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No shame,no morals.


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On a scale of shameless lack of morality, which would you rank highest:

- overcharging a couple of baht for a cup of coffee (actually, not overcharging, since it was still cheaper than the stall up the road, but differential pricing)

- towing refugees out to sea and abandoning them

- allowing illegal prostitution to flourish

- selling national industries to the Singapore government sovereign wealth fund and trousering the proceeds free of tax?


Depends, who owns the national industries? What other industries does Thailand own? National parks I guess but other than that? What is the difference between a refugee and an expat sneaking in to Thailand because he ran out of cash in another country? Could Thailand tell him he couldn't come in? And is it Thailand's obligation to feed and care for people who try to sneak in across an unmarked border?

Or I'll suggest one more. Is it shameless for a poster trying to turn a question about selling coffee in to a moral and political debate that tars all of Thailand with the same dark brush? Is that shameless? I think it is.

And give us folk from NYC a break about the illegal prostitution flourishing will ya? Ever been to the Big Apple.biggrin.png Prostitution has been flourishing legal or illegal since granny straightened up and started walking upright. Got some bananas, you handsome caveman you.tongue.png

Amazing how you are unable to see the difference between dirt poor people risking their lives for some chance at a better life and a person that moves to thailand deciding to live as an expat. Typically expats dont sneak in, they have passports and travel modes and tend to run out of money while in thailand.

Liven up a bit. selling national resources to a foreign nation refers to a famous high profile case in which a former PM made a personal fortune doing. His actions were viewed by thais as a shameless selling out of national interests to a foreign nation. Ignorance is bliss til you get into a discussion without command of the facts.

the documented cases of dirt poor boat people risking their lives are intercepted by thai government and towed out to sea and left to die seems to be the correct thing thing to do according to you?

OK, prostitution exists in NYC... therefore the possibility of not having to travel to thailand to get laid exists.

Maybe you do but you sure don't sound like you live here. National assets were not sold. If I discover a gold mine and sell it? In that sense maybe. If Singapore bought everything in Thailand I see that as a MORAL good. At least it would be properly managed eh?

A country has the right to secure it's borders. Do the Royhingas have a right to migrate to Scotland?

Prostitution exists in every country and always has. Rather an old horse to ride when off Thai bashing.

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On a scale of shameless lack of morality, which would you rank highest:

- overcharging a couple of baht for a cup of coffee (actually, not overcharging, since it was still cheaper than the stall up the road, but differential pricing)

- towing refugees out to sea and abandoning them

- allowing illegal prostitution to flourish

- selling national industries to the Singapore government sovereign wealth fund and trousering the proceeds free of tax?


IMO only one of the above is significant morally.

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On a scale of shameless lack of morality, which would you rank highest:

- overcharging a couple of baht for a cup of coffee (actually, not overcharging, since it was still cheaper than the stall up the road, but differential pricing)

- towing refugees out to sea and abandoning them

- allowing illegal prostitution to flourish

- selling national industries to the Singapore government sovereign wealth fund and trousering the proceeds free of tax?


IMO only one of the above is significant morally.

Why? Singapore would do a good job with them.

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On a scale of shameless lack of morality, which would you rank highest:

- overcharging a couple of baht for a cup of coffee (actually, not overcharging, since it was still cheaper than the stall up the road, but differential pricing)

- towing refugees out to sea and abandoning them

- allowing illegal prostitution to flourish

- selling national industries to the Singapore government sovereign wealth fund and trousering the proceeds free of tax?


Depends, who owns the national industries? What other industries does Thailand own? National parks I guess but other than that? What is the difference between a refugee and an expat sneaking in to Thailand because he ran out of cash in another country? Could Thailand tell him he couldn't come in? And is it Thailand's obligation to feed and care for people who try to sneak in across an unmarked border?

Or I'll suggest one more. Is it shameless for a poster trying to turn a question about selling coffee in to a moral and political debate that tars all of Thailand with the same dark brush? Is that shameless? I think it is.

And give us folk from NYC a break about the illegal prostitution flourishing will ya? Ever been to the Big Apple.biggrin.png Prostitution has been flourishing legal or illegal since granny straightened up and started walking upright. Got some bananas, you handsome caveman you.tongue.png

Amazing how you are unable to see the difference between dirt poor people risking their lives for some chance at a better life and a person that moves to thailand deciding to live as an expat. Typically expats dont sneak in, they have passports and travel modes and tend to run out of money while in thailand.

Liven up a bit. selling national resources to a foreign nation refers to a famous high profile case in which a former PM made a personal fortune doing. His actions were viewed by thais as a shameless selling out of national interests to a foreign nation. Ignorance is bliss til you get into a discussion without command of the facts.

the documented cases of dirt poor boat people risking their lives are intercepted by thai government and towed out to sea and left to die seems to be the correct thing thing to do according to you?

