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Buying houses in Thailand,bahahahaaaaaa. Still happening,omg.

You need to, to house children if you have them.

Otherwise if you're just a (long term) tourist then I agree, only rent.

This wasn't a house in any case.

Please give me one reason anyone has to buy a house.

When it came to houses I built one for the kids. Not expensive. In fact not much more than my friends in the UK pay in mortgage interest in 18 months. This was years ago mind, don't know how much it would cost now, probably a lot.

So, no don't buy a house.

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So thaksin managed to divide the country into his political strongholds by magic and there was no separation before?

Thailand isn't a case of all roads lead to bangkok with a hugely centralised government where all cash goes to bangkok to be redistributed. It's a nice idea to talk about one Thailand but to deny that there hasn't been regional separation going on for a long time you are very naive.

The reds might turn on thaksin eventually but one thing is pretty sure. They won't ever for democrat. There is a huge nationwide political schism.

No he did not divide the nation into political strongholds by magic - he did it by redirecting the national budget to people who supported him - carrot and stick.

He also camped on the Red Shirt movement and has actively dodged allowing the Red Shirts to take any significant part in the PTP (the party they brought to power).

Amnesty - that painful nation splitting term.

Here's a thing, an Amnesty for all people who have spent time in prison convicted of crimes during the period from the first Yellow Shirt protests, throughout to the present day, would gain support from all sides of the political schism.

Simply drop the insistence to include one fugitive convict from the amnesty - no need to try and force amnesty laws through at 4:20am and no need to leave people rotting in prison, pawns in the game to get one single crook off the hook.

You are right, the Reds might turn against Thaksin - I have never said the Democrats are the answer to this nation's troubles, ordinary Thais need to wake up to the truth that they are being screwed over by both sides AND being kept away from the share of political power they deserve.

Thaksin has played on genuine and reasonable discontent to foster division for his own ends.

Tell me a time in history when fostering division has ever helped a nation to a peaceful resolution of political conflicts?


Its the same thing in all countries, it will be more extreme, the further out in the sticks you go. And less so in the big cities


SIL sold something.. A big something that was there for some one some when. Then spent it.


Sorry to hear that mate. Hope it hasn't ruined things with your wife/gf.

Best of luck whatever you do.


I don't know where this idea that Rural Thailand and Urban Thailand are two different countries comes from.

Watched any news in the past couple of weeks?

Never heard about the color divide?

North vs. south/central?

Ever been out of your neighborhood?

This is not one country.

To the topic starter, mine ist A, B, C

I believe the difference between North and South Thais is built around the fact the City dweller has been influenced by western thinking, habits, beliefs, whereas the non-cxity dweller is basically still Thais.


You need to know that not all Westerners actually think like you do.

You also need to know that many of us do not fit into boxes and that you are making a pretty wild assumption.

You need to know that some westerners find no conflict, or problem with the way people in Thailand think.

I personally feel more comfortable here, in the sticks, because Thai people think more the way I do or visa versa, in fact

I have always felt more comfortable in Asia than the "West" where I come from.

I know many "farangs" just like me. Some of us have even a more "universal" mind set, that finds the

common ground wherever we travel.

You can take these dogs anywhere.

The African prolly mistook your house for his.

Creepy that he was admiring or staring at you when you woke up.

House living beats shitty box apartments for me.

Trust me it's no shitty box apartment.


SIL sold something.. A big something that was there for some one some when. Then spent it.


Sorry to hear that mate. Hope it hasn't ruined things with your wife/gf.

Best of luck whatever you do.

Been split for five years now.

It's a problem for many is this.

How to secure a future for children here if something happens to you and how to take care of them when you simply cannot be there (most of us have to work).

That asset was kept as an insurance policy if I died prematurely and as a nest egg for when they were older.

In the meantime, as many others will have experienced, trying to be your own child support agency from a far away land requires the trust and cooperation of people here. This too can be troublesome as I'm sure others will testify.

PS: Just to take GuestHouse up on his unwarranted comments. I do get sick of the ignorant, sanctimonious and condescending 'everythings black and white' stereotyping by other posters here who simply assume they know everything about everything. It's so arrogant and says a lot about them to be honest.

