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Three killed in scuffle at Bangkok's Mor Chit 2 bus terminal


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noun: scuffle; plural noun: scuffles
  1. 1.
    a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.
    "there were minor scuffles with police"
    synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle, brawl, fracas, rumpus, melee, free-for-all, rough and tumble, scrimmage, disturbance, brouhaha, commotion; More
    informalrough house
    "there was a scuffle outside the pub"

However it seems here in Land of smiles it can also involve 3 murders !

You've just copy and pasted a dictionary definition confirming that a scuffle is a fight or struggle, which is exactly what happened apparently and which in certain circumstances obviously could lead to murder as it does throughout the world, not just here. What was your point apart from another go at Thailand?.

Marlow! if we had a "scuffle" outside a pub it might result in a bloody nose (maybe yours) however 3 people gunned down and murdered is not in my mind best described as a "scuffle" I live and have worked here for 13 years so i I feel I am entitled to whatever opinion I have regarding Thailand

Now thank you for your valuable input!

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I just read the report. It's the old story. An argument leads to a fight. The losing side goes away and gets reinforcements. Another fight. What makes this story newsworthy is that more than 30 gunshots were fired and five people are dead.

But you can't help thinking that when people in high places encourage or connive in political lawlessness - people attacking police with machetes and slingshots, or beating people going about their business - that sense of impunity is bound to spill over into other circumstances. It stands to reason.

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Never ceases...guns, moto taxi drivers and irate residents....! What a shameful start to the new year.

My condolences to the families of the deceased.

You forgot to mention the ya-baa ...

condolences ? this case who was murder or who was victim depended only pure luck.

All of them are idiots as they can.

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My wife want's a gun ,,, Having real estate problems with locals,,,

She says to protect herself !!!

She is also a short tempered , hot headed and dare I say emotionally unstable ,,,

I am of the opinion that she is not the only Thai wife with that condition !!!

I am sure that after receiving the weaponery ,,,

There lies the possibility of a few extinguished persons in front of our house !!!

Also would fear for my own safety after an highly emotional day !!!

Unfortunately I have been witness to Thai emotions building up ,,, Then the silent treatment ,,, finally a violent rage of uncontrolable anger !!!

Maybe this incident has been brewing for a long time and ""BOOM""

WHY in the name of sanity would anyone be married to someone they freely describe as - "short tempered , hot headed and dare I say emotionally unstable" ?


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Thailand is a dangerous place at the moment...

The culture is deteriorating daily into chaos bordering on anarchy...

Add a mentality of corruption...thugs...mafia...mediocre IQ...low self-esteem...lawlessness...saving face...add a dash of Muslim terrorism and border clashes...add in a cup of ineffective government...you have a recipe for the current living conditions in Thailand...

Happy New Year!

have to agree, there is a lot off movement current going into the fixed flux but cant agree that its approaching highly dangerous at this point. high awareness yes. if i was outside perhaps i would be holding off entry but being inside cant see acute reason to leave at this point. am in the provinces not bkk. was in hatyai when they were last mass shooting in bkk a while back. then as now its a ripple on a distant shore.

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Thailand is a dangerous place at the moment...

The culture is deteriorating daily into chaos bordering on anarchy...

Add a mentality of corruption...thugs...mafia...mediocre IQ...low self-esteem...lawlessness...saving face...add a dash of Muslim terrorism and border clashes...add in a cup of ineffective government...you have a recipe for the current living conditions in Thailand...

Happy New Year!

have to agree, there is a lot off movement current going into the fixed flux but cant agree that its approaching highly dangerous at this point. high awareness yes. if i was outside perhaps i would be holding off entry but being inside cant see acute reason to leave at this point. am in the provinces not bkk. was in hatyai when they were last mass shooting in bkk a while back. then as now its a ripple on a distant shore.