OK, prostitution exists in NYC... therefore the possibility of not having to travel to thailand to get laid exists.

Maybe you do but you sure don't sound like you live here. National assets were not sold. If I discover a gold mine and sell it? In that sense maybe. If Singapore bought everything in Thailand I see that as a MORAL good. At least it would be properly managed eh?

A country has the right to secure it's borders. Do the Royhingas have a right to migrate to Scotland?

Prostitution exists in every country and always has. Rather an old horse to ride when off Thai bashing.

Snippet; The transaction made the Prime Minister the target of accusations that he was selling an asset of national importance to a foreign entity, and hence selling out his nation. The Democrat party spokesman called Thaksin worse than Saddam for not protecting the Thai economy from foreigners: "Dictator Saddam, though a brutal tyrant, still fought the superpower for the Iraqi motherland.


Yes a country has the right to secure its borders. As a so called democracy and member of UN there exists a concept known as "humane treatment" and deportation. Governments actually use some taxpayer money to provide some water and even food, temporary quarters prior to deportation. Towing overloaded boats that likely have little food or water out sea where it is a distinct possibility some/many/all could/will die seems to suggest the navy served as judge, jury and executioner.

If you are american and not american indian or eskimo then your lineage came from another country.

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Snippet; The transaction made the Prime Minister the target of accusations that he was selling an asset of national importance to a foreign entity, and hence selling out his nation. The Democrat party spokesman called Thaksin worse than Saddam for not protecting the Thai economy from foreigners: "Dictator Saddam, though a brutal tyrant, still fought the superpower for the Iraqi motherland.


Yes a country has the right to secure its borders. As a so called democracy and member of UN there exists a concept known as "humane treatment" and deportation. Governments actually use some taxpayer money to provide some water and even food, temporary quarters prior to deportation. Towing overloaded boats that likely have little food or water out sea where it is a distinct possibility some/many/all could/will die seems to suggest the navy served as judge, jury and executioner.

If you are american and not american indian or eskimo then your lineage came from another country.

My ancestors came legally to the USA. I came legally to Thailand. America is capitalized BTW, I only mention it because I take it as s slur that you don't capitalize, seeing that you know how to capitalize Dictator Saddam. You want the Royhingas,fine? Nuke Burma if you want. Put the blame where it belongs. Royhingas are breaking into Thailand same as a person is breaking into my house. I don't ask him if he is hungry or thirsty before I shoot him. He breaks in he gets shot.

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I agree though, who likes being overcharged? I pay 20 baht for ice coffee, 10 baht hot coffee, not sure if that's farang price

10 baht for a coffee. surely it couldnt be real coffee at that price

You do know Thailand produces 132 million pounds of coffee per year?

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You do know Thailand produces 132 million pounds of coffee per year?

Not much, Vietnam is projected to make between 3,000 and 4,000 million pounds this year. Selected varietis are excellent, best I'vere tasted, one world apart from anything you can get in Thailand.

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My ancestors came legally to the USA. I came legally to Thailand. America is capitalized BTW, I only mention it because I take it as s slur that you don't capitalize, seeing that you know how to capitalize Dictator Saddam. You want the Royhingas,fine? Nuke Burma if you want. Put the blame where it belongs. Royhingas are breaking into Thailand same as a person is breaking into my house. I don't ask him if he is hungry or thirsty before I shoot him. He breaks in he gets shot.

That is an awful comment and you should be ashamed of yourself. Thank god countries are not run by low life like you. No refugees break anything. Be there on my ignore list.

Edited by paz
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Call them "ai heea khee gohng" in front of their regular customers. That'll teach them good and proper. They will be forced to relocate their cart which could be a major pain for them if they have found a good spot.

Please learn the meaning of "ai heea" before you use it.

Can get you into real big trouble.

without a doubt..

Ya, you say that to a street vendor anywhere in Thailand. You better get ready for a fight. And not a normal punch up either. Real sh!tty thing to type even in jest.

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Some people are just like that and there is no amount of Thai that will change them. I speak Thai fluently insofar as purchasing, ordering...

I'm grousing at all the pro's - the never happens to me crowd. Happens to me and guaranteed Ive bern here longer than you. In fact, seems to be getting a bit worse.

If it's an item and there is no price, put it back. I usually always ask a discount (70% of time) as well. If you paid more than you should for goods, that's on you.

I'm as good as fluent when it comes to ordering food and small transactions. When I'm someplace new (traveling), I often have to remember to ask. Sure enough, when I don't I get stuck for extra. It's usually five baht unless it's a proper order. I have to remind my wife to ask when we are together as that seemingly is when prices are given a nudge most.

Bus station eateries seem to be the most sketchy, street food.

The best way to avoid it besides asking is to do it all in Thai. Then they know you know the price.

Wife always forgets, especially ordering for only herself. Yeah, some hawkers will push the price up just for my presence and I need to remind her.