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i stayed 5 years in bangkok and 5 years in a little village in issan zone where i build a little resort, supermarket and restaurant....and after learning the thai language and helping and knowing fast everybody from my village i have at the end the same meanings as the person who made that post.

i speak 6 foreign languages,so i lived in all those foreign countries before and i can say today that western or europeen are too diferent from thai or asian in general.

we can't eat what they eat everyday.at least not in my village, i tell you

exemple: we make food around a big family table, them they eat everybody in a diferent corner, when they full up ...they go!

we dont drink as they drink and what they drink. they are usualy dead pissed on the floor after a few hours.

we dont think the same way at all.

we have knowledges and they are primitive in many ways.

they use our technology but they do with it the fuc_k they want only

if thai ask us a favor we give it for free, if we ask them a favor ...we have to pay or give a tip.

i work with my wife without dayoff, but the rest of the village do nothing all day long.

and to finish, the authorities treat us like shit, stupid visa rules, money locked in a bank for 3 mounth, showing up like bandits every 3 mounths, we cant have nothing on our name, well u know the story.

so i said to my wife who agree 100% with me.....what the hell are we doing here?what the point?

thats a lot of good reason to sell all my wife's properties that i paid anyway like everybody and 100% i go back to the civilization....!

the laws should change a lot to make me change my mind

the concept amazing thailand is not amazing at all and the land of smile is absolutly not like in a travel agency book when you leave there all year long.

thats the truth

good day and good night


After living in Rural-Thailand for 2 years, UNFORTUNATELY I must agree with the above.

I should have stayed with my previous pattern of visiting Thailand 3 times a year as a tourist. But now, after 2 years in Rural-Thailand: All the magic has gone. Reality reigns. I find reality in Rural-Thailand unpleasant to say the least.


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On topic.

Village life does seem so very different to life in the larger towns and cities. A lot less stressful IF you can take the slower pace of life and do without many of the things we would take for granted like food, regular water and electricity supplies, decent internet and a host of other things. A much slower way of life. Very cheap too.

I really enjoyed it, I have to admit. Yet, I left because underneath was lurking the ever present nest of snakes, hissing their venom, stirring things, eventually making life uncomfortable. Then come the demands, the change of attitude as your ladies friends begin to become the dominant voices, persuading her to want more and more from you. To expect to have the best of everything instead of being happy living a good and comfortable lifestyle with less financial stress on her.

In my case, I refused to give in to this insidious way. I stole away in the middle of the night.

I would live that life again for sure but with the ability, as ever, to escape and not plant any deep roots in the village until I was sure the woman in question was genuinely happy to accept that it is us and her (very close) family that counts and be content with what we have and not what others would say how it should be. But it takes a strong woman to stand up to the vipers nest that seems all too prevailent in many cases.

" The nest of snakes" as quoted above.

How many Farangs and their Thai-Wifes could lead a peaceful life in Thailand if it wasn't for "The Nest of Snakes". = The Thai-Family.

Even with the best of intentions, the Thai-Wife can not extricate herself from the powerful influence of "the family", especially father and mother unless risking loss of face, social standing and everything in between.

At this point, Farangs usually make the discovery, that "Family" is more important than marriage with Farang in the long run.

Final disaster can be prolonged as long as Farang is willing to make heavy use of his ATM Card.



Do we need any more proof that ignorance is not an attribute Thais, rural or otherwise, have a monopoly on than simply to read many of the responses in this thread.

Much is said about ignorant or ill educated Thais, the evidence for which is the stories told by people who believe Thais to be ignorant and ill educated.

For evidence of ill educated and ignorant foreigners we need not rely on what others tell us, we need simply read what ignorant and ill educated foreigners are posting in this thread. It's not second hand, it comes straight out of their own heads.

What an unpleasant post!bah.gif

Another farang with a selfinflated opinion about his own importance and intelligence!

If you find your fellow posters here so stupid, how come you have been around for almost 10 years and have 8200+ posts? To get your daily fix of superiority?

Don't MENSA have a forum? Or do you not qualify?

  • Like 2

Do we need any more proof that ignorance is not an attribute Thais, rural or otherwise, have a monopoly on than simply to read many of the responses in this thread.

Much is said about ignorant or ill educated Thais, the evidence for which is the stories told by people who believe Thais to be ignorant and ill educated.

