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PDRC to shut down Bangkok by end of next week

Lite Beer

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Pretty poor show by the BBC to drag out this clueless twit; completely out of his depth. Is this the best the opposition can muster?

for a kid he did much much better than PM in her interview. Anyway I guess BBC did not ask for a spokesman but just wanted an average protester. Now a debate with him against Yingluk would really show the beloved PM up even with her great masters from a USA university. IMO for a kid he made a few quite good comments such as all were armed with is this a whistle.

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fab4 post # 475

Cartalucci Alert!

In contrast to the regime's exploitative behavior, the anti-regime protesters have demanded now on multiple occasions a full investigation into the violence of December 26, including into the death of Police Sergeant Major Narong Pitisit.

Well at least Cartalucci is more open minded and far better balanced than a certain German press commentator by actually stating that the P.R.DC. want a full investigation into the tragic death of the policeman unlike the Red Shirts who despise and abhor the truth.

Who is the german press commentator you are comparing with cartalucci. I assume that this "german press commentator" has denied that the PRDC want a full investigation of the tragic death of a policeman otherwise your comment doesn't make any sense and is in fact a lie?

Or is that why you will not name this individual as you know you are skating on thin ice wrt defamation?

Not quite sure where the red shirts come into it, can you explain?

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fab4 post # 475

Cartalucci Alert!

In contrast to the regime's exploitative behavior, the anti-regime protesters have demanded now on multiple occasions a full investigation into the violence of December 26, including into the death of Police Sergeant Major Narong Pitisit.

Well at least Cartalucci is more open minded and far better balanced than a certain German press commentator by actually stating that the P.R.DC. want a full investigation into the tragic death of the policeman unlike the Red Shirts who despise and abhor the truth.

For your statement to make any sense whatsoever said "certain german press commentator would have had to deny that "the P.R.D.C. want a full investigation into the tragic death of the policeman". Is this the case? Or does the fact that you will not name this certain "german press commentator" show that your comment is a lie and you are on thin ice wrt defamation?

And where do the Red Shirts come into it - answer they do not.

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Planned mass rallies to shut down Bangkok by anti-govt movement will infringe the rights of motorists,skytrain, subway commuters, caretaker Transport Minister said /The Nation

Whilst there might be a grain of truth in the above statement one must ask the following questions

Hasn't the last administration infringed on peoples rights with their corruption , cronyism , nepotism and the lauding of a convicted bail jumping felon., the restoration of said felons passport and the total submission of a complete political party and a cabinet from Prime Minister down to the rule of the puppet master felon along with the attempted tampering of the current constitution to favour said felon and his cronies?

Methinks that the caretaker Transport Minister would be well advised to look in his own party's past actions before condemning others actions.

By the way has Chalerm still got his head, or is it yet another fine example of yet more political broken promises along with the failure yet again of a populist policy?whistling.gif

and has any

Pot and Kettle come to mind. How about they push for truth in the case of Suphoth Sublom to? Who was transport minister under their Goverment. You know the one with 100's of millions in cash locked away.

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Planned mass rallies to shut down Bangkok by anti-govt movement will infringe the rights of motorists,skytrain, subway commuters, caretaker Transport Minister said /The Nation

Whilst there might be a grain of truth in the above statement one must ask the following questions

Hasn't the last administration infringed on peoples rights with their corruption , cronyism , nepotism and the lauding of a convicted bail jumping felon., the restoration of said felons passport and the total submission of a complete political party and a cabinet from Prime Minister down to the rule of the puppet master felon along with the attempted tampering of the current constitution to favour said felon and his cronies?

Methinks that the caretaker Transport Minister would be well advised to look in his own party's past actions before condemning others actions.

By the way has Chalerm still got his head, or is it yet another fine example of yet more political broken promises along with the failure yet again of a populist policy?whistling.gif

and has any

Pot and Kettle come to mind. How about they push for truth in the case of Suphoth Sublom to? Who was transport minister under their Goverment. You know the one with 100's of millions in cash locked away.

