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Three killed in scuffle at Bangkok's Mor Chit 2 bus terminal

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Sounds like turf war not a "scuffle"

I wonder what the reason was.

Parking space, and the riders damaged a vehicle or vehicals that parked in 'their' declared spaces? Probably not as they don't need that much space.

The colour of their shirts ??

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Who writes these articles? When three people are killed, it is NOT a scuffle !

Not so many native English speakers accept working and live conditions here. smile.png

So where are you from Sir??whistling.gif

(living conditions)

  • Like 2

Now more the availability of weapons seem to be very high in Thailand.

And they have no hesitation in using them...

My German friend told me that he is a member of his gun club in Germany and lives in an area of Bangkok popular with retired military officers. He keeps away from the windows on New Years Eve as he knows the difference between a firework and a gun going off.


A scuffle is something my kids have on the sofa when trying to get ownership of the remote control.

Take the batteries out of the remote, so no one gets hurt thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670 width=25 height=19>

FREEZE ! Now drop the remote and step away from the tv and nobody gets hurt ! clap2.gif

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idiotic reporting , so now MULTIPLE MURDERS are just a scuffle ....<deleted> we are living in a mental asylum blink.png

We sure are, and the politicians are the craziest xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

My wife want's a gun ,,, Having real estate problems with locals,,,

She says to protect herself !!!

She is also a short tempered , hot headed and dare I say emotionally unstable ,,,

I am of the opinion that she is not the only Thai wife with that condition !!!

I am sure that after receiving the weaponery ,,,

There lies the possibility of a few extinguished persons in front of our house !!!

Also would fear for my own safety after an highly emotional day !!!

Unfortunately I have been witness to Thai emotions building up ,,, Then the silent treatment ,,, finally a violent rage of uncontrolable anger !!!

Maybe this incident has been brewing for a long time and ""BOOM""

I can visualise an emotional day in your house post gun purchase:

You: Tilak where is the gun?

Wife: I told you once! BANG!!!!!!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Who writes these articles? When three people are killed, it is NOT a scuffle !

In Thailand of course its only a scuffle, a few people simply letting off a bit of steam, just a bit of New Year playfulness. Thais love to fight and kill each other as its part of their culture, look how they kill each other on the roads, but in their quest to try something different they also like to kill some foreigners as well, monks and cops have often killed the innocent trusting tourist, and how the army love to scuffle with those nasty land grabbing Cambodians and kill a few but when the bullets stop flying, the news will say that it was only a little scuffle.

  • Like 1

If you read the version in the newspaper we can't quote, they report the motorcycle guys were part of a teenage street racing gang which would would seem more logical, but who knows, however not good either way.

Which newspaper are you referring to? There is a report in the online Bangkok Post about this but it makes no mention of teenage street racers.

noun: scuffle; plural noun: scuffles
  1. 1.
    a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.
    "there were minor scuffles with police"
    synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle, brawl, fracas, rumpus, melee, free-for-all, rough and tumble, scrimmage, disturbance, brouhaha, commotion; More
    informalrough house
    "there was a scuffle outside the pub"

However it seems here in Land of smiles it can also involve 3 murders !

You've just copy and pasted a dictionary definition confirming that a scuffle is a fight or struggle, which is exactly what happened apparently and which in certain circumstances obviously could lead to murder as it does throughout the world, not just here. What was your point apart from another go at Thailand?.


If you read the version in the newspaper we can't quote, they report the motorcycle guys were part of a teenage street racing gang which would would seem more logical, but who knows, however not good either way.

Which newspaper are you referring to? There is a report in the online Bangkok Post about this but it makes no mention of teenage street racers.

The Bangkok post appears to have updated its story. The original story did refer to teenage street racers. This has been removed in updated version.


Who writes these articles? When three people are killed, it is NOT a scuffle !

Someone who can write a sentence correctly without shouting one of the words in it?

noun: scuffle; plural noun: scuffles
  1. 1.
    a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.
    "there were minor scuffles with police"
    synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle, brawl, fracas, rumpus, melee, free-for-all, rough and tumble, scrimmage, disturbance, brouhaha, commotion; More
    informalrough house
    "there was a scuffle outside the pub"

However it seems here in Land of smiles it can also involve 3 murders !

You've just copy and pasted a dictionary definition confirming that a scuffle is a fight or struggle, which is exactly what happened apparently and which in certain circumstances obviously could lead to murder as it does throughout the world, not just here. What was your point apart from another go at Thailand?.

Perhaps because in few , if any other countries in the world, a shoot-out in a public bus terminal would be characterized by the media as "a scuffle."

Maybe Iraq.


Welcome to the land of smiles.