She gets a bit miffed when on rare occassion, I walk away from a vendor over five baht. I'm sure she's thinking it's five B! Thais often allow themselves to overpay due to face of both.

It's usually small money but <deleted>, that bowl of noodles was barely worth thirty (really 25) and you ask 35 or if you have some real balls, 40. I do not say anyghing, just don't go back. Forty B is a lot for a simple bowl of noodles - hell, you can pay that in an ac food court, less.

Invariably, I have a sixth sense and as I take a seat and think - damn, diddn't ask the price. I get nicked. Every time.

Similar to the OP there is a noodle hawker I like, I like to give my business to as well and does reasonable bowl. Friendly guy and really tries to speak (use/practice) English. His wife-helper is really dodgy. I just hand her the money and walk on occassion I eat there. Yesterday, she served a Thai before me (might anger me more than the five baht thing). Not going back.

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I agree though, who likes being overcharged? I pay 20 baht for ice coffee, 10 baht hot coffee, not sure if that's farang price

10 baht for a coffee. surely it couldnt be real coffee at that price

Very real. Black coffee (coffee tung) is still B8-10. You want all the fancy crap that is making you fat, well that is far more obviously.

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My ancestors came legally to the USA. I came legally to Thailand. America is capitalized BTW, I only mention it because I take it as s slur that you don't capitalize, seeing that you know how to capitalize Dictator Saddam. You want the Royhingas,fine? Nuke Burma if you want. Put the blame where it belongs. Royhingas are breaking into Thailand same as a person is breaking into my house. I don't ask him if he is hungry or thirsty before I shoot him. He breaks in he gets shot.

That is an awful comment and you should be ashamed of yourself. Thank god countries are not run by low life like you. No refugees break anything. Be there on my ignore list.

Too bad you aren't able to express your views and can only attack the messenger of a message you don't like. I'm a low life and on your ignore list?biggrin.png Try The Eight-Fold Path of TV-Humiliation

Why don't you tell us how you let people you don't know come into your house and eat your food and drink your water and sleep in your home. I'd be interested. Or maybe tell us how much money you have given the Royhingas to resettle in a country who wants them?

Easy to tell Thailand what to do but have you done the same or any better? Or in reality have you just not had the problem.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I agree though, who likes being overcharged? I pay 20 baht for ice coffee, 10 baht hot coffee, not sure if that's farang price

10 baht for a coffee. surely it couldnt be real coffee at that price

Very real. Black coffee (coffee tung) is still B8-10. You want all the fancy crap that is making you fat, well that is far more obviously.

I thought is was the rice making everyone fat, no?

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Snippet; The transaction made the Prime Minister the target of accusations that he was selling an asset of national importance to a foreign entity, and hence selling out his nation. The Democrat party spokesman called Thaksin worse than Saddam for not protecting the Thai economy from foreigners: "Dictator Saddam, though a brutal tyrant, still fought the superpower for the Iraqi motherland.


Yes a country has the right to secure its borders. As a so called democracy and member of UN there exists a concept known as "humane treatment" and deportation. Governments actually use some taxpayer money to provide some water and even food, temporary quarters prior to deportation. Towing overloaded boats that likely have little food or water out sea where it is a distinct possibility some/many/all could/will die seems to suggest the navy served as judge, jury and executioner.

If you are american and not american indian or eskimo then your lineage came from another country.

My ancestors came legally to the USA. I came legally to Thailand. America is capitalized BTW, I only mention it because I take it as s slur that you don't capitalize, seeing that you know how to capitalize Dictator Saddam. You want the Royhingas,fine? Nuke Burma if you want. Put the blame where it belongs. Royhingas are breaking into Thailand same as a person is breaking into my house. I don't ask him if he is hungry or thirsty before I shoot him. He breaks in he gets shot.

# america is a nation of immigrants. some came legally, some didn't. many illegals subsequently gained legal status. many of initially illegal became productive legals making a positive contribution to society as well as the offspring

# to streamline time i usually dont capitalize on internet forums. its an internet forum and not a legal brief or curriculum vitae. to quell paranoia i suppose you could search my posts here and see the lack of capitalization and 100% correct grammar, punctuation.

the sole reason saddam is capitalized as well as other grammatically proper content is that I copied and pasted that content from wikipedia and also posted the url. it is pretty obvious and/or easy to deduce this and does not require a phd in quantum engineering. has the quality of american education really deteriorated that much? never fear and rest assured you can feel like a relative intellectual in thailand, even more so in certain social circles.

# if someone was breaking into my house i too might shoot them. if i saw boat people approaching the

beach at miami florida i clearly would not shoot them, although per your analogy you would.

# "nuke burma if you want" since i did not have hostility towards boat people what in the world would make you think (even in a figure of speech) i'd think about nuking burma? is nuking burma your idea to end the outflow of refugees from there?