Yes, but, but, he was innocent, he didn't know where the money came from or who put it there.

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fab4 post # 483

For your statement to make any sense whatsoever said "certain german press commentator would have had to deny that "the P.R.D.C. want a full investigation into the tragic death of the policeman". Is this the case? Or does the fact that you will not name this certain "german press commentator" show that your comment is a lie and you are on thin ice wrt defamation?

And where do the Red Shirts come into it - answer they do not.

You really are delusional aren't you fab4 even it would seem a legal expertwai2.gif ''Thin ice with defamation.'' cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You ever look at your comments or perhaps we should say ''the scripts you are instructed to post?''

Now if you do not have the mental ability to actually know the German journalist that indeed proves yet again to all that your mind is indeed channeled into blind alley regarding the true facts of your hero Thaksin and his ilk..

When and where the fabrication and the distortion of truth is involved you fab4 are the undisputed master of those arts.

Thou be a dissembling tickle-brained malignancy!


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Pretty poor show by the BBC to drag out this clueless twit; completely out of his depth. Is this the best the opposition can muster?

Very probably.

When I worked in Thailand I used to be constantly flabbergasted by how ignorant even supposedly educated people were. There were whole classes of university students incapable of naming eight capital cities, or five major world rivers. There was a class of middle-management bank employees, not ONE of whom had ever heard of Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge. And these weren't kids - what had happened across the border had occurred within their lifetimes. But of course, 'mai roo' is a national cliche.

This blanket and almost willful ignorance, even among the middle classes, is naturally hugely problematic when you're trying to have intelligent political discourse because there's no context in which to place ideas, or history to judge them against. The result is the moronic theatre of the absurd that passes for political discourse in Thailand.

Great post it really is a huge problem in Thailand just the complete lack of intelligent conversation that goes on between people in regards to politics. Education is the key but unfortunately the higher ups don't want the working or indeed middle class to start thinking that they should questions things from an early age. Imagine Thai students in a Thai history class discussing the rights and wrongs of certain events or decisions made by important Thai people instead of the usual horse manure of Thailand defeated Burma and were never conquered and we have never been influenced by any other culture in the world. You look at someone like Abhisit and you realize that there has to be a reason why he doesn't use the amazing education he has received during his life to better use, a man of that intelligence has to be making a concious decision of keeping the status quo.

Politics is "the art of the possible". No matter how intelligent or well educated one man is (in the case Abhisit), even if he is the nominal leader, there are limits to what can be done and how quickly anything useful can be achieved. Actually he did achieve some important things while in government, but they have been since torn down and overshadowed by the Ragnarok that is now descending on Thailand. Abhisit is really just an observer in what is happening at the moment, because what is being played out is no happening in the formal political arena. Accusing Abhisit of "acting to maintain the status quo" ignores the political reality of Thailand in which all politicians gifted and moronic alike must operate.

(edited spelling)

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No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat.

I am curious why so many people feel that those who support Thakisn represent a cult? Thaksin, at the very least, threw a few crumbs towards the rural poor populace to garner their votes. Some of those crumbs were indeed counter-productive to the macro-economic picture. Some, such as providing some rural school children with bicycles so that they would not have to walk in the mud to school, were rather trivial. But at least he acknowldeged the rual populace and their needs as he exploited political power for personal gain. There is nothing to prevent the "old guard" from doing the same thing, throwing a few crumbs to the rural population. But to call the "Reds" a cult forces one to also call the "Yellows" a cult which could possibly bring us into conflict with Thai law, not to mention some of the more stringently followed posting rules here on ThaiVisa.

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No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat.