For evidence of ill educated and ignorant foreigners we need not rely on what others tell us, we need simply read what ignorant and ill educated foreigners are posting in this thread. It's not second hand, it comes straight out of their own heads.

What an unpleasant post!bah.gif

Another farang with a selfinflated opinion about his own importance and intelligence!

If you find your fellow posters here so stupid, how come you have been around for almost 10 years and have 8200+ posts? To get your daily fix of superiority?

Don't MENSA have a forum? Or do you not qualify?

On the contrary, I have no problems with people who may appear self-indulgent.

In fact after reading and comprehending his posts, Guesthouse seems solid, strong and observiant to me.


Do we need any more proof that ignorance is not an attribute Thais, rural or otherwise, have a monopoly on than simply to read many of the responses in this thread.

Much is said about ignorant or ill educated Thais, the evidence for which is the stories told by people who believe Thais to be ignorant and ill educated.

For evidence of ill educated and ignorant foreigners we need not rely on what others tell us, we need simply read what ignorant and ill educated foreigners are posting in this thread. It's not second hand, it comes straight out of their own heads.

What an unpleasant post!bah.gif

Another farang with a selfinflated opinion about his own importance and intelligence!

If you find your fellow posters here so stupid, how come you have been around for almost 10 years and have 8200+ posts? To get your daily fix of superiority?

Don't MENSA have a forum? Or do you not qualify?

On the contrary, I have no problems with people who may appear self-indulgent.

In fact after reading and comprehending his posts, Guesthouse seems solid, strong and observiant to me.

No he isn't. He likes talking down to others to massage his ego.

I've taken a real dislike to the guy having read his posts recently.

EDIT: Actually who cares, it's just some faceless bloke on the internet. Why am I even bothered and writing this stuff?


EDIT: Actually who cares, it's just some faceless bloke on the internet. Why am I even bothered and writing this stuff?

Because you care, MJP. And you are not afraid to share this.


Excellent thread so far, I rarely read past page 1, but here I read the whole thing. Ran out of likes, otherwise I'd share the love...

My own 2 bahts worth : personally here because of ABC reasons and more. Loved the place, learned a lot from the people both from the sticks or from the city (more chinese culture influenced than westernized btw, though the icing on the cake looks western), learned a lot from their ways to deal with things.

Living here sure is a culture shock, and rightfully so : who would cross half the planet to find the same thing than back home ? That culture shock has rocked my beliefs, my thoughts, my behaviors, my self. Altogether, after that great shake-up, I feel I am a better man now than I was when I set foot here for the first time 12 yrs ago. Kudos to this place for giving anyone another chance at life, with big smiles on top of it !

Take that chance if you need it, ignore it if you don't. Please, just don't spit in the soup if it's not to your taste !


After 12 yrs, I'm still challenged with the culture shock, though I work with thais only, speak thai with them, and globally understand their ways. My experience with them is that though we have every aspiration of life in common, like mentioned by some poster above (secure food, shelter, heal kids when sick, try to have fun when we can...), the ways we try to fulfill these objective are quite different (culture), and thus it's very hard to find common affinities.

My attitude as of now is to limit interactions to the minimum, as it seems to avoid most misunderstandings.


I now find myself in a spot where I believe it'd be quite beneficial for me to leave the place for some time and try my luck somewhere else, but no can do : I spent my time here building a family, and our 2 adorable kids need a daddy. They also need someone to provide them with tools to grow in this fascinating world. Missus won't do that, though I have to admit she does her best, her tools wouldn't get the kids very far.

I am not separated from the missus though we have reached a dead end. I don't know whether we'll be able to go over that, and am beginning to think that we won't. Now, if we do separate (and I can still see my kids, nothing guaranteed here), how do you secure something for them ?

I really feel for you, MJP, because you *did* what is right, and that has gone bye bye. Here you hit the right questions for any foreigner caring for their kid's future :

Been split for five years now.

It's a problem for many is this.

How to secure a future for children here if something happens to you and how to take care of them when you simply cannot be there (most of us have to work).

That asset was kept as an insurance policy if I died prematurely and as a nest egg for when they were older.

In the meantime, as many others will have experienced, trying to be your own child support agency from a far away land requires the trust and cooperation of people here. This too can be troublesome as I'm sure others will testify.

I unfortunately have no answer to offer, but looking as well...

