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Phuket Opinion: Teaching that it’s not rude, it’s just culture

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I was expecting a boring article, but this was actually good one.

Many could say "I knew the cultural differences before", but how many actually trim their business culture to the extend of dressing mannequins with culturally suitable t-shirts?


Very interesting read. Conversely, I learned something about Thai culture too. Often I feel overwhelmed at shops by what I perceive as overzealous staff pushing a sale. Now I realize Thais expect that kind of service when they shop; they wish to feel served.

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Basic international marketing I teach in my classes, but Khun Madunan has learned like I did-lots of personal experiences. Very insightful article that proves the value of paying attention to cultural differences and applying that knowledge to best advantage. To bad so many companies do not understand.


This is one of the best articles I've read on Thai Visa. Well written and very explanatory. Similar to aTomsLife, I learned why the Thai sales people seem to hover around you, which would never go over in the US, and would drive customers away. I assumed that it was cultural, but didn't know why...now I do. Pretty much any and all businesses in Thailand catering to foreigners would do would do well to study Khun Madunan's model. In fact, he should be a guest lecturer in the business courses at Thai universities.


Hang on a minute......have they checked that is guy is really Thai ?

He deserves phenomenal success.

Edit Was going to say that he should be recruited to give lectures in tourist areas to business owners, but probably not a good idea most think they know it all anyway.

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good article i agree , but making your staff dress differently for arabs/muslims ??? ,............how far have the rest of the universe got to go to please these people ? dress to please them in their countries and in our own , but are they willing to dress western style to in our countries ?,....i would prefer to loose the custom . fair play to this guy though, at least he understands cultural differences .


''Most importantly, we match our service style to our customers.''

I would wish that the various customers that you have would extend the same courtesy to people visiting their own countries...

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In a previous article on TVF, somebody was asking "Why Thai shop owners are rude to their customers"

My answer was "Because they are Thais".

And I meant it, because I had bad experiences dealing with Thai shop owners and Thai people in General.

After reading the article about Khun Madunan Chehteek, I learned, that I shouldn't rationalise.

I am glad to see that you can find exceptional Thai people that can understand other cultures and people.

Very scarce, but I hope his example will be adopted by many in Thailand.

Let's wait and see.....but I am afraid it will not be in my lifetime!


I don't often read long opening posts, but this one was captivating to read, i want that bloke to open a shop near me, he deserves all the success that comes his way. I wish other stores will learn about Westerners like to browse alone, 1 time in the mall, I had 5 assistants follow me around, and i only wanted to buy a quality frying pan.


I don't often read long opening posts, but this one was captivating to read, i want that bloke to open a shop near me, he deserves all the success that comes his way. I wish other stores will learn about Westerners like to browse alone, 1 time in the mall, I had 5 assistants follow me around, and i only wanted to buy a quality frying pan.

My grandson and granddaughter work at Big C, they also get commissions' for sales they record.. So the hovering is for this reason as well... Salary is low so commissions are important to them! Again a very good read...


Good information/article. The business model is a simple one and basic common sense. I see very little costs to implement this marketing strategy and the gains very substantial. Its refreshing to see this type of thinking in the LOS.


I was expecting a boring article, but this was actually good one.

Many could say "I knew the cultural differences before", but how many actually trim their business culture to the extend of dressing mannequins with culturally suitable t-shirts?

what is on the t-shirts when germans and brits visit the shop???? Singha and Chang LOL


Wouldn't be interested in the job as PM ??

Would it be a promotion or demotion from what he does now do you think?

What an inspiration this man is .... thank you for sharing.


Very interesting read. Conversely, I learned something about Thai culture too. Often I feel overwhelmed at shops by what I perceive as overzealous staff pushing a sale. Now I realize Thais expect that kind of service when they shop; they wish to feel served.

Agree,sure does bug me to have 4 staff follow me around until I move to another isle and then another 4 take up the 'chase'.giggle.gif


A good article and best wishes to him.

He deserves to reap the rewards of his hard work and new approach to customer service.

This is the attitude those in charge of Phuket's administration should display, rather than just thinking about lining their own pockets, year after year.


""European and American tourists like to shop alone. They dont feel comfortable if staff follow them around the shop. They will ask a staff member if they need help with something."

The thais are nowhere near as bad as the filipinos. Its not unusual to have 3 Staff following you around and they often keep showing you things, whether you are interested or not. My GF tells them I don't like it and to please go away.

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