I came to the conclusion ages ago that despite all the waiing that Thail’s do to each other there is a serious deep-seated anger festering away under the surface. You only have to see the way they are to one another when they get behind the wheel of a car. Not much tolerance there unsure.png

  • Like 1

idiotic reporting , so now MULTIPLE MURDERS are just a scuffle ....<deleted> we are living in a mental asylum blink.png

this is no news anymore where we live in....


Now more the availability of weapons seem to be very high in Thailand.

And they have no hesitation in using them...

Dont forget that in some US states it's also permitted to walk around armed....


Who writes these articles? When three people are killed, it is NOT a scuffle !

Not so many native English speakers accept working and live conditions here. smile.png

So where are you from Sir??whistling.gif

(living conditions)

(Capital letter beginning the word sir and 2 question marks!)

noun: scuffle; plural noun: scuffles
  1. 1.
    a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.
    "there were minor scuffles with police"
    synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle, brawl, fracas, rumpus, melee, free-for-all, rough and tumble, scrimmage, disturbance, brouhaha, commotion; More
    informalrough house
    "there was a scuffle outside the pub"

However it seems here in Land of smiles it can also involve 3 murders !

You've just copy and pasted a dictionary definition confirming that a scuffle is a fight or struggle, which is exactly what happened apparently and which in certain circumstances obviously could lead to murder as it does throughout the world, not just here. What was your point apart from another go at Thailand?.

Perhaps because in few , if any other countries in the world, a shoot-out in a public bus terminal would be characterized by the media as "a scuffle."

Maybe Iraq.

Although my comment was not intended for you, you missed my point also. .


My wife want's a gun ,,, Having real estate problems with locals,,,

She says to protect herself !!!

She is also a short tempered , hot headed and dare I say emotionally unstable ,,,

I am of the opinion that she is not the only Thai wife with that condition !!!

I am sure that after receiving the weaponery ,,,

There lies the possibility of a few extinguished persons in front of our house !!!

Also would fear for my own safety after an highly emotional day !!!

Unfortunately I have been witness to Thai emotions building up ,,, Then the silent treatment ,,, finally a violent rage of uncontrolable anger !!!

Maybe this incident has been brewing for a long time and ""BOOM""

Yes....understand 100%....after the silence all hell can break loose...and usually does!

Keep guns out of it....


Never ceases...guns, moto taxi drivers and irate residents....! What a shameful start to the new year.

My condolences to the families of the deceased.

Just re-read the BP article....now 5 dead........unbelievable!


Who writes these articles? When three people are killed, it is NOT a scuffle !

Not so many native English speakers accept working and live conditions here. smile.png

So where are you from Sir??whistling.gif

(living conditions)

Where I am from is irrelevant in this case, and is not going to give me more or less reason about what I have said.

Sorry if my English is not good enough. I am westerner but I am not native English speaker.

I just try to write to say what I think about the topics as best as I can.

And I like TV because there is always someone who corrects you if you have a mistake. smile.png

Seriously I am talking seriously I am learning so much because there are words that I don't know yet and some expressions than does not appear in the grammar books.


there aren't any residences near any entrance to mor chit 2. one side bus station other side under freeway or train line. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Thailand&hl=en&ll=15.876809,100.986328&spn=8.383053,14.040527&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.699934,56.162109&oq=tha&hnear=Thailand&t=m&z=6

cant see it as a daily in your face episode. goes deeper if these ppl came from a distance to attack the gates. perhaps vendors attacking taxis over extortion at a guess.? or just a drunken brawl?


In this very Bhuddist country where a vet refuses to euthanize a suffering animal because of strong beliefs, it seems like everyone is carrying a gun, because killing another human being is considered "normal" w00t.gif .

Comparing the beliefs and practices of an animal doctor to the emotionally inspired thuggery of those who "scuffled" in Bangkok is ridiculous. Once again, all Thai people do not think or act in lock-step any more than the behavior of English football hooligans can be compared with that of an Anglican communicant in London who euthanizes healthy animals on a daily basis or a Los Angeles street gang compared to the Amish in Pennsylvania who force restrictive beliefs on their children whether or not the children share their parents beliefs.

The behavior described in Bangkok was definitely stupid whoever or whatever inspired it. Idiots with guns (if that's not redundant) are to be found everywhere. At least here they seem to have shot one another rather than executing a class of terrified kindergarten children or randomly shooting people with black hair running out of a tube station on the assumption that that profile fits a terrorist.

The behavior of a small segment of any population does not justify blanket accusations against the whole population of a country.

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Head for the hills!

...yes but, if you are like many of us that means going to the bus/train station first. sad.png

could have easily have been you or i passing through there at that time.wacko.png

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