I am curious why so many people feel that those who support Thakisn represent a cult? Thaksin, at the very least, threw a few crumbs towards the rural poor populace to garner their votes. Some of those crumbs were indeed counter-productive to the macro-economic picture. Some, such as providing some rural school children with bicycles so that they would not have to walk in the mud to school, were rather trivial. But at least he acknowldeged the rual populace and their needs as he exploited political power for personal gain. There is nothing to prevent the "old guard" from doing the same thing, throwing a few crumbs to the rural population. But to call the "Reds" a cult forces one to also call the "Yellows" a cult which could possibly bring us into conflict with Thai law, not to mention some of the more stringently followed posting rules here on ThaiVisa.

This is the problem with understanding this movement. It is to call accountability for all government official. It's not directed at any political parties. Only the PTP is trying to divide the country instead of uniting it by expressing majority. And YS is calling for unity? I wonder did anyone explain to her what unity is? It is not ignoring the rest of Thailand and only listening to the majority. It's not running around in the North and only caring for the north and northeast, while ignoring the rest of Thailand there by creating animosity. It's not trying to clear a criminal of his charges.

Unity is what you see at Ratchadamneon and at rallies around Bangkok and in other provinces(i.e. Chiang Mai).

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You're not supposed to have 'unity' in a democracy. The whole point of a multiparty democracy is to give people the means to express opposing views without having to resort to arms. That both Yingluk and her opponents emphasize 'unity' is living proof of how hazy is Thailand's understanding of how democracy is supposed to work. No, what underpins democracy is adherence to the rule of law. And when that is missing, what's left is the comic puppet show that's Thai politics.

No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat.

I am curious why so many people feel that those who support Thakisn represent a cult? Thaksin, at the very least, threw a few crumbs towards the rural poor populace to garner their votes. Some of those crumbs were indeed counter-productive to the macro-economic picture. Some, such as providing some rural school children with bicycles so that they would not have to walk in the mud to school, were rather trivial. But at least he acknowldeged the rual populace and their needs as he exploited political power for personal gain. There is nothing to prevent the "old guard" from doing the same thing, throwing a few crumbs to the rural population. But to call the "Reds" a cult forces one to also call the "Yellows" a cult which could possibly bring us into conflict with Thai law, not to mention some of the more stringently followed posting rules here on ThaiVisa.

This is the problem with understanding this movement. It is to call accountability for all government official. It's not directed at any political parties. Only the PTP is trying to divide the country instead of uniting it by expressing majority. And YS is calling for unity? I wonder did anyone explain to her what unity is? It is not ignoring the rest of Thailand and only listening to the majority. It's not running around in the North and only caring for the north and northeast, while ignoring the rest of Thailand there by creating animosity. It's not trying to clear a criminal of his charges.

Unity is what you see at Ratchadamneon and at rallies around Bangkok and in other provinces(i.e. Chiang Mai).

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I agree the UK and others have a better system but political manifestos in themselves contain populist policies with the aim of being voted into power. The taxpayer foots the bill no matter what happens. Generally speaking taxes go up under Labour...personally I view that is a form of bribing the poorest in society for their votes and loyalty to the party as they tend to be the beneficiaries of that extra money. So, whoever wants power in Thailand has to win the vote of the poor as Thailand has a relatively poor population....or use the might of the military to seize it, but that risks civil war. I believe Suthep doesn't relish winning the support of poor rural people as it may be a lost cause, so he resorts to the rhetoric of a spoilt rabble rouser, using threats and intimidation to bully is way into power. Quite sad, but we may get more political stalemate or something much worse....we can only wait and see for now.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You're not supposed to have 'unity' in a democracy. The whole point of a multiparty democracy is to give people the means to express opposing views without having to resort to arms. That both Yingluk and her opponents emphasize 'unity' is living proof of how hazy is Thailand's understanding of how democracy is supposed to work. No, what underpins democracy is adherence to the rule of law. And when that is missing, what's left is the comic puppet show that's Thai politics.

No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat.