I won't elaborate much on my situation, let it just be said that MIL has done everything in her power from day 1 to be a <deleted>, and it seems like she's holding the winning hand. In my situation, FIL always great guy : poor lad has to *live* with MIL !

How many Farangs and their Thai-Wifes could lead a peaceful life in Thailand if it wasn't for "The Nest of Snakes". = The Thai-Family.

Even with the best of intentions, the Thai-Wife can not extricate herself from the powerful influence of "the family", especially father and mother unless risking loss of face, social standing and everything in between.

The wording above is excessive, and would most likely be true the other way around in the west : I know personally 2 girls and 1 guy who married arabian/black just to piss-off their parents ! You can imagine the parents attitudes with their in-laws...

Lets put it this way : if your wife asked you to forsake your family *forever* for her, would you do it ? Would you want to have to *choose* between your very own family and a spouse ???


Anyway, this post is not quite flowing the way I expected, my brain must have melted here somehow, probably due to excessive exposure to chili and sun !

Midnight is getting closer, let me just wish you a happy new year 2014, may it be the best of the best !

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I'm an old guy. My wife is 30 years younger than me. Four 18 year old girls in mini skirts tried to pick me up today, while I was with my wife! Sure I know it's all about money. But I don't live in a tourist area or tourist town.

My wife gave them a lecture about how to sit properly and keep their knees together. And not to stare at her husband. Too funny.

We went shopping I told the wife to pick out a new outfit. She couldn't make up her mind between two of them. I bought her both. Then we had dinner, Japanese Salmon and French wine with Camembert cheese and came home because the fireworks are freaking out my dog.

What'd I spend? In dollars? $130

Ya I live here and moved all my assets to Thailand 10 years ago. Don't regret a penny or day of it. I'm getting younger by the minute. Not kidding you. 4 and they were cute, skinny and wearing high heels!

So to all you wannabees stay safe and secure at home Thailand is too wild for ya all, I can see that by reading this thread! Happy New year.


I'm an old guy. My wife is 30 years younger than me. Four 18 year old girls in mini skirts tried to pick me up today, while I was with my wife! Sure I know it's all about money. But I don't live in a tourist area or tourist town.

My wife gave them a lecture about how to sit properly and keep their knees together. And not to stare at her husband. Too funny.

We went shopping I told the wife to pick out a new outfit. She couldn't make up her mind between two of them. I bought her both. Then we had dinner, Japanese Salmon and French wine with Camembert cheese and came home because the fireworks are freaking out my dog.

What'd I spend? In dollars? $130

Ya I live here and moved all my assets to Thailand 10 years ago. Don't regret a penny or day of it. I'm getting younger by the minute. Not kidding you. 4 and they were cute, skinny and wearing high heels!

So to all you wannabees stay safe and secure at home Thailand is too wild for ya all, I can see that by reading this thread! Happy New year.

Good for you, genuinely.

But for those of us running busy professional lives in other countries and at the same time trying to keep the plates spinning over here for the benefit of the little people, it's no joke.


I'm an old guy. My wife is 30 years younger than me. Four 18 year old girls in mini skirts tried to pick me up today, while I was with my wife! Sure I know it's all about money. But I don't live in a tourist area or tourist town.

My wife gave them a lecture about how to sit properly and keep their knees together. And not to stare at her husband. Too funny.

We went shopping I told the wife to pick out a new outfit. She couldn't make up her mind between two of them. I bought her both. Then we had dinner, Japanese Salmon and French wine with Camembert cheese and came home because the fireworks are freaking out my dog.

What'd I spend? In dollars? $130

Ya I live here and moved all my assets to Thailand 10 years ago. Don't regret a penny or day of it. I'm getting younger by the minute. Not kidding you. 4 and they were cute, skinny and wearing high heels!

So to all you wannabees stay safe and secure at home Thailand is too wild for ya all, I can see that by reading this thread! Happy New year.

Good for you, genuinely.

But for those of us running busy professional lives in other countries and at the same time trying to keep the plates spinning over here for the benefit of the little people, it's no joke.

You're right. It's been 10 years since I have had to be at a particular place at a particular time. Maybe I have learned enough to make it here if I had to start over. I don't know.