Edited by atyclb
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Some people are just like that and there is no amount of Thai that will change them. I speak Thai fluently insofar as purchasing, ordering...

I'm grousing at all the pro's - the never happens to me crowd. Happens to me and guaranteed Ive bern here longer than you. In fact, seems to be getting a bit worse.

If it's an item and there is no price, put it back. I usually always ask a discount (70% of time) as well. If you paid more than you should for goods, that's on you.

I'm as good as fluent when it comes to ordering food and small transactions. When I'm someplace new (traveling), I often have to remember to ask. Sure enough, when I don't I get stuck for extra. It's usually five baht unless it's a proper order. I have to remind my wife to ask when we are together as that seemingly is when prices are given a nudge most.

Bus station eateries seem to be the most sketchy, street food.

The best way to avoid it besides asking is to do it all in Thai. Then they know you know the price.

Wife always forgets, especially ordering for only herself. Yeah, some hawkers will push the price up just for my presence and I need to remind her.

She gets a bit miffed when on rare occassion, I walk away from a vendor over five baht. I'm sure she's thinking it's five B! Thais often allow themselves to overpay due to face of both.

It's usually small money but <deleted>, that bowl of noodles was barely worth thirty (really 25) and you ask 35 or if you have some real balls, 40. I do not say anyghing, just don't go back. Forty B is a lot for a simple bowl of noodles - hell, you can pay that in an ac food court, less.

Invariably, I have a sixth sense and as I take a seat and think - dam_n, diddn't ask the price. I get nicked. Every time.

Similar to the OP there is a noodle hawker I like, I like to give my business to as well and does reasonable bowl. Friendly guy and really tries to speak (use/practice) English. His wife-helper is really dodgy. I just hand her the money and walk on occassion I eat there. Yesterday, she served a Thai before me (might anger me more than the five baht thing). Not going back.

nice one!

i have a similar story. one of the big marble/granite/kitchen home improvement stores in bkk operates a restaurant/cafeteria open to all. outdoor, nothing fancy. i ordered noodle soup and the employee making it asked me for double the price posted on the wall behind him. i asked him "what is this" he answered and told me. next i pointed to the posted menu. i read it aloud to him (thai language) so this is the same? i told him the price is written. magically he revised his first price. here we have it. just an employee at a respectable stores restaurant, seeing the golden opportunity to cheat a store customer. thai people around me also seemed to agree with me as some nodded their heads in a supportive way.

BTW, the way to verbally express unhappiness towards such people is not to use vile insult words. it is much better to use expressions like; broken manners, not polite, no education, cheat.

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My ancestors came legally to the USA. I came legally to Thailand. America is capitalized BTW, I only mention it because I take it as s slur that you don't capitalize, seeing that you know how to capitalize Dictator Saddam. You want the Royhingas,fine? Nuke Burma if you want. Put the blame where it belongs. Royhingas are breaking into Thailand same as a person is breaking into my house. I don't ask him if he is hungry or thirsty before I shoot him. He breaks in he gets shot.

# america is a nation of immigrants. some came legally, some didn't. many illegals subsequently gained legal status. many of initially illegal became productive legals making a positive contribution to society as well as the offspring

# to streamline time i usually dont capitalize on internet forums. its an internet forum and not a legal brief or curriculum vitae. to quell paranoia i suppose you could search my posts here and see the lack of capitalization and 100% correct grammar, punctuation.

the sole reason saddam is capitalized as well as other grammatically proper content is that I copied and pasted that content from wikipedia and also posted the url. it is pretty obvious and/or easy to deduce this and does not require a phd in quantum engineering. has the quality of american education really deteriorated that much? never fear and rest assured you can feel like a relative intellectual in thailand, even more so in certain social circles.

# if someone was breaking into my house i too might shoot them. if i saw boat people approaching the

beach at miami florida i clearly would not shoot them, although per your analogy you would.

# "nuke burma if you want" since i did not have hostility towards boat people what in the world would make you think (even in a figure of speech) i'd think about nuking burma? is nuking burma your idea to end the outflow of refugees from there?

I looked at your previous posts and you know how to capitalize Germany. So your capitalization is selective. But I really don't like the grammar police so I'll drop it.

You obviously don't know much about the US Cuba policy. The USA does not let Cubans in if they catch them at sea. Or, "Naranjo said they all met at 3:30 am on September 1 on the Cauto River, near Manzanillo, but were spotted around 10:00 am still on the river by a Border Patrol boat that “made big waves to try to tip us over." "Meanwhile, the United States Coast Guard said on Wednesday that crewmembers aboard the Cutter Ocracoke have repatriated 46 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba" http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Two-drowned--23-rescued-trying-to-flee-Cuba


Sure Thailand is wrong. But is any other country not also guilty for not helping? Burma should held responsible first and foremost. Same with Cuba and Mexico. Cuba shipped hundreds of the criminally insane to Florida; what would you have done?

