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CNN, BBC all English news really love Thaksin and hate Abhisit


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Thaksin is a Hitler. He hasn't killed millions yet because it is 2013 and a lot harder to kill millions (of course his buddy Hun Sen of the Khmer Rouge would disagree). He has shown a complete disregard for human life over and over again. Go back and look at what Thaksin created in the South, the drug killings and look at the sniper executions he ordered in the 2010 protests. he is a criminal on the run from the law running a puppet government... and apparently that is all fine with you enlightened farang because he got 48% of the vote and formed a government. Awesome! To answer your question: no the opposition is nowhere near as corrupt or amoral as old square face. The red shirts need to get rid of Squareface and all of his kin and maybe then the rest of the country can take them and their problems seriously.

I am sympathetic to the poor farmers and inequality but as long as their leader is a psychopathic criminal there will be no real reforms or meaningful long lasting changes.

Oh my god.

It is not only some thais that have lost it.

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How was Mark supposed to take back Bangkok in 2010 against armed militants without anyone getting hurt?

I recall the only option the red shirts gave was for him and his cronies to step down AND be run out of town on a rail.

Sounds familiar eh?

Edited by NanLaew
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Your rose colored glasses disrupt your view of the international press, that simply favor the Democratic process and mostly back those that were democratically elected in the countries in question! That most guarantee their right to report on events as they witness them (the right to freedom of the Press).

One tends to have a personal bias for those news sources that only conform to their beliefs, as I believe that what the OP's does.


Edited by kikoman
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Like it or not, the Thai people voted for the current shower.

Hitler was democratically elected and immensely popular. Is getting 51% of the vote really a blank slate for corruption?

I'll ignore your invocation of Godwin's law; but will remind you:

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Sir Winston Churchill, Hansard, November 11, 1947

I'll also say that as someone who is following the crisis via the BBC that on the whole I have found their reporting to be fair and balanced.

I can only assume that you consider it otherwise because they haven't supported the same side as you.

Haven't seen any CNN coverage, so cannot comment on that.

yes, democracy is the best principle, maybe it just needs to be modernized a bit.

when democracies were "invented", nobody did seriously think that leftist governments would start giving out money for free, at least not in recent proportions.

today, too many politicians offer free money in exchange for votes, letting others pay the bills.

- do you want more pension?

- do you want more healthcare?

- do you want more unemployment benefits?

- do you want more paid holidays?

- do you want more welfare?


I would like to see voting rights tied to taxation, i.e. explained in a simplistic way: people who are net contributors to the country's budget are allowed to vote.

Edited by manarak
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