  • Like 1

I'm an old guy. My wife is 30 years younger than me. Four 18 year old girls in mini skirts tried to pick me up today, while I was with my wife! Sure I know it's all about money. But I don't live in a tourist area or tourist town.

My wife gave them a lecture about how to sit properly and keep their knees together. And not to stare at her husband. Too funny.

We went shopping I told the wife to pick out a new outfit. She couldn't make up her mind between two of them. I bought her both. Then we had dinner, Japanese Salmon and French wine with Camembert cheese and came home because the fireworks are freaking out my dog.

What'd I spend? In dollars? $130

Ya I live here and moved all my assets to Thailand 10 years ago. Don't regret a penny or day of it. I'm getting younger by the minute. Not kidding you. 4 and they were cute, skinny and wearing high heels!

So to all you wannabees stay safe and secure at home Thailand is too wild for ya all, I can see that by reading this thread! Happy New year.

Good for you, genuinely.

But for those of us running busy professional lives in other countries and at the same time trying to keep the plates spinning over here for the benefit of the little people, it's no joke.

You're right. It's been 10 years since I have had to be at a particular place at a particular time. Maybe I have learned enough to make it here if I had to start over. I don't know.

So long as you're happy old chap, it really doesn't matter.

  • Like 1
Buying houses in Thailand,bahahahaaaaaa. Still happening,omg.

You need to, to house children if you have them.

Otherwise if you're just a (long term) tourist then I agree, only rent.

This wasn't a house in any case.

Please give me one reason anyone has to buy a house.

Cause his missus will probably leave him if did not.

The usual reason.


Buying houses in Thailand,bahahahaaaaaa. Still happening,omg.

You need to, to house children if you have them.

Otherwise if you're just a (long term) tourist then I agree, only rent.

This wasn't a house in any case.

Please give me one reason anyone has to buy a house.

Cause his missus will probably leave him if did not.

The usual reason.



So thaksin managed to divide the country into his political strongholds by magic and there was no separation before?

Thailand isn't a case of all roads lead to bangkok with a hugely centralised government where all cash goes to bangkok to be redistributed. It's a nice idea to talk about one Thailand but to deny that there hasn't been regional separation going on for a long time you are very naive.

The reds might turn on thaksin eventually but one thing is pretty sure. They won't ever for democrat. There is a huge nationwide political schism.

No he did not divide the nation into political strongholds by magic - he did it by redirecting the national budget to people who supported him - carrot and stick.

He also camped on the Red Shirt movement and has actively dodged allowing the Red Shirts to take any significant part in the PTP (the party they brought to power).

Amnesty - that painful nation splitting term.

Here's a thing, an Amnesty for all people who have spent time in prison convicted of crimes during the period from the first Yellow Shirt protests, throughout to the present day, would gain support from all sides of the political schism.

Simply drop the insistence to include one fugitive convict from the amnesty - no need to try and force amnesty laws through at 4:20am and no need to leave people rotting in prison, pawns in the game to get one single crook off the hook.

You are right, the Reds might turn against Thaksin - I have never said the Democrats are the answer to this nation's troubles, ordinary Thais need to wake up to the truth that they are being screwed over by both sides AND being kept away from the share of political power they deserve.

Thaksin has played on genuine and reasonable discontent to foster division for his own ends.

Tell me a time in history when fostering division has ever helped a nation to a peaceful resolution of political conflicts?

Well that supposes that the spoils of progress had been spread completely equitably.

On the basis that taxes are levied on where offices are registered for example Rayong should be the most prosperous place in the country but PTT pays its taxes largely in BKK.

Likewise for agribusinesses. The products come from the country but profit is booked in BKK. The wealth was allowed to accumulate in BKK for too long.


I disagree strongly with the premise, but agree with the points made - Thai thinking is the same in the city as it is in the sticks...LOL

I moved here after retiring and moving to a less expansive, more rural area in the US.

However, living was still expensive, entertainment scarce and many much loved foods difficult to find.

So I came to a 'reunion' in 2003, to see if the Thailand of the new century was as comfortable as the very familiar Thailand of the 60's, 70's and 80's.

It took less than a week to realize that all aspects of my life improved.

Yes, I eventually married (again) and we have been together just over 10 years and our lives together are much better than either had before we met.

AND NO, she was not one of 'those girls'...LOL

Well that supposes that the spoils of progress had been spread completely equitably.