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My ancestors came legally to the USA. I came legally to Thailand. America is capitalized BTW, I only mention it because I take it as s slur that you don't capitalize, seeing that you know how to capitalize Dictator Saddam. You want the Royhingas,fine? Nuke Burma if you want. Put the blame where it belongs. Royhingas are breaking into Thailand same as a person is breaking into my house. I don't ask him if he is hungry or thirsty before I shoot him. He breaks in he gets shot.

# america is a nation of immigrants. some came legally, some didn't. many illegals subsequently gained legal status. many of initially illegal became productive legals making a positive contribution to society as well as the offspring

# to streamline time i usually dont capitalize on internet forums. its an internet forum and not a legal brief or curriculum vitae. to quell paranoia i suppose you could search my posts here and see the lack of capitalization and 100% correct grammar, punctuation.

the sole reason saddam is capitalized as well as other grammatically proper content is that I copied and pasted that content from wikipedia and also posted the url. it is pretty obvious and/or easy to deduce this and does not require a phd in quantum engineering. has the quality of american education really deteriorated that much? never fear and rest assured you can feel like a relative intellectual in thailand, even more so in certain social circles.

# if someone was breaking into my house i too might shoot them. if i saw boat people approaching the

beach at miami florida i clearly would not shoot them, although per your analogy you would.

# "nuke burma if you want" since i did not have hostility towards boat people what in the world would make you think (even in a figure of speech) i'd think about nuking burma? is nuking burma your idea to end the outflow of refugees from there?

I looked at your previous posts and you know how to capitalize Germany. So your capitalization is selective. But I really don't like the grammar police so I'll drop it.

You obviously don't know much about the US Cuba policy. The USA does not let Cubans in if they catch them at sea. Or, "Naranjo said they all met at 3:30 am on September 1 on the Cauto River, near Manzanillo, but were spotted around 10:00 am still on the river by a Border Patrol boat that “made big waves to try to tip us over." "Meanwhile, the United States Coast Guard said on Wednesday that crewmembers aboard the Cutter Ocracoke have repatriated 46 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba" http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Two-drowned--23-rescued-trying-to-flee-Cuba


Sure Thailand is wrong. But is any other country not also guilty for not helping? Burma should held responsible first and foremost. Same with Cuba and Mexico. Cuba shipped hundreds of the criminally insane to Florida; what would you have done?

"i usually dont capitalize" means something. it means not absolutely. btw i am american 2nd generation and my grandparents immigrated legally should your theory be i am german.

you believe my capitalization is selective. i'd say your paranoia is diffuse

my example was a boat of refugees heading towards miami beach and if i would shoot them as if they were breaking into my own house (per your analogy) not in reference to any government policy. our discussion and pursuing arguments were not about us policy but nice try attempting to deflect attention while simultaneously inferring i am ignorant.

is there any reason those boat people could not have been from haiti?

So now you change your position and thailand is wrong.

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# america is a nation of immigrants. some came legally, some didn't. many illegals subsequently gained legal status. many of initially illegal became productive legals making a positive contribution to society as well as the offspring

# to streamline time i usually dont capitalize on internet forums. its an internet forum and not a legal brief or curriculum vitae. to quell paranoia i suppose you could search my posts here and see the lack of capitalization and 100% correct grammar, punctuation.

the sole reason saddam is capitalized as well as other grammatically proper content is that I copied and pasted that content from wikipedia and also posted the url. it is pretty obvious and/or easy to deduce this and does not require a phd in quantum engineering. has the quality of american education really deteriorated that much? never fear and rest assured you can feel like a relative intellectual in thailand, even more so in certain social circles.

# if someone was breaking into my house i too might shoot them. if i saw boat people approaching the

beach at miami florida i clearly would not shoot them, although per your analogy you would.

# "nuke burma if you want" since i did not have hostility towards boat people what in the world would make you think (even in a figure of speech) i'd think about nuking burma? is nuking burma your idea to end the outflow of refugees from there?

I looked at your previous posts and you know how to capitalize Germany. So your capitalization is selective. But I really don't like the grammar police so I'll drop it.

You obviously don't know much about the US Cuba policy. The USA does not let Cubans in if they catch them at sea. Or, "Naranjo said they all met at 3:30 am on September 1 on the Cauto River, near Manzanillo, but were spotted around 10:00 am still on the river by a Border Patrol boat that “made big waves to try to tip us over." "Meanwhile, the United States Coast Guard said on Wednesday that crewmembers aboard the Cutter Ocracoke have repatriated 46 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba" http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Two-drowned--23-rescued-trying-to-flee-Cuba


Sure Thailand is wrong. But is any other country not also guilty for not helping? Burma should held responsible first and foremost. Same with Cuba and Mexico. Cuba shipped hundreds of the criminally insane to Florida; what would you have done?