The male of the species carries two heads. Male behaviour tends to be dictated by the smaller and less rational of the two, in most matters pertaining the the female of the species. Minor lapses such as the OPs comments, can be best ignored. Most males live with a disjunct between their two heads advice on a daily basis and ignore the rational head as a matter of principle.

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My wife want's a gun ,,, Having real estate problems with locals,,,

She says to protect herself !!!

She is also a short tempered , hot headed and dare I say emotionally unstable ,,,

I am of the opinion that she is not the only Thai wife with that condition !!!

I am sure that after receiving the weaponery ,,,

There lies the possibility of a few extinguished persons in front of our house !!!

Also would fear for my own safety after an highly emotional day !!!

Unfortunately I have been witness to Thai emotions building up ,,, Then the silent treatment ,,, finally a violent rage of uncontrolable anger !!!

Maybe this incident has been brewing for a long time and ""BOOM""

WHY in the name of sanity would anyone be married to someone they freely describe as - "short tempered , hot headed and dare I say emotionally unstable" ?


Mate, you just beat me to it...Why would someone happily live with a.., how should I put it... Nutter, who wants to own a gun, in ANY country..Let alone Thailand..


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Welcome to the land of smiles.

I came to the conclusion ages ago that despite all the waiing that Thail’s do to each other there is a serious deep-seated anger festering away under the surface. You only have to see the way they are to one another when they get behind the wheel of a car. Not much tolerance there unsure.png

Driving strikes me as being more about selfishness than anger. Whatever it is it's a very unappealing face of Thailand (and of a few other countries, usually the strereotypically macho countries)

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Its obviously mistaken usage by a non native speaker or a not so clever NES.

My guess too. The writer probably used a thesaurus because they wanted a more interesting word than 'fight' and alighted on 'scuffle' - which from a dictionary definition viewpoint is probably not too bad, but from a usage perspective is pretty wide of the mark. Not something to get excited about though. that's for sure.

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RIP, and my prayers are with the families who must be very upset at this time.

I would also add that although this is is not political, it is set against a backdrop of high tension and stress, and spiralling anarchy, and human beings do really absorb the background 'emotional climate' so that even though this isn't related to the protests and the shooting of officers/protesters, the climate is highly charged which affects everybody and leads to acts of rage which sometimes would otherwise have not occured.

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one english paper website reporting that 5 were killed and 6 injured now...2 found dead later behind the bus station somewhere... local "Youts" and transport van "Youts" (thanks Joe Pesci from My Cousin Vinny) 30 bullet casings found and reported 5 guns were used.... the local kids went and got 15 adults to come back to the bus station...

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Now more the availability of weapons seem to be very high in Thailand.

And they have no hesitation in using them...

And they are greatly encouraged in all the soaps and Thai movies. Even at 'children's viewing times and in a popular daily TV comedy routine with audiences of school children. Violence breeds violence.

Edited by PlastikbinLina
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Shootings at Morchit bus terminal leave five dead

BANGKOK: -- Five youths were shot dead and six were injured in a melee and shoot-out Wednesday at Mor Chit bus terminal in Chatuchak area.

Bang Sue police said that of the four dead, they are motocycle-taxi drivers at the bus terminal, while another is a youth from KM 11 community of Bang Sue area.

Forensic police collected more than 30 cases of spent .22 caliber and 9 m.m. cartridges from the scene of shootings.

The police said that before the shooting started a group of youths from Km 11 community were seen playing games inside an Internet café at the bus terminal. Their playing annoyed a group of motorcycle taxi drivers who were drinking liquor at the taxi queue. A fist fight started and ended with the youths fleeing from the scene before they were outnumbered by the motorcycle taxi drivers.

But 10 minutes later the KM 11 community youths returned with more people and started shootings at the motorcycle taxi drivers. The brief shootings and fighting ended with three killed at the scene and eight wounded. Two died later at hospital.

Police said they retrieved a video footage showing the face of a youth in the shooting. They are now hunting for the youth and other collaborators for trial.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/shootings-morchit-bus-terminal-leave-five-dead/

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-02

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