On the basis that taxes are levied on where offices are registered for example Rayong should be the most prosperous place in the country but PTT pays its taxes largely in BKK.

Likewise for agribusinesses. The products come from the country but profit is booked in BKK. The wealth was allowed to accumulate in BKK for too long.

A couple of points - find out who the major share holders in PTT are .. it will be instructive on PTP policies towards PTT business interests.

Spend some time reading up on the profits made in the agribusiness sector (after the farm gate) that will be instructive on PTP policies that have protected the agribusiness monopolies.


After the day I've had Swissie, the day I've just had . . . the revelations of family relations! Of the economics of ignorance. Of the best made plans . . .

Finally! A certain someone "gets it".

It's been a long and rocky road this one. Over ten years of this terrain. Unfortunately the twists and turns have only brought us to the cliff edge.

But wait! Oh no! It's all too late. The goose has been cooked long ago and with his last few joules of energy, poor old goose must soon fly, fly away!

I'm I on drugs?

Well f£$k me, I should be!

These people are utterly clueless. Doesn't matter which way you cut it, you simply cannot educate pork.

Albert Einstein of all people once said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. Now, clearly I'm no Albert Einstein. Hell, I'm not even the sharpest tool in the TVF box and that's saying something! But a man has to know his limitations. So it is with a heavy heart that I must now log on to Lastminutedotcom and make the necessary arrangements.


Remember. A man has to know his limitations.

What happened ?

SIL blew the kids college fund.

Not the local technical college either. Think Oxford all the way up to Masters.

Sad to say, but one thing is certain about 99% of all Thai's & to be fair probably most other 3rd world populations as well though this is the only one I've lived in & can comment on, You cannot trust any of them with, what are to them, huge amounts of money, Their whole Buddhist culture is live for today & tomorrow will take care of it's self, coupled with the Asian love of gambling mean that the chances of them having enough self control, even for their own children's education, not to spend it is just about zero, I am happily married here with a loving family, but I wouldn't trust any of them with moderate to large sums of Money for a second, this isn't because I don't love or care for them, it's because I know that they are mentally unequipped to think beyond today & would be unable to help themselves from spending/lending/giving away the money, Iv'e seen it happen too many times although Iv'e only been here for 2 years.

Sorry to hear that you've fallen foul of this MJP but it's no good getting too angry with them, it is their nature I'm afraid, & were we Born & Bred here it would probably be our nature to...



Well that supposes that the spoils of progress had been spread completely equitably.

On the basis that taxes are levied on where offices are registered for example Rayong should be the most prosperous place in the country but PTT pays its taxes largely in BKK.

Likewise for agribusinesses. The products come from the country but profit is booked in BKK. The wealth was allowed to accumulate in BKK for too long.

A couple of points - find out who the major share holders in PTT are .. it will be instructive on PTP policies towards PTT business interests.

Spend some time reading up on the profits made in the agribusiness sector (after the farm gate) that will be instructive on PTP policies that have protected the agribusiness monopolies.

I've done plenty of business with PTT over the years and actually worked for one of these major agribusiness companies for 10 years.

All money flows to bangkok and the provinces get screwed. That's the way it has always been.

I've done plenty of business with PTT over the years and actually worked for one of these major agribusiness companies for 10 years.

All money flows to bangkok and the provinces get screwed. That's the way it has always been.

I didn't ask for a summary of your resume, I suggested you go look at who owns these businesses and what influence that might be playing on PTP policies.


Do we need any more proof that ignorance is not an attribute Thais, rural or otherwise, have a monopoly on than simply to read many of the responses in this thread.

Much is said about ignorant or ill educated Thais, the evidence for which is the stories told by people who believe Thais to be ignorant and ill educated.

For evidence of ill educated and ignorant foreigners we need not rely on what others tell us, we need simply read what ignorant and ill educated foreigners are posting in this thread. It's not second hand, it comes straight out of their own heads.

What an unpleasant post!bah.gif

Another farang with a selfinflated opinion about his own importance and intelligence!

If you find your fellow posters here so stupid, how come you have been around for almost 10 years and have 8200+ posts? To get your daily fix of superiority?

Don't MENSA have a forum? Or do you not qualify?

I do not believe I could ask for a better endorsement of the views I have expressed in this thread.

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