"i usually dont capitalize" means something. it means not absolutely. btw i am american 2nd generation and my grandparents immigrated legally should your theory be i am german.

you believe my capitalization is selective. i'd say your paranoia is diffuse

my example was a boat of refugees heading towards miami beach and if i would shoot them as if they were breaking into my own house (per your analogy) not in reference to any government policy. our discussion and pursuing arguments were not about us policy but nice try attempting to deflect attention while simultaneously inferring i am ignorant.

is there any reason those boat people could not have been from haiti?

So now you change your position and thailand is wrong.

1. What happens if Thailand takes the Royhingas back to Burma?

2. Who should pay the bill for care and travel until they are shipped back?

What do I think Thailand should do? Politely refuse them entry when they are 3 miles off shore and enforce that boundary. I think a country has a right to defend a 3 mile limit.

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# america is a nation of immigrants. some came legally, some didn't. many illegals subsequently gained legal status. many of initially illegal became productive legals making a positive contribution to society as well as the offspring

# to streamline time i usually dont capitalize on internet forums. its an internet forum and not a legal brief or curriculum vitae. to quell paranoia i suppose you could search my posts here and see the lack of capitalization and 100% correct grammar, punctuation.

the sole reason saddam is capitalized as well as other grammatically proper content is that I copied and pasted that content from wikipedia and also posted the url. it is pretty obvious and/or easy to deduce this and does not require a phd in quantum engineering. has the quality of american education really deteriorated that much? never fear and rest assured you can feel like a relative intellectual in thailand, even more so in certain social circles.

# if someone was breaking into my house i too might shoot them. if i saw boat people approaching the

beach at miami florida i clearly would not shoot them, although per your analogy you would.

# "nuke burma if you want" since i did not have hostility towards boat people what in the world would make you think (even in a figure of speech) i'd think about nuking burma? is nuking burma your idea to end the outflow of refugees from there?

I looked at your previous posts and you know how to capitalize Germany. So your capitalization is selective. But I really don't like the grammar police so I'll drop it.

You obviously don't know much about the US Cuba policy. The USA does not let Cubans in if they catch them at sea. Or, "Naranjo said they all met at 3:30 am on September 1 on the Cauto River, near Manzanillo, but were spotted around 10:00 am still on the river by a Border Patrol boat that “made big waves to try to tip us over." "Meanwhile, the United States Coast Guard said on Wednesday that crewmembers aboard the Cutter Ocracoke have repatriated 46 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba" http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Two-drowned--23-rescued-trying-to-flee-Cuba


Sure Thailand is wrong. But is any other country not also guilty for not helping? Burma should held responsible first and foremost. Same with Cuba and Mexico. Cuba shipped hundreds of the criminally insane to Florida; what would you have done?

"i usually dont capitalize" means something. it means not absolutely. btw i am american 2nd generation and my grandparents immigrated legally should your theory be i am german.

you believe my capitalization is selective. i'd say your paranoia is diffuse

my example was a boat of refugees heading towards miami beach and if i would shoot them as if they were breaking into my own house (per your analogy) not in reference to any government policy. our discussion and pursuing arguments were not about us policy but nice try attempting to deflect attention while simultaneously inferring i am ignorant.

is there any reason those boat people could not have been from haiti?

So now you change your position and thailand is wrong.

1. What happens if Thailand takes the Royhingas back to Burma?

2. Who should pay the bill for care and travel until they are shipped back?

What do I think Thailand should do? Politely refuse them entry when they are 3 miles off shore and enforce that boundary. I think a country has a right to defend a 3 mile limit.

1 they are at square 1 again.the other possibility is they are facing persecution and may be target by violence. there are international agencies that are aware of such situations and may be consulted prior to repatrioting them

2 part of what government do is repatriate/ deport illegal aliens and taxpayers with or without help of international organizations may be involved.

since you mentioned cuba let me comment that in the huge marianas boat people exodus castro purged prisons of violent criminals and forwarded them to the usa for future care. but the policy says(unless they changed it) any cuban sets foot on us soil he/she gets political amnesty.

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Reply to atyclb:

USA is a big country. Thailand's whole economy is not as big as NYC. And you should tell the truth about American policy about Cubans. If they are caught off shore in the water they are sent back to Cuba and the USA does not care if there is a firing squad waiting. So much for the whole story from you. It is called the wet foot dry foot policy. If they get to land they can stay if the Coast Guard catches them at sea they go back and the Coast Guard does try to catch them.

