about) that they should pay less.

OAPs get discounted travel in the UK but nobody complains they are overcharging people under 65.

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i didn't bother reading all this but seems to me you guys are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

instead of seeing it as a surcharge on foreigners, see it as a discount for locals. they earn less than us, so it's fair (or at least not an issue to get indignant about) that they should pay less.

OAPs get discounted travel in the UK but nobody complains they are overcharging people under 65.

Very wrong view and even worst analogy.

Travel, housing, medical care, given free or at a discount from the State to the poor or elderly or other category in the need = social welfare in various forms. You, as taxpayer, pay it.

Dual pricing by private business on the basis of nationality = greedy racism. They, the owners, pocket the difference.

Edited by paz
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