I am curious why so many people feel that those who support Thakisn represent a cult? Thaksin, at the very least, threw a few crumbs towards the rural poor populace to garner their votes. Some of those crumbs were indeed counter-productive to the macro-economic picture. Some, such as providing some rural school children with bicycles so that they would not have to walk in the mud to school, were rather trivial. But at least he acknowldeged the rual populace and their needs as he exploited political power for personal gain. There is nothing to prevent the "old guard" from doing the same thing, throwing a few crumbs to the rural population. But to call the "Reds" a cult forces one to also call the "Yellows" a cult which could possibly bring us into conflict with Thai law, not to mention some of the more stringently followed posting rules here on ThaiVisa.

This is the problem with understanding this movement. It is to call accountability for all government official. It's not directed at any political parties. Only the PTP is trying to divide the country instead of uniting it by expressing majority. And YS is calling for unity? I wonder did anyone explain to her what unity is? It is not ignoring the rest of Thailand and only listening to the majority. It's not running around in the North and only caring for the north and northeast, while ignoring the rest of Thailand there by creating animosity. It's not trying to clear a criminal of his charges.

Unity is what you see at Ratchadamneon and at rallies around Bangkok and in other provinces(i.e. Chiang Mai).

You right opposing views are a great idea. But that has nothing to do with unity. Actually the founding father of US, did not want political party as it will create this sort of social tension divide and self interest group. May I ask how laws are made? Democracy is not an off the shelf product. You have certain principles, and when the laws allows the government to abuse its power, then the law must be amended. I think you are the one that needs to understand unity. It's not a popularity contest. Maybe it is like that where you come from. Thailand don't need that kind of democracy. People in Thailand genuinely care more about people. A nation that pits citizens against citizens is not what democracy is to build. Remember, representative are elected by the majority that believes that the person can do the best for the nation and move the nation forward as one.

That is why when visitor comes here, they can feel the kindness of Thais.

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You might want to look up 'hubris' in a dictionary.

You right opposing views are a great idea. But that has nothing to do with unity. Actually the founding father of US, did not want political party as it will create this sort of social tension divide and self interest group. May I ask how laws are made? Democracy is not an off the shelf product. You have certain principles, and when the laws allows the government to abuse its power, then the law must be amended. I think you are the one that needs to understand unity. It's not a popularity contest. Maybe it is like that where you come from. Thailand don't need that kind of democracy. People in Thailand genuinely care more about people. A nation that pits citizens against citizens is not what democracy is to build. Remember, representative are elected by the majority that believes that the person can do the best for the nation and move the nation forward as one.

That is why when visitor comes here, they can feel the kindness of Thais.

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I know I am stupid, but can someone please explain to me, how spoiling the lives and businesses of the people, who voted for you (Dems has many voters in Bkk) is going to make them support your cause?

Suthep! Your "enemy" is in the north. So take your stupid fight to Khon Kaen, Surin or Buriram.

But I guess you are too much of a chickenshit to do that!!bah.gif

if he's venturing up to lanng khao my bird will take the lot of them on,not sayin she's big but her arse as got its own post code..
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people who will turn out in millions ???

he means 150,000!!

Funny, even you bought into the government misinformation. There were millions there believe me. There will be even more at the next rally. If the government is to lie to its people, even to dismiss the many voices of its citizens, then democracy is lost. A reboot is needed.

Dude ! the only ones claiming millions are dear leader and people like you, not one news media has estimated anything like a million let alone multiple. 150k is conservative but closer to the mark.

Keep it real, all governments lie to the people. You do a reboot every few years here .. nothing ever gets any cleaner. This will be no different either by election or by seizing power.

Democracy isnt lost it is yet to even fully exist here, what the mob is proposing is to destroy yet again what little it has.

Just for the record, look at these two links of a Concert in the UK. you can see the crowds.

The concert was by a band called Prodigy and they SOLD OUT the event, 65,000 people.

so take a good look at a crowd of 65,000 people and apply it to what you have seen in Bangkok.

and I am sure that any logical person would understand that the crowds in Bangkok were no more than a few hundred thousand (at very very best).

its laughable to think it was anywhere near a million!

here are the links so you can see what 65,000 people look like:



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No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat.