I'm happy you are so free with Thailand's money. If I was the Thai government I would emulate the American policy wet foot dry foot and double or triple the Coast Guard. Since you know how to handle it, If I was Thai I would tell you to put your money where your mouth is. Or don't you have the strength of your convictions? Shame on you for not helping the Royhingas.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Reply to atyclb:

USA is a big country. Thailand's whole economy is not as big as NYC. And you should tell the truth about American policy about Cubans. If they are caught off shore in the water they are sent back to Cuba and the USA does not care if there is a firing squad waiting. So much for the whole story from you. It is called the wet foot dry foot policy. If they get to land they can stay if the Coast Guard catches them at sea they go back and the Coast Guard does try to catch them.

I'm happy you are so free with Thailand's money. If I was the Thai government I would emulate the American policy wet foot dry foot and double or triple the Coast Guard. Since you know how to handle it, If I was Thai I would tell you to put your money where your mouth is. Or don't you have the strength of your convictions? Shame on you for not helping the Royhingas.

my quote "but the policy says(unless they changed it) any cuban sets foot on us soil he/she gets political amnesty." your response "And you should tell the truth about American policy about Cubans." i have zero intent to intentionally omit the converse (which is self explanatory) of not stepping foot on US soil. (capitalized US just for u)

Then you tell me I am "so free with thailands money" and then astonishingly you state "If I was the Thai government I would emulate the American policy wet foot dry foot and double or triple the Coast Guard." which obviously means spending money to the tune of double or triple current coast guard expenditures for border enforcement. You would double or triple expenditures.

I am neither a thai permanent resident, citizen or taxpayer so why in the world would i have the right to tell thailand how to handle it or use personal funds to do it. Just as a footnote i have donated to amnesty and greenpeace and have participated in personally funded humanitarian work as part of a mission in the developing world.

You might want to review things you write aka treat them as a draft so you can have a chance to submit it in final form in a way that it doesn't seem in-congruent, disjointed, self contradictory or illogical.

At least you now believe thailand was not right in towing the boat people to sea to be on their own devices and hopefully you no longer agree that shooting them is correct either.

Given your degree of eloquent expression and composition there's propably many a pattaya barstool where you could present your arguments.

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I wanna be a sofa, but cant!! have too many metal bits!!

Don't be a quitter, you can realize your dreams, just put those bits to use and be a La-z-boy!!!!!

I,m trying!! got the Lazee bit goin but a 71 year old boycheesy.gif

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Atycib, Long on the brag light on the fact.

You wrote 50% of the USA Cuban sneaking into the US policy. The USA tries to prevent Cubans from entering America. However if they make it through the gauntlet of law enforcement upholding American borders and due to the fact that a large percent of the population of Florida are legal Cubans who vote in American elections once on dry land they are allowed to stay, subject to immigration screening. It is not obvious when considering the wet foot/dry foot policy that only the dry foot part of the policy be explained. You explained the dry foot part and left people not aware of American policy that wet feet are not allowed.

I don't think Thailand should let Royhingas in. I live in Thailand and pay taxes in Thailand.

You have tried to misdirect the topic we were posting about so I'll re post it.

I wrote, "A country has the right to secure it's borders. Do the Royhingas have a right to migrate to Scotland?"

You wrote, "Yes a country has the right to secure its borders. As a so called democracy and member of UN there exists a concept known as "humane treatment" and deportation. Governments actually use some taxpayer money to provide some water and even food, temporary quarters prior to deportation. Towing overloaded boats that likely have little food or water out sea where it is a distinct possibility some/many/all could/will die seems to suggest the navy served as judge, jury and executioner.

If you are american and not american indian or eskimo then your lineage came from another country."

I'm all ears what do you think Thailand should do with the Royhingas?

As far as I know the Royhingas are Muslims who flew the Pakistani flag during their uprising in Burma. Maybe Pakistan wants them. They have nothing in common with the majority of Thais unlike the Cubans from Cuba who are all related to the Cubans in America.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Atycib, Long on the brag light on the fact.

You wrote 50% of the USA Cuban sneaking into the US policy. The USA tries to prevent Cubans from entering America. However if they make it through the gauntlet of law enforcement upholding American borders and due to the fact that a large percent of the population of Florida are legal Cubans who vote in American elections once on dry land they are allowed to stay, subject to immigration screening. It is not obvious when considering the wet foot/dry foot policy that only the dry foot part of the policy be explained. You explained the dry foot part and left people not aware of American policy that wet feet are not allowed.

I don't think Thailand should let Royhingas in. I live in Thailand and pay taxes in Thailand.

You have tried to misdirect the topic we were posting about so I'll re post it.

I wrote, "A country has the right to secure it's borders. Do the Royhingas have a right to migrate to Scotland?"

You wrote, "Yes a country has the right to secure its borders. As a so called democracy and member of UN there exists a concept known as "humane treatment" and deportation. Governments actually use some taxpayer money to provide some water and even food, temporary quarters prior to deportation. Towing overloaded boats that likely have little food or water out sea where it is a distinct possibility some/many/all could/will die seems to suggest the navy served as judge, jury and executioner.

If you are american and not american indian or eskimo then your lineage came from another country."

I'm all ears what do you think Thailand should do with the Royhingas?

As far as I know the Royhingas are Muslims who flew the Pakistani flag during their uprising in Burma. Maybe Pakistan wants them. They have nothing in common with the majority of Thais unlike the Cubans from Cuba who are all related to the Cubans in America.

My profound apologies for not explaining the other component of the cuban refugee policy. US coast guard / navy may tow them back to cuba but they have been known to render humanitarian aid in the process eg; food and water and perhaps medical attention. i am unaware of the us towing them out to sea simply to drift with whatever food/water they may have left. i am unaware of the us shooting them.

Fair enough, you made your point.

The topic was related to double pricing shame and morals then got expanded / expounded upon to include refugee immigrants that enter illegally = rohingya into thailand at which point you asked if they have the right to migrate to scotland.

Political expression via a pakistani flag is not so terrible. many parts of miami look and feel and sound like cuba including cuban flags. many other ethnicities in the us setup their neighborhoods in a language other than english and have been known to display flags of national origin.

thailand needs to decide on their own what to do with illegal immigrants. there are ngo organizations that can consult in addition to the un. guess some options include allowing them to work in positions that are unfilled by thai's. thailand seems to use a lot of other immigrant labor albeit it not infrequently under subhuman conditions. my main point was i dont believe it is right to mistreat these people as in shooting them or towing to sea (hostile environment where they may die)

Analysis of and critique of your argument should not be confused with bragging.

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Atycib, Long on the brag light on the fact.

You wrote 50% of the USA Cuban sneaking into the US policy. The USA tries to prevent Cubans from entering America. However if they make it through the gauntlet of law enforcement upholding American borders and due to the fact that a large percent of the population of Florida are legal Cubans who vote in American elections once on dry land they are allowed to stay, subject to immigration screening. It is not obvious when considering the wet foot/dry foot policy that only the dry foot part of the policy be explained. You explained the dry foot part and left people not aware of American policy that wet feet are not allowed.

I don't think Thailand should let Royhingas in. I live in Thailand and pay taxes in Thailand.

You have tried to misdirect the topic we were posting about so I'll re post it.

I wrote, "A country has the right to secure it's borders. Do the Royhingas have a right to migrate to Scotland?"

You wrote, "Yes a country has the right to secure its borders. As a so called democracy and member of UN there exists a concept known as "humane treatment" and deportation. Governments actually use some taxpayer money to provide some water and even food, temporary quarters prior to deportation. Towing overloaded boats that likely have little food or water out sea where it is a distinct possibility some/many/all could/will die seems to suggest the navy served as judge, jury and executioner.

If you are american and not american indian or eskimo then your lineage came from another country."

I'm all ears what do you think Thailand should do with the Royhingas?

As far as I know the Royhingas are Muslims who flew the Pakistani flag during their uprising in Burma. Maybe Pakistan wants them. They have nothing in common with the majority of Thais unlike the Cubans from Cuba who are all related to the Cubans in America.

My profound apologies for not explaining the other component of the cuban refugee policy. US coast guard / navy may tow them back to cuba but they have been known to render humanitarian aid in the process eg; food and water and perhaps medical attention. i am unaware of the us towing them out to sea simply to drift with whatever food/water they may have left. i am unaware of the us shooting them.

Fair enough, you made your point.

The topic was related to double pricing shame and morals then got expanded / expounded upon to include refugee immigrants that enter illegally = rohingya into thailand at which point you asked if they have the right to migrate to scotland.

Political expression via a pakistani flag is not so terrible. many parts of miami look and feel and sound like cuba including cuban flags. many other ethnicities in the us setup their neighborhoods in a language other than english and have been known to display flags of national origin.

thailand needs to decide on their own what to do with illegal immigrants. there are ngo organizations that can consult in addition to the un. guess some options include allowing them to work in positions that are unfilled by thai's. thailand seems to use a lot of other immigrant labor albeit it not infrequently under subhuman conditions. my main point was i dont believe it is right to mistreat these people as in shooting them or towing to sea (hostile environment where they may die)

Analysis of and critique of your argument should not be confused with bragging.

Nobody knows for sure. Neither the Coast Guard nor the State Department nor human rights groups keep statistics on Cuban fatalities at sea. During the balsero crisis of 1994, there were estimates that anywhere from 25 percent to 75 percent of all those who attempt to migrate were dying at sea. As human smugglers have begun using more sophisticated boats in recent years, fatalities at sea may have begun to decrease, but no one really knows.

I think the whole illegal immigration issue is a black kettle of fish for any country. You can find fault with any country who has to deal with it. In the two countries we have been discussing I think the majority of the shame should be shouldered by Cuba and Burma and not Thailand and the USA.

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