I am curious why so many people feel that those who support Thakisn represent a cult? Thaksin, at the very least, threw a few crumbs towards the rural poor populace to garner their votes. Some of those crumbs were indeed counter-productive to the macro-economic picture. Some, such as providing some rural school children with bicycles so that they would not have to walk in the mud to school, were rather trivial. But at least he acknowldeged the rual populace and their needs as he exploited political power for personal gain. There is nothing to prevent the "old guard" from doing the same thing, throwing a few crumbs to the rural population. But to call the "Reds" a cult forces one to also call the "Yellows" a cult which could possibly bring us into conflict with Thai law, not to mention some of the more stringently followed posting rules here on ThaiVisa.

yeah, look at the damage to thailand as a result. The reason Yingluck is rushing through with the election is they are losing popularity in the North due to the Rice Scheme disaster. They bought rice(votes) for 40% above market value. The rice can't be sold and the farmers are not getting paid this year.

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He may not have to shut down the city for in the coming few days we have :

On the 7 January the NACC will likely press charges against 381 lawmakers, 312 of whom are PT caretaker PM's regarding the charter amendment on the senates composition.

This is very likely as they have already charged former house speaker Somsak Kaitsuranondand senator Nikom Wairatpanij and will summons them on the 10th January to acknowledge these charges.

Then on the January 8th the Constitution court will rule on whether section 190 of the charter amendment violates section 68 of the charter.

Given the performance of PT in refusing to accept the previous ruling of the constitution court and the threats and intimidation against the judges it is unlikely they will get any sympathy.

Sure the judges must rule on the law however they do have discretion as to the penalties they can impose.

Should these two rulings go against PT then most of their election candidates disappear in a puff of smoke of their own doing.

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fab4 post # 483

For your statement to make any sense whatsoever said "certain german press commentator would have had to deny that "the P.R.D.C. want a full investigation into the tragic death of the policeman". Is this the case? Or does the fact that you will not name this certain "german press commentator" show that your comment is a lie and you are on thin ice wrt defamation?

And where do the Red Shirts come into it - answer they do not.

You really are delusional aren't you fab4 even it would seem a legal expertwai2.gif ''Thin ice with defamation.'' cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You ever look at your comments or perhaps we should say ''the scripts you are instructed to post?''

Now if you do not have the mental ability to actually know the German journalist that indeed proves yet again to all that your mind is indeed channeled into blind alley regarding the true facts of your hero Thaksin and his ilk..

When and where the fabrication and the distortion of truth is involved you fab4 are the undisputed master of those arts.

Thou be a dissembling tickle-brained malignancy!


So you won't post the name of this German journalist - why is that?

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fab4 post # 475

Cartalucci Alert!

In contrast to the regime's exploitative behavior, the anti-regime protesters have demanded now on multiple occasions a full investigation into the violence of December 26, including into the death of Police Sergeant Major Narong Pitisit.

Well at least Cartalucci is more open minded and far better balanced than a certain German press commentator by actually stating that the P.R.DC. want a full investigation into the tragic death of the policeman unlike the Red Shirts who despise and abhor the truth.

Cartalucci - open minded and far better balanced? OK, How about this for a balanced open minded view of the 92 (sic - according to cartalucci) deaths in 2010

Of the 92 that died, many were red shirts who perished from smoke inhalation while looting buildings fellow protesters lit ablaze.


How can you take this idiot seriously?

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What is this thread about? PDRC trying to shut down Bangkok by the end of week or personal jealousy outbursts and ranting against a guy called Tony Cartalucci? Will someone be so kind to explain to a clearly deluded poster what is the topic of this thread. Thank you.

And anyone who wishes to be informed about the events in 2010 should refer to http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/thailand0511webwcover_0.pdf



Descent into chaos - it's worth reading through it.

Bangkok will be shut down if that is what Bangkokians want. So far it appears that Bangkokians do not mind this protesters interrupting their daily lives. Most of them are supporting it. But, you never know. wink.png

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